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Nature's Way To Prosperity

(Ask And It Shall Be Given)

T his book is dedicated to my son Dean, my
daughters Kim and Michele; and to my
beautiful little granddaughter Tammy. Also
to Sue Poole, who suggested that I should
write another book.

•\lr L ' Prler /nil)' be contacted <1 1: 27 B amf ield, W'hi!, hurch,
B ristul BS U OSN iE ngl,;"d1. Those .ksiri'lE a u ply should
enclose a stamped, self-addressed eJlt't?!opei.

1. X~l lln', \\"1\" To Pr""P"rily

1. A,k and h Sh~ Be GiH11

Copyright © 1992
, . ~
The greater the secret of nature, then the greater is its simplicity.
This is the reason why orthodox scientists and chemists arc lost
for the answers to natures great mysteries, and why they will always
continue to seek them out in vain.
Someone once asked Jesus Christ, the son of God , the question:
"Who is God?" to which Jesus replied: "Arc you so blind that you
cannot see?"
in other words, like the orthodox scientists and chemists of today,
the person who posed the question to Jesus had only 10 open his
cycx, and his question would have been answered. You sec, people
try Car too hard to seck out the answers to liJc's mysteries that they
are totally and completely overlooked. They cannot sec the wood
for the trees.
Let me reveal to you, now, the whole and complete secret o[
nature's law of attraction, and of its simplicity in bringing about
those favourable conditions which we will aim to achieve in life.
Let us go forward in "Nature's Way To Prosperity".
Life is the greatest miracle of all. For without life all t hings arc
meaningless and void. Therefore, if life be the greatest of all
miracles, what, then, can be impossible?
There have been literally hundreds oj hoob writn-u upon the
subject of mind power, and tillS Illlllk is Ihl rxo-puou. llowcvi-r,
in writing this book, I have {'nde;]\'oIllTd to do nwav With ;111 the
paraphernalia and concentrate solely on Illl' lalts 01 how ;llItl why
the human mind can be used , ill ordc-r ro atrr.u-t tor lis IISCI' , allrhosc
things which he or she desires.
I have also written this book, III an casv to uudcr-aaud mauucr,
so that nothing can be misunderstood.
The reader will also discover, ar rhc end or this hook, lWO Icsls, CHAPTER ONE
which will prove beyond any shadow ul a doubt, that the mel hod
which I ask you to apply, not only works, it is infallible.
The reason why "Nature's \Vay To Prosperity' will work tor vou The Birth of God
is because it is based UJXln using nature's laws, of which you and I In the very beginning, before the existence of God, there was, as I
cannot escape. have already stated, an infinity of coldness and darkness; the
The reader will find it very easy to carry out the instructions given ultimate significations of death. The coldness and the darkness
within this book, for contrary to belief, the whole secret of nature before God were also the ultimates of nothingness, an utter
lies in its simplicity. • emptmcss. Although there are no untruths in what 1 have just
It was a wise man indeed who said: 'Nature cannot be bettered written, the fact remains that the coldness and the darkness does
other than in his own nature'. cxisr , for we can both fed and sense their presence.

2 J

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We have established , then , that the coldness and t he darkness You see how simple natu re reall y is?
does exist; and although th ey are, in themselves, noth ing, th ey are, W hat wonders there are. to he discovered, ifman woul d o n lv loo k
in fact , the true begin nings uf o ur very ex istence; for they were the a t the world th roug h the eyes of a child . and be yo nd . -
cr ea tors uf God . and in (his respect t hey were, and are. everything.
For it is a great truth that there call be no end. lest the re is first a
beginning. Nei ther ca n th ere be <I beginning witho ut there first
being a nullity,
1 would like the reader to ima gine , as best he can , the immen se
vastness of th e infinity of space wh ich existed before the comin g of CHAPTER TWO
God , and of the seve rity IIf lht, cold ness and darknc....s which <l isa
e xis ted a t th at lime. Howe ver , ;.III nut owen on this aspec t tOO
much , for u rs apt to make ~tlme people feel J little uneasy. Rut The Opposires
to cont inue. So infinitely grC<tt was the exi st ing empt ines s of space Y o~ w i~ 1 ha ve fo.u,nd . by what has bee n said so Iar , th ut L ight (He-.H)
at (hat time , that the pressure ca used a great heat with in the m idst which IS a rosmvc energ y and Dark ness (Coldness) which is a
of the infinity of space. And it was thi s warmth , which was a nd ncgauvc ener gy were {he ca use and creato rs of Gcnesls , i.e. LI F E.
is the Soul of God, that caused the beginning of Genesis. For as They are also, I bel ieve, the cause of Universal Gravitat ion ., that
the pressu re grew greater, Stl likewise did God. For in the energy and for ce wh ich moves the planets and keeps them in their
beginnm g, when the pressu re ca used a g rea l heat within the midST proper orbit aro und the Sun - the positive light fo rce.
of the infini ty this heat acted upun Iht.· ..·lIld m....' and Gl U ",-oJ a All life depends upon its opposite for irs continued existence .
condensation , wh ich in turn germi na ted tht.· scvd of trnt.! H i m ~· I f. Wh atn'cr form or natur e opposites take , nne is simply the m ale
And this co ndensa tion allowcxl Il l' name In appear, a nd God W.lS (positive ) and the e th er is sim ply rhc female (nega tive).
burn . as is everyone; from ou t III the t."ult!m·, s ami d.u knl,:~s ul" death Lei ITS now d raw nearer In the tru th of unders tanding , SO tha t vou
into th e hea l and ligh t of Me. will know what has been said , so far , has bee n for the good of y~ lu r
The reason why Got! was, is, and always will he , is because He com plete com prehension of the greatest secret ever to be revealed to
co nsum es an d continues to U J Il SU llW f. T h i ~ IS a g rt'a t man - I he sec ret Ill" mind power .
secret , and has grea t meaning to The wi~ _ As it is in Heaven , MI it i ~ likew ise lipan Ea rth .
In conclusion. I would like rhc reader 10 know Ihis tnuh , wh ich A Sl'1.'tI must always be planted in its na t ural eart h. if it is to grow
is: that There was nn b ig bang , as many would h uvc yuu hc lic-vc , lilr to perfecron . In nature the seed (If man is planted in its natu ra l
DOthing uf an y grea t worth is ever created from violence, for viole nce ea rth , wh ich is woman , where ir is lef( to germi na te in dark ness.
is a ncgative f me only. l l f des trucu VI.' q ualitics; w hcrcas ( ;l 11.1, a, )"l l ll However, th e seed can o nly ger minate if ir is kept wann and
will discover later , is solely a positive force , and there fore cannot he moist; and it is th e same for the seeds of the fields . The warm th
created from violence. and the moisture which give all seeds life , is , of course, the Soul and
St.",:" nor to disco ver anyrhmg compbcnc.... in nature, tor you will th e Spirit of God.
never find it . F ur the nature of natu re is ~im pl ic i l )" . It IS It i ~ a g reat tru th that what we sow , we shall also reap. HUT like
ultima tely obvious . the seeds of man and the seed s of th e ticJd~ rbc seed which vou plant
I be lieve God 10 be fi re. the everlasting: flame of e te rna l ligh t, f(\r within your mind will not co me IH fruit ion in an instant or overnig ht ;
with out it there can ht' no life. In fact it is the C'aU:iC uf all life, it has til be nourished .
that of heat and light ; just as the darkness and the cold ness arc the You will see in the following cha pter th at the seeds (T houghts)
cause of all death . Dar kness and cold ness is the wife of God , for • which you plant in your m ind arc no different than those which are
log:echl' ( (hey did crea tl' the Holy Spirit of co ndensation, thal of pla nted in the e~ rl h or the fi elds, or the ca rlh of woman . T hl'
which bl"G l me Gencis. principks are exact ly the same. You will plant the seed of though t

4 5
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into the ( kll"' n t,.-::;~ of YOllr nund, whc r...' it will he ke p t warm arul T he subco nscious mind works in cxacrlv tlu - same way. T here -
uuu...r. Yuu wIll M.'C ycuu- se ed begi n to ge rm ina te into fruit ion and lore , in o rder It! change your preseru c in..: u m st :mo,-~ 1(11'- rhe bette r .
n.'kalol,'d Irom its dat ku c'ss . iuto ti l\' light of reali ty. yOIl ha ve fi rst III change yUill' wa res . Yo u have (0 s ta r t filling vour
s uocu nscitlllS W,m~ h(l Hse with rosinw Ih ulI !!h rs . -
I can assu re yu u I h ;1l thin king nega tively ca n, an d will. scnouslv
damage your health . II can :1 1\11 rtu n vonr IO\T lite. vou r
pe rsonality, a nd yuur Iinaucia l s l :IllJ i n~. - -
• J II:-.1 ho w Ja ngc flIu s 1l....gat ivc thiu k illl-: Gill he IS ex p lain...'d in the
CHAPT ER THREE Illlluw inA chapter. .

