CV of M. Ondoua Ella Godfroid

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CV of M.


Name: ONDOUA ELLA Godfroid

Nationality: Cameroonian

Age: 57

Place of birth: Ebolowa (Enongal)

Qualification: Ingénieur Principal des Travaux des Télécommunications Hors Echelle. Further self-
taught studies and research.

Present Job: None. Retired.

Latest achievements:

Research work
Main preoccupation:

1. How to enable a GSM operator, be it new or incumbent, to drastically minimize both its capital
expenditures (CapEx) and operating expenses (OpEx), in such a way as to significantly and
irreversibly widen the gap between its competitor and it, among others in applying tariffs that, if
adopted by its competitors, could lead them to bankruptcy.
2. How to enable a company like CAMTEL (The state owned telecommunications company in
Cameroon, with currently a 1% market share, and a debt that could amount to hundreds of
billions of CFA Francs) to become the number one operator, within a period of at most
seven (07) years, in a market where it is in competition with MTN Cameroon (an operation of
the MTN Group) and Orange Cameroun (an operation of the Orange Group), and Viettel/Nexttel
(an operation of the Viettel Group), in spite of all the difficulties that could face such a structure,
and this, with a GSM/WCDMA/HSPA/LTE network, provided it could benefit from a 10 MHz
duplex spectrum width in the E-GSM band.
3. How to enable a company like CAMTEL to become the number one operator, within a
period of at most eight (08) years, in a market where it is in competition with MTN Cameroon
(an operation of the MTN Group) and Orange Cameroun (an operation of the Orange Group),
and Viettel/Nexttel (an operation of the Viettel Group), in spite of all the difficulties that could
face such a structure and this, with a CDMA2000/LTE network.


All the findings are ready for use. Documents explaining how to proceed have been elaborated. To
make it possible, it was necessary to carry out a deep study of the main technologies that are currently
prevailing in the market, such as the GSM/WCDMA/HSPA and CDMA2000 families of technologies, as
well as 4G-LTE, and their power supply systems, and acquire a degree of mastery of the performance
of these technologies, as well as the best way to make good use of the opportunities offered by them, in
such a way as to have the certainly to overtake competitors, within at most seven years (GSM) or eight
years (CDMA2000), despite the huge gap that exists between CAMTEL and them, unless these
operators could restructure their networks in accordance with the results of my findings, which are
based on the industry’s best practices, which is still to be the case, at least for the moment.

Similarly, any GSM operator which could succeed in restructuring its network in accordance with the
aforementioned findings will very easily and irreversibly widen the gap between it and its GSM
competitors, and could only see it’s leadership threatened by a CDMA2000 operator that could have
solutions that are similar to the aforementioned ones.

How helpful these results could be to a big Group:

Big Groups do have huge means that easily enable them to create new operations, and sustain the
running of existing ones. It appears the means that are usually necessary in terms of CAPEX and
OPEX, as well as the TCO over the lifetime of such an operation could be minimized, in such a way as
to make huge savings that could be used in creating many more operations. By the same time, the
pressure they usually undergo because of the fierce competition could be largely minimized, thanks to
the savings that could be made if they consider things from a perspective of a company that lacks
financial means but which, thanks to findings like mine, could do better that any competitor in the field.

My proposals are all about making sure CAPEX, OPEX and TCO will be minimized, right from the
conception of the specifications, deployment and exploitation of the network of any new operation, as
well as trying, as much as possible, to minimize the costs associated with the migration and/or
expansion of most existing operations’ networks. By so proceeding, huge savings could be made, which
could render such operations far competitive, while improving significantly their profit margin despite the
fierce competition, and preventing drastic measures like the reduction in the staff numbers, the fact of
having to resort to inappropriate outsourcing, etc., that are usually applied when an operation starts
undergoing hard times.

