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Dream Dictionary

Dreams are often said to go "by contraries," which will often be found is the case in looking up
the symbols in the Dream Dictionary, and yet it is not a rigid rule, for there are too many
variations from it.

In interpreting a dream for someone it will give a better understanding of the matter if you say,
"To dream of 'a balloon' shows that you are engaged in some profitless work and 'the drum' in it
warns you of danger unless you change your intentions," than if you give only the significance of
each article.

If you do not find the name of the article you are seeking in the Dream Dictionary, try under
some similar name for it. If you are looking for the mean. ing of rifle, look under the general title
of gun.


Abundance. Doubtful security.
Accident. Unexpected meeting.
Acorns. Beware of mistakes.
Air. Clear, good fortune coming. Foggy, small worries. Fragrant, success in love.
Anchor. Successful enterprise.
Angel. Successful work.
Ants. Success through your efforts.
Anvil. Successful work.
Ape. An enemy.
Apples. Eating them, pleasure. Many on a tree, abundance.
Apricots. Eating them, pleasure. If dried, disappointment.
Arbor. Love. If inside, delays in love affairs.
Arm. Injury to arms, sorrow. Hairy arms, strength and health. Dirty arms, misery which can be
Ashes. Loss or disappointment.
Ass. Quarrels over gossip.

B ~ Dream Meaning
Baby. Happy marriage.
Bagpipe. News or trouble.
Baker. Gain.
Ball. Joy and pleasure.
Balloon. Your ideas are impractical.
Banquet. Great success and plenty.
Barn. If full, wealth through marriage. Empty, poverty.
Basin. Full, money. Empty, trouble through debts.
Basket. Increase. If empty, delays in receipt of money.
Bat. Strange news.
Bathing. Clear water, happiness. Muddy water, small troubles. Running water, pleasure will
Beans.—Little quarrels. Be patient.
Bear.—Attack by rich enemy.
Bed.—Strange bed travel.
Beer.—Unsuccessful efforts.
Bees.—Success. If stung by them, failure.
Beggar.—Foretells wealth.
Bell.—Good news from afar. If tolling, sorrow.
Betrothal.—Brief pleasure.
Birds.—Friends and fortune. Catching one, speedy marriage. Killing one, deep sorrow.
Blackbird, scandal.
Boat.—Clear water, successful undertakings. Muddy water, delays.
Bouquet. As a present—an offer of love or friendship.
Bread. Much success at hand.
Bridge. New opportunity. If broken, examine well before accepting.
Brook. Family happiness. Many friends.
Bugs. Enemies seeking to cause trouble.
Bull. Beware of opposition and oppression.
Butterfly. Flitting pleasures.
Butter. Surprises.

C ~ Dream Meaning
Cabbage. Long, happy life.
Cage. Servitude if empty. Liberty if a bird sits within.
Cakes. Joy and profit.
Calf. Assured success.
Cameel. Riches. Riding one, rocky road to success.
Candle.—Favors. Praise.
Candy.—Ardent love.
Cane.—Warning to change one's intentions.
Cards.—Happy marriage and life. Or successful love affairs.
Cart.—Sickness or trouble. If driving, trouble may be overcome.
Carving—Business prosperity. If venison or game, the business will be unusual.
Cat.—White, a gift. Black, jolly good luck. Angry cat, quarrels.
Cap.—Putting on, be careful in love affairs. Receiving a present of one, speedy marriage. Take
one down, a secret will be betrayed.
Caterpillar.—Attempted slander by envious persons.
Chain.—Meeting of absent friends.
Cheese.—Foretells success.
Cherries.—Love and happiness.
Chicken.—Coming good news. Crowing, beware of boasting.
Children.—Pleasure and good fortune. If ill, a warning.
Church.—Heritage. Speaking aloud in one, family quarrels.
Clams.—Stupid. Lack of generosity.
Corkscrew.—Annoyance from prying persons.
Corn.—Increase in family or fortune.
Crab.—Your affairs will go contrariwise.
Cross.—Success and honor. Carrying one, sacrifice which is honorable.
Crow.—Disappointed expectations.
Crown—Golden, business success. Silver, good health. Green, distinction.
Crowd.—Some public meeting.
Cypress.—News of death. Illness or loss.