I The S eed of Thought

There is , in nat ure, onlv 1\\1> " f'p,,,,il"s; Ih,H o f th e l'osi ti n~ f..- rcc of
ener!:':)' • •mJ t h;jl IIf the I,,-'!-:a li n ' for ce of (' m'rg ~'" 'J h l' l'l",iliYl' CHAPTER FOUR
bo.:i n~ Ihe m all' and t he nc gut in- Ix'ing t Iw li:m,dt:.

,\ It i.. tbc lau er Ilf 1I'k.'~ t wu whic h IS In be our earth , ,m d ill .... h jch
\ve a rc to plan t nllf mall" seed .. I thought .
T he human minJ l·U!lsi..!'> III mall Y l!'K l11 <;.;llld s "I l h. ntghls, .111 of
Th e Danger
!, which are slnn , l ill th., \\·;Ird lo m,•c Ill' rbc s Uh...·u llS<.·in u.. m in, 1.
N egutiv e Thinking
St'n1l' 1' ( thes e tho llJ.dus ,In " p.. ",ill n ", ancl .....Ill l~ .11'1: nce.mvc.
If W I ' w.. . . rc ab le III - auck IIll'S(' tll<l u!-: hl" ill l" I WI ' .. cparan - l'i k .., T here i, UUl ' cla.... i.:al cxam p k of negative th iuk ing' in the person
one pik con..i." lillA <If I'u..ilin' 1I I" tl~ lll " , Hu- oth,'1 l·o....i..tinl-: of known as rhe hv p ochuudriac. T his per..... in ha-, and feels a ll I nc
I1l'A-1I i v.... r hntl ~ h l s . )'IlU will di 'ol.. ..n : 1 Ih;11 I>1It: p ill- \\"u III,1 bv hil-:h('r s ym pto m, o f a n iUne...... . How e ver , when Ihi s person i-, l'"" m inl'tl
than the ot her . The b rl-:n .. t rh.." IWo Will he dc u-ru uncd s" k h bv IhunJugh ly bv a d.. Il·lUr , he or s he i.-. fo und III I'll.' in p erf ect healt h.
" II Uf I'<ISI I h(l u~h h , If t hc v ha ve bee n m.unlv IIq~il1 i \-l" n uc.., rhcu It s ta nds hi rca.... tu the ref ore , 11MI if ... uch a pe rson is tou nd 10 be
In good healt h phvsicallv, then Ihl' cauw IlI U<j1 be m...m al. It IS all
if is ;11'Crl;liIlIY Ihal your p rc-a-n t cin-um..I.IIIl...... arr- lItll a ll l lMI thvv
0 111 1..1 be , and t hill ',-" 11 lad , lUI 1Il.IIlY lhill}:.... T h ing.. sll, h .... I-:" .. k l in the m ind .
h....llIlI , In\ c, .. lid wt'a h h . O n Ihl' 1,lhl' l h,lIlll, ill h," 1:1l }.:.": 1 .. ll ll l· Sum.... YCilr.. :Igo I r<'cci\'l, 1 .. k lle r fw m a \\ lIma n saym g: llial she
IW(l p iles ;Ul' Ih,ll 0 1 ptl""l in ' IhulIl;ht.., Ihe n I ll,' uppu,ill' wo nld lit" WilS wo rr i.....1 ahnu l a Inm p ..he Iho u~lll ... ltl' h;ld ill he r Ih m :!!. S hl'
Ihl' l';lSC, S<lid Ih;ll ~ Iw had lta~1 il Ii II' :'\' Illl' li me, a nd Ihal s lw wa... exlfl' lIld \"
Let u!; i llla ~i n..: fllr u nl' !lInm....1l1 Ih.11 YUi l l' .. U IKll h ....:illll... nUll.! is ,I wnrril'tl aho lll il. TIll' "'''II MlI <l ISC I ..1;lt L, 1 in hl'r k il n Iha l slw h il~1
WM l;'h o ll'i.(· of wa re.., ...d linl-: Oldy negative p n k l ll<:t... . III 0 111\' 1" bt'en h I s.....' IWIl t!oclo.... .ll....llil ii , ,lIld 111;11 Ih .... Iwo dou m s sa id
~·x ;J ..:tly I lw ~ <l I IW l hillg ; lh l'y LOl lllt! find nl) s t~ 1l Ill" n, jde lln~ 1)1' a Illm p
w"lrd s , good .. whk h m l' t win , II ne.... J ' no imagulalioll Tu Il'" IiI'I'
lhal Ihe J;lltx h <.erlll'Ul nf l h e w a rdlO lls.l~ fIll' Silk 10 l h.... pu bJit wou ld III he r Ih m:J1 . a nJ thai lhl.: Idl h: r Wi... pl'rkcllv hl'al rhv .
SOOIl l~ r cll H lll,d 10 thl' wJ r c! l\) u ..c by a Vl;I'Y di sappui nl cd ,lilt! I wrole h a ck sayi ll~ th.l1 il W<I" pl.lssihk I'h a l OIlC' do..:tm m ight
di ssat i... licd l'LlS!Il!I\Cr a... k illg lor h i... money ha c k. I n Lltl . a m a kc a wro ng , b ut l h;lt it wa~ \,(, 1'\' lIn likd \' thai IWO
COl\l p '.JllY pnxlu.. . ing sIK h goods wuuld soon find Theillselves (J Ul uf
should. r suggest ed III hl'r [hal m ayh(' Sl.l llll'(;ne in he,: pasl. \,"ho
bu sine...s , I l nw l'wr, if the warehouse wa... selling g()llds of a was dose 10 hn , may ll;\ v C su lfered f lO UI <! ~1~ri o l1 s lhroal ink.:tinll
po siti ve nal un :, guod , w hid l an: rdiabk and which pcople need amI and th:n the m emory of i\ is ..till pLtYll1g nil Iwr mind. causing h..:r
1lJ 111lagm..: thaI she tOll hds l tll' illll'clion , am i Ihal lhis tnuld lw lhe
Willlt , Ihl'n Ih e ow nc r of ' 11<.::h a warc!J(lll!;e would have no worril''''
\\i hatsot:\'e r ; h is h usiness Wllllk i grow and prosper. llnderlving ca use o i he r prob k m .

6 7
" - -- - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - ,
A few J ays later > [ received another letter from this person Let me asurc you , thaI i f you rake rauc Il l' everything which is
thanking rue II)J' m y help and for ans wering her letter promptly. written , and pUI inro practice rhc inronna non given , the n nOI only
She sta led thai her father had d ied a year before from throat will you r prCM"1l1 circumstances change lor The better tbe y w ill also
C:.I IU:C T a nd that she had never really got over II. She also said t hat chan ge beyond you r wildes t dream s.
, he r throat trouble had starred ab out a month after her father's death
after suffering 11: sore throat herself. She admi n cd to me that at
You sec, the reason wh.... you r presen t circu mstances arc not all
that they could be i.. because your suhn m-..::iu us mind and your
I (he time she thought rhar her sore throat was the same as what her
father had died of She said that she just couldn't gel this thought ,
th ough ts an: mosrlv negat ive .
wha t you lack ,
Your though ... an: alwa ys upon
This mean !'> that )'H Ul subco nscio us mind IS tilled
out fir her mind , (he thought t hat she ( 00 mi ght have throat UlIU.'C r. a nd is co ntin ually bo.:ing tilled wit h the woman of negativity. Your
The lc ucr went on It l say Ih;1I she on ly had 10 cough o r d ear her subconsciou -, mind is in complete and to tal dar knes s. Therefore
th roat and the word cancer would come to mind , and that atrcr a you must give In the woma n Ill'!" natu ral male companion . MI rha t
while , she ~n to feel a lump in her th roat ; so much :>0.) , t ha i she they can cons umma te and -reate lor yu u ~'tlu r eve ry d esire.
,, we nt 10 M.'(.' he r doc tor ..bout i f, a nd as she wasn't satisf ied with his like the seed o f ma n ..... hi...·h i planted in the ean h of woman , do IWI
• d iagn osis, wt:'111 to sec anothe r d oc tor. The latter made the same e xpect your pos itive seed tiC thought (tl show sign s Hf fr u ition
\, d iagnosis, i.e . (hat there was nothing at all wrong with he r thruar,
h er throa t was perfec tly healthy. Hence her letter to me .
im me d iately , for it will not , f.. .1' the negative woman wh ich i ... with in
your su f-conscio u.. mind must lir')t IX' WIIOI~J . Yo ur positive
e In receiving th is second letter I immed iately wrote hack ~yi ng thoughts must con tinu e ttl embrace her \<04.1 t hat she will learn to
that she shou ld f: l) back to he r doctor as soo n as possible and thai except h er p res en ce and h is ad vances .
she should repea t cvcryr bing th at chc had told me to him . I You will k now when tlw woman ha s. accepted h er man , for her
reassu red her her doctor would lx- able to hd p bcr , ci rc um stances will bcai n 1l ~ c hans c for Ih.: h r-r tcr , and the d ark ness
About a month later I received another leuer : she couldn't than k within vou r m ind will fade uno the twiligh t hours of com cmmcm .
me enough for mv hel p . She said th:.u her dlll:tllr hold referred her The grea t lum inous heavenly star III pll'iti\'itv will nsc a h,I\·t· till'
to a ll1'ychiat rist : and thar the lump which she thought she had in hmiztln tlf th...' J:.rSlern ~k i.:s of you r w ry s.o lll, h rinAiug wilh it lhe
hl'T rhwal hall glme. and th.u shc now li..'d s as well as e,·er . C\'erlasting li ~h t of realm ' ,
Can you see now just how (ll ll.:nt Ill"gdt i\'.: thuughts .:a n hc:? <:an
yuu St.'&.' how simp le i{ all is , and wh y il was so easy jtlr th...• andelll
Rl"t1 Indi<tns 10 go up inwlhe mountains a nd wi llt hl·I1l l>l.' I Vl~ In die?
Ik warned , lhen. never kl nt"g<l live tlloughls enter yu ur mind , I'm CH APTER SIX
th.:y arc Ii k.: lhe p lague 10 your well bei ng.