Summary of the research work:

In summary, the research work was aimed at:

1) Improving the performance of existing GSM/WCDMA/HSPA/LTE and CDMA2000/LTE

networks, with a view for the concerned operators to drastically minimize both their CAPEX and
OPEX, and keep on making profit even in low ARPU markets;
2) Permitting CAMTEL or any other state-owned telecom company to achieve its recovery, and
become the leader in the its telecommunications market, in the mid-term;
3) Minimizing operators’ CAPEX and OPEX and, as a consequence, minimizing their TCO;
4) Making a comparative study of the main technologies competing in the market;
5) Making a case study of the situation of CAMTEL;
6) Enabling the operators that could benefit from these findings, be them
GSM/WCDMA/HSPA/LTE or CDMA2000/LTE operators, to become the bests in their
respective markets;
7) Enabling existing operators to considerably consolidate their market position, compared to
8) Enabling Greenfield operations to rapidly bridge the gap between existing competitors and
them, and occupy a leading position in their market in the mid-term;
9) Permitting Greenfield operations to make the most appropriate technological choices;
10) Permitting a well-establish Group to envisage new expansion perspectives. Existing
GSM/WCDMA/HSPA/LTE operators or Groups could thus add CDMA2000 to their portfolio, if
necessary, with a view to cost-effectively achieve nationwide broadband expansion, and easily
win government contracts, most especially as far as the nationwide interconnection of public
structures with broadband is concerned;

11) Permitting concerned operators to achieve enough profit margins, in order to significantly lower
communications tariffs;
12) Favoring the achievement of the universal service of telecommunications and ICTs in the
concerned countries cost-effectively;
13) Enabling operators to adopt environmentally friendly power supply systems, be it in single
source plant models or in hybrid configurations (grid/solar, grid/wind, solar/wind, solar/diesel,
wind/diesel, etc.), in order to permit them to minimize greenhouse gas emissions, and to
significantly contribute to the fight against climate change and the preservation of the ozone
14) Enabling the states where those operators are located to rapidly, and significantly bridge the
digital divide between urban and rural areas, thanks to a rapid and nationwide broadband
expansion cost-effectively;
15) Enabling the states to finalize the digital terrestrial television (DTT) switchover (DSO), in a way
that could minimize the overall cost, and in a timely manner, where necessary.

All the above mentioned works, which consisted in the study of more than a thousand and five hundred
(1,500) publications from top telecommunications industry leaders, have given birth to ready-to-use

Furthermore, in order to favor the mastery of most of the technologies and techniques commonly used
by the technical staff of telecommunications companies, as well as the implementation of such works as
the deployment of fiber optic cable civil engineering, a number of documents and technical
specifications have been written, concerning such subjects as:

1. SDH;
2. WDM multiplexing;
3. Optical fiber;
4. Civil engineering of optical fiber links;
5. Microwave links;
6. GSM/GPRS/EDGE networks;
7. Coding and modulation techniques used in transmission;
8. ADSL and xDSL technologies;
9. ATM;
10. ISDN;
11. CDMA2000 1x/1xEV-DO;
12. The CDMA2000 BTS3606 deployed by CAMTEL in its network (translation into French of the
documentation from Huawei);
13. Green power solutions, inspired by the Green Power for Mobile, from the GSMA;
14. Finalization of the digital terrestrial television (DTT) switchover (DSO).

Similarly, other documents have been elaborated, as well as risk analysis, with as a target:

1) Restructuring a GSM/WCDMA/HSPA/LTE operator’s network, for an incumbent operator, or

conceiving a Greenfield operator’s network, where necessary, with a view to allow it to definitely
maintain its leadership, where necessary, or become the unbeatable leader in its market,
thanks to the aforementioned solutions;
2) Proposing a plan meant to permit CAMTEL, or any other state-owned company to easily get
back on its feet both for the GSM (refer to the abovementioned condition) and CDMA2000
3) Securing the investment achieved by CAMTEL;

