Transport Design Standard Manual

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This specification defines the planning and design criteria that shall be taken in to
account for Transportation related projects and aspects in the NMSEZ project.
Following aspects has been considered for the preparation of Design Standard
Manual for Transportation related projects.

10.1 Transportation Network

10.2 Road and Right of Way
10.3 Accessibility
10.4 Speed
10.5 Geometric Design Standards
10.6 Lateral and Vertical Clearances
10.7 Intersections/ Grade Separators
10.8 Pedestrian Facilities and Footpath
10.9 Cycle Track/ Bicycle Facilities
10.10 Bus Bays
10.11 Truck Terminals
10.12 Bus Terminals
10.13 Parking
10.14 Road Markings
10.15 Road Signs
10.16 Roadside Furniture
10.17 Street Lighting
10.18 Traffic Management and Control Devices

10.1 Transportation Network

10.1.1 Road networks consist of arterials, sub arterials and collectors with the
balance being local roads. The policy of concentrating on arterial
improvements has generally been successful in providing additional
traffic capacity on an easily recognizable and safer network designed
for longer trip making. However, due to the narrow focus on mobility,
and limited methodology - and budget - for dealing with resultant
problems, networks in total often either fail to deliver all the expected
transport benefits or create unforeseen problems. Usually little attempt
is made to measure the changes.
10.1.2 Drivers often continue to use local roads to avoid delays on arterials.
Local roads often carry more traffic and at higher speeds, than is
desirable from the environmental or safety points of view. Conditions for
people living or working alongside arterial roads (particularly all-purpose
roads adapted to take higher traffic flows) may also deteriorate to an
unacceptable level because of the increase in general traffic and heavy
goods vehicles in particular.
10.1.3 Increasing the capacity of a network under traffic stress (e.g. by adding
new links) can often lead to even greater delays and can increase travel
times. The reverse is often true - that deleting links can reduce travel
10.1.4 Deletion of unnecessary links may actually improve traffic flow on the
main network, for instance by shortening cycle times at signals serving
a local road. Usually, however, it is not possible to close local streets,

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and traffic restraint measures must be used. Theoretically, some trips
will be diverted from local streets on to the surrounding arterials. Some
disappear. The arterial net may have little difficulty carrying the extra
load. If additional capacity is needed on the arterial network through
diverted trips this should not be seen as a dis benefit. The traffic should
not have been using the local roads in the first place.
10.1.5 Grid network follow the existing street network, with routes passing
through the central business district being dominant. Some trips require
transfers from one route to another. Most routes are straightforward.
10.1.6 Radial networks are typical of many cities with routes fanning out from
the center city. Where as direct connections to the CBD are oblivious
from the suburbs, the connections from suburb to suburb may be
problematic unless circumferential or cross town connections are
10.1.7 Territorial networks are used in small and medium sized towns. Routes
are laid out to give good coverage toe very territory. In larger cities,
such networks can be used in the suburban areas with a timed transfer
focal point. Trip generators such as community centers and shopping
and recreation centers are good focal points.

10.2 Road and Right of Way

10.2.1 For efficient road transportation, which effectively servers the existing and
proposed land uses, overall travel demand, pattern of movement by
various modes of transportation, safety of traffic, environmental
consideration the classification was done in following types roads
(i) Expressways
(ii) Arterial streets
(iii) Sub-arterial streets
(iv) Collector streets and
(v) Local streets
10.2.2 Recommended land width (Right of Way) for different type of roads in
urban areas is listed below

(i) Expressways - 50-60 meters

(ii) Arterial streets - 50-60 meters
(iii) Sub-arterial streets - 30-40 meters
(iv) Collector streets and - 20-30 meters
(v) Local streets - 10-20 meters

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10.3 Accessibility

10.3.1 If effective access control is not exercised along a highway facility, ribbon
development invariably follows. Accidents will also rise steeply due to the
numerous conflicts inherent in the roads meeting the highway at
numerous points.
10.3.2 The degree of access control would depend upon inter alia on the level of
service proposed, accident frequency, legal considerations, traffic pattern,
vehicle operating costs, travel time, land use and the convenience of
access to abutting property owners.
10.3.3 Standards for the location of access points depend largely on the needs
of an area and no hard and fast rules can be laid down. Spacing between
intersections should have regard to the relevant geometric design and
traffic requirements, such as the type of traffic, length of right turn or
speed change lanes etc. Suggested minimum spacing along various type
of roads is as mentioned below:
(i) Expressways - 1000 meters
(ii) Arterial Highways/ streets - 500 meters
(iii) Sub-arterial streets - 300 meters
(iv) Collector streets - 150 meters
(v) Local streets - Free access
In case of rural highways, the spacing of intersection with public roads
should not be less than 750 m. Petrol pumps, farms, commercial
establishments and industries should not be spaced closer than 300 m
from each other or from an intersection.
10.3.4 Apart from regular intersections, a limited number of access points with
intervening streets may be permitted at spacing closer than above
mentioned then provide only left turns to and from the main streets are
10.3.5 On expressways and arterials, direct access to residential plots is not to
be permitted. On sub-arterials direct access to residential property should
be granted only where alternative access cannot be provided a
reasonable cost. Direct access to commercial and industrial properties
may be allowed.
10.3.6 Median openings should be limited to intersections. At locations other
than signalized intersections, to facilitate the right turns from the main
street, a protected right turn lane of adequate width and length should be
provided in the median.
10.3.7 Median openings in rural highways, where intersections are far apart
additional openings may be provided at intervals of about 2 kilometers for
U-turns and diversion of traffic to one of the carriageways at time of
emergency or major repairs.

10.4 Speed

10.4.1 Design speed is related to the function of a road and terrain conditions.
Design speeds for various classes of roads in urban and rural areas are

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Urban Rural Area (km/h) – Terrain
Classification Area
Plain Rolling Mountainous Steep
Arterial Road/
National Highway/ 80 80 65 40 30
State Highway
Sub Arterial/ Major
60 65 50 30 20
District Roads
Collector Roads/
Other District Roads 50 50 40 25 20

Local Street/ Village

30 40 35 20 20

10.5 Geometric Design Standards

10.5.1 Choice of design speed depends on the function of the road and also
terrain conditions. Terrain is classified by the general slope of the
country across the highway alignment i.e., for plain, rolling,
mountainous and steep terrain the percent cross slope is 0-10, 10-25,
25-60 and >60 respectively.
10.5.2 Design of Circular curve radius
The centrifugal force (P) is calculated by P=W v2 / 127 R; The forces
acting on the centrifugal force acting radially out wards, the weight of
the vehicle acting vertically downwards and the up ward reaction of the
road on the vehicle. P is the point on the circular curve produced
nearest to the straight, v is speed in meter per second, R is the radius of
the curve in meters at the point under consideration.
Safe value for friction for design of curves is 0.15.
Maximum allowable super elevation is 7%.
The minimum curve radius is governed by (i) the design speed and the
allowable super elevation and friction and (ii) the minimum turning radii
of design vehicles. Absolute minimum radius for any design speed is
0.0315 V2.
Minimum radius of curve is governed by the minimum turning circle of a
vehicle. Turning circles of public service vehicles have swept diameters
no greater than 19.812, 21.641 and 23.774 m for vehicles not
exceeding 8.230m, 8.230-10.973 and >10.973 in length respectively.
The turning circlers of commercial vehicles range widely from 9 to 26 m
diameter but lie mainly between 12 and 21 m diameter.
In designing the sharp curves, a minimum turning radius of 26m is
10.5.3 Super elevation is calculated by e = V2 / 225 R, is subject to a maximum
of 7%. When the value of super elevation is less than the required, the
normal cambered profile may be continued in the curve portion also.
The camber required for high type bituminous surfacing / cement
concrete, thin bituminous surfacing, water bound macadam and earth
surface type roads is 1.7-2.0 %, 2.0-2.5%, 2.5-3.0% and 3.0-4.0%
respectively. e is super elevation.