D~E~ Dream Meaning

Day.—To dream of a clear day is an excellent omen.
Devil.—Temptation. Be on your guard.
Diamond.—Brief illusive happiness.
Dirt.—Trouble through gossip.
Dishes—Many possessions. Breaking them, family quarrels.
Ditch.—Be careful lest you fall.
Dog.—Faithful friends.
Door.—Opportunity, seize it.
Dove.—A lover.
Drum.—Some difficulty. Hear one, warning.
Duck.—Profit and amusement. To kill one, bad luck.
Dwarf.—Feeble foes.

Eagles.—A sign of success.

Earthquake.—Change of estate or business.
Earth worm.—Secret enemy.
Ear.—Wounded—someone betrays a secret. Filled with wheat, enormous success.
Eclipse.—Sun, great losses. Moon, small losses.
Eel.—Danger from irresponsible friends.
Eggs.—Happiness. Broken, lawsuits.
Elephant.—Riding one, new method of business.
Elevator.—Going up, your fortune will rise. Going down, failure.
Engine.—Success awaits you in business or plan.
Enemy.—A warning.
Evergreen.—Delays in business, illness or some serious danger.
Excuses.—Making excuses shows that you will tell lies.
Exercises.—Joyful experiences.
F~G~ Dream Meaning
Face.—Smiling, joy comes. Pale face, joy waits.
Falling.—If you fall but rise quickly, honor comes through trouble. If you do not rise, you must
overcome trouble by honest effort.
Fan.—Pride and rivalry.
Fatigue.—To dream of being tired foretells rewards for industry.
Feather.—White, purest friendship and high honor. Black, threatened disgrace.
Feet.—Painful delays in affairs.
Fiddle.—If you play upon it, desperate enterprises.
Figures.—All above 90 brings success. Below 90 uncertainty.
Figs.—Green, hope. Dried, transient pleasures. Fire.—Warning. If burning, a fever. Fish.—
Unexpected luck.
Flame.—Wonderful news.
Flood.—Loss or destruction of property.
Flowers.—Pleasant life amid friends and lovers.
Fountain.—Spiritual joy.
Forest.—To be lost in one, perplexities.
Frogs.—Uneasiness. Control this feeling and good will come.
Fork.—Beware of flattery.
Fruits.—Prosperity and success.

Gallop.—On a bay horse, difficulties to overcome. Black, more serious troubles. White, a royal
life of pleasure.
Garden.—Bright and secure future.
Garlic.—A secret will be disclosed.
Geese.—Cackling, warning to watch for enemy.
Giant.—To be one, beware of boasting. Meet one, honor conferred. Overthrow one, a happy life.
Gift.—A dangerous offer.
Ghost.—Figure in white, consolation; in black, temptation.
Gloves.—Honor and safety.
Goat.—White, luck. Black, delayed fortune.
Gold.—A fortune from an unexpected source.
Goose.—Gossiping visitors.
Grapes.—Luxuriant, plenty. Small and few, privations.
Grass.—Green, long life.
Grasshopper.—Loss of savings or investment.
Grain.—Ripening grain, prosperity.
Guns.—Danger. Loss. Disappointments.
Gypsy.—Unexpected news concerning the future.
H~I~J~ Dream Meaning
Hail.—Delayed success in endeavors.
Hair.—Falling out, threatened loss of friends, so mend your ways. To act as hair dresser, sign of
Ham.—All good things.
Hand. White and handsome, luck in work and love. If the hands grow smaller, danger from
member of family. To have many hands, unusual prosperity.
Hanged.—Denotes rise to great honor.
Harlequin.—Your sweetheart will deceive you.
Hare.—Opportunity to engage in successful enterprise.
Harp.—Recovery of the sick.
Harvest.—Business success.
Hate.—If you hate anyone in a dream it shows the person's feeling for you.
Hay.—Accidents of a dangerous nature.
Hell.—A message from beyond to reform.
Heaven.—Some joyful event will occur bringing peace and happiness.
Hen.—Profit. Cackling, cheering news.
Hills.—Travelling over high hills, many difficulties to overcome. Resting on a hill, achievement.
A lover can expect rivalry.
Honey.—Success through industry.
House.—New consolations.

Ice.—A favorable omen except when skating or sliding upon it, when it means to be cautious.
Illumination.—Opens new ways for information.
Inheritance.—Raise in position or a gift. Upsetting separation.
Island.—Departure of a friend.
Itch.—Small irritations or puny foes.
Ivy.—True friendship.