4) Reorganizing the CAMTEL network, or that of any other state-owned company with a view to
make it become the number one operator in its market, in the mid-term;
5) Enabling CAMTEL or any other state-owned company to rapidly deploy, at a lesser cost, a
GSM/HSPA/LTE nationwide broadband network capable of connecting airplanes, marine and
cruise ships, law enforcement staff and vehicles, among others. In short, a network that could
permit law enforcement to efficiently fight criminality, including highway banditry and/or maritime
piracy, where necessary;
6) Enabling CAMTEL or any other state-owned company to rapidly deploy, at a lesser cost, a
CDMA2000 nationwide broadband network capable of connecting airplanes, marine and cruise
ships, law enforcement staff and vehicles, among others. In short, a network that could permit
law enforcement to efficiently fight criminality, including highway banditry and/or maritime
piracy, where necessary;
7) Allowing CAMTEL, or any other state-owned company, in collaboration with the ministry of
public health, to favor the development of nationwide remote healthcare (e-Health), for both
public and private health centers, thanks to the implementation of M2M applications on its
GSM/HSPA network;
8) Allowing CAMTEL, or any other state-owned company, in collaboration with the ministry of
public health, to favor the development of nationwide remote healthcare (e-Health), for both
public and private health centers, thanks to the implementation of M2M applications on its
CDMA2000 network;
9) Allowing CAMTEL, or any other state-owned company, thanks to its GSM/HSPA network, in
collaboration with the ministry of transport, to rollout M2M applications that could permit to
enhance driver safety and reduce the frequency and severity of accidents for consumers and
commercial fleets, like does DriveCam in the USA;
10) Allowing CAMTEL, or any other state-owned company, thanks to its CDMA2000 network, in
collaboration with the ministry of transport, to rollout M2M applications that could permit to
enhance driver safety and reduce the frequency and severity of accidents for consumers and
commercial fleets, like does DriveCam in the USA, in association with Sprint, if necessary;
11) Table a proposal to the Customs in view to equip them with a more effective assets tracking
system (trucks, containers, etc.) than the existing one. A similar proposal could be made to
other entities such as public services, enterprises and individuals, in view to permit them to
track their vehicles, among others, in view of the reduction of their operating expenses
(ineffective usage, fuel consumption, etc.);
12) Allowing government, thanks to the GSM/HSPA/LTE network, to achieve centralized video
surveillance of public buildings and strategic sites and, by so doing, bring to an end to the
burglaries perpetrated in such sites that have become rampant;
13) Allowing government, thanks to the CDMA2000/LTE network, to achieve centralized video
surveillance of public buildings and strategic sites and, by so doing, bring to an end to the
burglaries perpetrated in such sites that have become rampant;
14) Allowing municipalities, thanks to the CDMA2000 network, to achieve the installation of traffic
signs, or even video surveillance of urban traffic;
15) Similarly allowing enterprises, or even individuals, to achieve remote surveillance of their
buildings and sites;
16) Allowing the CAMTEL or any other state-owned company or any other state-owned company
GSM/HSPA/LTE network to perform emergency calls, with the most possible effective
localization of terminals, be them those of people in distress in case of a disaster, or possibly
those belonging to bandits, within the scope of the fight of law enforcement against criminality,
maritime piracy, highway banditry, etc.;
17) Allowing the CAMTEL or any other state-owned company or any other state-owned company
CDMA2000 network to perform emergency calls, with the most possible effective localization of

terminals, be them those of people in distress in case of a disaster, or possibly those belonging
to bandits, within the scope of the fight of law enforcement against criminality, maritime piracy,
highway banditry, etc.;
18) Make an evaluation of the chances to prosper of the unlimited ADSL Internet and Telephone
offer – No Limit – of CAMTEL;
19) Allowing government to achieve its will of drastic telecommunications tariffs reduction;
20) Permitting a Greenfield telecommunications company to maximize its chances of success, with
a view to rapidly become the leader of the concerned market;
21) Allowing the finalization of the PACDICE-AC plan (Plan d’Action Consensuel de Déploiement
des Infrastructures de Communications Electroniques d’interconnexion des Etats membres de
la CEEAC);
22) Allowing the timely finalization of the Digital Switch-Over (DSO) in the ECCAS member states;
23) A case study adaptable to many African countries (Stratégie à adopter pour le passage à la
TNT) that presents, in simple and easily understandable terms, the actions to undertake, with a
view to achieve that transition within the prescribed timeline, in a cost-effective manner, with a
view to allow Cameroon to comply, without too much difficulty, to its commitments towards the
international community;
24) Getting open market GSM/HSPA/LTE device distributors to commit themselves to the
distribution of open market CDMA2000 and World-Mode CDMA2000/GSM/HSPA/LTE devices,
as is already the case for GSM devices, with a view to allow a CDMA2000 operator to mainly
dedicate most of its finances to the deployment of a network that is as competitive as
competitors’, a prerequisite to succeed in a highly competitive market, in a developing country;
25) Allowing CAMTEL or any other state-owned telecom company to rollout M2M applications that
could permit such achievements as assets tracking, video surveillance, traffic signs
management, among others, on its GSM or CDMA2000 network;
26) Allowing CAMTEL or any other state-owned telecom company to significantly lower its tariffs
with, as a consequence, the lowering of tariffs by its competitors, thus permitting the
government to reach its target of general lowering of tariffs;
27) Allowing a CDMA2000 operator to perfectly master its destiny by the time of 4G-LTE migration;
28) Facilitating the introduction of the C-RAN and C-CORE technologies in the network of a
GSM/HSPA/LTE or CDMA2000/LTE operator;
29) Permitting a Greenfield GSM/HSPA/LTE or CDMA2000/LTE operator to know how to proceed,
for him to easily overtake existing competitors, within a maximum delay of seven years
(GSM/HSPA/LTE) or eight years (CDMA2000/LTE), with a version dealing specifically with the
CAMTEL case;
30) Etc.

