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Design of Composite Steel-Concrete

Structures to EC4 using Excel


Chiew Sing-Ping
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Nanyang Technological University

10 April 2015
EC4 Design Spreadsheets

Composite beam
Composite column
• Concrete-encased composite column
• Concrete-filled rectangular tube (CFT)
• Concrete-filled circular tube (CFT)

Composite slab
• Bondek II
• Powerdek
• RF55

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Example of Composite beam

How to design a simply supported composite beam

using the excel spreadsheet ?


130mm hc
hp= 55 mm


Design data
Span length: 6 m, Bay width: 3 m
Slab depth: ht = 130 mm
Properties of materials
Structural steel:
Grade S275 fy = fyd = 275 N/mm2 Ea = 210 kN/mm2
C25/30 fck = 25 N/mm2 fcd = 16.7 N/mm2 Ecm = 3.1 kN/mm2
fsk = 500 N/mm2 fsd = 435 N/mm2
Shear connectors:
19 mm studs with 95 mm height fu = 450 N/mm2 one stud per trough
Profiled steel sheeting:
RF55 fyp = 550 N/mm2 t = 1.0 mm

Properties of the IPE A 270 steel section

bf=135 mm, ha=267 mm, tf= 8.7 mm, tw=5.5 mm, Aa= 39.2 cm2, W pl = 412.5 cm3,
Ia = 4917 cm4

Self-weight of slabs:

The concrete wet density is 2400 kg/m3, dry density is 2350 kg//m3. The
volume of concrete in composite slab is 0.125 m3/m2 , self-weight of
decking is 0.14 kN//m2. Then,
g k 1 =  0.125  9.81 2400+0.14   3 = 9.25 kN/m
The loadings for composite beam spacing of 3 m are given in Table
Characteristic Load (kN/m) ULS loading (kN/m)
Construction stage
Self-weight of composite slab 9.25 12.49
Self-weight of steel beam 0.3 0.41
Construction load 2.25 3.38
Total 11.8 16.27
Composite stage
Self-weight of composite slab 9.07 12.24
Self-weight of steel beam 0.3 0.42
Floor finishes 3 4.05
Imposed load 15 22.5
Total 27.37 39.19 6
Verification of construction stage
The total load in construction stage is 16.27 kN/m, then
Bending moment at mid-span is:
qL2 16.27  62
M Ed = = = 73.2 kN m
8 8
The design vertical shear is:
qL 16.27  6
VEd = = = 48.8 kN
2 2
The plastic moment resistance of steel beam is:

M pl,a,Rd =Wpl f yd  412.5  275 103  113.44 kN m

Check: Mpl,a,Rd > MEd

It is ok.

Verification of construction stage
The total load in serviceability limit state is 9.55 kN/m, then
The maximum deflection is:
5 wL4
 = =15.61 mm
384 Ea I ay
Allowable deflection is:  = min( 1 L;30 mm)  30 mm

Check deflection:  <  

It is ok.
qL2 9.55  62
The mid-span bending moment is: M Ed = = = 42.98 kN m
8 8
M Ed
Maximum bending stress is  max = =116.69 N/mm 2

Check stress:  max  f y

It is ok.
The section is still in elastic region at the end of construction.
All design checks are OK at both the ultimate limit state and the
serviceability limit state.
Verification for composite stage
Cross-section classification:
235 235
= = = 0.92
fy 275
Flange: c
= 5.72 < 9 = 8.32
= 39.93 < 72 = 66.56
The flange and the web is Class 1, therefore the cross-section is Class 1

Effective width of concrete flange

Single line of shear studs, therefore, nr = 1, b0 = 0
The effective width of compression flange of the composite beam
beff = b0 + bei = 0 + 2  Le /8 = 2  6/8 =1.5 m

The design shear resistance of headed studs
19mm headed stud, d = 19 mm, hsc = 95 mm, fu = 450 N/mm2, then,

hsc 95
= =5 > 4 so, α= 1.0
d 19

0.8 f u d 2 4 0.8  450  3.14 192 /4
PRd,1  = 10-3 =81.61 kN
V 1.25

0.29 d 2 f ck Ecm 0.29 1.0 192  25  31000

PRd.2  = 10-3 =73.73 kN
V 1.25

For sheeting with ribs transverse to the supporting beam, the reduction factor is:

