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Global Management

Fast-Expanding Markets:
Where New Growth Can Be Found!
By Terence Tse, Mark Esposito & Khaled Soufani

This article is dedicated to provide a

working definition of these markets,
which we call “Fast-Expanding
Markets” (FEMs). The need to coin a
new term for such markets is increas-
ingly urgent, as commonly used terms
are deficient. For instance, “emerging
economies” or “developed markets”,
whilst popular, focus only on markets
at the country level. In contrast, the
term FEM is far more encompassing,
as it is not restricted to traditionally
defined boundaries, such as geographi-
cal, industrial or firm boundaries. It
is sufficiently general to refer to any
rapidly growing opportunity, with
the market as a focal point, regard-
less of whether that market exists on
a supranational, national, regional, and share prices constantly increasing, However, in the aftermath of the
industry, cluster or firm level. While the general public felt rich. This feeling financial crisis, the golden decade has
it is possible to argue that the term is led to overspending and overconsump- been consigned to history. After the
too broad or unspecific to pinpoint real tion, which in turn promoted more new financial crisis and the subsequent eco-
economic drivers and determinants of business opportunities than ever before. nomic crisis, we live in a world in which
growth, it is exactly this unique char- This further fuelled the propensity to people have no choice but to start (belat-
acteristic that allows managers and spend, supported by the illusion of edly) exercising financial discipline. Such
policy makers to find new sources of the potential for new fortunes. While discipline has taken many forms, ranging
wealth and prosperity. In short, think- we – the general public – found it easy from austerity in the countries in which
ing along the lines of FEM frees our to part with our money, it was even overspending was a habit to parsimony
minds from the restrictions and bound- easier for us to borrow the money that in those that were always prudent. In
aries of geographies or industries, and we wanted to spend. Hence, a general today’s world, individuals find them-
enables us to consider markets from impression of wealth emerged. At the selves questioning their ability to hang on
new perspectives and to find new ways same time, manufacturing-based coun- to their jobs on a daily basis. Consumer
of achieving economic growth. tries – especially China – kept churning confidence has plummeted, severely
out the products that we increasingly affected by diminished prosperity and

rom the end of the dot-com crash desired at ever-lower prices. It was a uncertain job prospects. This, combined
in 2001 to the beginning of the tremendously prosperous period for with deep cuts in public spending, has
financial crisis in the first decade companies and businesses, which only left individuals financially conservative
of this century, markets blossomed and had to comply with one requirement: and spending savvy (if they spend at all).
new business opportunities emerged to ensure their place on the map of the In addition, many companies and busi-
around the world. With property values evolving world. nesses have shifted their focus away from

We argue that it is far more paramount for firms to concentrate on top-line growth than on
lowering costs. While cost cutting can lead to an immediate increase in profit, an expansion of
the sources of revenue will lead to far more sustainable advantages. 11
Global Management