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10.5.4 Widening Pavements on Curves: The amount of widening required is
equal to We = (l2/2R) + (V/9.5 R ) where is the extra width in meters to
be provided at curves, l is the wheel base of a vehicle in meters.
On two lane or wider roads it is necessary that both the above
components should be fully catered for so that the lateral clearance
between the vehicles on curves is maintained equal to the clearance
available on straights.
10.5.5 Transition Curve
When a vehicle travels from the straight to a curve of finite radius, it
suddenly subjected to an outward centrifugal force. This causes a shock
and sway to the passenger and the driver. The methods to minimize the
shock caused by the effects of the sudden application of centrifugal force
and reducing hazards includes reduction in speed of vehicle, taking a new
path with greater radius of curve, combination of previous two, and
designing the alignment with a radius of curvature gradually changing
from infinity to the designed radius.
Minimum length of transition should be the greater of the two values i.e.,
rate of change of centrifugal acceleration and rate of change of super
elevation. Rate of change of centrifugal acceleration should not cause
discomfort to drivers and the length of transition curve is Ls = 0.00215
V3/CR. Rate of change of super elevation or run off should not be steeper
than 0.66 % for roads in plains and rolling terrain, and 1.66% in
mountainous/ steep terrain.
10.5.6 When vehicles negotiate a curve, centrifugal ratio developed is inversely
proportional to the radius of the curve. For a curve of radius of 1200m or
more need not necessarily be provided with transitions.
10.5.7 Design of curves with transitions and transitions for compound curves
should be as per IRC: 38-1988.
10.5.8 For designing vertical curves, gradients to be adopted in different terrains
Ruling Limiting Exceptional
gradient gradient gradient
Plain or rolling 3.3% 5% 6.7%
Mountainous terrain and steep
terrain having elevation more than 5% 6% 7%
3000 m above MSL
Steep terrain up to 3000 m height
6% 7% 8%
above MSL
Design speeds can be adopted as listed in 10.3.
10.5.9 Vertical curves can be classed in to two types i.e., Summit curves and
Valley curves.
10.5.10 Sight distance is relevant for the design of summit curves. And these
sight distances should be considered as per IRC: 66-1976. For valley
curves, the design is governed by night visibility which is reckoned in
terms of headlight sight distance and is at least equivalent to stopping
sight distance.
10.5.11 At a given intersection of gradients a transition curve will have to be
much longer than a circular arc for equal visibility across the apex.
Because of this disadvantage a transition curve is not recommended. In
actual practice simple parabolic curve is used instead of circular arc.

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10.5.12 Length of Summit Curve for Stopping sight distance
L = NS2/4.4 (L>S); L=2S-{4.4/N} (L<S); M=NL/8
L = Length of Summit curve, S=Stopping sight distance, M=Ordinate to
summit curve from the intersection point of grade lines.
10.5.13 Length of Summit Curve for Intermediate/ overtaking sight distance
L = NS2/9.6 (L>S); L=2S-{9.6/N} (L<S); M=NL/8
L = Length of Summit curve, S=Stopping sight distance, M=Ordinate to
summit curve from the intersection point of grade lines.
10.5.14 Length of Valley Curve
L = NS2/9.6 (L>S); L=2S-{9.6/N} (L<S); M=NL/6
L = Length of valley curve, S=Stopping sight distance, M=Ordinate to
valley curve from the intersection point of grade lines.

10.6 Lateral and Vertical Clearances at Underpasses

10.6.1 On Rural Roads with single carriageway the lateral clearances for
National and State Highways are 2.5m (normal) and 2.0m (exceptional);
for major district and other district roads are 2.0m (normal) and 1.5m
(exceptional) and for village roads are 1.5m (normal) and 1.0
10.6.2 If a footpath is needed, lateral clearance in the underpass portion
should be the width of the footpath plus one meter. Footpath width
depends upon the expected pedestrian traffic and should be fixed as
per the guidelines given in IRC 54-1974.
10.6.3 In case of divided carriageways, above conditions will be applicable to
one side of the carriageway. Lateral clearance on the right to a pier in
the central median shall be 2m (desirable) and 1.5m (minimum). Where
the central median is kerbed the carriageway width should be increased
by the side safety margin of 0.5m.
10.6.4 On Urban Roads with single carriageway the underpass area should be
widened on both sides by the side safety margin of 0.25m and 0.5m in
case of lower and higher category urban roads.
10.6.5 In case of divided carriageway it should be done as per the guidelines
mentioned in 10.17.3.
10.6.6 Vertical clearance at underpass shall be at least 5m. However, in urban
areas, this should be increased to 5.5m.

10.7 Intersections/ Grade Separators

10.7.1 In general, three types of intersections are there i.e., intersection at

grade, grade separations without ramps and interchanges.
10.7.2 Intersection Types and Choices includes:
Types of intersection controls include
Uncontrolled intersections: preferred between any roads with relatively
lower volume of traffic and traffic of neither road has precedence over
the other.
Intersections with Priority Control: theoretically no delay occurring on
the major road and vehicles on the minor road is controlled by GIVE-
WAY or STOP sign.
Signalized Intersections (at grade): A signalized intersection besides
other warrants, is justified if the major street has a traffic volume of 650-

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800 vehicles per hour (both directions) and minor street has 200-250
vehicles per hour in one direction only.
Grade Separated Intersections: Grade Separated Intersections besides
other warrants, is justified when the total traffic of all the arms of the
intersections is in excess of 10000 PCU’s per hour.
At grade Intersections
10.7.3 Basic design principles include uniformity and simplicity, minimizing
conflicting points by space separation and time separation; safety; and
alignments and profile.
10.7.4 An index/ location plan in the scale of about 1:10000 to 1:20000
showing the intersection under consideration and the road/ rail/ river
network; a base plan of the intersection site in the scale of 1: 500.
Where two or three intersections are located close together, additional
base plan to a scale of 1:1000 should be prepared showing all the
intersections affected. The existing roads and salient features like road
land boundary, location of structures trees, service lanes etc., should be
shown for a length of about 200m for each road merging at the
intersection. If the terrain is not plain and/or there is too much of
variation of ground level at the site, contours at 0.5m interval should
also be marked on the base plan and additional longitudinal sections
given along the centre line of intersecting roads.
10.7.5 The peak hour traffic data should give its compositional and the
directional break up.
10.7.6 Design speed at intersections is generally 40% of approach speed in
built up areas and 60% in open areas.
10.7.7 Intersections are normally designed for peak hour flows. Where it is not
possible to predict traffic for longer period, intersection should be
designed for stage development for design periods in steps of 10 years.
Where peak hour flows are not available they may be assumed to be 8-
10% of the daily flow allocated in the ratio of 60: 40 directionally.
10.7.8 Radius of Curves at Intersection: four types of curves such as simple
circular curve, 3-centered compound curve with offsets, simple curve
with offset and taper and transitional curve are possible to fit in with the
wheel paths of a turning vehicle. The speed with which drivers can
follow a curve can be taken to be 6 R km/h for up to 55 km/h where R
is the radius of curve in meters.
10.7.9 Dimensions and turning radii of design vehicles are shown below

Vehicle type Overall Overall Overhand Minimum Turning

width (m) length (m) front (m) Rear (m) Radius (m)
Passenger car 1.4-2.1 3-5.74 0.9 1.5 7.3
Single unit truck 2.58 9 1.2 1.8 12.8
Semi trailer and
2.58 15.0 1.2 1.8 12.2
single unit bus
Large semi trailer 2.58 16.7 0.9 0.6 13.71
Large semi-truck
2.58 19.7 0.6 0.9 18.2

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10.7.10 To ensure efficient traffic operation on arterial streets common radii of
4.5m to 7.3m for passenger cars and 9m to 15m for trucks and buses is
10.7.11 Width of turning lanes have a capacity of 1200 PCU/hr and is fixed
based on IRC SP 41-1994.
10.7.12 Auxiliary lanes:
Auxiliary lanes include storage lanes, right turning lanes, acceleration
and deceleration lanes. The last two together also called speed change
Normal design procedure for storage length based on 1.5 times the
average number of vehicles that would store in turning lane at peak
Speed change lanes should are uniformly tapered and have a set back
of 5.4m at the tangent point of curve leading in to or out of minor road.
The turning lane should be reduced in width to 4.25m by carriageway
markings etc.
Acceleration and deceleration lanes are recommended where the future
traffic on the acceleration lane is accepted to be more than 1000 and
750 PCU’s per day respectively. Where acceleration lanes are on a
down gradient their length may be reduced to 1-0.08 G times the normal
length where G is the gradient expressed as a percentage. The lengths
or right turn deceleration lanes should not be less than 3m wide and
parallel sided with entry and return radii of 180m giving a taper of 30-
45m. Where deceleration lanes are on an up/down gradient their length
may be reduced to 1-0.03G / 1+0.006Gwhere G is the gradient
expressed in percentage.
10.7.13 The cross slopes in the intersecting area should be maintained as per
IRC: 73-1980 and normally the pavement cross slope should be carried
through to the turning lanes as well to avoid creation of drainage
10.7.14 The stopping sight distance (SSD) required at uncontrolled intersections
for different vehicles speeds is

