Basics of Management: From: Raman Deep Kaur Roll No. 7960

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Basics of management


Raman deep kaur

Roll no. 7960…

Basics of management

1. Management.

2. Marketing Management.

3. Customer relationship management.

4. Total Quality Management.

Basics of management

According to the F.W Taylor: Management is the art of knowing what you
want to do and then seeing that it is done in the best and the cheapest way.

According to me: Management is defined as the art of getting things done

through and with people informally organized groups.

Management is the distinct process consisting of planning, organizing,

actuating and controlling performance to determine and a complish stated
objective by the use of human beings and other resourses.

According to James L. Lundy: Management is principally tht task of

planning , coordinating, motivating and controlling the effort of others
towards a specifics objective.

Characteristics of Management:
 Management is goal oriented.
 Management is universal.
 Management is an integrated process.
 Management is multi disciplinary description.
 Management is an art as well as science.
 Management is a continuous activity.
 Management is a require as all levels.
 Management is a social process.
 Management is intangible.
 Management is profession.

Concept of Management:
 Functional concept.
 Getting things done through other concept.
 Leadership & decision making concept.
 Productivity concept.
 Universal concept.

Functional concept: According to this concept is

management is what a manager does.

Getting thing done through other concept:

According to this concept management is the art of getting thing is
Basics of management

done through other it is very narrow and traditional concept of


Leadership & decision making concept: According

to this concept management is an art and science o decision
making and leadership most of the time of managers is consume in
taking decision achievement of object depends on quality of
decision similarly production and productivity both can be increase
by efficient leadership only leadership provide efficience and co
ordination and continuity in an organization.

Productivity concept: According to this concept

management is an art of productivity. it is also a factor of
production like labour, capital and enterprise.

Universal concept: According to this concept management

is universal in the sense that it is applicable any where weather
social, religious or business and industrial.

Functions of management:
 Planning.
 Organizing.
 Staffing.
 Leading.
 Co ordinating.
 Controlling.

Planning: According to this concept of planning is deciding what need to

happen in the future and working out a plan of acting for it. Planning is
concerned with the future impact of today’s decision.

Organizing : According to this concept of organizing means

understanding the resources in hand and putting these resources to optimum
use for achieving the goal. Organizing is establishing the internal
organizational structure of the business.
Staffing: According to this concept of staffing is the process of recruiting,
selecting and training of personnel. It means putting the right men on the
right jobs.
Basics of management

Leading: According to this concept of leading is the process of planning

and organizing the resources does not end the responsibility of a manager
rather it is just the beginning.

Co ordinating: According to this concept of a manager needs to have

the capability to co ordinate the various section of his project team. As
earlier identified even an ordinary task may require different type of skills
being employed.

Controlling: According to this concept controlling is a four steps process

of establishing performance standard based on the firm objectives,
measuring and reporting actual performance, comparing the two, and taking
corrective or preventive action as necessary.

Marketing Management:
The application, tracking and review of a business' marketing resources and
activities. The scope of a business' marketing management depends on the size of
the business and the industry in which the business operates. Effective marketing
management will use a company's resources to increase its customer base, improve
customer opinions of the company's products and services, and increase the
company's perceived value.

What is marketing ?
“Marketing is a social and managerial process by which individual and group obtain
what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and value with

The following important core marketing concepts:

 Needs.
 Wants.
 Demands.
 Marketing offers.
 Values.
 Exchanges, transections,and relationships.

Needs: A condition or situation in which something is required.

Wants: The form taken by a human need as shaped by culture and

individual personality.
Basics of management

Demands: Human wants that are backed by buying power because there
can’t be any demand without money in the pocket of the buyer no matter
what his needs or wants are.

Marketing offers:Some combination of product, services, information,

or experiences offered to a market to satisfy a need or want . marketing
offers don’t have to be a physical object.

Value: Value is the difference between the value the customer gain from
owning and using a product and the costs of obtaining the product.

Satisfaction: Satisfaction with a product depend on how well the

product performance lives up to the customer’s expectations.

Exchange: The act of obtaining a desired object from someone by

offering something in return.

Transaction: A trade of values between two parties.

Market: The set of all actual and potential buyers of a product or services.

Customer Relationship Management:

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) refers to the
methodologies and tools that help businesses manage customer relationships in an
organized way.

Customer relationship management is a broadly recognized, widely-implemented

strategy for managing and nurturing a company’s interactions with customers and
sales prospects. It involves using technology to organize, automate, and
synchronize business processes-principally sales related activities,but also those for
marketing, customer services, and technical support The overall goals are to
find,attract, and win new customers, nurture and retain those the company already
has, entice former customers back into the fold, and reduce the costs of marketing
and customer service.
Basics of management

Customer Satisfaction :
Answers to questions:

Question # 1: What will the customer satisfaction entail, that is, what are the needs
I am trying to meet?
Answer: Provide easy-to-follow guidance on improving family organization

Question # 2: Who will receive customer satisfaction?

Answer: Families who perceive a need for being better organized.

Question # 3: Why will my organization deliver customer satisfaction?

Answer: First, there is a already perceived need to be better organized. Second,
there are ways to fulfill that need that are not being provided to families.

Question # 4: Who will deliver customer satisfaction?

Answer: Let’s get it together, through a small staff of highly trained and ethical
individuals, will provide this service to families

Question # 5: Where will I deliver customer satisfaction?

Answer: The service will be provided through small introductory seminars and
through meetings in the homes of the families, if preferred.

Question # 6: When will I deliver customer satisfaction?

Answer: Customer satisfaction will start with the first seminar and continue
through a continuing association with Let’s get it together.

Question # 7: How will I deliver customer satisfaction?

Answer: Through a personal and caring approach with my clients involving
seminars and continuing personal contacts

Total Quality Management:

Total Quality Management(TQM) TQM is a set of management practices
throughout the organization, geared to ensure the organization consistently meets
or exceeds customer requirements. TQM places strong focus on process
measurement and controls as means of continuous improvement.

Total Quality Management (TQM) is a management approach that aims for long-
term success by focusing on customer satisfaction. TQM is based on the
participation of all members of an organization in improving processes, products,
services, and the culture in which they work.
Basics of management

Birth of TQm: The last two decades or so, simple inspection activities
have been replaced by quality control, quality assurance has been developed
and refined and now many companies are working towards TQM. In this
progression , four discrete stages can be identified:
 Inspection.
 Quality control.
 Quality Assurance.
 TQM.

Inspection: Under a simple inspection based system, one or more

characteristics of a product, service or activity are examined, measured, tested, or
assessed and compared with specified requirement to assess conformity with a
specification or performance standard.

Quality control: There will have been some development from the basics
inspection activity in term of sophistication of method and systems, self inspection
by approved operators, use of information and the tools and techniques which

Quality assurance: A lasting and continous improvement in quality can only

be achieved by directing organizational effort towards planning and preventing
problem from occurring at source.

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