0.7 b0  hsc 
kt =   1  1.2  k t max = 0.85
nr hp  hp 
The design shear resistance of headed studs is
PRd = k t,max  min(PRd1 ; PRd2 ) = 62.67 kN
Degree of shear connection
Number of shear connectors for half span: n = 15
Total resistance of shear connectors is:
N q = nPRd  940 kN
Compression resistance of concrete slab is:
N cf = 0.85 f cd beff hc = 1593.75 kN
Tensile resistance of steel beam is
N pl,a = Aa f yd  1078 kN
Degree of shear connectors is
=  0.87  1.0 partial shear connection
min(N cf , N pl,a )
Checking the condition of minimum degree of partial shear connection
 355 
 f  
L  25m;  min  1  0.75-0.03Le  ,   0.4
 y 
Then,    min = 0.4
It is ok.
Verification of bending resistance (plastic moment resistance)
Total loads (factored load used for ULS) is 39.19 kN/mm2
The mid-span bending moment is
M Ed = wL2 / 8 = 176.37 kNm
The design vertical shear is:
VEd = wL / 2 = 117.58 kN
As Nc,f > Npl,a, P.N.A in concrete slab.
The depth of plastic neutral xpl measured from the upper surface of the slab is
xpl = N pl,a / (beff 0.85 f cd )  50.73 mm  hc  75 mm
The moment resistance in full shear connection is
M pl,Rd = N pl,a  0.5ha  hc  hp  0.5 xpl   256.71 kNm
Plastic moment resistance of steel section is
M pl,a,Rd = Wpl f yd =113.44 kNm
Interpolation method:
The resistance moment MRd with partial shear connection is
M Rd =   M pl,Rd  M pl,a,Rd   M pl,a,Rd  238.38 kNm > M Ed
It is ok.
Verification of vertical shear
The shear area of steel section is
Av = Aa - 2btf + (tw +2r )tf  1879.85 mm 2
The shear resistance is

Vpl,a,Rd = Av f yd / 3  = 298.5 kN > VEd
It is ok.
hw / tw =39.93  72  / = 66.56
So, verification for shear buckling is not required.

VEd / Vpl,a,Rd  0.39  0.5

So, reduction to bending resistance is not required.

Longitudinal shear resistance
The plastic longitudinal shear stresses is
vEd = =2.09 N/mm 2
2hf L / 2
To prevent crushing of the compression struts in the concrete flange, the
following condition should be satisfied, assuming θf= 45:
  0.6 1  f ck / 250 = 0.54

vEd   f cd sin f cos f =4.5 N/mm 2

It is ok.
Continuous profiled decking with ribs perpendicular to the beam span
Asf f yd / sf  vEd hf /cotf
the area of transverse reinforcement per unit length is
Asf / sf  vEd hf /f yd cot f =360.36 mm 2 /m
The reinforcement is 10 mm bars at 200mm c/c spacing
The reinforcement provided per unit length is
As/ss= 393 mm2/m
It is ok. 14
The modular ratio for variable loading is n0, and the modular ratio for permanent
load is around 3n0. But, for simplicity, creep will be allowed for by using n = 2n0
for all loading.
n  2n0 =2Ea /Ecm =13.55
Distance from the top surface of the concrete slab to centre of area

zg =ha /2+ht =263.5 mm

The second moment of area of the composite section is calculated. Assuming

that the neutral axis depth exceeds hc, the depth of neutral axis is given by:
beff hc  x- hc 2 
Aa  zg - x  =

Aa zg + beff hc2  2n 
x= =109.98 mm > h c
Aa + beff hc n

Then, the second moment of area of the section is

I = I a  Aa  zg - x  +  beff hc /n   hc2 / 12  ( x  hc / 2) 2   189 106 mm 4

The mid-span deflection of steel beam is:
5 g1 L4
= = 15.61 mm
384 Ea I a

The mid-span deflection of composite beam is

5 g 2 L4
= = 11.63 mm
384 Ea I
The total deflection is:

δ = 27.24 mm

Allowable deflection is:

  =L / 200  30 mm
Check:    
It is ok.

Spreadsheets of Composite beam

Check whether spreadsheets apply to you design assumptions

Select material in designated area Choose steel/concrete grade

Input data in designated area Input data

Generate result

Check results Ok or Recalculate

Spreadsheets of Composite beams
 Check whether the spreadsheet is applicable to your
design based on the following restrictions.