Th e Three Wise MOl/keys

E veryon e, ( wou ld thin k , b;IS hl';lrd t, Clht' IhIT';.: w i~~ monkl'ys who
sa w no evil, spo ke no ...· ,·il and h "" ~HJ IHI evil.
CHAPTER FIVE How wnnderful life wou ld Ix' if humankiml werc to praCli cc the
same. Bur alas lh t;'y d o /lol, and it is lw t to be , and so we find
oursel ves ;l! W ilr with each olhe r ; violence UpOIl our slreets and
Th e Light of Darkness within ou r homes arc sce n 10 lx' OIL the incr ease, In tacl crime in
In pl1n:h a ~jn g th is hook it is safe to assume that your p rest;'lll general is aC\~ c1 era l ill g to ~\ K h illl extcn t tbat Ihe po licing of it is
circ ums lances arc not all that thcy could he, and that you have hecolTling impossible .
tIIrned to th is htlo k in the hope that it will change your cirCllmsl- •
The rcason Jill" the abo ve is lx'cause, overall, peopk ~end to b.:
ances for lh e ben er. negatiw ill tl}(~ir ways and in th ei r thinking .

,, I do nut pretend to kno w all the answers to the Questions posed

by the people concerned about the plight of our nat ion , hut 1 do
begin to happe n for you as your subconscious mind becom es
satu rated with posit ive thought. T hings which yo u have onl y
i, know th is: man has brought it upnn himself, for genera lly, the greed dreamed of doing and having will bec om e realities. r u u will not
and sclfisbness of man's negativity reigns supreme. be able to prevent th ese nat ural causes of evc nrs, once the wheels of
i, A child , when it is born . is completely innocent, l or he 'in::> nu motion have bee n put into operation, for the la w is absolute.
evil, speaks no evil and hear-s no C'vil. This is because as yet he is If you find that your financial circumstances are n ot all th at they
i not able In comprehend or disti nguish between wha t is right and could he, do not th ink abou t your lack of m oney, instead, think how
what is wrong . However, if he has responsible parents, th ese wonderfu l money is and what beau tiful things one is able to buy
things will be taught to him . What path to the fu ture the child with it . Think always in a positi ve way.
will choose 10 take, and th e con sequences the reof, will depend solely Again, if you are in poor health , do not dwell on it . instead, th ink
upon whal thoughts enter his mind and upon those thoughts he how wonderful it is to be fit and healthy; to be able to wander across
, sends o ut. the fields and meadows; 10 gaze upon th e awesomeness of God 's
Nature's laws have no favourites whatsoever. II has fixed laws crea tions and nature's beauty. Remember. God is truth , Gild is
whic h act exactly and always 10 its nature. And the nature of pure and God is perfect in a ll things. including healt h. Remember
thought is th at whatever seed of thought yo u allow yourself 10 plant also th at you wert: horn in COO's image. T he refore, in trut h you
within you r mind , this is what VIlU will reap. Therefore, strive 10 are capable of achieving all of the se things. It is yours by right .
pr.J.ctic~ the wisdom nf the th;l'C wise monkeys: SEE NO EVIl ., And lastly, if you are without a com panion of th c opposite sex,
SPEAK NO EVIL ANn H EA K NO L\1L do not en vy those peo ple wh o have companionss, instead he hap py
for them . T hink how wonderful it must he to be in love - to have
someo ne whll cares for you, who's eyes light up at the mention of
your names or th e seeing of your face.
CHAPTER SEVEN All these th ings, and mo re, are within your grasp right now. I
have shown you the way int o nature 's house of treasures. I have
Yours By Right given you the key. T ake it then , and place it within the lock of
\ I said , in the previous chapter , tha t nature's laws ,ITe implicit ; tha t
your subconscious mind. T urn the key so that the door in to the
darkness of the co bwebs of your very soul may he opened , and M)
i what YIIU sew, }'OU will reap. This is an absolute tr uth , for if y uu that th e lighr nf truth may be allowed to en ter" For all th e
sow seeds of hale, hale is what vo u will reap, Li kewise, if you M 1W treasu res of (he world are to be discovered there. They are yo urs
I seeds of IU\'I:. tha t also you Will reap. II is important tha t you fully for the aski ng,
understand this , otherwi se all will be to no avail. So keep it well The following four chapters deal with the four main needs of man ,
in mind . i .e. Good H ealth , H appiness, The Opposite Sex and 'X"ealth . Let
T his, then , is what you m ust do in order 10 be in tune with
nature s way to prospenty.
. us then begin with what I conside r 10 be the most important - good
Starting now, do not let an y negati ve thoughts enter your mind .
You will , of cou rse have them , but when yo u do simply t hrow
them o ut and replace them with positive thoughts. By th is I mean ,
I if you have a negative thought. get it out of you r head straight away
and replace it with two or more positi ve thoughts. In thi s way
your subconscious m ind will eventually become positively tuned in ,
with nature' s law of attraction . You will begin to find yourself Nature's Way To H ealth
automatically thinking positively about all things , Thi ngs will N othing is as important as good health , as those peo ple who suffer

10 II

. . .. .. _ - -- -

to th..· runtrarv wi ll verity . ~I it is wit h rhcj.,t' rcoplc in mind , rhar

I have included Ihis chapter. CHAPTER NINE
I wo u ld ask the reader ro pranin ' eve rything ....-hsch has been solid
so fill', daily, and withou t fail. Stick ,IS rigid ly t tl the conten ts 01
thi s honk and 10 this ch ap ter as is possible. Rem ember, th e m ore
Nature's Way To Happiness
you persevere , th en the soo ner will you obtain your goal. Remem - If th~ n-ude r puts int o practice all that I have stal l-d S0 far , then
her. also , that the resu lts will no( be immed iate , it will take a li n k ha ppiness WIll aut otT1JtiCillly follo w , lilt' t he la w of na ture is abso lull'
ti me ; the latter uf wh ic h will d epend upon how much effort yo u put and implkil. ~UI I n cind orse wh at hax IX'\.'II sa id III the previous
m it) it. • ~·h afl lc rs . I have mduded lht.' folluwing: . which will a s~i :<t you fur the r
In yo ur quest for hap pillt.' :<:<.