profitability and towards ensuring their then labour productivity tends to be inappropriate. Which place in forecast
economic survival. one-third the level in the home country.1 and predictability a quintessential part
Similarly, reducing costs for parts can of how value is generated. FEM are
The Importance of Top-Line have counter-productive effects: cheap distinct from some of the previous con-
Growth parts usually result in an increase in cepts related to new markets and new
While the outlook remains bleak, we costs associated with quality, service, market spaces due to the fact that FEM
do not believe that the situation is all operations and overhead. This can be represent potentially extremely lucrative
“doom and gloom”. Understandably, a particularly important consideration markets that many people are unaware
companies may adopt a policy of given that customer retention becomes of or have overlooked.
retrenchment in response to a real eco- more important in economically dif- How could so many of us have
nomic recession. In difficult times, ficult times. If all firms compete on missed out on these potential markets?
firms tend to favour business processes price, thrifty consumers will be more We believe that a combination of limita-
focused on “re-engineering”, “stream- inclined to base their purchase decisions tions inherent in the existing terminolo-
lining”, “restructuring”, reorganis- on the quality and unique features of gies and the prevalent conservative view
ing”, “downsizing” and “outsourcing” goods and services with similar prices. on growth play important roles. Thus
in order to maintain profitability. In Excessive cost slashing can therefore far, people have associated such expres-
fact, in challenging economic contexts, dampen sales. In summary, cost-saving sions as “emerging markets”, “emerg-
such means are often preferred because programmes are only effective in main- ing economies”, “frontier markets”
they are easier to pursue than revenue taining financial profitability if revenues and “developing markets/economies”
growth, which requires the enlarging do not shrink. with growth opportunities. In our view,
such concepts suffer from various short-
comings when describing new growth
FEM are distinct from some of the previous concepts related
to new markets and new market spaces due to the fact that First, these terms are obsolete if not
FEM represent potentially extremely lucrative markets that misleading. Terms such as “emerging
many people are unaware of or have overlooked. markets” traditionally refer to countries
or regions with inadequate economic
welfare and structures. However, this
of existing markets or the discovery of From this vantage point, we argue label is also applied to those econo-
new ones. The costs of retrenchment are that it is far more paramount for firms to mies that have already “emerged”. For
initially hardly visible. Some strategists concentrate on top-line growth than on example, until recently, The Economist
suggest that as the level of complexity in lowering costs. While cost cutting can viewed Singapore and Hong Kong as
the economic landscape rises, these pro- lead to an immediate increase in profit, emerging economies, and the FTSE
cesses “protect” companies from market an expansion of the sources of revenue labels them as “advanced emerging
expansion by enabling them to focus will lead to far more sustainable advan- markets”. Nevertheless, according to
on perfecting corporate introversion or tages. While new ways of lifting sales in the World Bank, the purchasing-power-
organisational alignment. tough times have been widely discussed adjusted per capita GDPs of Singapore
The downside of retrenchment is in the past, we suggest a new possibil- and Hong Kong in 2010 were USD
that it is, at best, a short-term solution ity: the identification of business oppor- 43,867 and USD 31,758, respectively.
that temporarily boosts earnings. It tunities in new markets, which we call On this basis, Singapore exceeded
produces few benefits in the long run “Fast-Expanding Markets” (FEM). Japan, Germany, France and the UK,
because it relies on a strict accountancy and both economies ranked above
perspective – costs can only be slashed Fast Expanding Markets Spain, Israel and Portugal. In contrast,
to a certain point without causing unin- Put simply, “Fast-Expanding Markets” numerous “advanced”, “emerged” and
tended consequences. For example, in refers to any rapidly growing oppor- “developed” economies, such as Greece,
order to cut costs, many companies have tunity in which the market is the focal Spain and Italy, are on the verge of eco-
moved production to countries with point. Such a market may exist at the nomic contraction. They might even be
less-expensive labour. However, this supranational, national, regional, indus- described as “submerging” markets.
does not necessarily lower costs – lower trial, cluster, sector, corporate or product Indeed, some of the stigma attached
labour efficiency alone might cancel level. FEM are everywhere. At times, to the concept of “emerging markets”
out anticipated savings. Furthermore, they grow intuitively, while at other are no longer valid and should be con-
past studies suggest that if labour costs times they grow counter-intuitively, tested vigorously. Emerging countries
in a new country are one-third the cor- so that the application of traditional tend to be seen as possessing small
responding costs in the home country, market and economic theories is often equity markets with levels of liquidity

12 The European Business Review March-April 2013

The level of corporate governance in various “emerging markets” is moving close to, if not
surpassing, levels seen in developed markets. As the distinction between “emerging” and “de-
veloped” markets blurs, the applicability of these descriptions becomes increasingly limited.