Similarly, a number of other risk analysis have been made, with a view to forward contributions to the
Head of State, in order to improve the economic situation of the country, improve the living conditions of
the population, contribute to the fight against terrorism, ease the Digital Switchover (DSO) of the
television, draw the best from the assignment of 3G and 4G licenses, achieve a generalized lowering of
electronic communications tariffs, etc., among which the following ones (all of them written in French):

1. Stratégie à adopter pour le passage à la TNT, une étude de cas applicable à de nombreux pays
africains qui présente, en de termes très simples et faciles à comprendre, les actions à mener,
pour parvenir à réaliser cette transition dans les délais impartis, et à moindre coût, de sorte à
permettre au Cameroun de tenir, sans trop de peine, ses engagements envers la communauté
internationale ;
2. Mesures alternatives à la hausse des prix des carburants à la pompe, contribution citoyenne
adressée au Chef de l’Etat ;

3. Facilitation de la transition de la télévision de l’analogique au numérique, contribution citoyenne
adressée au Chef de l’Etat ;
4. Contribution à la réflexion sur la guerre contre Boko Haram et les autres formes d’insécurité
transfrontalière, contribution citoyenne adressée au Chef de l’Etat ;
5. Mesures nécessaires en vue d’engendrer une baisse généralisée des tarifs et une meilleure
qualité de service, et d’améliorer la gouvernance dans le domaine des télécommunications et
des TIC au Cameroun, contribution citoyenne adressée au Chef de l’Etat ;
6. Cession des licences de téléphonie mobile, contribution citoyenne adressée au Chef de l’Etat ;
7. Passage du Cameroun à la télévision Numérique Terrestre, et Réhabilitation Technique de la
CRTV, contribution citoyenne adressée au Chef de l’Etat ;
8. Equité en matière d’incitations à l’investissement privé, contribution citoyenne adressée au Chef
de l’Etat ;
9. Contribution à la réflexion sur la prévention des attentats de Boko Haram, contribution
citoyenne adressée au Chef de l’Etat ;
10. Contribution à la réflexion sur la résorption des difficultés récurrentes de trésorerie de l’Etat,
contribution citoyenne adressée au Chef de l’Etat ;
11. Contribution à la réflexion sur la résorption du déficit énergétique de notre pays, contribution
citoyenne adressée au Chef de l’Etat ;
12. Nécessité impérieuse de prendre des mesures conservatoires dans le cadre de la protection de
la fortune publique, contribution citoyenne adressée au Chef de l’Etat ;
13. Nécessité impérieuse de mettre un terme à la tentative de CAMTEL de mettre en œuvre un
réseau GSM, contribution citoyenne adressée au Chef de l’Etat ;
14. Nécessité urgente de préserver les intérêts vitaux de l'Etat dans le cadre de la réhabilitation
technique de la CRTV et de la migration vers la TNT, contribution citoyenne adressée au Chef
de l’Etat ;
15. Evaluation des conséquences techniques et financières des choix opérés lors du déploiement
de la TNT, document comparant les performances d’un réseau TNT déployé dans la bande
VHF III à celles d’un autre déployé dans la bande UHF IV, tel que celui que tente de déployer
StarTimes, et faisant ressortir le fossé saillant qui existe entre les deux solutions en termes de
coûts d’investissement, de charges d’exploitation relatives à la seule consommation d’énergie
des émetteurs radio FM, TV analogique et TNT, des subventions que l’Etat devrait
obligatoirement consentir pour faciliter l’acquisition par les ménages des dispositifs appropriés
de réception de la TNT, etc. ;
16. Telecommunications made simple, sorte de « Bréviaire » des communications électroniques
adressée à madame la ministre des P&T, avec copie à monsieur le ministre de l’Economie, de
la Planification et de l’aménagement du territoire ;
17. Alternative à la recommandation de la Banque Mondiale de briser le monopole de CAMTEL sur
la pose de liaisons interurbaines en fibre optique, contribution citoyenne adressée à monsieur le
ministre de l’Economie, de la Planification et de l’aménagement du territoire et à madame la
ministre des P&T ;
18. Préparation de la Mission d’Audit et de Contrôle du Backbone National en Fibre Optique :
Document de Travail, contribution citoyenne adressée à madame la ministre des P&T, avec
copie à monsieur le ministre de l’Economie, de la Planification et de l’aménagement du
territoire ;
19. Nécessité vitale de mettre un terme à certaines pratiques déloyales et anticoncurrentielles dans le
domaine des télécommunications, contribution citoyenne adressée à madame la ministre des
P&T, à monsieur le ministre de l’Economie, de la Planification et de l’aménagement du
territoire, à monsieur le ministre des Finances, et à monsieur le ministre du Commerce ;
20. Nécessité vitale de mettre un terme à certaines pratiques irrégulières dans le domaine des
télécommunications, contribution citoyenne adressée à madame la ministre des P&T, à monsieur

