Emerging Leader

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   IQ of 130 or higher. The person needs to be a quick learner/quick

   Emerging leaders can communicate a compelling vision for the future.

     Emerging leaders need to be able to make sound decisions
without undue delay. They gather as much information as quickly as possible, and move on the
decision, and at the end of the day, the decision they make is usually one that you can stand

  Great future leaders stand for change, initiate change and get behind cultural
changes happening inside your company.

  Emerging leaders have a passion for work and are high energy in nature. They
aren't slaves to the company, but they give 110% while they are working, and they are willing to
go the extra mile and pitch in to help out when help is needed.


  Our future leaders must be able to coach other people so
that they are empowered to make smart decisions and can develop out their skills, both soft and
hard skills.

# $  %%" Top leaders understand the trends in the marketplace and know how to
help the company build out the brand so that customers are clear about your company and
receive red carpet treatment.

& '  "Emerging leaders need to be able to think ahead, to spot trends and to be
able to paint a crystal clear picture of how plans "fit together" so that a breakthrough plan can be
developed out.

(      Both oral and written skills need to be professional, crisp and clear.
Emerging leaders need to be able to communicate not only by text, e-mail and Facebook but in
face to face conversations and through a well-written letter.

c) *  "    !  Emerging leaders need to be able to play well on a team.
They need to be able to seek out the opinion of others and build consensus so that the team
moves in sync in the direction of established goals and the vision for your company.

Once you have spotted your emerging leaders, it will be time to sit down with these individuals
and formulate a true leadership plan. The plan should focus on strengthening the above skills and
also addressing topics such as:

j ïonflict resolution
j Emotional intelligence
j ïritical thinking
j Detworking with higher management
j [earning everything they need to know about the past, present and future of the company


1. Integration of skills and attitudes - A leader must have a combination of the two important
elements which are skill and attitudes. A leader must have an area of expertise from which
followers learn from and his or her attitude must be that of one who is always learning, willing to
change and open to new ideas. If a leader can not marry skills with attitudes, he/she gets left

2. Interrogation of issues to solicit answers - [eaders exist to help organizations and teams to
solve problems. They help to interrogate and investigate the root of the problem before
prescribing an answer. [eaders dig to the core of the matter and to bring out a life changing and
destiny shaping solution which the organization can benefit from. If you can not confront issues
then you need to give way for those who can take issues head on.

3. Integrity of character - A leader's character should have a high element of integrity above all.
It is integrity which will purchase the influence which every leader requires to get followers.
People follow what they see a leader do in terms of living his/her life not necessarily the dictates
and commands that are given. Integrity is not to be spoken of but lived for others to see.

4. Interpretation of concepts objectively - Failure to observe and interpret [eadership concepts

will lead to situations where the leader loses credibility. A leader "reads" into situations and
derives meaning. He sees where to add value. When situations arise, he/she is objective enough
to handle them without bias towards his/her own desires or intentions.

5. Intervention strategy - In the course of leading teams, there will be a demand on the leader to
step in and provide counsel, intervene in crisis situations, conflict resolution and so on. If a
leader keeps to him/herself then the usefulness dwindles. A good leader knows which tree to
bark. He does not intervene where it is not absolutely necessary.

6. Interested in International focus - You can not be effective as a leader when you always think
local. You have to become a global player learning about how things are happening elsewhere in
the world. Your organization will make use of the internet someday. Be well placed such that
your skills, experiences and attitudes are attractive even to global markets.

7. Intentionality in all activity - Dothing ever happens unless and until a leader is deliberate and
intentional about it. All activity that a leader gets to do in directing the success of the company is
intentional. It may not be comfortable activity but it has to be done

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