Speed (km/h) 20 25 30 40 50 60 65 80 100

Safe SSD(m) 20 25 30 45 60 80 90 130 180
For priority intersections IRC: 66-1976 recommends a minimum visibility
if 15m along the minor road while for the major road, sight distance
equal to 8 seconds travel at design speed is recommended. Minimum
visibility distances corresponding to 8 seconds travel times for design
speeds (km/h) of 100, 80, 65 and 50 is 270, 180, 145 and 110m
10.7.15 Corner or directional islands should be offset from normal vehicle path
by 0.3m to 0.6m.
10.7.16 Center or divisional islands should be offset by about 1.5m to 3m from
edge of main carriageway and suitably offset from approach center line
based on the track diagram of all tuning movements. It should not be
less than 1.2m wide and 6m length.
10.7.17 Pedestrian Refuse Island should be based on IRC: 70-1977 and IRC

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10.7.18 Kerbs should be placed based on IRC: 86-1983. Kerbs where used
should be mountable type except for pedestrian refuge where they
should be non-mountable.
10.7.19 Traffic rotary should be as per IRC: 65-1976.
10.7.20 Intersection capacity should be equal to the capacity of the approach
roads. The design capacity of 2-lane one way road may be taken to
vary from 1400-2400 PCU’s/hour. On a 2-lane two way road, capacity is
10.7.21 Traffic control devices such as road markings (centre line, solid centre
lines, centre line along with barrier lines, turn marking, directions
marking, lane markings) should be as per IRC 35-1997. Signs and
signals should be as per IRC 67-1977. Reflectors should be as per IRC:
79-1981. Railings is based on IRC: 103-1988
10.7.22 Traffic Signals should be installed as per IRC: 93-1985 and
Interchanges should be as per IRC 93-1985.
10.7.23 Interchanges will be necessary at all crossings of a highway which is to
be developed to completely access controlled standard.
10.7.24 Interchanges may be trumpet interchange, diamond interchange and
cloverleaf interchange, rotary interchange and directional interchange.
10.7.25 Ramps design speeds corresponding to the highway design speeds of
80 and 100 km/h are

Design value for major highway

For loop ramps
Particulars designs speed of
80 km/h 100 km/h Minimum Desirable
Ramp Design speed (km/h) 40 50 50 65 30 40
Radius of Curvature (m) 60 90 90 155 30 60
Stopping sight distance (m) 45 60 60 90 25 45

10.7.25 Horizontal curvature of ramps should preferably be of circular curve with

transitions at either ends. Where this is not feasible, 2-centred
compound curves may be employed provided that the radius of any
curve is not less than one-half the radius of the preceding curve.
10.7.26 The tangent grades on ramps should be as flat as feasible, and
desirably, it should be limited to a maximum of 4% and in no case
should it exceed 6%.
10.7.27 The ramp may be for one way or two way operation. If for two way
divided type of cross section should be used with a minimum width of
1.2m for the median. The minimum width of shoulders should be 2m of
which at least one meter should be paved. The capacity, PCU/hour is
1500, 2000 and 2500 for single lane, 3.75m wide, intermediate lane
5.5m wide and two-lanes 7m wide.
10.7.28 At the end of acceleration lane, it is important that there should be no
kerb or other obstruction which might be dangerous for a driver unable
to merge with the traffic stream on the near side lane within the length
of the acceleration lane. Same principles mentioned in 10.5.12 can be
adopted in case of gradients.
10.7.29 The desirable and minimum lengths of weaving sections are 300 and
200m respectively.
10.7.30 Lateral clearance should be as per IRC: 54-1974.

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10.7.31 Vertical clearance at underpass should be minimum 5.5 m in urban
areas after making allowance for any future raising / strengthening of
the underpass roadway.
10.7.32 Physical conditions such as topography, location, alignment and design
features of the intersecting highways, road side developments,
practicability of maintaining traffic during construction, flexibility for
future adjustment and stage development etc should be carried.
10.7.33 Decision as to which road should flyover, location of ramp terminals;
lane balance should be done as per IRC 92-1985.
10.7.34 Where slow moving traffic present in any of the intersecting highways is
more than about 10%, the classical forms of interchange designs will
require modifications as suggested in IRC 92-1985.
10.7.35 Landscape development should be done as per IRC: SP-21 Manual on
Landscaping of Roads.
10.7.36 Maximum volume that a traffic rotary can handle efficiently can be taken
as about 3000 vehicles per hour entering from all intersection legs. It is
assumed that at a four legged junction, a rotary is more justified than
traffic signal control if the right turning traffic exceeds about 30% of all
approaching traffic.
10.7.37 Shape of rotary island depends upon factors such s number and
disposition of the intersecting roads and the traffic flow pattern. The
shapes includes circular, squarish with rounded edges, elliptical,
elongated, oval or rectangular and complex intersection with many
10.7.38 Radius of curves at entry for a design speed of 40 (rural areas) and 30
(urban areas) km/h is 20-35 and 15-25 m respectively. Radius of exit
curves should be kept about 1.5 to 2 times the radius of the entry
10.7.39 Radius of Central Island is 1.33 times the radius of entry curve is
suggested as a general guideline for adoption.
10.7.40 Weaving lengths for designs speeds of 40 and 30 km/h is 45 and 30m
respectively. In order to discourage speeding in the weaving sections,
the maximum weaving length should be restricted to twice the values
10.7.41 The carriageway width at entrance and exit of a rotary is governed by
the amount of traffic entering and leaving the rotary. It is recommended
that the minimum width of carriageway be at least 5m with necessary
widening to account for the curvature of the road.

Carriageway width of the Radius at entry Width of carriageway

approach road at entry and exit (m)
7m (2 lanes) 6.5
10.5m (3 lanes) 7.0
14 m (4 lanes) 8.0
21m (6 lanes) 13.0
7m (2 lanes) 7.0
10.5m (3 lanes) 7.5
14 m (4 lanes) 10.0
21m (6 lanes) 15.0

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10.7.42 The width of non weaving section of rotary should be equal to the
widest single entry in to the rotary and should generally be less than the
width of the weaving section. The width of the weaving section of the
rotary should be one traffic lane (3.5m) wider than the mean entry width
10.7.43 Entry angles should be larger than exit angle, and it is desirable that the
entry angles should be 60 degrees if possible. For idealized designs, 60
and 30 degrees should be considered for entry and exit angles.
10.7.44 Capacity of a rotary is really synonymous with the capacity of the
weaving section which can accommodate the least traffic. Capacity of
the individual weaving sections depends upon width of the weaving
section, average width of entry in to the rotary, the weaving length and
proportion of weaving traffic. The capacity of rotary is calculated based
on IRC 65-1976.
10.7.45 Rotary curvature is opposite to that of entry and exit vehicles and it is
recommended that algebraic difference in the cross slopes are limited to
about 0.07.
10.7.46 Sight distance for 30-40 km/h speed should range between 30 to 45m.
10.7.47 A rotary should preferably be located on level ground. It may be sited to
lie on a plane which is inclined to the horizontal at not more than 1 in
10.7.48 The curbs for channelising and central island should be either vertical
curbs or mountable curbs. In rural sections it is desirable that the height
of the curb of the central island is not more than 225mm and a
mountable is preferable. In urban areas, the curb of the central island
should not be so high as to obstruct visibility.
10.7.49 Signs and Markings, Pedestrian crossing and cycle marking should be
based on IRC guidelines.
10.7.50 If the central island is small (< 20m diameter) single lantern having a
symmetrical distribution and mounted centrally at a height of 8m or
more, mounting height of 9-10m is often advantageous. For larger
diameters lanterns are to be provided at the curb of the central island in
line with each approach traffic lane; lantern to be provided above each
section of the outer curb of the rotary, lanterns to be provided especially
when pedestrians cross at the channelising island. In general, street
lighting lantern should not be mounted on the channelising island.