i I) Thin" poxiti vclv obou r everything, tor in trUIII , even Ihnsc

THE THI{EE ST EP S T O GOO D H EALTH th ings s u d ~ ~ s loneline ss ,and sad nes!> <In ' positive, in as muc h as they
are tl~t.' p osruvc effects ul negative th ink ing ; for lin one ca n deny th at
ton clinc,s and saJ ncss po sitively doc s ex ist. So thin k o f VOIll'
(I ) T hink posiuvcty about e verything , for in trut h , even tho se unh:.l ppi nK \ as bei ng the e ffects o[ your ncgauvc th inb llg-, antI 'f hal
thlllg:< such as Illness and pa in are posi ti....e , in as much as th ey arc you r _ " n h a ~pi llcsS can be eradicated simply by reversing vour
the positive effects of negative thinking; lor no one G ill de ny that negauvc think ing TO 11Iat III positive thinkinc . .
illness and pain pos itively docs c"Ci:<t; :>0 th ink 1'[ illnes s a:< being the { l) Keer t~linking .In Y~lll.rn?'lf hov... ~I.lldl";ful it is . ',11 be Il;lp py.
effects o f negative thinking , and that illness ca n be e radi cated liim r 1y K eep thin king an d unugmmg wha r U IS lik e 10 h nve In ar ou nd
hy revers ing your negat ive thin king III that of positive thinki ng . vou . .I m;l ~ i nc yourself talking fll llt."(If'It':' a nd laul,:hillg ut their jokes
(2) Kee p thi nking I I. I you rse lf how wo nd erful it is III he in guod ur shlflt.'li.. D o nut 1« 1 su rr y for yourself. ( j (l o ut an d 1ll..·.,:1
i heal th . Keep thinking and imagining wha t il feels like to he fil people , join night clASSt.",; gt) ttl partics, d ub s 1..'10.: ,
Remem be r , in realit y you arc no different than an yo ne else , you
I and health y.
! (3) T ry to he in har mony with nat ure and good health , at all ti mes. ~lre as g-IKIJ as the next man or wo man , \'\te are all hu man, th ere
i, On not feel sorry for yourself; think of your illness as being the IS ab solut ely nothing at all to be afraid o f; if no on e will spe ak to
n -sulr of your negat ive thinki ng. and th at it is only a temporary yo u , th en spe-ak to the m . Makt.' yI'Jllf S..." lf kno wn ltl peopl e . I
phase that yo u arc gu ing th rou gh . I say temporary, becauscrfrom assure you lhal if will be wel l wort h the ef fort.
now on you an ' going ro think positively , aren't you? \' 00 ar t.' (3) Rem ember wh at I Solid, don't feel surry fur yourself. thin k IIf
going to get well again , aren't yu u? yo ur lln h;tppil.It.'SS as . ""i ll ~ t he result of you r Ilega livc thinking au..1
Vou arc going til get well again because it is you r righ t . If you uf your negative acuon.., and that you r p rcscnr cuvu ms tances art.'
wa nt (0 be health}' , th en be healthy, think healthy, drink healt hy, onlv d tem porary phase chat \ 'OU arc guiZll,: through. I say temporary.
t.-dl healthy and sleep h~lt.hy , , because from no w on yo u arc go i n~ to think po sitive!v, arcn"1 VIIU?
Reme mber, gn.lJ health i:< you r God-givt': J1 right . So Turn the From now U ll yOll arc go ing In hI..' posili\"c in t."\·cl)'l h ing VOl; tItI ~
key which I have given you, in th e lock of the doo t , of th e darkness you ,arc gHi n~ to gn Ollt of y'our way IOIllt.·cr and talk to 1ll.'l,Jp lt.: , aren ',
of you r mind , so tha L the light of t ru th may ent er. L t'l the YOll t You art." gm ng 10 have fricn J :< and be happy, ,lren 'l you ?
marriage and the consu mmation bl:gin, so that th ey can create for YOII art.' going 10 be happy becau se il is your righl . If YI; U waut
yo u the IOYs of life, and tha t of pedect h ealth . AM: EN. I Lo be happy, thell be h app y :md th iak h;IPPY. DOli" sulk , SM:r r .E,
I{cl1It.'mt...:r , hap p ine'ios is yo ur (iud-give n righI,
A~ well :.I' rhiukiug posiuvc , il is csscn ua l that your .11:" 0 0" arc eyes light u p at the very men t io n ef yuu r na me , or the seeing of you r
, p ositiv e also . 1~IC C . And why nHl ? Your a ~ )y a nd she's a girl. or vice versa .
If y ou m eet somc-one or talk 10 someo ne , let them k now that yo u It ' s qui te nat ural , isn't it?
arc plCdSCJ 10 see rhc m , ~ln~1 that you en joy Talking til t hem ; shake Don' t feel so rry fur yo urself, gil OU I and mee t people; join n ight
them f irm ly by the ha nd :.... vou nrce r them. And do n't fu rxc1 to da.sscs, gu to pa rties, clubs, ere .
sm ile. Remember, in reality you are no different than anytine else, you
S,) ru nt the key which I have given yo u , in the lock of the ,!I)I,)[, are as good a... the next man, or W\IOUID . \X'e are all human.
IIf the darkness 1)1' you r m ind , :.I.l t ha i the light of truth mav en ter . Believ e me , beauty i ~ . in fac t, o nly sk in deep ; so if you lack
UI the marriage and the cons ummation begin , so t ha t they ca r
crea te for you the illY'" of life and that of everlasting happiness.
r confidence l>\.·C.IU:.L' you feel rha t yo u are nOI hand -.o me o r prett y,
forge t it, for they are on ly first impressions a nd where true love is
A.\ lEN. I concerned , IlL-ing handsome IIr pen)" do c-n't mean a thing.
pcrsonalu y that counts in the e nd , and it witt be ~~N,"alil~' thai will
II is

gel for yo u. and attract TO yo u, the boy tlr girl tlf yo ur d ream s. For
if you have ~1I1 a gnud pcTSlJnalily the n y.. u ca nnot fail to w in the
game of 11l\' C . This I pru m i!'il' YIlU.
So star l IlOW ( 0 build lip you r personality . ,\ b.h · it as p owerful
CHAPT ER TEN as you l-,HI, so th at IT will be all t ha t o ne e m do to rl'~ sl it. The
t rut h is they wi ll not he ahle I ll.
If you a rc a t a p ari}' or cl ub , erc . , and no o ne ....-ems In wa nt ro
N ature's Way To L ove talk In you , then go and talk to Them . M.tke yo urself know II 1\1
If you lind it hard Ttl attract someone of the o ppus ill' sex; either people. I assu re you that it will he well wenh rhe effort .
because uf you r shyness. or because you lack confidence . Theil this l3) R emember wh at I suul , don't f..-et surry for yourself. T h ink HI
chapter will help you overcome th ese problems. It wi ll ..hew you you r present circu mstances, i.e ., YUlII' lack tlf love and that nf being
The wav in lH The hea rts IIf others , and TO the land H[ c rcrnal love . 10\"00 as llein~ the res ults HI you r ncgauve Thinking and of you r
II c~ , t hen, are the th ree step\. you should take . in o rder to hrin~ negative acrions; and that you r present circumstances arc- un ly a
about these plc..eant happenings . tempora ry ph ase in you r life. I say temporary, beca use fro m now
on , yo u are g()i n~ 10 thin k posit ivcly, ;l n ~1 you are going (0 be posi t ive
TH E T H R r::F. ST EPS T O LOVE in yuu r actions , :lITO'1 yuu ? F rom no w o n yo u aIT ~tli n~ In be
positive in eve ryth ing rhat you do, aren·' you ? You an' going to
( I ) T h ink pnsil iwly about evervthing , tor in truth, even Ihll\.C 1;0 out of you r way I II mee t and l;l lk III ["'L.... tple - espec ially those o f
fh ings suc h as loneliness and d es pa ir arc positive, in as m uch as Ihey the opposite sex, aIT!I'1 yu u? YOU ARE GOING T O MEET
are the positive effect.. nf negative thinking; fo r no one call deny thut SOMEON E O F T HE O PPOSITE SI;;X \X' I I( ) W IL L L O VE YOU
loneliness and d espair po sitively does exist. So think of your lack AND WANT T O BE WITH YOU . . . AREN 'T YOU?
of bein g loved by someo ne , and find ing love as being th e eth'1.:IS nf It \vill happe n an d you arlOgoing to be happy. 11 will happe n
yOllr neg.Hive t hink ing, and of our nega tive action ~ , and that y~ \lI hecau se it is yo ur right.
lack uf 1he ahn\'e ( all be erad icated simply by reverslllg your negatJvt:
thi nking to that of positive th in king.
I If yOll want to be loved. t he n th ink love . h Ul abo lle all. give love.
Don't sulk SM Il.E .
(2 ) Keep thinking TO yourself how wonderful it is TO he in love.
K eep t hinking and imaging wha t it is like to hold someone yon I Rememher , love is your God -given right .
As well as thinki ng po sitiw ly, it is essen tial that your m::tions are
Invc in yo ur arms; im agine a person of the oppo site sex tll wholll positive also. So, if and when you meet someone, or talk to
yo u think you might he atlracted kissing you, wan tin g YOLl; sec her someone of th e op po site sex, let them know thaI you arc p1l'ased to
14 IS

