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party down via the Local Environmental Health just a few ). FORFEITURE.

`SOUND ADVICE' Officer or vice versa, even though they have a Inspite of the CJA , police are still using ‘Public Vehicles cannot be forfeited but the costs of
whole range of other powers to choose from. Nuisance’ or ‘Conspiracy to cause Public Nui- removal and storage can be reclaimed from the
They may turn up with someone from the Local sance’ under the Criminal Law Act 1977 owner (by way of a civil debt — but it may mean
Authority. They can serve an “abatement no- Raves / acid house parties have been held to
This is what to do if you or the party / festival you’re tice” on the party organiser at the time or constitute a public nuisance ( See Regina v
you don’t get it back until you’ve paid up or
made an arrangement to do so !!).
attending appears threatened with closure, or worse! before, and failure to comply with any such Shorrock [1994] 98 Cr. App. R. 67 ). Sound Systems can be forfeited but it is not the
notice could well lead to confiscation of the If you are the land owner you are deemed police who decide. It is a matter for the sen-
P.A. However, it would be the Local Authority, guilty if you knew or ought to have known that tencing court —
If police attempt to enter the premises with- to be paid for by the defendants.One member
not the police, who would bring any subse- the use of the land would result in a public They can decide that as part of your sentence
out a warrant, they will bluff, cajole and was given 1 years conditional discharge which
quent prosecution. The police, themselves, do nuisance.Using this one, the landowner can be (ie. you have to be convicted of an offence
threaten. The new powers under the CRIMI- is essentially a bind over, but more serious as
not have the power to close anything down or nicked but NOT if the CJA is being used. It does under the Act) that you should forfeit it.
NAL JUSTICE and PUBLIC ORDER ACT it is a criminal offence. An appeal is pending.
seize anything under this law. Many councils not have a power of arrest without warrant. HOWEVER, they have to be sure that it was
1994 (CJA) give the police fresh powers to Defence;”Reasonable steps” must be taken to
now have Party Patrols and are using them and used at the rave.
enter, stop parties and confiscate equip- inform those present that a direction to leave
occasionally taking people to court. Fines for 6. ILLEGAL SALE OF If it has been disabled prior to its removal, then
ment. Nevertheless the police may also try under Section 63 has been given. Was it?
ignoring enforcement notices are stiff, ALCOHOL AND UNLICENSED it could be more difficult to prove.
and gain entry on the grounds of different How? When? By whom? The direction must be
max.£5000, or 20k if the premises were ‘busi- They should look at the effects of an order for
offences. given by a Superintendent and then any con- ENTERTAINMENT.
ness premises’. Some councils are not using forfeiture on the owner— ie. the more it is worth
stable at the scene can communicate this to You do need a license to sell alcohol and it is thing to remember about section 63 is that it
the courts but are using a ‘bind over’ to keep the the less likely they are to make that order.
All of the likely ones are dealt with here — but those present. A constable operating alone illegal to sell without — to do so leaves you applies equally to places that are NOT tres-
peace, or lose your home! They will return hired
the list is not exhaustive! cannot issue a direction .The officers must open to charges of organising an “illegal enter- passed. It’s worth remembering that the blocks
PA’s on the following Monday! Always ask what powers an officer is using —
1. Criminal Justice Act (section 63). identify which section they are using. tainment” which is quite serious, as it’s all to do can be in the middle of the country and a long
2. Breach of the Peace. queue of cars is not what they want. Don’t give seek legal advice if anything is seized.
It can be a defence to argue that the Don’t forget, your lawyer is your representa-
3. Noise complaints. up, don’t go home, there’s safety in numbers,
4. Presence of drugs.
time given to leave was ‘unreasonable’, `reasonable grounds' lads ...???? and the persistent and sorted get there in the tive. Don’t leave it all up to them! Question,
eg. vehicle broken down, overheated discuss, plan with them, and if you are not
5. Public nuisance. end.
PA, etc. Think it through..! satisfied, change them!
6. Illegal sale of alcohol
It is a defence to have a reasonable
and unlicensed entertainment STOP AND SEARCH.
excuse to re-enter the site. To collect
something? Powers relating to siezure Under POLICE AND CRIMINAL ACT (PACE) LAWYER LIST AND
1. CJA — SECTION 63. of PA should not include staging, light- the police have powers to search a person in a ORGANISATIONS
This section defines what a rave is: ing, vinyl, backdrops, instruments, just public place if they have reasonable grounds to Tony Stoke 0181 549 4282
“a gathering on land in the open air (or partly the actual PA equipment. The police suspect they have stolen or prohibited (ie. ( After 5.30 — 0973 119 364)
open to the air) of 100 or more people whether regularly abuse their powers in relation weapons / drugs ) articles on them. Codes of 4 Clifton Road, Kingston, Surrey KT2 6PW.
or not trespassing at which amplified music is to this one and it helps if you have Practice under PACE apply which says: Greg Powell 0171 624 8888
played at night which by reason of -its loud- someone there willing and able to argue CLAUSE 7 ( After 5.30 — 01459 118 181)
ness -its duration -the time it is played IS the point. A lawyer on the end of a Reasonable suspicion can never be supported 290 Kilburn High Rd, London NW6 2DD.
