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The Reversible Global Crisis:

Climate Change

Title: The Reversible Global Crisis: The Climate Change that we are experiencing is greatly caused by human intervention. I, as a
contributor to the crisis, believe that I have the power to reverse this global crisis.
“Climate Change” To give a solution to a problem, we must first know the problem that we are facing.
Recently, here in the Philippines, we have faced a lot of calamity brought by Climate Change;
I. Thesis Statement: I have namely: Typhoon Ondoy, the electric and water crises brought by El Niño, and the rise of Dengue cases
the power to reverse this brought by the change in Climate.
The Climate Change that we are experiencing is caused by Global Warming. Global warming
Global Crisis
according to Climatecrisis.net1 is a process in which “Carbon dioxide and other gases warm the surface of the
A. Introduction to planet naturally by trapping solar heat in the atmosphere. This is a good thing because it keeps our planet
Climate Change habitable. However, by burning fossil fuels such as coal, gas and oil and clearing forests we have dramatically
increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere and temperatures are rising”. We can
i. Effect (Phil. conclude that the era of Climate Change that we are facing is a natural cause aggravated by human factor.
Related) I cannot do anything about the Natural Factors that caused Climate Change but I can surely do
ii. Cause something about the Human Factors. There are different ways in which I can contribute in reversing Climate
B. General Examples It is very important to have our own stand in this crisis. I believe that this is the first step in creating
(Transition to next a solution for this problem because our every action deals a corresponding reaction.
One of the ways to reverse this crisis is the conservation of our natural resources, namely trees and
Paragraph) electricity. Conserving trees will help because trees consume carbon dioxide for their food production and
II. Own Action less carbon means less greenhouse gases. By conserving electricity, we are decreasing the need for coal and
A. Conservation of will result to the decrease of our carbon emission which is the main reason for the greenhouse effect.
In addition, a way of reversing the crisis is the use of Earth-friendly energy source. The Philippines is
Natural Resources largely a coal consuming country with coal having the highest contribution to the power generation mix at
B. Use of Earth-friendly 27% in 2005. 2 We need to find an alternative source of energy to decrease this figure. Instead of using cars or
Energy Source motorcycles to go to work, why not use bicycles?
Another way to reverse the problem is Waste Management. The disposal of waste can produce
C. Waste Management emissions of several greenhouse gases, which contribute to global Climate Change. The most significant
III. Other Means greenhouse gas produced from waste is methane.3 It is released during the breakdown of organic matter in
landfills. The simple act of the three R’s (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle), will decrease the production of
A. Propaganda (Spread greenhouse gases.
the word about the Another mean of diagnosing this problem is the use of propagandas. We need to spread the word
causes and effects of about the causes and effects of Climate Change just as how Al Gore used the movie “An Inconvenient Truth”.
It is important to gain knowledge to create a solution to a problem.
Climate Change) These are just some ways of reversing a global crisis, Climate Change. We can do something to
IV. Conclusion: We can do alleviate or even stop Climate Change. We just need to have the initiative to do so. Are we willing to stop
some conveniences to be part of the solution? Decide.
something to alleviate or
even stop Climate Change 1
The official site of the movie “An Inconvenient Truth” by Al Gore

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