secthem . I.t·' yo ur eyes liAhl up, ~ m jre ill them as vou shake t hem wish to be like those peop le who are wealt hy, and you can he if vou
hy th e band . Lei them know tha i you ('njoy l a lk i n ~ \II them , shuw think wealth . Do nor th ink rovcny, think WEALTH . .
an uucresr in w hat they s ay.
(3) L ike all thi ngs, p e-iuvc think ing need s to he backed up wnh
positive actions, so don't stand hack a nti ju st think abou t money,
Remember this, also , always speak kindly of people, no mil Iter
who they arc or what rh..-v a rc. If you do this, it will he- repaid to help your th inking with action; enter loueri...-s, com petit ions, etc.
I you a thou sand-told as Ihc ICSI at the hack of t his bllu k will prove .
S,) nuu rhc key whic h I han .' given you , in th e lock of rhc door,
Fill in the football coupon s e ve ry week, or gu to the bin go.
K L'C"P ex pect ing In WIN, WIN . W IN . And why sho uldn' t vou ?
l)!" Ihl,.' darkness of yo ur m ind , so that t he light of truth may ente r.
After an , someone has to win . and il had just a~ well be v.. ;u as
a nyo ne else. RUI ax the ltodv ing goes: " YO U I IAVE 1 "0 BE IN IT•
.. L ei the m..u ri.aj::c ilJld th e consurnmanen bcgm , '>II t hat they G ill
crea te to r \'011 the j.lys.II IiII.', and that o f e verlasting Illve . AME!'J . TO WIN IT " . So Man now; but rem ember, your in it ( 0 W IN .
I Expect 10 win as a matrer t)f course, train your mind to accept
nothing else othe r than success .
You an" going to have mo ney because it is your right . your GoJ-
given r ight.
You can and you will No wealt hy if ytm persistently practice all
CHAPT ER ELEVEN that has bee n said.
So tum the key wh ich I have given you , in t he lock of the do or ,
of the darkness of you r m ind . so that the light of truth rna" enter.
!, N atu re's Way To W ealth Let the marriage and the consum ma tion begin , M) that they can
How ofte n have \ 'OU wished I h,1I you had enongh mon ey 1lI buv all create for you the joys of Idc, and that of everlasting wealth .
t hose thiOAs rbat yuu havc ;llw:.lys want ed . T hings Iik..~ d new -l..'ar, AMEN .
a m-w three -piece suite, er even a couugc in the counu v. A nio..
thought , 1" 0"'\ il ? llewcvcr , in reality, for most people, ir is all
that they can dn III mee t the pa yme nts for the hills th at k cc p o uning
th rough th e letter l'\t \x. BUI :.III i-, nor lost, fnr this chapter will help
Y\lU tn run e ill 1\1 th e mo ney magnet of nature's wea lth .
T ilE T lm EE ST EI'S T O " 'EALTH God The Sun
Fur ma ny thou sands of years m an has worshipped the Sun.
.". ( I) 'J hmk Ilt}, iti\'d y ;.IXlIII t:\'Crylhing, for in truth , 1.'\"\' 11 th••Sl · The firs t people ever (0 appear upon th e earth were probably Sun
Ih inAs such as luck and p' \\,Crl V <Ire positive , ill as much as rbev arc worshippers, and why not , after all, it gave th em warmth and -light;
the pllsi!i\'c d )\.,(·ts uf your nc~ative thinking; for no o ne can dc nv and it also made them Icc ! l!(ond . BUI we must also consider the
11M! lack ,U1d povcu v p(l~i t ivcly doc s exist. So Th ink of your lack fact that the first man th at ever appea red upon th e earth was as d ose
of mon cv ,I:'> Ix'ing th e effects of your negative thinking, ami of your and as like nature as one cou ld he; in wh ich case we must nO I
ncg urivc ucrious ; a nd that yo ur lack of llHlIWY can be eradicated underestimate his und erstanding of nat ure, or his wisdom.
simply by reversing yOllr negat ive think ing to t hat or positive The fact is that the first humans had to understand nature in order
th in king : to survive. Of course the same applies today; we have to know
(2) Keep thinking 10 yo ursel f how wonderful it is to have money, when it is the right time to plant our seed of corn , etc. Rut I am
thin k of what .vuu can buy .
with it. DOll'1 be cnvirms I1r those
not referring to the outer casing of nature - the shell; I am referring
people who arc rich . Instead , wish thorn wcll, ror you lllust always to the kernel - the inner de pths of uature, the things which make it
be in harl1ll111y WiTh na tllre, elsc all will be 10 no avail. You must

tick . The buiJJ..:r.> of Sronehcndge, for instance, new exactly wha t WhaT an ingeniou s person he was, then , who devi sed a nd posed
it was that kept the clock going, for they built a mon ument to it. the lIuesTi.)n In the first place ; for the a nswer is there, for all tn sec,
Hence its design - the everlasting circle. in the q uestion itself: The Secret of Life. For if the reader takes
It is a ridiculous belief. hel d by many archaeolog ists , that the the first three letters of each of t he words Sec ret of Life he will have
builders of Stonehenge built their great monument in orde r to he the lcucrs S.O . L. , which any studen t of La tin will tell you spells
able: til determine the seasons . It is a ridiculous as..sumption simp ly the word SO L. \Xfhieh means the SUN . Can you also see the
because nature and nat u re's signs would have: told them this. similarity berweeo the words SO l . and SOU l .? The Soul of God .
My life does DOt de pend upon my knowing at wh at time of year
I should plant the seed of rom , as it did those people who built
Stonehenge, and neither am I a farmer; even so, I can tell at what
time of year it is , sim ply by looking at natu re and its signs . One
example being that when the leaves begin to fall uff the trees, l know
that it is Autumn , just as Y( IU will know when it is Spring by the CHAPTER THIRTEEN
way nat ure comes alive; and so did prehistoric man.
It is incredible how those people who believe themselves to be The Three Wise M en
archaeologists and scientists tend to complicate the sim plicities of
life. T hey have th e uncanny knack of always being able to make The t~ree wise me n who came from the East to Jerusalem to worship
mountains out of mole hills; when in reality, the answers arc near ly ~e king of the j ews (Jesus Christ) were not the kings of the vulgar
always as uncomplicated as nature is itself. And so were the people ki nd . Nor was the star which the wise men saw in the East. For
who lived in prehistoric limes. if the reader has understood all that has been said so far with in this
Nature, then, works on simr lk ily. T he more complica ted the hook, then hI,' WIll have no d ifficulty in underst and ing that which is
10 follow.
mysteries of nature may seem, then the more simple is that problem
to solve. By this I don 't mean thai nature's mysteries ate more Fiesrly, The reade r should IIOle that the star which the wist: me n
easily understood , I mean thai the answers to life's mysteries are so :.3W was in the H a st, and that the wise men said that it was 'Christ's
obvious, that we fail to see them . l t is like the person who asks star' . And as the: reader may, or m<lY not know, then: is rk)
'Has anyone SCl."Il m y glasses?' on ly to discover tha i he is wearing significant star to be seen in the East , save that of the SUN . The
them. reader should alsn rune that the wise men came from t he East to
Likewise, God is !oil obvious with his presence that we fail to see Jeru salem to worship the king of the j ews (j esus Christ) and
him . Let us, for one moment , consider the answer given by j esus therefore must have travelled West to j eru salem . T he same
10 the question " Who is God?" j esus answered : " Are you so blind course, the reader will notice, as rhat of the SUN .
that you cannot see?" It is obvious, is it nor?, that if one is For those of you who are still not convinced that the Sun is God.
let me conn. nue. '
blind , the n one is in darkness. Yet if one we re 10 open one's eyes,
who was nOI in truth hlind , then one would be able:- to see; and one When King Herod had heard ahuuc The w i~ men saying: " Where
is on ly able TO sec because of the presence of L IG HT. Light, then, is he that is born King of the Jews? For we have seen his star in the
gives us a due as to who God really is. God is the SUN, as j esus East and have come to worship him " , he enq uired of them
was the Son (Sun) of God , who was horn on earth to light the way. dilligently what time the star appeared . This is a q uestion withi n
The question most asked by the wise pertaining 10 that of the a question and is solely for the benefit of the reader of the Bible.
world in which we live is: what is the secret of life? This question This is verified by the fact thai no answer was given . For the
is really a simple one to answer, if one thinks about it logically; for author of this narrative is asking the reader to question the star
the answer must be God - the creator of life; for this is the purpose which the wise men saw in the East. For as everyone knows there
of God's being. is only one star to be seen during the day, and that is the SUN .

