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Chapter 3: Research Methodology

As indicated in the title, this part of thesis is where the researchers proposes the methodologies
used in conducting the thesis. In these study methodologies it have been used to diagnose and
examine the possible effects of the arbitration case filed by the Philippines in the Permanent
Court of Arbitration against China in terms of their bilateral relations. The reliability of the future
findings and conclusions depend on the quality of the research design, data collection, data
management and data analysis. In this chapter it aims to give the definition of the methods and
steps done in order to obtain the data and how exactly they will be utilize, analyze, and
interpreted and how will the researchers drive into conclusion. This part of the thesis will
validate the means in which the study was attain and thus giving a clearer purpose and strength
as it is will be in a process based and analytical. The processing of data and formulation of
conclusion is inclined with these methodologies.


Research design essentially refers to the plan or strategy of shaping the research that might
include the entire process of research from conceptualizing a problem to writing research
questions, and on to data collection, analysis, interpretation and report writing (Henn, Weinstein
and Foard, 2006). It provided the framework for the collection and analysis of data and
subsequently indicated which research methods were appropriate (Walliman, 2006). In this
study, the researchers utilize the descriptive method of research. As widely established, the
descriptive method of research is a fact-finding learning that actually involves sufficient and
precise interpretation of findings. According to Fox, W. & Bayat, M.S. (2007), descriptive method
is “aimed at casting light on current issues or problems through a process of data collection that
enables them to describe the situation”. The rationale of using the descriptive method is to
describe the nature of a condition, as it takes place during the time of the research and to
explore the causes of the particular condition. According to Creswell (1994), the descriptive
method of research is to gather information about the present existing condition. The descriptive
research or the statistical research describes the data and characteristics about the problem
being studied it is also concerned on the relationships of the variables in this study. Relatively,
with used of the historical method, this will allow the researchers to discuss fully the past and
the present events that are inside the context of the present condition and allows one to
answers and provide explanations in the present condition.
In terms of the approach used by the researchers, they make use of the qualitative research. In
qualitative research it presents a non-quantitative analysis of the data. It involves the analyzing
of the data and the interpretations by understanding the information you have in hand. In
qualitative research is merely an explanatory research, it is used to increase an understanding
of underlying reasons, opinions, and motivations and it provides insights into the problem.
(Denzin, Norman. K. and Yvonna S. Lincoln, 2000)


Historical methods of research are the process of systematically examining an account of what
has happened in the past. It is not facts and dates or even a description of past events, the
dynamic account of past events that involves an interpretation attempt to recapture the
nuances, personalities, and ideas that events. One of the goals of historical method is to
communicating of past events. In the field of library and information science, there are vast
arrays of topics that may be considered for conducting historical research. Historical method is a
scientific method in which comparison is used to reveal the general and the particular in
historical phenomena and to gain an understanding of the various historical stages of
development of one and the same phenomenon or of two different but contemporaneous
phenomena. The historical method comprises the techniques and guidelines by which historians
use primary sources and other evidence, such as secondary sources and tertiary sources, to
research and then to write history. The question of the nature, and indeed the possibility, of
sound historical method is raised in the philosophy of history, as a question of epistemology.
The following summarizes the history guidelines commonly used by historians in their work,
under the headings of external criticism, internal criticism, and synthesis. The historical method
is employed by researchers who are interested in reporting events and/or conditions that
occurred in the past. An attempt is made to establish facts in order to arrive at conclusions
concerning past events or predict future events. (Kumar2013)

Historical method also the sources from claiming chronicled materials must make archived
reliably to guarantee entry. This might particularly test for advanced alternately online-only
sources. First writers achieve their perspectives What's more inclinations of the understanding
from claiming secret word occasions and these inclinations would more challenging on discover
over recorded assets. Because of the absence of control again outer variables, recorded
Examine is precise powerless with respect to those requests about inward legitimacy. (Howell,
and Walter 2001)

It is uncommon that those total of chronicled documentation necessary on completely deliver

an exploration issue is accessible for interpretation, therefore, holes requirement with be
recognized. (Lundy2001)


Data collection is the process of gathering and measuring information on variables of interest. In
collecting the data to be used in this study, the researchers used the method of document
review. It is a way of reviewing existing documents; it can be internal or external sources.
Reviewing existing documents helps you understand the history, philosophy, and operation of
the aspect being study evaluating and the organization in which it operates. It is important to
determine if such a difference exists and to clarify the intent before moving forward with the
evaluation. This study utilized secondary data. Secondary data include raw data and published
summaries. Saunders, Lewis & Thornhill (2003) deduced that secondary data fall into three
main subgroups—documentary data, survey-based data, and those compiled from different
sources. With this particular study, the researcher utilized documentary secondary data (in the
form of articles from books, journals, magazines, and newspapers) that are usually about the
bilateral relations involving disputed territories as well as relevant literatures and survey-based
data in order to meet the objectives of this study.



Creswell, J. Research Design. Sage Publications, 1994. Retrieved from:
Denzin, Norman. K. and Yvonna S. Lincoln. Handbook of Qualitative Research. 2nd edition.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2000.

Fox, W. & Bayat, M.S. A Guide to Managing Research. Juta Academic, 2007. Retrievde from:

Henn M., Weinstein W. and Foard N. A Short Introduction to Social Research. London.
Retrieved from:

Kumar, M. Historical method in Research. Slideshare.

Retrieve from:
Lundy,K.S. Historical Research. In The Sage Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods.
2008. Retrieved from:

Wlliman, N. Social Research Methods. Sage Publication, London. 2006. Retrieved from:

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