10.8 Pedestrian Facilities and Footpath

10.8.1 Pedestrian guardrails can be used at Hazardous locations on straight

stretches/ junctions/ intersections/ schools/ bus stops, railway stations,
overpass, subway, central reserves etch.
10.8.2 Guardrails should be set back from edge of the carriageway by at least
10.8.3 Pedestrian guardrail a height of 1210mm with 230 mm clearances from
ground and 980mm in bars, Length 1500mm each.
10.8.4 Zebra crossing must always be accompanied by a STOP line as per
IRC 35-2970. A Zebra crossing should not be sited within 150m of
another such crossing. Width of Zebra crossing lies within a range of
2.0 to 4.0m. In case of raised median curb heights should not exceed

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10.8.5 Mid block Zebra crossing should be provided when the distance
between two consecutive intersections is more than 300m and
simultaneously there is a demand for such a facility. Maintained with
pedestrian cross signs and stop lines with central barrier line making.
10.8.6 Controlled measures at mid block crossing may be warranted when
approach speeds of vehicles exceed 65kmph; accident records indicate
5 or more in a year; PV2> 108 for undivided carriageway; PV2>2*108 for
divided carriageway.
10.8.7 Grade Separated Pedestrian Facilities – Pedestrian Subways; Foot
Over Bridges.
10.8.8 Minimum width of subway is 2.5m but it is better to increase the width of
the subway to 4.0m preferably to 6.0m. Ramps of 1 in 10 gradient
should be recommended.
10.8.9 Capacity should be estimated as per IRC 70-1977 i.e., 50 persons per
minute per meter width on the level/ up to 1 in 20 gradient; 35 persons
per minute per meter width on the steps/ ramps over 1 in 20 gradient.
10.8.10 In order to cater to the safe movement of pedestrians it is essential to
provide the side walks on both sides of the road and above the level of
the carriageway separated by non mountable kerbs.
10.8.11 The width of side walks depends upon the expected pedestrian flows
and could be fixed based on the Table given below. Minimum width
required is 1.5m.

Capacity in number of persons per hour

Width of side walk (meters)
All in one direction In both directions
1.50 1200 800
2.00 2400 1600
2.50 3600 2400
3.00 4800 3200
4.00 6000 4000

10.8.12 For sidewalks in shopping areas, the width should be increased by 1m

which treated as dead width. In other situations where side walks pass
adjacent to building and fences, the dead width can be taken as 0.5m.
10.8.13 For areas of heavy pedestrian activity such as bus stops, railway
stations and recreational area, the width of side walk should be suitably
increased to account for accumulation of pedestrians.

10.9 Cycle Tracks/ Bicycle Facilities

10.9.1 Cycle track is a way or a part of a roadway designed and constructed

for the use of bicycles, and over which a right of way exists. In general,
cycle tracks should be provided on both sides of a road and should be
separated from the main carriageway by a verge or a berm of as much
width as possible, the minimum width of the verge being 1 meter.
10.9.2 Separate cycle track may be provided when peak hour cycle traffic is
400 or more on routes with traffic of 100 motor vehicles or more but not
more than 200 per hour. When the number of motor vehicles using the
route is more than 200 per hour, separate cycle tracks may be justified
even if the cycle traffic is only 100 per hour.
10.9.3 Capacities of cycle tracks may be taken as given below:

D. Srinivas Reddy 11
Width of cycle track Capacity in number of cycles per day
One-way traffic Two-way traffic
Two lanes 2000 – 5000 500 – 2000
Three lanes Over 5000 2000 – 5000
Four lanes - Over 5000

10.9.4 Radii of horizontal curves are not less than 10 to 15m. For vertical
curves at changes in grade should have a minimum radius of 200 m for
summit curves and 100 meters for valley curves.
10.9.5 It is desirable that cyclist should have a clear view of not less than 25m.
In case of cycle tracks at gradients of 1 in 40 or steeper, cyclists should
have a clear view of not less than 60meters.
10.9.6 Minimum lane width required for one cycle movement is one meter.
Minimum width of pavement for a cycle track should not be less than 2
meters. If overtaking is to be provided minimum width should be 3
10.9.7 Minimum head room provided should be 2.25 – 2.50 meters. The
minimum clearance of 25 centimeters should be allowed on each side
so that minimum width required for cycle track at underpasses etc is

10.10 Bus Bays

10.10.1 Bus stops should not be located too close to the road intersections. A
gap of 300 meters from the tangent point of intersection to start/end of
the lay bye will be desirable, particularly at junctions with main roads. In
other cases, the distance may be relaxed to a certain extent having
regard to the local conditions.
10.10.2 At minor intersection (e.g. junctions with village roads), distance of 60
meters may be accepted as a special case. However, if a substantial
volume of buses is to turn right at the intersection, it is necessary that
the bus stop should be located sufficiently ahead of the intersection so
that the buses can be maneuvered easily from the pick –up stop on the
left hand side to the extreme right lane for turning.
10.10.3 Various bus stop layouts suggested by IRC: 80-1981 presented in
Figure 5. Indian Roads Congress proposed these guidelines on bus
stops on rural non urban highways.

10.11 Truck Terminals

10.11.1 In order to maximize profit and survive in business world competition

shippers and carriers try to enhance components that affect truck
movement such as increasing the reliability of highway and road access
conditions, increasing the size and weight limit for trucks, opening mom
truck routes such as parkways, improving truck terminals, enhancing
the quantity and quality of truck stops, fewer trucking regulations, and
improving truck technology.
10.11.2 Truck terminals and truck stops play an important role in the livelihood of
the trucking industry. Nowadays, with increasing congestion and real-

D. Srinivas Reddy 12
estate prices in the city, most truck terminals are located in suburban
10.11.3 The layout of truck terminals that handle break-bulk commodities is
similar to that of warehouses, but usually smaller in size for storage due
to the limited time the cargo remains in the truck terminal. The ideal
truck terminal should have a sufficient number of doors and adequate
dock design and yard space. Truck terminals, that handle truck loads
only, typically consist of a wide, open space, where trucks are parked.
10.11.4 A truck terminal is typically a building for the handling and temporary
storage of freight pending transfers between locations. Provision of
space is also made in the project for commercial offices of banks and
others who have significant linkages with the road transport industry
and transport companies. Space is also provided for shops of motor
parts and spares, petrol/HSD pumps, service stations, repair garages
and workshops, weigh bridge, etc. Similarly the Truck Terminal includes
provision for a chemist shop, dispensary, general stores, restaurants
and eating houses for those having business or work in the Truck
Terminal as well as space for establishing dormitory accommodation for
the running crew and others. Space has also been reserved for the
RTO, a Police Station, the Fire Brigade, MTNL and a Post & Telegraph
10.11.5 The truck terminal features well laid-out roads with adequate
maneuvering and parking areas for trucks both for loading/unloading as
well as idle parking. The godowns, loading and unloading bays or docks
have been planned keeping in mind operational convenience and
desirability of speedy turnaround of vehicles. Figure 10.7.1 presents the
Wadala Truck Terminal.

Figure 10.7.1: Wadala (Mumbai) Truck Terminal

10.12 Bus Terminals

10.12.1Bus Terminal Stations

Terminal stations may be either on line or off line, depending on the bus
route(s) being served. All terminal stations require adequate space for a
turning loop for buses. Passenger oriented retail such as newsstands,
food and beverage services, and drycleaners are highly desirable at BUS

D. Srinivas Reddy 13
terminals. Figure 10.8.1 shows a typical on-line terminal station. Off-street
bus transfer stations (or “transit centers”) are usually found in areas
located about 5 to 15 miles from the city center. Their size will depend on
the number of connecting routes served and the likely interchanging
passenger flow. Figure 10.8.2 shows a design for a small, off-line terminal
facility that incorporates a small enclosed pavilion for retail and passenger
10.12.2Central Area Terminals
Very large central area bus terminals for commuter or express bus
services may be appropriate when there is good access to the central
area, but there is extensive local street congestion within the area; when
the terminal is located within a short walking distance of major
employment concentrations; and when there is good supporting transit
service to other areas. The most successful facilities offer direct
connections to expressways and are located on the edge of the CBD
core, close to major employment centers (but removed from peak land
values). Under these circumstances, central terminals can productively
serve peak-period express buses.

Although central terminals work well for express service, they are not as
well suited to high-frequency bus operations. The disadvantages include
high capital and operating costs; longer dwell and maneuvering times for
buses; inability to provide through bus service, which results in forced
transfers; greater walking distances for many passengers; and increased
bus-to-bus congestion on terminal approaches. Therefore, bus service is
usually better served by having buses remain on CBD streets and bus
ways. Figure 10.8.3 shows the facilities in central area terminals.

Figure 10.8.1: Typical on-line terminal station.

