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m Not started

Project Plan mnüu

n On Plan
ü Complete
u Issues
Date of Report Jun 30, 2005

Name Client Performance Management System Sponsor Bill Praxton, CFO

Start Date 10/1/04 End Date 3/28/06
Not Started On Plan Complete
Balanced Scorecard Design and Development Plan m n ü
Issues u
Impact on
Actual Start Tentative Completion Target Completion
Item No Task Comments Deliverables Lead
Date Start Date (Actual vs. date & Status
1. Refresh the Strategic Plan 12/1/04 4/30/05
Review current strategic planning documents
1.1 and determine if the current plan is 11/15/04 3/31/05 n
appropriate for the Balanced Scorecard

1.2 Prepare for Strategic Planning Off-site 2/1/05 4/15/05 ü

Strategic Planning working group to develop
1) Kick off meeting of technical
1.3 draft revised Strategic Plan - See Planning 3/22/05 m group
Workshop Coordinator for more details
Senior Leadership approves revised Strategic
After Phase 3 m

Communicate Strategic Plan and Balanced 1) Strategic Plan booklet

Scorecard in printed and electronic format
After Phase 3 m 2) Strategy Map Draft

2. Strategy Map / Strategic Plan 3/1/05

Preliminary Draft Map with no extras for Gap
2.1 3) Very Basic Strategy Map
Analysis only
4) Gap Analysis Results and
Isolate holes / gaps between draft strategic
2.2 recommendations to fill out S-
plan vs. Draft Strategy Map

Make revisions to lower level objectives in

Draft Strategic Plan and fill-out Strategy Map 5) Revised Strategic Plan
for all components - themes, narrative add- 6) Revised Strategy Map
on's and complete cause-effect flows.

Approval of Revised Strategic Plan and Final May have to schedule at joint
2.4 7) Briefing Session
and Complete Strategy Map leadership off-site
Develop Communication Plan for Strategic
2.5 8) Communication Plan

Launch Action Plan Steps for Strategic Plan May require meetings and other 9) Action Plan for
with Strategy Map events per the Communication Plan Communication Plan

DRAFT Page 1 of 14
m Not started

Project Plan mnüu

n On Plan
ü Complete
u Issues
Date of Report Jun 30, 2005

Name Client Performance Management System Sponsor Bill Praxton, CFO

Start Date 10/1/04 End Date 3/28/06
Not Started On Plan Complete
Balanced Scorecard Design and Development Plan m n ü
Issues u
Impact on
Actual Start Tentative Completion Target Completion
Item No Task Comments Deliverables Lead
Date Start Date (Actual vs. date & Status
Centralize feedback and comments for next Output from this step does not get
10) Feedback Collection
2.7 planning cycle. Collect and recommend for acted upon until next annual planning
System and Reports
next planning session cycle. cycle.
3. Measurements and Targets
Create measurement and target development
11) Performance measurement
3.1 workplan complete with templates and
training, tools, methodology

Final set of tools to

Quality control review to refine and improve
3.2 development enterprise wide
complete measurement approach for client
performance measurements

Extend each objective on the Strategy Map

3.3 Follow the methodology and training
into one to three performance measurements
Solicit input and feedback from functional Revised set of performance
leads and line and staff personnel measurements
Establish a set of targets in accordance with
3.5 operational goals that are linked to the Targets for each measurement
Strategic Plan
Identify initiatives and projects related to
3.6 Scorecard Model
execution of each objective. Extend the Map
Prototype test Scorecard Model for data points Make sure model is tight / fits across
that use existing measurement data all components

Complete a comprehensive measurement Performance measurement

template for database development development template

4. Initiative Mapping and Budgeting

Extend Initiative and Projects that are part

Extended Scorecard Model ensures
4.1 of Scorecard Model into Action Plans or Extended Scorecard Model
execution of the Strategic Plan
document with existing plans

Link the Initiative / Projects within the

Scorecard Model to the Budgeting Process

DRAFT Page 2 of 14
m Not started

Project Plan mnüu

n On Plan
ü Complete
u Issues
Date of Report Jun 30, 2005

Name Client Performance Management System Sponsor Bill Praxton, CFO

Start Date 10/1/04 End Date 3/28/06
Not Started On Plan Complete
Balanced Scorecard Design and Development Plan m n ü
Issues u
Impact on
Actual Start Tentative Completion Target Completion
Item No Task Comments Deliverables Lead
Date Start Date (Actual vs. date & Status

Identify gaps and short coming with linking Recommended Changes to

and make recommendations to improve Link Processes Together

Cross walk all major initiatives against the

Graph of what should get
4.4 Strategic Objectives - Pareto Chart the
resourced vs. what should not
initiatives / projects
Work back upstream from initiatives /
projects not linked and document any Operating Plan / Sub Objective
missing lower level objectives in strategic Additions
plan and / or strategy map

5. Reporting Framework (Database)

Map and build a framework structure from the
See other similar models from other Visual prototype framework for
5.1 highest organizational level down to the
performance management projects review
managerial level

Align and link lower level components by

5.2 through objective setting - upper to lower by
organizational level / reporting units

Assign performance measurements for lower

5.3 level objectives. Index across common
reporting units for the same objective.