Jail.—To enter one, safety. Leaving one, single blessedness.

Jumping Jack.—Invitation to some jolly affair.
Jury.—An unpleasant occurrence.
Judge.—Punishment in some form for mistake.
Jug.—Loss through neglect. Examine your affairs.

K~L~ Dream Meaning

Keys.—Progress in knowledge. To lose them, perplexity.
King.—The highway to success.
Kiss.—In the light, true love. In the dark, risky.
Kite.—Pride goes before a fall.
Knee.—Broken, poverty. Bent knees, slight illness.
Knife.—Anger and disputes.
Knitting.—Meddlesome tongues.
Knots.—Entanglements in business or love.

Ladder.—Going up, success in everything. Going down, failure unless you change your ways.
Lambs.—Peace and harmony.
Lame.—Business adversities.
Lamp.----Limited business.
Lantern.—Lit, safe adventure. Unlit, blunder.
Lark.—Success if you rise early.
Laurel.—Distinction and honor.
Lawsuit.—Misunderstanding between friends or family adjusted.
Leopard.—Varying fortune, now up, now down. Letters.—Good news.
Leaks.—Poverty through carelessness. Neglect.
Lice.—Plenty of small coin.
Light.—A flame, fortune and honor to the healthy; recovery to the sick.
Lily.—In season means plenty without effort. Out of season means efforts are useless.
Lion.—Friendships with distinguished persons. To fight one, quarrel with powerful person.
Victory over one, sorrows. Ride one, assistance of powerful, influential person.
Lizard.—Beware of hypocrisy.
Lovers.—Joys and troubles mixed.

M~N~ Dream Meaning

Mare.—With handsome bridle, means happy marriage.
Market.—Joyous events.
Marsh.—Unsuccessful endeavors. Change tactics.
Mask.—Deceit. Be on your guard.
Melons.—Recovery from illness.
Mice.—Annoyance. Small extravagances nibbling away good fortune.
Midget.—Secret enemies, unless when dancing good luck attends.
Milestones.—Desires accomplished.
Mill.—In motion, busy, happy life. Not moving, uneventful existence.
Mire.—Careless mistakes. Be more painstaking.
Money.—To find some, unexpected trouble. To give some, receive again tenfold.
Monk.—With a hood, reconciliation.
Monkey.—Harmless mischief. Silly tales.
Moon.—Bright without clouds, high honor. Dim and clouded, money delayed.
Mother.—Love and peace.
Mountain.—Journeys to distant countries.
Mouth.—Large, riches. Small, poverty. Closed tightly, illness.
Muff .—A severe winter.
Mulberries.—Wealth. Health. Children. Wild ones, property in the country.
Mule.—Difficulties to overcome.
Mushroom.—Long life.
Myrtle.—A declaration of true love.

Nails.—An attack on your character.

Needles.—Disappointment in love.
Nest.—Of birds, good luck; of snakes, lying tongues.
Newspaper.—Beware of gossip.
Nose.—Increasing in size, growing in wealth.
Numbers.—Above 90, success; below 90, uncertainty.
Nuts.—Successful outcome of dangerous voyage.

O~P~ Dream Meaning

Oak.—Health and strength.
Oars.—Safe enterprise.
Obelisk.—Great honors.
Oil.—Anointed with oil, preferment.
Olives.—Honors conferred.
Onions.—Discovery of unpleasant secrets.
Orange blossom.—A marriage.
Oranges.—Grief and vexation.
Ostrich.—Misadventure through vanity.
Oysters.—Feasting and plenty.

Pain.—Sickness and speedy recovery.

Palm tree.—Dreamed of by girls, marriage. Dreamed of by women, children. Dreamed of by
men, fame.
Parrot.—A malicious neighbor.
Pawnbroker.—Little result of big endeavor.
Peacock.—Victory in love or business.
Pears.—Long life and happiness.
Pheasant.—Sign of unusual good luck.
Pies.—Joy unconfined.
Pig.—Rich good luck.
Pigeon.—Reconciliation with absent friend.
Pine trees.—Be on your guard against dangerous trouble.
Pirate.—Fortunate adventure.
Pitch.—Evil companions.
Plain.—View of wide, sunny plain, happiness.
Plough.—Efforts will be rewarded.
Plums.—Pleasure and happiness.
Porcupine.—A delicate embarrassment.
Port.—A seaport, news of a pleasant nature.
Present.—See gift.
Procession.—Happy love.
Pump.—Pumping water, speedy marriage.
Purse.—Loss of old, empty purse, change for better in business.
Pyramids.—Acquisition of honor and wealth. Stand on one, high position in society or in one's

Q~R~S~ Dream Meaning

Quail.—Family responsibilities.
Quarrel.—Long life friends.
Queen.—Any woman of royal rank. Advance in worldly affairs.
Quills.—Special information.