D. Srinivas Reddy 14
Figure 10.8.2: Small off-line terminal station.

Figure 3: Central area terminals

10.12.3 Bus terminals should include Terminal Building, Ticketing office (if any),
Information leading to the bus bay, Departure and Arrival information of
Buses to Different sectors, Tripod Facility - Exit of Terminal Bldg to
enter to respective busbay using I card, Security Lockers in terminal
building, Toilet Facilities in Terminal Building and alternative bus bays,

D. Srinivas Reddy 15
Seating Facilities in Terminal Building and also at busbay Locations,
Passengers waiting lounge, Elevators and escalators, if terminal is multi
storey one, Smoking area, Kiosks, Coin-operated Newspaper Boxes,
Vending machines (for Juices, water, tea/ coffee etc), Telephone
Booths, Taxi stand (up to the entry of Terminal Building), Restaurants
and Cafetaria in side the terminal building, Toilets (Indian and Western),
Games unit, if essential, Bus bay stands, Bus bay shelter with closed
doors (because of heavy rain prone area), Parking area for cars and 2
wheelers in front of the terminal building, Parking area for halting buses
and Entry and Exit gates for Buses

10.13 Parking

10.13.1. Desirable parking space standards for different land use

Land use Parking space standard

(i) Detached, semi-detached row (i)
(a)Plot area up to 100 sq m (a) No private or community parking space is required

(b) Plot area 101-200 sq m (b) Only community parking space is required
(c)Plot area 201-300 sq m (c) Only community parking space is required
(d) Plot area 301-500 sq m (d )Minimum one third of the open area should be
earmarked for parking
(e) Plot area 501-1000 sq m (e) Minimum one fourth of the open area should be
earmarked for parking
(f) Plot area >1001 sq m (f) Minimum one sixth of the open area should be
earmarked for parking
(ii) Flats (ii) One space for every two flats of 50 to 99 sq m or more
of floor area
(iii) special, costly developed area (iii) One space for every flat of 50 to 100 sq.m. of floor
area. One and a half spaces for every flat of 100 to 150
sq.m. of floor area. Two spaces for every flat of above
150sq.m. of floor area.
(iv) Multi storeyed group housing (iv) One space for every four dwellings except in cities
schemes like Calcutta and Bombay where the demand may be
Offices One space for every 7- sq m of floor area
Industrial Premises One space for up to 200 sq m of initial floor area.
Additional spaces at the rate of one for every subsequent
200 sq m of fraction thereof.
Shops and markets One space for every 80 sq m of floor area
Restaurants One space for every 10 seats
Theatres and cinemas One space for every 20 seats
Hotels and motels
(i) Five and four star One space for every 4 guest rooms
(ii) Three star One space for every 8 guest rooms
(iii) Two star One space for every 10 guest rooms
(iv) Motels One space for each guest room
Hospitals One space for every 10 beds

D. Srinivas Reddy 16
10.13.2. Parking Areas Required for Different Vehicles

Parking Area (m) Turning Radius (m)

Type of vehicle
Width Length Minimum Desirable
Car (individual parking) 3.0 6
7.3 8
Car (Community parking)* 2.5 5
Two wheelers (stall) 08 2.5
Single Unit Truck 3.75 11.0 12.8 18
Semi Trailer 3.75 16.0 13.7 18
Truck Trailer 3.75 18.0 13.7 18
Bus 3.75 12.0
Bicycle 1.4-1.8 sq m
* Circulation area is not included

10.14 Road Markings

10.14.1 Road markings perform an important function of guiding and controlling

traffic on a highway. The markings serve as a psychological barrier and
signify the delineation of traffic path and its lateral clearance from traffic
hazards for safe movement of traffic.
10.14.2 Road markings are defined as lines, patterns, words, or other devices
set in to applied or attached to the carriageway or kerbs or to objectives
within or adjacent to the carriageway for controlling, warning, guiding
and informing the users.
10.14.3 Paints used for road markings should conform to IS: 164-1986
Specifications for ready mixed paints for road markings, with a provision
that these shall have a wear resistance of at least 4 hours under
accelerated laboratory test. For specification of road markings
materials, including thermoplastic paints, reference may be made to
clause 803 of the MOST’s specifications for Road and Bridge Works
published by IRC.
10.14.4 Longitudinal pavement markings shall be white, except lines indicating
parking restrictions, obstruction approach markings, no overtaking zone
markings and continuous centre lines may optionally be yellow. Broken
lines are permissive in character where as solid lines are restrictive in
character. Double solid lines indicate maximum restrictions.
10.14.5 Center line: On urban road with less than four lanes or on those roads
having four lanes and on which parking is permitted thus reducing the
operational width, the centre lines shall consist of single broken line
150mm wide of 3 m segments and 4.5m gaps. On undivided urban
roads with at least two traffic lanes in each direction, the centre line
marking shall consist of either a single solid line 150mm wide or double
solid 100mm wide separated by a space of 100mm. Center line on rural
roads shall be provided as per IRC 35-1997.
10.14.6 Traffic lane lines shall normally be single broken lines. Their width shall
be 100mm. In urban areas, the length of line segments shall be 1.5m.
The gaps on straight reaches shall be 3m long and gaps on curved
reaches and approaches to intersections shall be 1.5m long. In rural
areas the line segment and gaps shall be twice the lengths mentioned.
10.14.7 A no overtaking zone shall be marked by a solid yellow line along the
centre. In case of double yellow lines the left hand element shall be a

D. Srinivas Reddy 17
solid barrier line, the right hand element will be either a normal broken
centre line or a solid barrier line governing the traffic from the opposite
direction. Where a solid barrier line is to the right of broken line the
passing restriction shall apply only to the opposing traffic. The width of
each line shall be 100mm and these shall be separated by 100mm.
10.14.8 No overtaking zone markings shall be marked when the sight distance
available is less than the intermediate sight distance.
The no overtaking zone lines should be marked with a single row of
double sided reflecting studs spaced at 4 m intervals. They should be
laid on the centre line except that when double lines are used or when
the lines are splayed to form a hatched area. Unidirectional studs may
be laid symmetrically on each longitudinal line at 4 m intervals arranged
so that only the studs nearest to the driver reflect back.
10.14.9 Warning lines are marked on horizontal and vertical curves where the
visibility is greater than prohibitory criteria specified for no overtaking
zones but differing by up to 15 km/h. Warning lines are always single,
they should never be sued as part of a double line installation. A
minimum of 7 line segments shall be provided at all locations.
10.14.10 Edge lines shall be provided only on roads with more than two lanes.
These shall be in the form of a single continuous white line placed on
the carriageway 150mm from the edge. On multi lane with and without
central median the carriageway edge line shall be 150mm and 200mm
respectively. These markings should preferably be reflectorised or
incorporate crusted calcined flint or other such reflecting materials.
10.14.11 Bus lane marking: A basic width of 3m is required for a bus lane. The
distance is measured from the edge of the kerb to the centre of the
continuous white line of 250mm minimum width. A gap in this white line
should be left, adjacent to each side road. The legend of bus lane
should be marked on the carriageway across the lane at its
commencement and repeated after each junction. Where junctions are
more than 300m apart, this legend should be repeated between
junctions at approximately 150 m intervals. A 250mm wide broken line
of 1000mm length and 1000mm gap should be laid from the kerb to the
start to the full width lane to deflect other traffic from the bus lane. The
taper of laying this broken line should not exceed 1:10.
10.14.12 Bicycle lane markings shall consist of a 150mm thick solid white line
parallel to the kerb of the carriageway.
10.14.13 Single stop line shall be solid white transverse line 200mm wide on
urban roads and 300mm wide on rural roads. Double stop lines shall
consists of two continuous lines each 200mm wide spaced 300mm
apart and supplemented by a stop sign in accordance with IRC 67-2001
and a word message STOP marking on the carriageway should be
Stop lines at intersections shall be equidistant from the centre of the
intersection. Double line is used exclusively at junctions controlled by
STOP signs and in no circumstances should be used merely to give
warning of the approach to a major road for which the GIVE WAY
marking appropriate.
10.14.14 Give way lines consists of two broken lines laid side by side each
comprising 600mm line segments and 300mm gaps. The lines are
200mm wide and are spaced 300mm part. These markings are laid