18 19
~------------------------------------ ,

Which is what the wise men saw. The SUN. Not thousands and the effort that went into the building of them verifies the fact
of stars which arc 10 be seen ar nighr. that the ancient Egyptian pyramids were nor built without purpose.
Again, what star is so significantly outstanding in the East, save For the fact is the ancient Egyptian pyramids were built with great
that of the SUN? meaning, with great purpose; and with an even greater sense of
Alter Herod had spoken to the wise men, he sent them 10 wisdom than modern man could ever hope to achieve. For the
Bethlehem to search for the young child , and when the),' had found ancient Egyptian priests were scientists in their own right. But
him, they were TO bring him word so that he may worship him also. first and foremost they were alchemists. Alchemy being the first
However, when the wise men had departed, the star which they of the sciences, as well as being the last ; for alchemy is the Alpha
had seen in the East, wen I before them, till it came and stood over and the Omega of all wisdom; for it pertains not to the ways of mao,
where the young child W:JS. This is nor surprising when one or his need for riches, hut rather to the ways of nature; and of the
considers the bet that although the wise men had seen the star iII riches as bestowed upon us by God, the Sun, the Creator of all things
the East (which was early morning) by the time the wise men had and everything.
reached Jerusalem and had finished talking 10 l Icrod the star, which On the banks of the river Nile stands the Great Pyramid. And
was the SIHl, would have caughr them up and even overtaken them dose-by, facing East towards the rising Sun couches a figure of a
- wouldn't it? lion with a woman's head - the Sphinx. The fact that the Sphinx is
Again, the fact that the Sun stood over the young child, which facing East towards the rising Sun is very significant, for the Sphinx
was [csus , proves that it was ruiddav, the centre of the day. In represents the ultimate Hermaphrodite, or Adam. Which is God
other words, rho very centre of the· SUN itself, in every respect. the Sun. Hence the figure of the couching lion with woman's
The very centre, in fact , of the Trinity in the Deity - the Father, head. The lion, of course, represents the male, as well as the sign
the SOIl and the Holy Ghost These were the wise men of whom of the Zodiac, Leo, who's ruling planet is, in fact , the SUN.
St. Marthew spoke of. For the am hor stares again solely for the Now we come to the Great Pyramid itself, and as we do so we are
benefit of the reader, that the wise men did not return III Herod but coming closer to the secrets of which I before spoke of, where you
departed to their country another way. As the three \visc men were only have to ask and it shall be given.
the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost ofGod , the SUN, it follows God is at the centre of all things, both in heaven and upon earth.
that after God had given Jesus Christ the miracle of LIFE, God This was well known to the ancient Egyptian priests. Hence the
continued his journey \Xlestward, where he would rise again the word RAM, which is in the midst of the word pyRAMid. For if
following morning in the Easl. Can you see the meaning now we take the word RAM and break it up into two smaller words we
will end up with the following: RA - AM - RAM.
RA meaning
behind the words "The wise men did not return to Herod but
departed to their own country another way"? the Sun (God), AM meaning "live" or "exist", and RAM meaning
Power, Mystery and Wisdom. The total meaning behind the word
The above words are the greatest and most powerful words that
you will ever speak. Never before have they been published.
CHAPTER FOURTEEN This is the first time that the true meaning behind the building
of the Great Pyramid has been known. It was built as a monument
to God, the SUN, just as Stonehenge was built.
The Ancient Egyptian This is why the Great Pyramid points towards the heavens and
Pyramids why the pyramid converges at the peak of the centre of its very
I do not think thai I need try 10 convince the reader as 10 the: being, just as God is at the centre of our universe and the centre of
Importance of the pyramid 10 the ancient Egyplians; for the size, our very being.

20 21
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..- _. . _ - - _ . -_ .

