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Table of Contents

Current Formats................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ............. 2

Battery (Native Instruments).............................................................................................................................................2
Toontrack DFH 1 and 2 ....................................................................................................................................................2
Toontrack Superior 1 ........................................................................................................................................................3
Toontrack Superior 2 ........................................................................................................................................................4
Groove Agent ...................................................................................................................................................................4
IMAP .................................................................................................................................................................................4
Larry Seyers .....................................................................................................................................................................4
Session Drummer (Cakewalk)..........................................................................................................................................5
Cakewalk Studio Instruments...........................................................................................................................................5
Ableton Live Session Drums ............................................................................................................................................5
Ableton Live Impulse ........................................................................................................................................................5
Steven Slate Drums 3.5 ...................................................................................................................................................5
Steven Slate Drums 4 ......................................................................................................................................................5
Eco (FXpansion)...............................................................................................................................................................6
Ministry of Rock 2 .............................................................................................................................................................6
Abbey Road Drums (Native Instruments).........................................................................................................................6
Studio Drummer (Native Instruments)..............................................................................................................................6
FL Studio FPC ..................................................................................................................................................................6
We currently offer our customers over a dozen mappings and formats! As we add new formats, they’re added to our
“Supplemental Mappings” download. This download is available from our customer download area (top menu, right side
after logging in).

Note: New formats are added all the time and you can request that we map our loops for your drum samples. Please
email to make a request. If you have any questions about our mappings and formats,
please let us know.

For a complete listing of available formats arranged by product, please click here: Groove Monkee Formats

Current Formats
Battery (Native Instruments)
Installation of Kits

If you haven’t already installed our Battery kits, you should do so now.

1. Download the “Extras” zip file from our download area.

2. Install the kits

Move or Copy the folder named “00 – Groove Monkee Kits” into your Battery Library folder. Your Battery Library folder
contains the standard Battery kit folders and samples. After copying our kit folder to your Battery library folder, start
Battery and you'll see the new kits along with your other Battery kits.

Tip: If Battery reports the samples as “missing”, please click on the button named “Search the File System”.

Loops for Battery

1. Download the zip file named “Supplemental Mappings” from our download area.
2. Extract (“unarchive”) this file.
3. Find the folder with “GM” at the end.
4. Use either the type 1 (named “single track”) or the type 0 loops with Battery and our Battery kits.

Groove Monkee Battery Kits

We’ve rearranged some of the standard Battery kits to work with our MIDI loops. At this time, we’ve revised most of the
acoustic kits, two Electronic kits (Ate Oh Wait and Nein Oh Nein) and the Dub Remix Kit. You can also use the acoustic
“GM kit” that ships with Battery. Some of our kits have percussion mapped per the GM standard: Ate Oh Wait and Nein
Oh Nein, Dub Remix (partial percussion included).

You can make your own kits also. If you need assistance, please contact

Toontrack DFH 1 and 2

These files should work with either product and are stored in folders with “DFH” in the name.

Important: Loops for the newer, Superior 2, are available in the folder with “Superior” at the end.
Toontrack Superior 1
You can use our Superior 2 loops with Superior 1 also. These files are stored in folders with “Superior 2” in the name
(NOT SD2!). Here's how...

When you start Superior, select "GM Extended" mode. If you already have Superior 1 open, simply restart it and it will
give you the option to select GM Extended mode.

Superior 1 Kits

We've made it easy for you by creating five Superior 1 kits for use with our loops. The five kits are slightly modified
versions of the five original Superior 1 kits (DW, Fibes, Ludwig, Premier, Sonor). Same kick, snares, toms, etc.

These kits guarantee that the ride and cymbals trigger properly with our loops. You can edit these kits if you like and save
them for future use. You don't have to use them BUT they give you a starting point and eliminate guessing which of the
cymbal and ride slots to use.

Note: You can use any kits you like as long as you have the ride and crashes loaded properly (ride slot 4, cymbal slots 2
and 4...don't forget the cowbell (special), splash and spock (china) too!

Bottom line: It is very easy to start with our kits and change them, if necessary, to suit your style!

How to get the Kits

The Superior 1 kits are included in our customer download area (top menu, right side AFTER you login).

After making a purchase, You'll find the kits in the download named "Extras" and the Superior 2 files in the download
named "Supplemental Mappings".
Toontrack Superior 2
These files are stored in folders with “Superior” in the name (NOT SD2!). You can use our loops with EZPlayer or with the
built in groove browser.

A. Here's how to setup Groove Monkee loops for use with the Superior 2 groove browser:

Copy our Superior 2 folders into the Toontrack “My MIDIFILES” folder and you'll be able to use the groove browser to
audition loops and drag and drop loops into your host (Sonar, Cubase, Pro Tools, etc.).

NOTE: You can find the Toontrack "My MIDIFILES" folder by opening the Superior 2 groove browser and right clicking or
double left clicking on the "My MIDIFILES" folder. On a PC, this will open up a Windows Explorer window so you can see
the exact location of the folder.

B. Here's how to setup Groove Monkee loops for use with Superior 2 and EZPlayer Pro:

1. Create a folder on your hard drive named "Groove Monkee Superior 2"
2. Create two folders inside the folder you created in step 1,
"Groove Monkee Drums" and "Groove Monkee Percussion"
3. Move your Groove Monkee Superior loops into the folder named
"Groove Monkee Drums"
4. Move your Groove Monkee Superior PERCUSSION loops into the folder
named "Groove Monkee Percussion". This only applies to World Beats
and Fusion at this time.
5. Open EZPlayer Pro and add a path to the folder "Groove Monkee
Drums". Select MENU, then "Add Path", browse to the folder and
press Select
6. Set the following parameters: Instrument type "Drums"; Source
mapping "Toontrack, Superior 2"; Kit pieces "GM Extended"
7. Add a path to the folder "Groove Monkee Percussion". Select MENU,
then "Add Path", browse to the folder and press Select
8. Set the following parameters: Instrument type "Percussion"; Source
mapping "Toontrack, EZdrummer"; Kit pieces "EZX Latin Percussion"

We have drum maps (Cubase, Cakewalk, Reaper, Acid Pro) for this mapping in our “Extras” download.