D. Srinivas Reddy 18
across the minor roads at intersections which are not controlled by stop
signs, traffic signals or the police.
10.14.15 Continuity Lines: At urban and signalized intersections lane lines and
centre line shall end at the stop line and shall not be continued. At rural
intersections on National and State highways, centre line shall not be
continued except that the lines may be continued through intersections
of relative importance
10.14.16 Pedestrian crossings, IRC: 103-1988 may be referred. At mid block
pedestrian crossing in urban areas, it may be advantageous to install
flashing signals along with the markings, so that drivers receive
advance warning about the presence of the crossing.
10.14.17 The marking for cycle track crossing would comprise two white
continuous lines across the carriageway to be crossed. These lines
would be 100mm wide, at the spacing equal to the width of the cycle
track (1m to 3m).
10.14.18 A solid white line 150mm wide shall be placed along the sides of the
triangular neutral area adjacent to the speed change lane and the main
highway. A broken white warning line 100mm thick shall be placed from
the apex of the triangular area for the full length of the speed change
lane. Additional emphasis can be provided by means of chevron
markings within the neutral area.
10.14.19 At approaches to intersections, directional arrows should be used to
guide drivers in advance over the correct lane to be taken when
approaching busy intersection. For speeds up to 50 km/h the arrows
should be 3.5m length and for higher speeds the length should be 5m.
Two arrows should be used in sequence in each lane, occasionally
three. The direction arrow nearest to the intersection should be 15m
from the stop line or the entrance to the junction. The second arrow
should be placed 30m before the first arrow and the third arrow, if used.
10.14.20 Marking on Rotaries: Kerbs of the central and channelising island
should be painted with vertical black and yellow stripes, each 500m
wide, to improve visibility. The road side kerbs should be painted with
vertical black and white strips, each 500mm wide.
10.14.21 Critical intersections areas are marked with yellow crossed diagonal
lines in the form of a box to indicate the areas where vehicle must not
become stationary even for a short while.
10.14.22 Line markings at carriageway width transition shall be 100mm wide and
of standard centre line or lane line design. Converging lines shall be
150mm wide and shall have a taper length of not less than twenty times
the off set distance.
10.14.23 Markings at road rail level crossing shall consist of no overtaking zone
marking for roads 2 lane or mode wide and a stop line.
10.14.24 The markings of the parking spaces shall be solid white lines 100mm
wide. The limits of the designated parking places should also be
indicated by informatory parking signs in accordance with IRC 67-2001.
Kerb or carriageway marking shall be used to show where parking is
10.14.25 The length of the bay for bus stops shall be 15m at the minimum. It may
be increased in stages up to a maximum of 40m. The line marking for
bay shall be whites and 100mm wide.

D. Srinivas Reddy 19
10.14.26 Letters should be elongated in the direction of traffic. Letters 1.25m high
in the direction of travel should be adopted for speeds up to 50km/h and
2.5m high for speeds above that.
10.14.27 Obstructions in the carriageway shall be marked by not less than five
alternating black and yellow stripes. The stripes slope downwards at an
angle of 45 degree towards the side of the obstruction on which traffic
passes. The alternating stripes shall be uniform and not less than
100mm in width.
10.14.28 Objects close to the edge of the carriageway shall be marked with not
less than five alternating black and white stripes at an angle of 45
degree towards the side of the obstruction on which the traffic passes.
All objects located within 1.5m beyond the formation width of the road
shall be painted.
10.14.29 Poles close to the carriageway shall be marked with alternative black
and white horizontal stripes up to a height of 1.25m above the road
level. The stripes shall be uniform and each not less than 100mm wide.
10.14.30 Other objects such as guard rails, guard stones shall be up to height of
1.25m above the road level with a 300mm bend in black paint in the
middle of this height for enhanced visibility.
10.14.31 Speed breakers markings should be provided only where warranted and
with utmost discretion. Drivers should be warned of the presence of
speed breakers by posting suitable advance warning signs on the road
side located 40m in advance of the first speed breaker. Speed breakers
should be painted with white paint to give additional visual warning.

10.15 Road Signs

10.15.1 Road signs are classified in to Mandatory/ Regulatory, Cautionary/

Warning and informatory signs.
10.15.2 Position of Signs:
On kerbed roads the extreme edge of the sign adjacent to the highway
shall not be less than 60 cm away from the kerb line. On roads without
kerb the extreme edge of the sign adjacent to the highway shall be at
the distance of 2 to 3 m from the edge of the carriageway.
On kerbed roads the bottom edge of the lowest sign shall not be less
than 2 m and not more than 2.5m above the kerb. On roads without
kerb, the extreme edge of the lowest sign shall not be less than 2
meters and not more than 2.5m above the crown of the pavement.
On multi lane high speed roads, over head signs shall be mounted to
ensure better visibility and effective in communicating the drivers.
Signs shall normally be placed at right angles to the line of travel of the
approaching traffic. Signs relating to parking should be fixed at an angle
of 15 degrees to the carriageway so as to give better visibility.
10.15.3 Material for Signs:
Concrete shall be M150 grade (mix 1:2:4)
Reinforcing steel shall confirm to IS: 1786.
Bolts, Nuts, Washers: High strength bolts shall conform to IS: 1367
where as precision bots, nuts etc shall confirm to IR: 1364
Plates and Supports for the sign posts shall confirm to IS: 226 and IS:
2062 or any other stated specification.

D. Srinivas Reddy 20
Aluminum sheets confirming to IS: 736 – material designation 24355 or
Plate thickness shall not be less than 1.5mm thick in case signs with a
maximum side dimension not exceeding 600mm. All other signs shall
be at least 2mm thick.
Retro reflectivity, Fabrication, Message / Borders should be as per IRC:
For signs with an area up to 0.9 sq m shall be mounted ton a single
post, and for greater area two or more supports shall be provided. Sign
supports may be of mild steel, reinforced concrete or galvanized iron
10.15.4 Colours:
Signs shall be provided with retro-reflective sheeting or painted in
colors. The reverse side of all signs shall be painted grey.
Except in case of level crossing signs the sign posts shall be painted in
25 cm wide bands, alternatively black and white. The lowest band next
to the ground shall be in black.
Colors shall comply of BIS: 5-1978 i.e., Blue - ISC 166, Red – ISC 537,
Grey – ISC 630 and Green – ISC 284.
For National and State Highways, these signs shall be of green
background with white borders, legends and word messages. For all
other roads, signs shall be of white background with black borders,
legends and word messages.
10.15.5 The size and shapes of letters and their interspacing and numerals
used shall be as per IRC: 30-1968: Standard Letters and Numerals of
Different Heights for use on Highway Signs.
10.15.6 All signs shall be inspected at least twice in a year both in day and night
times and at least once a year in the rain.
10.15.7 Mandatory/ Regulatory signs should include
Stop and Give Way signs;
Prohibitory signs such as straight prohibited/ no entry, one way, vehicle
prohibited in both directions, all motor vehicles, truck prohibited, bullock
cart and hand cart prohibited, bullock cart prohibited, tonga prohibited,
hand cart prohibited, cycle prohibited, pedestrian prohibited, right/left
turn prohibited, U-turn prohibited, overtaking prohibited, horn prohibited;
No Parking and No Stopping Signs such as no parking, no stopping/
Speed Limit and Vehicle Control Signs such as speed limit, width limit,
height limit, length limit, load limit, axle load limit;
Restriction Ends Sign;
Compulsory Direction Control and Other Signs such as compulsory turn
left/ right, compulsory ahead only, compulsory turn right/ left ahead,
compulsory ahead or turn right, compulsory ahead or turn left,
compulsory keep left, compulsory cycle track, compulsory sound horn,
pedestrians only, buses only.
10.15.8 Cautionary/ Warning signs should include right hand/ left hand curve,
right/left hairpin bend, right / left reverse bend, steep ascent/ decent,
narrow bridge, narrow road ahead, road widens ahead, gap in median,
slippery road, loose gravel, cycle crossing, pedestrian crossing, school,
cattle, men at work, falling rocks, ferry, cross roads, side road, T-
intersection, Y-intersection, staggered intersection, major road ahead,

D. Srinivas Reddy 21
roundabout, dangerous dip, rumble strip, barrier ahead, unguarded
railway crossing, guarded railway crossing, speed breaker ahead, traffic
signal ahead, runway ahead, end of dual carriageway, start of dual
carriageway, series of bends, overhead cables ahead, quayside or river
bank, two way operation ahead, lane closure ahead, traffic diversion on
dual carriageway, sudden side winds ahead, reduced carriageway and
rough road.
10.15.9 Informatory signs include
Direction and Place Identification signs such as advanced direction,
destination, direction, reassurance, place identification, truck lay bye
and toll booth ahead;
Facility information signs such as public telephone, filling station (petrol
pump), hospital, first aid post, eating place, light refreshment, resting
Other useful information signs such as no through road, no through side
road, informatory sign for pedestrian sub way, repair facilities, airport,
police station, railway station, bus lane, bus stop, taxi stand, auto
rickshaw stand, cycle rickshaw stand;
Parking signs; and
Flood gauge.