le ministre de l’Economie, de la Planification et de l’aménagement du territoire, à monsieur le
ministre des Finances, et à monsieur le ministre du Commerce ;
21. Approche complémentaire en vue d’une amélioration sensible du climat des affaires dans notre
pays, contribution citoyenne adressée, monsieur le Premier ministre Chef du Gouvernement, à
madame la ministre des P&T, à monsieur le ministre de l’Economie, de la Planification et de
l’aménagement du territoire, à monsieur le ministre des Finances, et à monsieur le ministre de
l’Eau et de l’Energie ;
22. Nécessité vitale d’éviter de brader le patrimoine national relatif à la cession du spectre issu du
dividende numérique, contribution citoyenne adressée, monsieur le Premier ministre Chef du
Gouvernement, à madame la ministre des P&T, et à monsieur le ministre des Finances, avec
copies au CONSUPE et au Chef de l’Etat ;
23. Etc.

Tasks and responsibilities held during the career:

1986- 1988 North-West region Transmissions Sector Bamenda

Renfort d’effectif

1988 - 1990 West region Transmissions Sector Bafoussam

Head of the rapid intervention Brigade

1990–1998 Adamaoua region Transmissions Sector Ngaoundéré

Head of the Adamaoua region Transmissions sector

March –December 1998 Center region Transmissions Sector Yaoundé

Head of the Center region Transmissions sector

23/12/1999 – 06/04/2005 Service de la Transmission/DOT Yaoundé

Head of the Transmission service

Project manager for the rollout of the Yaoundé –Ebolowa – Sangmelima – Meyomessala – Lolodorf
SDH microwave transmission link

Project manager for the reconstruction of the Nkondjock Mast

Project manager for the CDMA 2000 1x network trial.

06/04/2005 – 26/05/2006 Division of Strategies and Development

Chargé d’Etudes Assistant N°3 (rank of service head).

26/05/2006 – 04/08/06 Cabinet of the CEO CAMTEL

Head of the Security service

21 June 2005 Décret du Premier Ministre Yaoundé
Avancement de Grade : Ingénieur Principal des Travaux des Télécommunications, 2 ème classe
6ème échelon (indice 785), catégorie A2 de la Fonction Publique, à compter du 17 mars 2001.

27 June2006 Décision n°0140/DG (Reclassement des certains personnels)

Reclassement au grade d’Ingénieur Principal, Catégorie 11, échelon F, à compter du 17 mars 2001.