and price fluctuations typical of inef- new growth opportunities is lacking. We instance, the popularity of Japanese
ficient capital markets. Their labour believe that the FEM term can serve this comics, or manga, has been booming
efficiency and market size are often purpose. in the US for the past decade, even
believed to be reduced, and they are Third, these terms are overwhelm- though this genre is culturally distinct
often assumed to suffer from controver- ingly focused on the macroeconomic from mainstream US comics.5 The
sial policies that demonstrate economic context. Perhaps the greatest problem same is true of “cosplay”, a sub-culture
inadequacy. In reality, however, equity with expressions such as “emerg- originating from Japan in which people
markets in some “emerging” countries ing markets”, “developing markets”, dress in costumes and take on the roles
are sufficiently sizeable, with liquidity “advanced economies” and “developed of various characters from animated
and volatility levels that match those of markets” is that as long as markets are series or computer games. In Japan
their more “advanced” counterparts. At maintained as the unit of analysis, it is alone, the cosplay costume industry
the same time, the level of corporate gov- easy to miss growth markets in coun- grew by 5% in 2009, to around USD
ernance in various “emerging markets” tries with lacklustre overall economic 500m.6 Cosplay is becoming an impor-
is moving close to, if not surpassing, performance. If we only conduct analy- tant part of Japan's pop-culture exports.
levels seen in developed markets.2 As ses at the macroeconomic level, many Indeed, a “World Cosplay Summit”,
the distinction between “emerging” and growing business opportunities that which was sponsored in part by Japan's
“developed” markets blurs, the appli- have yet to contribute substantially to a Trade Ministry and publicised by
cability of these descriptions becomes country’s GDP will go unnoticed. It is Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
increasingly limited. It is, therefore, no exactly the identification of markets that was held in the summer of 2011.
wonder that The Economist (2008) called
for the term “emerging markets” to be
We can discover a new configuration of how markets
rendered obsolete. Clearly, a new term
is needed to describe growth markets.3 emerge by focusing on or around those pockets of growth,
Second, these terms only imply which develop in a much more spontaneous manner than
growth. While the difference between what we have been trained to anticipate.
"advanced” and “emerging” countries is
becoming increasingly ambiguous, one
distinction is clear: “emerging” markets are “off the radar” that create businesses While some may argue that “emerg-
are the engines of the world economy, advantages for companies. ing markets” as such are neither sizable
while “developed” economies are For example, many researchers nor significant, it is far harder to dispute
experiencing marginal growth, at best. have viewed Japan as a languishing the fact that they could offer growth
“Emerging” countries have experienced economy for the past two decades: its opportunities. The above example
above-average, if not substantial, GDP traditional businesses are facing ever- clearly illustrates that new opportuni-
growth in recent years, although part mounting cut-throat competition from ties exist at more granular levels. We
of this has been the result of starting China and Korea, and it ranks low in can discover a new configuration of
from a lower base. Linear extrapolation competitiveness.4 From this perspec- how markets emerge by focusing on
implies that these economies should tive, it may be tempting to view Japan or around those pockets of growth,
continue to show similar growth rates as a nation in continuous decline with which develop in a much more sponta-
in the coming years. The problem with few growth prospects and to discount it neous manner than what we have been
this line of logic is that growth is only as a potential source of new opportuni- trained to anticipate. Pockets are spon-
suggestive and structurally contingent, ties. However, this view reflects a focus taneous in nature, rebellious in behav-
if not conditional. Expressions such on the country’s macroeconomic situa- iour, fast and expanding at a rate that
as “emerging markets” or “developing tions. If we look deep enough, pockets would impress in terms of any indica-
countries” imply growth, but they do of exceptional growth can be observed. tor or in any angular analysis. Pockets
not explicitly stress this prospect. Given Whereas Japan’s consumer-electronic of growth are cells of FEM in that they
the importance of the search for fresh industry may appear to have passed its are embryonic transporters of new
sources of growth, it is surprising that prime, its pop culture-industry has been business opportunities that are often
a proper term dedicated to describing expanding in the global market. For untapped and undetected. 13
Global Management