10.16 Roadside Furniture

10.16.1 The roads and footways contain many different types of street furniture.
Each has a function to perform but sometimes the sitting and
specification of an item can mean that it presents an unnecessary
obstruction or other danger to people. The quality of the street furniture
can also add to the ambience of an area.
10.16.2 Street furniture includes bollards, traffic signs – general, traffic signs –
two poles, traffic signs – shopping areas, temporary – traffic signs,
pedestrian finger sign poles, lighting columns, traffic signal poles,
parking ticket machine, control boxes, litter bins, trees & shrubs, street
name plates, illuminated road traffic bollards, pedestrian guard rail,
continuous alignment, continuous spacing, bike stand and information
board, temporary hoardings etc.

10.17 Street Lighting

10.17.1 Roadway lighting is classified in to 3 classes.1) residential area class 2)

commercial area class and 3) intermediate area class. Residential area
class includes low density residential, medium density residential and
high density residential areas. Commercial area class includes
neighborhood commercial, community commercial, major retail
commercial areas and intermediate area class includes mixed use,
general office, light medium industrial, community commercial, campus
industrial, heavy industrial, special heavy industrial, quarry/mining
10.17.2 Street lighting standards for different area classes are listed as
High Pressure Sodium Lamps

D. Srinivas Reddy 22
Concrete R1 Asphalt R3
Foot- Foot-
Roadway Pole Ave/ Ave/
Area Class candles Lamp/Spacing candles Lamp/Spacing
Classification Height Min Min
Required Required

Arterial 72' 35' Commercial 1.2 3:1 250w @ 210' 1.7 3:1 250w @ 170'
Road (2
Poles 35' Intermediate 0.9 3:1 200w @ 210' 1.3 3:1 250w @ 210'
35' Residential 0.6 3:1 150w @ 210' 0.9 3:1 200w @ 210'

Collector 48' 35' Commercial 0.8 4:1 250w @ 210' 1.2 4:1 250w @ 170'
Road (poles
on same 35' Intermediate 0.6 4:1 200w @ 210' 0.9 4:1 250w @ 210'
side) 30' Residential 0.4 4:1 150w @ 200' 0.6 4:1 150w @ 190'

Local 30' Commercial 0.6 6:1 150w @ 210' 0.9 6:1 200w @ 210'
36' Road
30' Intermediate 0.5 6:1 150w @ 210' 0.7 6:1 150w @ 210'
(poles on
same side) 30' Residential 0.3 6:1 100w @ 210' 0.4 6:1 100w @ 200'

Local 28' 30' Commercial 0.6 6:1 150w @ 210' 0.8 6:1 200w @ 210'
Road (poles
30' Intermediate 0.5 6:1 150w @ 210' 0.7 6:1 150w @ 210'
on same
side) 30' Residential 0.3 6:1 100w @ 210' 0.4 6:1 100w @ 210'
Areas with pole set behind sidewalks - 8' arm length
Areas with poles set between curb and sidewalk or in sidewalk - 6' arm length

Metal Halide Lamps

Concrete R1 Asphalt R3
Roadway Foot- Foot-
Classification Pole candles candles
Height Area Class Required Ave/Min Lamp/Spacing Required Ave/Min Lamp/Spacing
Arterial 72' 35' Commercial 1.2 3:1 400w @ 180' 1.7 3:1 400w @ 180'
Road (2
35' Intermediate 0.9 3:1 250w @ 180' 1.3 3:1 400w @ 180'
Opposite) 35' Residential 0.6 3:1 175w @ 180' 0.9 3:1 250w @ 180'
Collector 48' 35' Commercial 0.8 4:1 400w @ 210' 1.2 4:1 400w @ 180'
Road (poles
35' Intermediate 0.6 4:1 400w @ 210' 0.9 4:1 400w @ 210'
on same
side) 30' Residential 0.4 4:1 175w @ 160' 0.6 4:1 175w @ 160'
Local 36' 30' Commercial 0.6 6:1 175w @ 170' 0.9 6:1 250w @ 170'
Road (poles
30' Intermediate 0.5 6:1 175w @ 170' 0.7 6:1 175w @ 170'
on same
side) 30' Residential 0.3 6:1 150w @ 170' 0.4 6:1 150w @ 170'
Local 28' 30' Commercial 0.6 6:1 175w @ 170' 0.9 6:1 175w @ 150'
Road (poles
30' Intermediate 0.5 6:1 175w @ 170' 0.7 6:1 175w @ 170'
on same
side) 30' Residential 0.3 6:1 150w @ 170' 0.4 6:1 150w @ 170'
Areas with sidewalks - 8' arm length
Areas with no sidewalks - 6' arm length

D. Srinivas Reddy 23
Decorative Metal Halide Lamps

Foot- Foot-
Roadway Pole
Area Class candles Ave/Min Lamp/Spacing candles Ave/Min Lamp/Spacing
Classification Height
Required Required

Local 36'
Road (poles
16' Residential 0.3 6:1 150w @ 100' 0.4 6:1 150w @ 100'
on same
Local 28'
Road (poles
16' Residential 0.3 6:1 150w @ 100' 0.4 6:1 150w @ 100'
on same

Public access Way - Decorative Metal Halide Lamps

Roadway Foot-candles
Classification Pole Height Area Class Required Ave/Min Lamp/Spacing
Bike Paths 12',
(Pole 3' from
16' Access Way .5 10:1 150w @ 120'
edge, poles on
same side)

10.17.3 Footcandle- The English unit of illuminance; illuminance on a surface

one square foot in area on which there is uniformly distributed light flux
of one lumen. One footcandle equals 10.76 lux.
10.17.4 Lux - The International System (SI) unit of illuminance. One lux is
defined as the illuminance incident on a surface of one square meter, all
points of which are one meter from a uniform source of one candela.

10.18 Traffic Management and Control Devices

10.18.1 Traffic management techniques that have been tried all over the world
listed in seven main categories i.e., regulatory techniques such as one
way streets, reversible streets, reversible lanes, turning movement
restrictions, closing side streets; traffic control devices such as signs
and markings, signals, traffic cones and drums, barricades, speed
breakers, traffic lighted bollards, refuges etc; traffic segregation
techniques such as pedestrian grade separation, pedestrian malls,
sidewalks, central dividers, footpath and central railings, creation of
storage lanes at turning points, bus bays, bicycle lanes etc; demand
management techniques such as parking restrictions, parking supply
reduction, parking pricing, tolls, vehicle ownership taxation etc; bus
priority techniques such as priority manoeuvres, bus lanes, bus
operation management etc; self enforcing techniques such as dividers,
railings, channelisers, queue channels, sleeping policemen, bus bays,
sharing of taxis etc; police public interaction techniques such as
education, traffic booths etc.
10.18.2 Barricades could be wood, fibre glass, pvc or mild steel. These are
painted with red and white stripes, sloping downward at an angle of 45