04/08/2006 – 02/08/2007 Services rattachés à la Direction Générale

Chargé d’Etudes N°1 auprès du Chargé de Mission pour la Sécurité (rank of Sub-director).

19 August 2008 Décision n°229/DG (Régularisation)

Reclassement au grade d’Ingénieur Principal, Catégorie 12, échelon A, à compter du 01 janvier 2008.

13March 2013Arrêté N° 00153/MPT/SG/DAG/PSP/SPE/BPF

Avancement de classe comme Ingénieur Principal des Travaux des Télécommunications Hors échelle,
Catégorie A2 de la Fonction Publique, indice 1140, à compter du 02 juillet 2012.

Return to the Administration of origin, the ministry of P&T, since the end of September 2011. Currently
waiting for the departure to anticipated retirement. Officially Out of activity since February the 6th, 2012.

Training courses attended

1983 - 1986 ENSPT Yaoundé

Diplôme d’Ingénieur des Travaux des Télécommunications (Bachelor of Science in Engineering).

01 August – 31 October 1986 ENSPT Yaoundé

Training of trainers and supervisors on the NFH microwave transmission equipment, by TRT

28/02 - 23/10/ 1987 Centre de pré-montage projet multiplex Douala

Training on mounting and measurements performance on analog multiplexers, by Siemens

21/02 – 20/04/1990 ENSPT Yaoundé

Training as Operation, Maintenance and commissioning Specialist by Siemens

02/07 – 12/10/1990 ENSPT Yaoundé

Training of trainers on NFH transmission equipment by TRT

12/11 – 23/11/1990 ENSPT Yaoundé

Training on digital microwave transmission links DRL2300/CAN34 by TRT

21/06 – 25/06/1993 ENSPT Yaoundé

Training on Word 5.5processing

28/60 – 02/07/1993 ENSPT Yaoundé

Training on DBASE-IV.

10/04 – 21/04/1995 Délépostel Ngaoundéré

Training on TELKON T736 “concentrators”.

24/04 – 05/05/1995 Délépostel Ngaoundéré

Training on TDMA T152 multiple access equipment by TELKON

09/02 – 23/02/1998 ENSPT Yaoundé

Training on measurements and troubleshooting in electronics and transmission

10/03 – 14/03/2003 ENSPT Yaoundé

Training on Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH)

23/04 – 07/05/2003 SAGEM Paris

Training on BMX/FMX/STR300/IONOS digital equipment by SAGEM

October 2004 CAMTEL Ebolowa

Training on ALCATEL 9681LSY digital microwave equipment TNE A1511BA access network equipment

November 2004 CAMTEL Yaoundé/Ebolowa

Training on OMSN 1660SM and 1650SMCmultiplexers by ALACATEL

31/03 – 08/04/2005 ALCATEL Colombes/France

Training on A 1353 SH and A 1322 VD network management systems.

14/11 – 18/11/2005 CAMTEL Yaoundé

Training on administrative correspondence writing

Other professional achievements

1986 - 1998 Department of Telecommunications/Ministry of P&T Cameroun

 Maintenance of transmission links ;

 Connection of the cities of Tignère, Tibati and Banyo to the national telephone network through the
Siemens analog multiplex, years before the adoption of the TELKON concentrators, thanks to my
technical knowhow;
 Coverage and transmission, in collaboration with the national television CRTV, of the anniversary of
the national Armed Forces in Koutaba.

1998 – 2005 Department of Technical Operations, and then the Division of Strategies and
Development/CAMTEL Cameroun

- Coordination of Maintenance on the national transmission network;

- Achievement of rehabilitation of the entire national transmission network, thanks to my technical
knowhow, at the time when any investment was forbidden in CAMTEL;
- Management of the coverage and transmission, in collaboration with the national television
CRTV, of all the visits of the Head of State during important events like the layout of the first
stone of the Chad-Cameroon pipeline project, the France – Africa summit in Yaoundé, the visit
of the French president Jacques Chirac at Garoua or the 40th anniversary of the national Armed
Forces at Ngaoundéré.

Written and spoken languages:

 French
 English (as a second language)

Additional certificates:

CEPE, BEPC, Probatoire « C », Bac « C », Permis B, « Avancement de Grade comme Ingénieur

Principal », as from march 2001.

Yaoundé, May the 10th, 2018.



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