Groove Agent
These files are stored in folders with “GA” in the name. Please note that these files are only mapped for use with Groove
Agent as a sound module. That is, you import these files into a midi and set the output of the track to Groove Agent.

These files are stored in folders with “IMAP” in the name. They should work properly with any product that follows Sonic
Reality’s IMAP standard. This includes Ocean Way Drums.

We have drum maps (Cubase, Cakewalk, Reaper, Acid Pro) for this mapping in our “Extras” download.

Larry Seyers
These files are stored in folders with “LS EXT” in the name. This stands for Larry Seyer Extended mapping. These files
should work properly with any of their kits. We have drum maps (Cubase, Cakewalk, Reaper, Acid Pro) for this mapping in
our “Extras” download.
Session Drummer (Cakewalk)
These files are stored in folders with “Session Drummer” in the name. These files are in MIDI groove clip format and
starting with Sonar 8 or Home Studio 7, you can preview and loop these files in the “Loop Explorer” window.

Please note that these loops are NOT set up as Session Drummer presets. You import these files into a midi track in
Cakewalk and set the output of the track to Session Drummer.

Cakewalk Studio Instruments

These files are stored in folders with “ “Session Drummer” in the name. These files are in MIDI groove clip format and
starting with Sonar 8 or Home Studio 7, you can preview and loop these files in the “Loop Explorer” window.

Ableton Live Session Drums

These files are stored in folders with “Live SD” in the name.

Ableton Live Impulse

You can try using our GM mapped files with Impulse (v. 6+) by following the procedure below:

You should chain together several in-box devices which seem to work at converting GM notes for Impulse. Listed below
are the devices in the rack, from left to right:

1. Pitch device, adding 24 semitones to the MIDI notes

2. GM Drum Map (comes in-box in Live 6)
3. GM to Impulse Remapper (comes in-box in Live 6)

Save the three midi presets as a group.

Steven Slate Drums 3.5

These files are mapped for Steven Slate Drums 3.5 or later. They are stored in folders with “SSD” in the name. We have
drum maps (Cubase, Cakewalk, Reaper, Acid Pro) for this mapping in our “Extras” download.

NOTE: If you need loops mapped for earlier versions of Steven Slate Drums, please contact

Steven Slate Drums 4


1. Close your host software (eg. Logic, Cubase, Sonar, etc.).

2. Move or copy our folder (ends with ".lib") into your SSD4 “Grooves” folder. This folder is located in the SSD4 “Library”
folder. Do NOT move the Groove Monkee folder with “SSD4” at the end. Move the folder inside that ends with .lib!
3. Restart your host and the grooves should appear inside the groove player.

Example: If you installed SSD4 in your “G:\Programs” folder, look for something like...

IMPORTANT: At this time (1-12-2012), SSD4 Kits do NOT follow a consistent tom mapping. The kits have either 2, 3 or 4
toms. They are not mapped consistently and there are empty tom slots. For best results, you should manually fill all 4 tom
slots, if necessary.

Problems? Make sure that you moved ONLY the folder(s) with .lib at the end!
Eco (FXpansion)
We are building Eco support into our installers as of October 2011. If a particular installer doesn’t support Eco at this time,
you can follow these instructions. Please contact if you need assistance.

1. Close Eco, if necessary

2. Find your Eco "grooves" folder:

a. Open Eco
b. Click on the "option" menu (it is the "checkbox" icon)
c. Click on "set data path...." This will show you the location of your Eco "grooves" folder.

3. Copy the contents of our "Eco" folder into your Eco "grooves" folder.

4. Start Eco
5. Click on the Eco preferences ("checkbox" icon)
6. Click "Rebuild Databases"

Finding the grooves in Eco

Look in one of the Eco filter boxes (left side), select "Library" to allow searches by product name.
You can also select "Author" to search for all Groove Monkee packs.

You can now select a specific Groove Monkee library and then filter by time signature, tempo, etc.

Ministry of Rock 2
These files are stored in folders with “MOR” in the name. Not all packs have been mapped for MOR 2. Please send us an
email request if you’d like us to map a particular pack for MOR.

Abbey Road Drums (Native Instruments)

Update: The Abbey Road Drum Kits now include grooves and a groove browser. It appears that at least some of the kits
(eg. The “Modern Drums” series) are mapped very similarly. You should be able to use our “Studio Drummer” grooves.

Also, Abbey Road allows you to change the internal mapping of their kits. You can use either our GM (general midi) or
Superior loops with Abbey Road.

Note: the 1960s kits originally did not have the ‘remap’ feature so you may need to upgrade if you’re not running the latest

Studio Drummer (Native Instruments)

These files are stored in folders with “Studio Drummer” in the name. Not all packs have been mapped for Studio
Drummer. Please send us an email to request a Studio Drummer mapping for a specific pack.


Copy our Studio Drummer folder into your ‘Studio Drummer Library\MIDI Files’ folder. These files work with the default
Studio Drummer kit mappings.

FL Studio FPC
These files are stored in folders with “FPC” in the name.

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