Til E Sli N: ( iOD O F J.lF E. POW ER , MYST ERY AN D reveal The reasons why and h m\ planet s revolve around the Su n.
WI SDO;\1. The reasons why pldm: l.s revolve around the Su n is became of the
The above wcudx are the fi rst 0 1 the secre ts \)1 whic h I hefon.· two oppusites. the positive and the nega tive . wh u h abou nd s
"po ke (If. Remem ber th em we ll. (I I, the.... arc I n be used in you r th roughout the un iverse , and wit hout which there coukl he uolifc
dsk ing . T hey arc ext remely powerfu l wo rds. so I will warn you: as we kn ow it. Nor u IIIIJ Iller" be a n exis te nce , for Gent"Sis ilscll
LI SE T H E.'" \\? ISE I. Y, AN I> O N !.Y FOR (i OOD. was horn out of rhc ulnnuu c opposites the coldness and darkness
of death , .1Jl,J th e heal and l h~ lighr ofLfc. Bur knuw in truth rh.n
God is so ld y a positive terce of heat an d lighr, However, God is
nol the heat and lighr 01" rho vulgar kind th at wh ich man creates .
for th en.' is nothing else in th e U nive rse comparable to Him , save
CHAPTER FIFT EEN that of the lc-ec r stars, fo r tb cv arc lik ened unto H im ; bur on ly in
;IS much as thev I OU . are HI hea t and light , hill 10 " much les ser
deg ree . HlII -il is (,." t \\ 110 rules over them lo r his power i..
The Nature om nuorcm.
of 1 ..1..' 1 us for the moment ronccrnrate upon Ih" planer e art h , and of
( ,oJ's i Il JlUCIlL'C upon it.
U niversa l G ravitation T he S UIl , i1S I have alrcadv sratcd , i.. it p ositive force . Bu t havi n ~
VIlli will rcr m-rulx.. r I S-;Iid rh:1I ar,·h 'l\'( , I,,~.-j " l s and .,, :il'nli..h ha ve tltc' said tha r. the Sun i.. abo ca p ab le of c reating the negative force , i.c.
uncuu nv k nack II I always bei ng ;lh k ttl make moumains out o f moh- the shadow of dea th - darkue:c; Fu r a\ the Sun of ( ;tlll is solely
hills, when in rcaluv . rill.' auswc rv nrc m-arlv alwav s ;I ~ un rom pli - a po sit ive force of hea l and ligh r, the p lane I Earth , as wdl as its
cared as n :Il UH ' is ilSI:If. The truth IS that (;(;"1 and his nature works 010\)11 , i.. hllih pos it in ' art.1 ucg anve , a.. an' ,,1I 1he plane ts in ( in,i's
on simplicit y; and rh .... nature llf grav n .rtjon is no exception. T he k ingdom . For nlthoup b th e Ea rt h sp in s, nn e ha lf .. f the Earth is
read er wi ll need lin slid e rule , or d egrees ill m.n hs or physics to alw ays ill sun ligh t u hc positive forcer , and one h,II! is alwa ys itt
un de rs tand Of work PUI the movements of t hc heavenly bodies. darkness (the negat ive force). And it is both of these forces and
And although Newton and K epler we re great men in their fields energies. which God creates, wh ich aft' t he r uuws and creators ol
or m at h" and phvsics, th ey bo th lacked o ne csscntiul necessi ty: the all living rbiugs and everythlllg ; an d which is tin: vcrv nature of
capacity ttl ......... 111i ll~~ as th...·y re;.lll y arc. \'t;'h id l is wh v none oj gra vuu uou.
these men were ;Ih le W Jisc:oH" the na tu re of gra \'ila lio ll. - I w ill no w reveal 10 Y" U Ihc' ~ i l1l Jll ic·ity ul ( ; od ' ~ Iormulanons
Newt on end Kcplcr k ne w t bc e ffec ts of graviuniou Tiltht enough ; n..'l;arJ ill~ these f Oh ·l · S. :m J III hun Ihc'Y wur k i ll p r'ICTiel·.
hill nnl liS lldlttre. II Ihq ' h<lJ h UI upt:lll"d II I' thl'i, hearl .., and W hLTC;J ~ lht" 1~lf1 h is hUlh pusiti"''' and negal in ", for whilst onc'
Iheir l'}l><S to ('110..1 , Ih l'y wlIuld hOln- knnw n :mJ u m k' r.;tno"! lhat :111 half lli l h," E;' r1h IS al wa~' s in su nli/lht ( th~ f't.)'> itiyc tnr ec), line ha li
things. ht: Ih L'y in hl',(\,c n \II' 0<1 l,.lflh . Ji Vl' a nt..! lllO\'C (ln ly hy tIl;.' is :1!Wa\'S in d :tfklwss ~ ( h c neg,lIin: fnrc e)_ A nd it is the pusi ti ~ t'
~ racc o f (;od . Fur ( ;oJ is lh l ' Will IIf all th in:.:,,; ,tnd c\-"t:ry lhing. force u f thl' Sun acri n g U poll Ihe po~ i ri \'c f.,rt:l' " f Ihe Eanh wh it:h
E n ' u to thi " d ;ly, Ihe nal ur,' ••f ~ ra v i t'HiI Jn h,h rcm Ji ul'\.i a lIlyS[LTy . prc wlII ~ lh,' E.lrtll fmlll hc:illg c·lIl1"Ulltl->J. hy Ih,' Su n. and \.\"h i,-h
and for the f C',lso n :- wh ich I ha \'''' already sta rn!' T h,lI i., up unl il kt' lh" 1lI hOlh " llOl rl , Il'f hke 1'1 like rq lCl c',u:h tllhl'f. 1I0 WC'\ 'CT,
now. Fm lhl' nat ure of gr.l\' ildlilln ... rC<llly nn m yslefY al all, for <I l! l u .u~h Ihe ptlsiliw force 01 Ih.. Sun ..mllhe p< ISiliw fnrc,.' llf th l'
its !lalUr.: is wilhin cal'll ami \'\'l' ry llnc 01 U" ; lilT il is t fl\' SOIlI and b lrTh rLT'",.. 1 L'ad l other , t hc ncg;ll iw ftlr,,::c I l f lhe Eourh - Tha l wh ich
Sp ir it of {Iud , For it i ~ pu re and sim p le' logic' . th<lt anyt llillg: is in da l kltl'ss '- is altractnl \0 t he po silive fore", of thl' Sun . This
ex isling: [/Illst l'lt.' the Glllse of its i..'fe<l lnr . l lCCU f S w hl're lh e positive force of the Sun mccl s l hc~ nega tivc fmce
\X'c arc now com ing clo ser to t he ~ e..:() n d of til l' two SCCT Cl S; and of Ihe Eartl!, where iT is neilhl'f lig ht nor da rk , In mher words,
Sll lhal yo u will understand llH l rl' lu lly this ~'t:(ln d "L'l'f l·l. I wi ll now Til E TW'l l.I(; I1T ZO N E. In lh is fCSpl'c t t h l' n..~ l'cnlrs a sralc-
22 2 ,~
mate situation, when: the Earth can neither go forwards or to help others whom you love, or who you believe are needy, once
backwards; at least not to any great extent so as to endanger life in a while, so that God will know that you arc not selfish in your
upon the Earth by making the Earth too hot by being to close to the needs. And lastly, never ask for any harm to befall a person, lest
Sun, or roo cold by being to far from the Sun. It is also the it should befall upon you.
attraction of the two opposites which causes the Earth to spin, or to Here, then, is what you do.
be more precise, roll; for the positive force of the Sun is far greater First and foremost, find a suitable room, or place, where you will
than that of the negative force of Earth, and as such, the Earth has not be disturbed.
no alternative but to roll sideways, seeing that the positive force of Just after the Sun sets in the West and the light is beginning to
the Sun acting upon the positive force of the Earth prevents it from fade, take an ordinary WHITE CANDLE and place it so that when
moving forwards. you arc facing the candle you are facing West. Now, light the
This is the reason why God, in His wisdom, made the planets candle.
spherical. Can you sec now why it is that the stars which arc most No matter what your needs are always start by saying the
likened to God, arc the most distant from Him? The reason being following: THE SUN: GOD OF LIFE, POWER MYSTERY AND
that they are both positive forces. They are all stars. WISDOM. Say it three times in all, then say what it is you would
THE TWIT .IGHT ZONE, then, is the other secret of which I like God 10 help you with. But make it short. For instance, if
before spoke of; and is the time of day that you arc to do your asking, you need say £300 to pay off a bill, repeat the following: ·rHE SUN:
for this is the time and the point at which God pulls upon the Earth GOD OF LIFE, POWER, MYSTERY AND WISDOM three
and where His attraction lies. Therefore, if we speak sincerely to times, then say: I WOULD LIKE TO RECEIVE £300 IN ORDER
God at this time of day, just after Sunset, when it is just beginning TO PAY A BILL. SO BE IT. Always end with the words SO
to grow dark, and whilst we are facing W'est towards the setting Sun, BE IT. Continue in this manner every evening for at least two
then our words will be drawn towards God also, and thcv will be weeks, or until your needs are fulfilled. You may get results
heard, and acted upon. - sooner, depending upon how urgent your needs are, and upon how
Can you see now why Jesus Christ was called "The Son (Sun) of sincere you are in your asking.
God? God created Genesis in six days. On the seventh day He Be sure that you repeat exactly the same words every time and
rested. Can you sec now why our day of rest is called Sunday? every evening for at least two weeks.
The SUN'S DAY. You will find that you will get better results if you dose your eyes
To conclude this chapter, the twilight zone is also the cause of the whilst speaking, so write them down and memorize them if you can.
Earth's relatively smooth course through space as it revolves around Be certain that you repeat exactly the same words every time.
the Sun, and where God and His shadow meet. For the opposites And lastly , try to visualise your words and your voice being drawn
here arc gradual, and without a hint of sharpness. towards God as you speak.
It is now time to put together all that you have discovered within
this book so that you can begin asking for your needs. Remember,
however, at all times, to whom you arc speaking. Always be The Proof of the Pudding
sincere and modest. Do not be greedy in the things you ask for, In the introduction to this book and in Chapter Ten 'Nature's Way
lest the Sun he angry and think you unworthy. Ask for God's help To Love' I said that I would give you two tests which will prove
24 25
be yon d any shadow of ~l doubt , rbat rbc methods whic h I ask vou
10 ' lp r ly daily , not o nly work , hUI Thai thcv ,IfC infallible . " CTe ,
rhen , arc rho sc tcstx.
(I ) I would strong ly ad vise the reader against using rest tl IIC, for it
requires the reader ttl he neg ati ve , the effects of which will al so he
negative. I would ask YII U therefore 10 consider The con seq uence....
tl l l hi :. u -s t . Do n OI a t te mp t it.
by Pamela FOld by J . 1< . Chaney
If yo u were to visit a 1111,:<11 pub regularly, and in t ha t p ub WWi. :1 Th, s secret nut o llly S.l~ my ",...., i.>o.jI.' 11111 '''~~ ' ny
3O"ll-CIIIl I,den c.. " nd laith K, lIIc. 1\Xl, I ....., <II II1c e nd n4 my I I...,,,,, lo und thai .1 ,s true ""'I I can obl<llll ,r oncy.
group 01 people who m yo u knew , what do yUII thin k wUlI IJ happen rope wIlell o ne mom ,ng I g " .. I((lIn IIll'! 001l1"...." n sallIe'S ""f'WY\.: ht'.11t11 81ld ,"Ifact l he op(lO!ill.. SCIl 1I1rt)\Iq h tI....
if :111 of a sudden YI)U sta rted ~ i \' l n~ nne uf the group dirty IU(lks ? 0:1",1 1 w .lS I H '< sfo"., (16 11b I· ror y+!<lr~ I M d "'~ t"V't" y IXl'<"9'" of II,,' occoe I have also fo und 111.11 " ""
~ 'nd of <hel <100 the """,II ..."" tNt I WoO:,, ;) :;l(N1C (4?1b I >It,,,-,,,,,'9'Y s,mplo! No.. befoffl '(\IU tx::g,n th,nk" .." tIl .11 1
"",' hilt tltl yn ll rhink wHuld happen if you started ro ~1Y IY thin g-, O\oC.... eytll! a m 0 _ u ll/lOS'" r->plt! w,II' -spectal p»-.,<.tloc ~f!l "
I don 'l k now about you. b ut u cts roe_ _ " >00 to wor\t h' loot 1Tl(' po n \,,)11 ,,1ra .ghl 1 ;'1'11 flU ITlOrC ' psyrlW:: ' ItldO 1f1",
a b ou t rhis pe rson hi the ocher members (If I n L' group when rhis
pl:V't.III wasn't around ? \'fhal would happen i:< thi s. $oOIlt"r II,"
tI'IC. I ha"... IDed IU"I abouI ....... ry ~ 1Od or eer VOII QU1 thon...
of . bllt Ihe res uu w ;r<; a lway" lI1e $o'Im e I ~ Il)5oEl Ii ' -
"" " pt.:, :;on I ,,'11 rot" tlle ",-'..-enltl ""'" 01 a st'W'l11h !IOf1.
m y moll'.... wa"" t a wrtch. or al1y ol iN! ut\l~'r (I1jll9'
pound s In 1t1.. boo:j lf1t"1. "'J only 10 ,ega,n t!>ofn liot.!' I rC;l(! l!1aI we S<JpprlYd !<l re necess ary klf ga""tltl
later th e nasty Ihings which }'HU have been saying about this person e--ery <lid bo<Jl< I moil ~,t m y h.1nrls , '" .orl(J ...a<:; 1Jr'~ If1roo. oq" I IC or;:ctJ~ I ~m just d O « eti """f J>l'1'son ...110