Complete a comprehensive measurement

5.4 template for database development for this
reporting level (lower objectives)

NOTE: The IT Design and

Various automated tools, such
Development Plan covers automation
5.5 as data collection forms,
of the Enterprise Strategic
Prototype test and revise database design of reporting tools, etc.
Management System
Balanced Scorecard System - (ESMS

5.6 Roll out test modules at pilot sites - flush out

lessons learned and update IT Plans

Cascade and development plan for Enterprise ESMS Design and

Strategic Management System (ESMS) Development Plan

DRAFT Page 3 of 14
m Not started

Project Plan mnüu

n On Plan
ü Complete
u Issues
Date of Report Jun 30, 2005

Name Client Performance Management System Sponsor Bill Praxton, CFO

Start Date 10/1/04 End Date 3/28/06
Not Started On Plan Complete
Balanced Scorecard Design and Development Plan m n ü
Issues u
Impact on
Actual Start Tentative Completion Target Completion
Item No Task Comments Deliverables Lead
Date Start Date (Actual vs. date & Status

Baseline End Date 3/28/06

Major Issues
Item No. Description Comments Status

DRAFT Page 4 of 14
All Measurements Used in the ESMS Database

PM # Performance Measure BSC Framework Strategic Goal or Objective Major Organizational Unit Function / Dept / Sub Group Service or Product Line (if Type of Measure Measure Justification Definition Data Elements To Be Data Source Data Collection Frequency PM Calculation Formula Actual FY 03
per BSC or Strategic Plan applicable) Collected D/W/M/Q/SA/A

What is the PM number for What metric(s) should we use to Is this measure a Customer, Insert major goals or objectives in Insert a list of the major Insert a Link here to reference Insert the Operating Area such Is this measure a Why are we using this How do we define this measure? What are the data elements Where does the data How frequently should the What is the formula for What is the actual
referencing. Could be LMR # or measure whether we have met our Process, Learn & Grow or this box as a reference in organizational unit names in back a list of Functions / as Product or Service Line - To 1) Strategic metric? for caclulating the measure? reside? data be collected? calculating the measure? result of this measure
a unique number for local requirements? Resources measure based on the completing this template this box for reference in Departments and other be used for Product 2) Operational for the Year 2003?
metrics? BSC framework? completing this template organizational units in Performance Analysis 3) Tactical

completing this template 4) Individual

5 of 14
All Measurements Used in the ESMS Database

PM # Performance Measure Actual FY 04 Green Standard Amber Standard Red Standard Primary Functional POC Data Available? Notes

What is the PM number for What metric(s) should we use to What is the actual What is the Green What is the Amber What is the Red Who is the primary owner Y/N Are there any additional notes regarding the
referencing. Could be LMR # or measure whether we have met our result of this measure Threshold? Threshold? Threshold? for the measure and their measure?
a unique number for local requirements? for the Year 2004? email address?

6 of 14
Balanced Scorecard Project

Degree of Reliability
Update Frequency /
Graded Attributes

Quality Review of Metrics


(Hard Data
Review and score all measurements used in your scorecard model

F1.1 % Revenue Growth 4 4

Financial Objective F1.2
(F1) F1.3
Financial Objective F2.2
(F2) F2.3
Financial Objective F3.2
(F3) F3.3
Customer Objective C1.2
(C1) C1.3
Customer Objective C2.2
(P2) C2.3
Process Objective P1.2
(P1) P1.3
Process Objective P2.2
(P2) P2.3
Process Objective P3.2
(P5) P3.3
Process Objective P4.2
(P4) P4.3
L & G Objective (L1)
L & G Objective (L2)
L & G Objective (L2)
L & G Objective (L3)
Rate each Measurement for these attributes on a scale of 1 to 5:
1. Update Frequency: Measurement can get updated on a regular basis; M for Monthly, Q for Quarterly, A for Annual, etc.
2. Degree of Reliability: Can you easily measure the performance objective or is it too subjective when it comes to measurabili
3. Encourages the right behavior: Measurements should not confuse, distort, or create the wrong performance behavior within
4. Degree of Fit: Measurement fits with the culture and processes of Organization and flows well from Lower Level to Upper Le
5. Degree of Support: Client has existing procedures and processes that can support the measurement (such as available dat

Maximum Score 25
Degree of Support /

Leading or Lagging
Degree of Fit with
Encourages the

Client's Culture

Single or Index
right behavior

Available Info


Total Overall
Points Grade
3 4 5 20 80% Lagging Single
0 0%
0 0%
0 0%
0 0%
0 0%
0 0%
0 0%
0 0%
0 0%
0 0%
0 0%
0 0%
0 0%
0 0%
0 0%
0 0%
0 0%
0 0%
0 0%
0 0%
0 0%
0 0%
0 0%
0 0%
0 0%
0 0%
0 0%
0 0%
0 0%
0 0%
0 0%
0 0%
0 0%
0 0%
0 0%
0 0%
0 0%
0 0%
0 0%
0 0%
0 0%
0 0%
0 0%
0 0%
0 0%
0 0%
0 0%

Quarterly, A for Annual, etc.

ve when it comes to measurability.
ong performance behavior within the Organization. Controllable?
well from Lower Level to Upper Level. (MACRO FIT - ORGANIZATIONAL)
surement (such as available data is in place)
Alignment Matrix

Vision Mission Values






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Name Area Location Desk Phone

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Cell Phone Email

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