D. Srinivas Reddy 24
degree in the direction along which the traffic is to pass. The width of
each strip is 20cm.
10.18.3 Traffic cones/ bats should have a minimum height of 75 cm and
maximum 90 cm. They should be of red colour with white bands.
10.18.4 Drums are cheap alternative to traffic cones. They are generally 90 cm
in height and have, two red and two white stripes that are 10-20 cm
wide. They are generally metal drums of 125-250 liters capacity.
10.18.5 Central refuges should have raised kerb and should not be less than
1.2m in width and 3.6m in length. A refugee island should not be
provided on a road which has width of less than 12m.
10.18.6 Road Delineators
Delineators are particularly effective in the case of complex locations
involving changes in horizontal or vertical geometry and during severe
weather conditions such as heavy rain, fog or snow. Normally reflectors
are used on the delineators for better night time visibility.
Delineators are classified as roadway indicators, hazard markers and
Object markers. Delineators are basically driving aids and should not be
regarded as substitute for warning signs, road markings or barriers for
out of control vehicles.
10.18.7 Roadway indicators
 Roadway indicators should be in the form of guide posts made of
metal, concrete, timber, cut stone, plastic or other suitable material
depending on availability and cost.
 Iron tubes, concrete, or plastic pipes, wooden posts, steel channel
sections etc can be conveniently adopted for the purpose. Plastic
posts have the advantage of being safer for out of control vehicles
while concrete pipes would be less prone to vandalism or theft.
 The posts may have a circular rectangular or triangular cross
section. However, the side facing the traffic should not be less than
10 cm wide. As an alternative to normal posts, empty bitumen
drums, suitably painted, may also be used for roadway delineation,
especially when it is for temporary use in the event of diversions,
road works etc.
 Roadway delineator posts should be about 80-100 cm high and
painted alternately black and white in 15 cm wide stripes. While
unreflectorised delineators are permissible, it is preferable that for
improved visibility at night and locations where visibility is poor due
to fog etc. the delineator posts should be of reflectorised type, fitted
with white coloured rectangular (80X100 mm)or circular (75mm
diameter) reflectorised panels at the top.
 Criteria for use: at curved sections where horizontal curves of radius
1000m or less, vertical curves with inadequate visibility; and on
straight sections where road sections where visibility is often poor
due to mist, fog or snowy conditions, reaches where the alignment
appears uncertain to the driver, e.g. pavement width transitions,
temporary road diversions etc., road sections subject to frequent
submergence and ponding due to storm water, approaches to
narrow bridges and culverts, valley side of hill roads, road
embankments exceeding 3 m in height, approaches to important
intersections, special problem points such as causeways and

D. Srinivas Reddy 25
 Delineator posts should be erected at the edge of the usable
shoulder, and in the case of kerbed sections at a distance of 0.6 to
1.5 m from the kerb face. On straight sections, roadway indicators
should be spaced uniformly 50-70 m from each other, according to
local conditions, the posts being in pairs, one on each side of the
roadway. On divided roads, these should also be provided on
medians. On horizontal curves, the spacing should be fixed in
relation to the curve radius

Radius of curve, m Spacing on curve, m

30 6
50 8
100 12
200 20
300 25
400 30
500 35
600 38
700 42
800 45
900 48
1000 50
10.18.8 Hazard Markers: Hazard markers should be put up wherever there are
objects so close to the road as to constitute an accident hazard. Type
1–A marker consisting of three red reflectors arranged vertically and
Type 2 - Striped markers consisting of alternatively black and yellow
stripes sloping downwards at an angle of 45 degree towards the side of
the obstruction on which the traffic is to pass. If possible, reflectorised
paint may be used for this purpose. The inside edge of the markers
should be in line with the inner edge of the obstruction as far as
10.18.9 Object Markers
 Several designs of object markers are possible. These consist
basically of circular red reflectors arranged on triangular or
rectangular panels or alternately all-red reflectors mounted similarly.
The markers may be bigger if conditions so warrant. At problem
locations, red reflectors may also be used independently, for
instance inset on the face of the kerb.
 Object markers should be applied at traffic islands at approaches to
intersections, around periphery of rotary islands, median openings,
facing approaching traffic at islands forming left infiltration lanes, on
medians or islands on far side of the intersections, at points where
traffic divides into different directions e g down ramps of a grade
separated intersection and on far side of T-junctions and street dead
 The markers should be erected facing the traffic close to the point
where the obstruction within the roadway starts, for instance in the
case of a channelising island at its nose point. No part of the object
marker should, however encroach upon the carriageway. To ensure
this it is desirable that the markers should be set back from the face
of the kerb a distance of at least 50 cm. Height of the object markers

D. Srinivas Reddy 26
might vary depending upon the situation, but should be generally
around 40-50 cm so that reflectors are fully visible to the
approaching traffic.
 Reflectors can be made of films, synthetic materials with a visibility
of at least 200 m under clear weather conditions when illuminated
by the upper beam of the car headlights.


1. IRC : 2-1968 Route Marker Signs for National Highways (First Revision)
2. IRC : 8-1980 Type Designs for Highway Kilometer Stones (Second Revision)
3. IRC : 11- 1962 Recommended practice for the design and layout of cycle tracks.
4. IRC : 25-1967 Type Designs for Boundary Stones
5. IRC : 26-1967 Type Design for 200-Metre Stones
6. IRC : 30-1968 Standard Letters and Numerals of Different Heights for Use on Highway
7. IRC : 31-1969 Route Marker Signs for State Routes
8. IRC : 32-1969 Standard for Vertical and Horizontal Clearances of Overhead Electric
Power and Telecommunication Lines as Related to Roads.
9. IRC : 35-1997 Code of Practice for Road Markings (with Paints) (First Revision)
10. IRC : 38-1988 Guidelines for Design of Horizontal Curves for Highways and Design
Tables (First Revision).
11. IRC : 54-1974 Lateral and Vertical Clearances at Underpasses for Vehicular Traffic.
12. IRC : 62 - 1976 Guidelines for Control of Access of Highways
13. IRC : 64-1990 Guidelines for Capacity of Roads in Rural Areas (First Revision).
14. IRC : 65-1976 Recommended Practice for Traffic Rotaries
15. IRC : 66-1976 Recommended Practice for Sight Distance on Rural Highways
16. IRC: 67-2001 Code of Practice for Road Signs
17. IRC : 69-1977 Space Standards for Roads in Urban Areas
18. IRC : 73-1980 Geometric Design Standards for Rural (Non-Urban) Highways
19. IRC: 79-1981 Recommended practice for road delineators
20. IRC : 80-1981 Type Designs for Pick-up Bus Stops on Rural (i.e., Non-Urban) Highways
21. IRC : 86-1983 Geometric Design Standards for Urban Roads in Plains
22. IRC : 92-1985 Guidelines for the Design of Interchanges in Urban Areas
23. IRC: 93-1985: Guidelines on Design and Installation of Road Traffic Signals.
24. IRC : 99-1988 Tentative Guidelines on the Provision of Speed Breakers for Control of
Vehicular Speeds on Minor Roads
25. IRC : 102-1988 Traffic Studies for Planning Bypasses Around Towns
26. IRC : 103-1988 Guidelines for Pedestrian Facilities
27. IRC : 106-1990 Guidelines for Capacity of Urban Roads in Plain Areas
28. IRC : 108-1996 Guidelines for Traffic Prediction on Rural Highways.
29. IRC : SP:12-1973 Tentative Recommendations on the Provision of Parking Spaces for
Urban Areas
30. IRC : SP:23-1983 Vertical Curves for Highways
31. IRC:SP:31-1992 New Traffic Signs Under Revision
32. IRC : SP:41-1994 Guidelines on Design of At-Grade Intersections in Rural & Urban Areas
33. IRC : SP: 43-1994 Guidelines on Low Cost Management Techniques for Urban Areas
34. DMRB : TA 23/81 Junctions and accesses :Determination of size of roundabouts and
major/minor junctions
35. DMRB : TD 39/94 The design of major interchanges
36. DMRB : TD 41/95 Vehicular access to all purpose trunk roads
37. DMRB : TD 50/04The geometric layout of signal controlled junctions and signalized
38. roundabouts
39. American Trucking Associations Dictionary

D. Srinivas Reddy 27
40. Bellis, G. 1995. Hawke’s Bay Transportation Plan. (Report to the Hawke’s Bay
Transportation Steering Committee by Tony Francis & Associates Ltd.)
41. Brief Report on the Street Lighting Standards Given in American National Standard
Practice for Roadway Lighting. ANSI/IES RP-8-00
42. Churchill, Rt. Hon Sir W. S. 1944. Regarding the urgency of Mulberry Docks.
43. Design Manual for Roads and Bridges
44. Gadd, M. L. 1996. Road planning in urban areas, and value for money. Proceedings of
Roads 96 Conference, Christchurch.
45. Guide to siting and specification of street furniture, Transportation Department,
Birmingham City Council.
47. Journal of commerce: 2/21/96, New York.
48. Jotin Khisty and B. Kent Lall, Transportation Engineering-An Introduction, Prentice Hall of
India Private Limited.
49. Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, FHWA, 2000.
50. Mary Hrabowska, Christina Adidjaja “Truck Terminal and Warehouse Survey Results”,
New York Metropolitan Transportation Council,
51. Transportation Research Board (TRB). Highway Capacity Manual, National Research
Council, TRB, Washington, D.C., 2000.
52. UTRC (University Transportation Research Center), 1/93. Goods Movement
53. Williams, W. T. 1987. The Christchurch Central Area Traffic Plan. Christchurch City

D. Srinivas Reddy 28

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