Summary Product Distribution Guia 2

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At present it is necessary to know that different companies at any time that need a
means of transport to move their products to the market, regardless of the
economic activity to which it is dedicated, the important thing is that when choosing
to distribute your merchandise you must make a previous planning so that the
client has to answer questions about important aspects, to carry it out, what is the
reason for which the service provider? at the agreed time and in the best
conditions, know the product a fondo, know if this is a perishable or not, in this way
opt for a transport that is fast, also must take into account if the merchandise is
classified as dangerous or not dangerous and in this way it reports to the
competent entities, another factor to highlight that it is necessary that the product
be safe if there is an unforeseen inconvenience and, therefore, to insure the goods
and not have, as soon as the insurance is important for Define in terms that cover
the cost of this insurance if it is the manufacturer or the customer and finally you
should know if what you are going to transport is very valuable and how to carry
out a tracking system that is exactly where the product is located.
So, the other modes of transport, including road mode, this is an economic mode
and one of the most flexible, but it has to be detrimental to the environment and
this mode has certain measures that must be met when transporting it by road.
There is also the rail way. The advantages of this is that it is a fast mode, quite
friendly to the environment and not subject to delays, but it also has its
disadvantages, which is not very flexible and can be very expensive. .

On the other hand, we have the air mode, its benefits are very similar to those
used when it is transported but it is very little ecological and expensive, it is
important to emphasize in this way that it can be a cargo agent. Find out what
agent is and observe what path has in the market.
And, finally, the maritime mode if the products are sent by this mode in greater
quantities, it is more economical, however it is a very slow and inflexible mode;
Cargo ships by sea are made up of container ships, ships that transport loose
cargo, also found by bulk carriers and liquid products such as oil.


Boarding: The term boarding is that used to refer to the moment in which a person
or an object is introduced to some type of vessel to be transported from one place
to another.

carriers: is a ship that is dedicated to the transport of dry bulk cargoes.

Container ship: Ship destined to the transport of goods in containers.

Dangerous: Danger is a situation that produces a level of threat to life, health,

property or the environment.

Demand: Demand that imposes a certain thing or is derived from it.

Distribution: is that set of activities, which take place from the moment the product
has been made by the manufacturer until it has been purchased by the final
consumer, and whose purpose is precisely to get the product (good or service) to
the consumer.

Ecological: Ecology is the branch of biology that studies the relationships of

different living beings with each other and with their environment: "the biology of

Flexible: That adapts easily to changes and to different situations or circumstances


Freighter: carrying cargo.

Mobilize: Put a person or a thing into activity or movement

Mode: Set of characteristics or circumstances that distinguish each performance of

an action.

Perishable: That has a limited duration, is destined to perish, lose its usefulness or
validity, or break down in a certain period of time.

Planning: implies having one or several objectives in common, together with actions
required to conclude successfully.

Product: it is an eligible, viable and repeatable option that the offer makes available
to the demand, to satisfy a need or meet a desire through its use or consumption.

Routes: it is an eligible, viable and repeatable option that the offer makes available
to the demand, to satisfy a need or meet a desire through its use or consumption.
Transport: it is an activity of the tertiary sector, understood as the movement of
objects, animals or people from one place to another in a vehicle that uses a certain

Trajectory: Course or evolution that, over time, follows the behavior of a person or
a social group in their intellectual, moral, artistic, economic activities, etc.

Unforeseen: What happens without being foreseen.

Vagrants: that goes wandering without a fixed destination.

Vessel: Large ship of more than five hundred tons, with more than one deck and
conditioned for long journeys, used for military or commercial purposes.

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