Examples opportunities that honour real economy as the agency of devel-

To better understand FEM, we conducted extensive pilot opment rather than the financial-based economy that has created
research in an attempt to identify markets that could expand the disillusioned need of emerging economies, to despair, divide
by more than 15% per year over a period of three to five years. and impoverish our world even more.
This time span enabled us to exclude distortions arising from
speculative behaviour, which can be recursive in several prime About the Authors
and equity markets. Dr. Terence Tse is Associate Professor of Finance at ESCP
To our surprise, the markets that we identified as “fast” and Europe in the UK. He began his career in investment banking,
“expanding” were much more “fast and furious” than we ini- and later as an independent consultant to a University of
tially assumed. For example, the bio-stoves market in Kenya Cambridge-based biotech start-up and various major corpora-
has been growing by at least 300% annually for the last three tions. He worked as a consultant at Ernst & Young in London.
years, with growth peaking at 500% in 2012. Similarly, in He holds a PhD from the Judge Business School, University
Uganda, money transfers made through SMS-based technolo- of Cambridge, UK. ( )
gies totalled USD 17.5 billion in the last five years, with annual Dr. Mark Esposito is Associate Professor of Management
growth peaks ranging from 200% to 290%. This highlights at Grenoble Graduate School of Business in France &
an opportunity to turn the cancerous nature of an informal Instructor at the Harvard Extension School in the USA. He
economy into something formal. We also investigated whether serves as Senior Associate for the University of Cambridge
a form of FEM could be found in agriculture. We found that, Program for Sustainability Leadership in the UK. He has
for example, Bolivia’s economy has been supported by the rapid advised governments, the UN, and the NATO over the past
increase in demand for quinoa, which resulted in an annual 10 years on development and sustainability issues. He holds a
growth rate of 26% for the last five years. This FEM was not PhD from the International School of Management in Paris/
only inspired by technological innovation but also by a truly New York, in a joint program with St. John’s University.
territorial emergence across a number of organized economic (
complexities. Dr. Khaled Soufani is Associate Professor of Financial
Economics at the John Molson School of Business at
The Merits of the Fast-Expanding Markets Concordia University in Canada & member of the teach-
concept ing faculty at the Judge Business School in the UK. He
In short, FEM refers to any rapidly growing pocket of excel- has published extensively in the area of financial manage-
lence. Often, such pockets have gone undetected given the fix- ment, corporate restructuring, M&A, private equity, venture
ation on terms such as “emerging” and “developing” econo- capital and family business, and also the financial and eco-
mies. In contrast to these terms, FEM places explicit emphasis nomic affairs of small-medium sized enterprises. His work is
on the growth aspect. The adoption of this perspective enables widely cited and included in policy reports by organizations
the exploration of markets at more granular levels. such as the EU, OECD, and the Institute of Directors. He
Some may suggest that the term FEM is too broad to be holds a Masters degree in Applied Economics and a PhD
useful. However, we believe that it is exactly this characteristic in Financial Economics from the University of Nottingham.
that allows the term to encompass a vast variety of business (
opportunities and new sources of wealth, which could truly
shape new seeds of prosperity. It is only by broadening our References
horizons that we can break away from limitations imposed by 1. Anderson, David M. (2008) "Build-to-Order & Mass Customization: The
such popular terms as “emerging”, “developing/developed” Ultimate Supply Chain Management and Lean Manufacturing Strategy for Low-
or “frontier” markets. Cost On-Demand Production without Forecasts or Inventory," CIM Press.
2. Everest Capital (2009) “The End of Emerging Markets,” November,,
FEM places explicit emphasis on the growth accessed on 7 November 2011.
3. The fact that The Economist uses term “emerging markets” while it
aspect, which enables the exploration of simultaneously calls for a halt in the use of the term highlights the genuine
markets at more granular levels. need for new term to describe up-and-coming markets.
4. According to the IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook (2011), Japan
ranks twenty-sixth, putting it behind Qatar (8), Malaysia (16), China (19)
Moreover, some may argue that FEM are nothing more than and Korea (22), and just marginally above Thailand (27), the UAE (28),
conjectures, as forecasting naturally entails disappointments. Chile (29) and India (32).
This may be true – admittedly, not every FEM will deliver prom- 5. Matsui, Takashi (2009) "The Diffusion of Foreign Cultural Products: The Case
ising results. However, analyses of FEM phenomena should Analysis of Japanese Comics (Manga) Market in the US", Working Paper #37,
Center for Arts and Cultural Policy Studies, Princeton University, Spring.
help us prepare for the future. In a sense, these markets are akin 6. The Economist (2011) “Cosplay with me,” 10 August, http://www.econ-
to a compass – while they may not provide enough informa-, accessed
tion to pinpoint exactly what lies in the future, they can generate on 9 November 2011.

14 The European Business Review March-April 2013

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