Rabbit.—White, friendship. Black, inconstancy. Running, disappointment.

Racing.—Successful efforts.
Radish.—Discovery of secrets.
Rain.—Gently falling, harmonious relations. Storm, be cautious.
Rainbow.—All troubles followed by joy.
Rat.—Secret enemies.
Ribbons.—Meeting of loved one.
Rice.—News of a wedding or engagement.
Ring.—True love.
River.—Change in affairs.
Road.—Straight and even, on the road to achievement. Winding or muddy, difficulties to
Rocking chair.—A good, easy position.
Rocks.—Prepare for trouble.
Rose.—A most fortunate sign. White, constancy. Red, ardent love.
Rosemary.—Admired by many friends.

Sailor.--Good news from afar.

Sands.—Instability and change.
Saw.—Everything will turn out well.
Sea.—Long journey.
Sewing.—Someone plots against you.
Sheep.—Alive, much comfort. Dead, sorrow.
Ship.—Wishes fulfilled.
Shoes.—A short journey very soon.
Sickness.—Never a good sign unless used to guard your health.
Slippers.—Comfort after work.
Snail.—Trouble from procrastination. Delays.
Sneeze.—Long life.
Snow.—Successful harvest.
Spider.—Conquest of difficulties by industry.
Sponge.—Unreasonable demands.
Spot.—On clothes, tarnished reputation.
Stars.—Fair and clear, a happy life.
Steel.—Breaking a piece, triumph over enemies. Touching it, security.
Stilts.—Vanity, have a care lest you fall. False pride.
Stranger.—Return of absent friend.
Strawberries.—Unexpected good fortune.
Sugar.—Lack of many things.
Sun.—If rising, coming good fortune. If setting, wishes are coming true.
Supper.—News of a birth.
Swallows.—Good news.
Swamp.—Troubles which are difficult to overcome.
Swan.—White, much wealth. Singing, sign of death.
Swimming.—Some great pleasure.

T~U~V~ Dream Meaning

Table.—Abundance; unless bare, when need may be experienced.
Tailor.—Someone is unfaithful to you.
Tears.—Joy and consolation.
Teeth.—Falling out, loss of friends.
Tent.—Family quarrels.
Thimble.—Struggles and hard work.
Thorns.—Walking over them, conquest over enemies.
Tiger.-Bitter enemy.
Toad.—Something distasteful but useful.
Torch.—Invitation to a wedding.
Trees.—Climbing trees, change of employment. Green, hope.
Turnips.—Sour disappointment.
Turtle.—Be patient; improvement may be slow but it is sure.

Umbrella.—Annoyance and trouble which may be turned to good use.


Vampire.—Bitter deception.
Vase.—Unexpected inheritance.
Veil.—White, marriage. Black, separation.
Vermin.—Enough to spare.
Vine.—Abundance, riches, fertility.
Violets.—Requited love.
Violin.—Sympathy and consolation.
Voice.—Someone absent is thinking of you.

W~Y~Z~ Dream Meaning

Wagon.—Easy success.
Wall.—An obstacle.
Walnuts.—Your dearest wishes will be fulfilled.
War.—Peace and prosperity.
Wart.—Take care in business matters.
Washing.—Misunderstanding will disappear.
Wasps.—Insolence and annoyance.
Watch.—Warning to use your time well.
Water.—Clear running water, purification and happiness. Muddy water, troubles through
Cloudy water, misunderstandings.
Wedding.—News of a funeral.
Wine.—Disappointment. Drunkenness. Disgrace.
Wolf.—Be cautious lest you find him at the door.
Work.—Prosperity through endurance.
Worms.—Look well to your health.
Wormwood.—Sorrow followed by joy.
Writing.—A letter, someone wishes to hear from you.

Yacht.—See Boat.
Yarn.—Mischief caused by others.
Yeast.—Expanding affairs.
Yoke.—Marital responsibilities.

Zoo.—Many troublesome matters. Much to hear.

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