 Simply-supported beam
 Internal beam
 Sheeting with ribs transverse to the
supporting beam (cross-beam)
 Equal concrete flange

Spreadsheets of Composite beams
 Select Material in designated area
Choose the
steel grade

Spreadsheets of Composite beams
 Select Material in designated area
Choose the steel

Spreadsheets of Composite beams
 Select Material in designated area
concrete grade

Spreadsheets of Composite beams
 Input data in designated area

Spreadsheets of Composite beams
 Input data in designated area

Spreadsheets of Composite beams
 Input data in designated area

Transverse reinforcement

Spreadsheets of Composite beams

 Generate Result

Spreadsheets of Composite beams

 Check Result OK or Recalculate

Verification for construction stage

Spreadsheets of Composite beams
Verification for composite stage

Spreadsheets of Composite beams

 Check Result OK or Recalculate


Spreadsheets of Composite beams
 Check Result OK or Recalculate

Spreadsheets of Composite beams
 Check Result OK or Recalculate

Spreadsheets of Composite beams
 Check Result OK or Recalculate

Spreadsheets of Composite beams
 Check Result OK or Recalculate

Worked Example of Composite Column


cy b cy


h hc

tf cz

Design Data
Column length: Ly= Lz = 5.0m
Design axial force: NEd = 2500kN with permanent load NG,Ed = 1500kN
Design bending moment about y-y axis: My,Ed,top = 80 kNm, My,Ed,bot = 0 kNm
Design bending moment about z-z axis: Mz,Ed,top = 30 kNm, Mz,Ed,bot = 0 kNm

Structural steel: Grade S355, 254×254 UC 89
Concrete: C25/30
Reinforcement: fsk = 500 N/mm2, 4 bars, diameter d=20mm
Shear connector: fu = 450 N/mm2, d=19mm, hsc = 95mm

Properties of cross-section:
Concrete depth: hc = 350 mm
Concrete width: bc = 350 mm
Concrete cover: c = 30 mm

Additional factors
creep coefficient φ(t0)=3
α = 0.34 for buckling curve b, α = 0.49 for buckling curve c
Ke = 0.6, Ke,II =0.5, Ko = 0.9
αc= 0.85 34
Spreadsheets of Composite column
 Check whether the spreadsheet could apply to you
design based on assumptions

Restrictions on simplified method:

 Columns: doubly symmetrical & uniform cross section
 Steel contribution ratio 0.2 ≤ δ ≤ 0.9
 Non-dimensional slenderness
 Steel reinforcement area 0.3% ≤ As/Ac < 0.6%
 Depth to width ratio 0.2 < hc/bc <5.0
 Concrete cover minimum: 40mm
maximum: cz = 0.3hc & cy = 0.4bc

Spreadsheets of Composite column
 Select Material in designated area
Choose the
steel grade

Spreadsheets of Composite column
 Select Material in designated area Choose the steel

Spreadsheets of Composite column
 Select Material in designated area

concrete grade

Spreadsheets of Composite column
 Input data in designated area
Spreadsheets of Composite column

 Input data in designated area


Spreadsheets of Composite column

 Input data in designated area

Spreadsheets of Composite column

 Input data in designated area

Spreadsheets of Composite column

 Input data in designated area

Spreadsheets of Composite column

 Generate Result

 Check Result OK or Recalculate

Under Axial Compression

Under Biaxial Bending

Spreadsheets of Composite column

 Check Result OK or Recalculate


Shear connectors

Worked example of Composite slab

Composite slab

Bondek II 46
Design Data
Span: L = 3.0m
Depth: ht = 130 mm
Concrete: C20/25
Concrete wet density, ρwc =2400 kg/m3
Concrete dry density, ρc =2350 kg/m3
Volume of concrete vc = 0.125 m3/m2
Reinforcement: fsk = 500 N/mm2
Properties of profiled sheeting:
Depth of decking: hp = 54 mm
Yield strength: fyp=550 N/mm2 (G550)
Thickness: tp=1.0 mm
Width of Per rib: bs = 200 mm, b0 = 168 mm
Effective steel area: Ap=1678 mm2/m
Second moment of area: Ip=64.1x104mm4/m
Plastic bending resistance: Mpa=9.18 kNm/m
Distance of centroid above base: e = 15.6mm
Characteristic resistance to vertical shear: Vpa=39.5 kN/m
For resistance to longitudinal shear: m =184N/mm2, k = 0.0530N/mm2
For partial-interaction design: τu,Rd =0.2448N/mm2
Spreadsheets of Composite slab
 Select Material in designated area
concrete grade

Spreadsheets of Composite slab
 Input data

Spreadsheets of Composite slab
 Input data

M-k method



Spreadsheets of Composite slab
 Input data


Spreadsheets of Composite slab
 Check Result

Construction stage

Spreadsheets of Composite slab
 Check Result

Composite stage


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