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Master of Business Administration

(Hospitality Management)
Academic Year: 2009/2010
(Cohorts: C45369 & C45370)



Marketing and Customer Service Quality in Hospitality
Module Code: Organisations

Module Credits: 15 at level 7 (M)

Lecturer: Jon Twomey

Assessment No and Format: Marketing Audit and Plan

Course Work (CSW) individual report

Assessment Weighting: 100%

Date of Submission: 5th November On time  Late 


Length: 4000 word (+/- 10%) word written report

Hand in procedure: Hard copy to MBA Administrator by 16.00 on day of


Learning Outcomes L1 – L7
Skills mapped:  Team work/Individual work
 Presentation skills
 Analytical skills
 Self evaluation
 Management of information

MBA/Assignments/MKT101/FINAL Assn 2/CohortsJune2010/C45369/C45370/Sept2010-JT 1

Master of Business Administration
Hospitality Management)

Academic Year 2009/2010 – Cohort March 2010 – C44540

University of Wales - Ealing Hammersmith & West London College


Marketing and Customer Service Quality in Hospitality Organisations


Learning outcomes covered

L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6, L7

Submission date: 5th November 2010

Marketing Plan Assignment Brief

Create an original One Year Marketing Plan (in outline only) for an individual property of a
named hospitality organisation of your choice. (I.e., for one specific Hotel or Restaurant if
part of a chain.)
It is important to remember that good Marketing Plans are based upon a deep
understanding of your potential future customer/client/guests’ needs/wants.
Your plan should be well-structured and incorporate a data rich and rank ordered SWOT
analysis, SMART objectives, and strategic options with a clear recommendation, tactics,
implementation schedule, resources & control, incorporating many aspects of the
syllabus/course programme, as indicated in the marking guide provided in the module
This is not a prescriptive checklist, but is supplied for student guidance and assignment
support purposes only.
Your plan should be no longer than 2,500 words and be presented in report format in a
Word (or similar) document. It will need to include a Title page with word count, Contents
page and Bibliography (source list) with all source material being properly referenced as
using the Harvard Referencing System. No appendices are required.

Word count - Students must keep to the recommended 2,500 word count, within a margin
of (+/- 10%). Any assignments that exceed this will be penalised by students forfeiting
the ‘format and presentation’ marks. No appendices are necessary. Works that grossly
exceeds the recommended word count will be returned unmarked and students will be
asked to complete and submit a new assignment.

In this assessment it is intended that you are able to address the entire range of learning
outcomes as shown above and detailed in the course handbook.

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