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Subject : English Class: Time
Theme : World of Self, Family, LESSON
Focus skill: Speaking CCE: Financial education Date:
and Friends 62
Teaching aids: 21st Century Skills/Strategy/Activity:
Picture, dialogue chart, speaking cards, Communication, collaboration, role play, moral value.
Language/Grammar focus:
Clothes vocabulary, Do you like…? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
Get Dressed!

M 2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly C 2.2 Use appropriate communication strategies

2.1.2 Find out about personal information by asking 2.2.1 Keep interaction going in short exchanges by
M basic questions C using suitable non-verbal responses
At the end of the lesson, most pupils will be able to ask basic questions to find out about clothes their friend would
M like to buy.
At the end of the lesson, some pupils will be able to use suitable non-verbal responses to keep interaction
C going in short conversation.
1. Show a picture.
2. Elicit what they can see.
I. PRE-LESSON 3. Ask questions to encourage active participation.
E.g. When do you go shopping, who do yo go with? Which new clothes would you like to buy
right now?
1. Introduce the activity ‘Let’s Go Shopping’.
2. Display a model dialogue chart on the board.
3. Practise the model dialogue with the class.
4. Divide pupils into 2 groups. Assign them roles.
5. Pupils practise the model dialogue according to the roles assigned.
6. Exchange roles.
7. Demonstrate the activity.
8. Distribute speaking cards to pairs.
9. Tell pupils that they are going to buy some clothes that they like in a shop.
10. Using the model dialogue given, pupils take turns to become shopper and shop assistant.
11. Pupils practise the role play in pairs.
12. Volunteer pairs role play for the class
1. Recap with pupils what we learned today.
III. POST LESSON 2. Remind pupils to spend their money wisely.
3. Exercise: Ask pupils to copy the dialogue into their exercise books.

a. ___ out of ___ pupils were able to ask basic questions to find Lesson postpone:
M out what clothes their friend would like to buy. a. Course c. CRK
b. Sick leave d. Meeting
a. ___ out of ___ pupils were able to use suitable non-verbal
C responses to keep interaction going in short conversation. Other :
Model Dialogue
Shop assistant : May I help you?
Shopper : I’m looking for socks.
Shop assistant : What colour would you like?
Shopper : Yellow .
Shop assistant : Do you like this / these?
Shopper : Yes, I do. How much?
Shop assistant : It’s RM10 .
Shopper : I’ll take it. Here you are.
Shop assistant : Thanks.
Shopper : You’re welcome.
Speaking Card
Shop assistant : May I help you?
Shopper : I’m looking for _______ .
Shop assistant : What colour would you like?
Shopper : ___________ .
Shop assistant : Do you like this / these?
Shopper : Yes, I do. How much?
Shop assistant : It’s RM ___ .
Shopper : I’ll take it. Here you are.
Shop assistant : Thanks.
Shopper : You’re welcome.

Shop assistant : May I help you?

Shopper : I’m looking for _______ .
Shop assistant : What colour would you like?
Shopper : ___________ .
Shop assistant : Do you like this / these?
Shopper : Yes, I do. How much?
Shop assistant : It’s RM ___ .
Shopper : I’ll take it. Here you are.
Shop assistant : Thanks.
Shopper : You’re welcome.

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