will gel hack to them . the conseq ue nces being that the pe rson tl)' C<l'i<' hisl<Xic'S oe ~ 'lo:.iIlg roh III on.. IttOAll1 . I I I<1S P' (l¥ed IlJr ,"msc H l!1al lhoJ y<XXl lt>onrj!l of lot<: c,......
Ioond I cou !rln'1 "v~'" jo se I",'ll"otJ. ld:. . 1Cl.llOllt:l _ ,Iy l>fo flll. ,w,,1 c(l by 1M use d hldden ptM<:f S.
concerned will not on l ~' give ynl) dirtv luoks hack . b UI he Uf she will Not only dod I lry d..-ts. a tld n iUlIlgO IfI",,_ dlt:+..~ . I I"E' W(lId ··<lCt-....II"mt''''''' " tl ...t w h ICh "5 hoddL-n' II IS
get to J I::.l ik(' you ,I" well. In fad. if you ever did ir, you might itl:;O ~ s,mn-oi'lQ po l s, lI1jedintls ill'Id grouo lhPtitl>}' . l flc " tJ0u6 USJ'"'1 rtvo ho..ti;'fl ~ of ........· 5 ,,In(J n '" a
re:;u~ .Vw<l 'j'S "'" sumc. I even '""," l~>d 10 ~t.l....,nq pewer ..... "., oll lkll(l ;oM _ InCluding P'~ Chil!'~_
eve n lind ynun.df coming to blows with tbcm . The, test i~ my<;el! lr>r <1;1".,. OIl o oo, wly l" !.-l lholl 1,...,..1:' ....1lI lIJl ",Jd Jr!'WS l arotl ()I l'Iof b ths , 0» . _ rce, 1IfIIt.'9 l O dO
hung,lC1 Ih"," ev"" a "oJ fTl(Ife l)VP""""''!flI 1l),)rl .. ~ • ..."" Ihc [)cvlI 1lI 01""', >.UCh cl1lld isll JIUf -.>cTlSe W~Il
com pletel y N I.:GAT IVE . ~arted I evl"ll If,cd SIl'O''''1!l I saw ,,"I paoJPW ya,roao:! )'Ul' USA tht! oc:cu~ YfI\I Ii>;€ yow QlO'fI Goo.I-grveon
(2) On the othe r h:IIlJ , if you warned to make fri ...-nds with l hi ~ sam e weiglll when IMy ~luwcd 5..-.;>0.•." 50 I I,gu'ed tM! d I Ill "" "''' 10 r;rf!'i>f", SOII){'f1llng 01.11 of nol/lHlIJ n-.e.-", ..
"'arler! ",, tre OpptlM .. p<OCl"SS wouk1 1a1<c 1>1_ II nofh""l ",,,,,,,,lei eboo !h,s . ,. IS SlrnPY .. more poIenl
person , in stead of enemies , all rbat you would need TO do is; every d ·1 lot,., 1;1I plit.,.... Iud ,I 's absollll<'ly sale r'kI one w a:.
time thi s rerson looks ..c ros s at yo u. smile at him or her wu h " 'lOIIT I as dl-pr("'"sed ..... l>etL My scll-'COtl! or:!e'>at ... ::o~ f' llbonq lW flI t>arn lt'(1 by pm ¥", ,," d you ",~I CCf la,nly n ol to..
_olY. • ",a " shIIubll9 ::ol my rhilfl,e n. ol<!d WOI'<I .,rt .... my h...-rnl'd tJ'f USll -.g you own ""lu, a1 lX""" r
eyL':'. let them know t ha r yo u all' pleased TO see Them , and That They ..",band - ... ho hkP.CI .. 10m ..ornell - Wlls :;(.'(" "'9 SOfTlllt . .. I ""w lX't'fl " '<lIlY t he OGCuh wdh oo ns,sl"""'" 9" ....d
a rc There; say mcc things ahuuI Them TO the rest of the people in The else At lilt, age of 35 I Ml I"'e a btl uYt"\ 'lI1c-ll ,1 ,~~'" for alXJu l 18 mouIh,. now. I " ave lnund ,} way (II

group, when he or she i~ not around . Soone r or later, what yo u

mldd lC'--.l<}ed housewiI" But ~ Wit,;;11 ....11. III tile m,d3i ol ' tl'f mak," !! ~ lW1fIL rI1!Iy clleclivelr_ III lhr.;..,.,.... 1 ""Vfl
cu I~>d
despnir ""'1 I loun d IhI! slitt l 0 1 th e '<W:ft'l Ih al 'NOf.l1d tll'fs'!tf of ::0 SI"OOUS SIfIfIlach COfTIJlI<1.n1. got mysell a lob
change my whole Ion. T h,s w as" '<eC"'~ tllal would n( ~ ....n ly " n.:r a Ie.. years of utlemploy....mL have h>ld II Y'(>.ll
have been saying abou t This person will get back TO them; coupled red ur:e Illy fig ure fast. lIul KE EP MYW D G HT DO WN rOR dEl.d u t SUC(';e5S wdh Olt! opposite sP~ . a rlll h.lve lIf!<lfl
with the smiles and p h-asam g lances That yo u haw been ~ivi ng the m , GQ()() I oo ukl n'l OOlievc m y "loud IOfllJne and I COUldn I u.lIlsislPntly suoc:e'SsiuI in I<1llL'lics . I haven '! won e
......rstaIld why 110 coe had Ihou~1 of 'I bClor e Ill ""'" IoIIulll' yet. bul l am ..orI<orog Oil d'
rhev will, in turn . do the s.ame , and will wa nt 10 he yuur frientl . AflST MO N TH O F U SING m rS SfCRCT I LOST No:1tf I know d>at '>Orne peopkJ ~l 'XIy t11d1 all is "-.os
You :-t.' t' nllw . how imporT.1nr il is , ro always look al people wilh ELE VEN POUNDS I lu:; 1 ."oott>m ''''' OIl Ille $flCUnd "CQ,n~ " TI ll'SC people a re ~"'!fIled 10 111..-
IllOIl ll1. E......l1ually I ",as d ""," I () ju st l:I sh ltl S p(JI.lO<is OP'"".' I W<II no l aflJu" With them ~ d ser\'CS "'0 "SI!f~1
a smi le in yo ur CYl~ ? And why il is so im po rlanl 10 alwayx s pe:lk (117Ib .) wh,cfl was It<ss l han I 11...-1 ........ been III m y r..e ' lll' pu~ . & 1 II you are """" -mi,,ded yoo. may ...anl to
kind ly abo UT peo ple , :lod (0 people? But I " ,ust m.~ ~ dear to V'''-' l hi\l lt'" '*'<.:I~'t IS NO T A try m y ,nstruck. lS. I a ssure voo thaI ~ you f<Jl'()w 1t1_
D IE: r II does nol r eq uire g.'rl;JeK It r~ ~ lreS Vf'ry littlE' ",,11 1Il9l'uc t." ,,; carefully - 'fOu wi ll IIIld lhefTl " as y \0
In conclus.ion , I woul d ask tnc reade r to undenila nd that Ihing:< fX""er . I.t does,,'1 inVQIv" ",;" ualislng ! Il '" lu~t 30' (JI'd lnltry \Jfldt'rstanff ~rl<l apply - 'fOl' will ""I r......,Ih me Ihat the
can on ly he a-:hie\'cJ by d oing, and that an ything wor th tloing, j<; tl oo sew.f" ",.111 two chldren I <I'" not espet:",I IlYII ,11C<l III <X:X:u l\ ls a s ubi ect ..",rtainly 'NOrth ta king ""r;ously
any ...ay Th is seael w",ked feo- '11 .. when IIbStllul",ly I tl alla no t w rill ell it took, bo lt " short lew p agl!s 01
wor th Joing wclI. nolhitlg " I.... wookl . It has wO' ket.l lor olhfors whom I " aVA straig l' l!o rw ard " ho w to" ill stru ctiof1s Yw nood " "
give n il lo. It Gan wo<k lor yoo s pCClal knvw\odgc to make U",se Ins lroc.tlOlls ",or k to r
M ay the Soul and Spirit o f God he with you always. AM EN . P amela Ford's amazi rtg s lim ming ~G'Gr'" is ava ilable ,n a V' ltJ. You nood 0<11y comm on sense arld a linle fa.lh
,;pe cia l personal report (NOT A t>OOK) ..hic h WI" tllk", yOU W ;s"l y apphc d you Ulllkl lind this Inf",m all Oll wi ll.
only 15 mitlUtes 10 re ad . It is w"l1..." ,n .a n Elilsy tel Impr ov e yo ur III" o ut of all recognllion . If yOLl oos "c
Undersland rnanr", r. The pr ic e Df IIli" amllz '" 11 ~C'C ret IS '1101" ,no'IC y. happiness. be tte r heal l h, love. the poWAr
R eader.\ may he imcmlcd in Mr / -eppier's pr(r,iious book nI1~' CO N S CIO l.l-\ · "'l ly 1:2 .50 . (W hen o rderi"y ~ i m ply guilt.. 'The St,mmu'9 to influellGe p"opte. pe ace and contenlmenl , "Ie. then
Sec ret That Saved My Marriage ' by Pam el " Fo rd ). yOll al IN st owe it 10 you rse lf to fry 111 " occu lt To r:",:J"r
TR.CJ1H OF HIH SURCChVS CIO lIS .HIND price .rs ($12.Y5 10 US A my instru ction s s imply quol" 'MY FORM ULA FOR
illduding air mail postage). SUGC F SS WI TH THE OC CU L r by J. K. Ch,lrIe y Wlt~
payme nl of just £3. Tile re 'S "bSll lutely not~ir1 g mort<
10 pay Good luck l

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