LIKELY TO CAUSE (ie. does not have to have mobile phone can be very useful. Pre- on the basis of personal factors alone, eg. Mike Shwartz 0171 833 4433
caused) SERIOUS DISTRESS TO THE LO- pare yourselves in advance! Hired equip- colour, age, hairstyle, or manner of ( After 5.30 — 01459 136 205)
CALS”. ment can be retrieved by the owner if it dress.........nor.........stereotyped images of 275 Greys Inn Rd, London WC1X 8QF
It includes parties on your own land or anyone can be proved that there was no knowl- person or groups. Pete Silver 0171 209 5000
else’s. Warning! The Noise Act 1996 is now in force to with health and safety, fire regulations, etc., Before a search of a vehicle the officer must After 5.30 — 01459 127 774)
It does not include raves in enclosed spaces, edge of the PA being used at that gathering. 52 Malden Rd, London NW5 3HG
target house parties, BUT the Institute of Envi- and could justify arrest. Max. fine 20k and/or take reasonable steps to tell you:-
The owner must apply to the court for its return
eg. underground —tunnels, caves, etc., nor ronmental Health Officers recently issued a 6mths inside. his name and number, the object of the search
fully enclosed warehouse spaces, etc. and will get it back eventually. ADVANCE PARTY. 0181 450 6929
report saying that travellers and ravers should It’s best to stick to teas, soft drinks, soup and and the grounds for doing it
have access to derelict land for both living and LOTS and LOTS and LOTS of WATER and if practicable, (ie. it’s quiet ), make a record PO Box 3290, London, NW2 3UJ
It could catch any decent house party ! 2. BREACH OF THE PEACE. of the search and give it to you, using a special Legal Defence and Monitoring Group.
partying!! Good on ‘em, EHO’s should note. !!!!!(FREE water and flat fizzy drinks are better
There is no clear definition, either for them or form called “ The National Search Record “ 0181 802 9804. — BM Box Haven, London
for dehydration purposes.)
Once the above circumstances have been for us, hence the Criminal Justice Act which (Code 4:3 ). INSIST on it being filled in, coz WC1N 3XX. (can do legal monitoring).
4. PRESENCE OF DRUGS. The CJA does not apply to anything that is
found to exist police have extra powers of stop, will do away with all the unclarity. they hate the paper-work and being asked to Release. 0171 729 9904.
Breach of the peace is used in aggressive / Insist on the presention of any search warrant licensed.
search and seizure. if the police want to search the premises. DO justify their actions . Reasonable force can be (After 5.30 — 0171 603 8654),
They can ENTER A PREMISES WITHOUT public order circumstances when there is aggro used to search you / your vehicle ( Code 3.2 ). 388 Old St., London EC1.
or something that is breaching the “Queen’s NOT INVITE THEM IN. Once inside by invita- ROADBLOCKS
WARRANT to see if the situation would justify tion they can search but they do not need a Police can set up road checks when they Liberty. 0171 403 3888.
a section 63 direction / to use any of the peace”. Usually it has meant when harm is CONFISCATION OF RIGS AND 21 Tabard St. London SE1 4LA.
actually or likely to be done to a person,or, in warrant to search a person, a vehicle or a believe there is a Breach of the Peace, or one
following powers: vessel if they have reasonable grounds (eg. is imminent. ( see;Breach of the Peace sec- EQUIPMENT. Advisory Service
They can DIRECT his presence, to his property, or when some- for Squatters. 0171 359 8814.
one is in fear of being harmed through assault, smell) to suspect that there are drugs present. tion, if the road block is of the B of the P variety Now the police have vastly increased powers
2 or more people PREPARING for The mouth is NO LONGER an intimate area then remember the bit about ‘violence’) Al- to seize and retain vehicles and sound sys- 2 St. Pauls Rd., London N1 2QN. 2pm-6pm
10 or more people WAITING for riot, or unlawful assembly. If you are trespass- daily.Excellent practical advice for all things
ing, a landowner or his / her agents can use and can be searched WITHOUT CONSENT. though they can be asked for reasons, and tems.
10 or more people ATTENDING the rave Please remember for obvious reasons. might later have to justify their actions, they Once a section 63 gathering is found to be in squatting.(see section re; ‘exempt persons’)
to LEAVE and remove ANY VEHICLES or force to remove you, but the police cannot act Friends, Families and Travellers’ Support
as the landlord’s agents. Obstruction under the Misuse of Drugs Act may turn you back from your destination. Get place (a “RAVE” as defined by the Act) and the
PROPERTY from the land. 1973 is designed to cover any disposal of the organised. Get names and numbers, record police have directed that all persons leave the Group. 01458 832 371.— 7 Benedict St,
They can ARREST you if you fail to comply Trespass is not a criminal offence, and as such Glastonbury, Somerset. BA6 9NE.
is not arrestable. IF you should resist the drugs, eg. swallowing, dropping, throwing, etc. dates, witnesses, etc., because there is no rave and remove their equipment and vehicles
within a reasonable time OR return within 7 Use your common sense — the police will constitution and no “rights” . and they refuse to do so within a reasonable
days. landlord’s attempts to remove you while the

Please photocopy
police are present you may be arrested for a need to be able to prove that it was your drugs However, now, under the CJA, the police have time then they can seize them.
They can SEIZE AND REMOVE VEHICLES they saw thrown to the floor or whatever. It is new powers to stop any person who is en route They can also RETAIN them until the end of the
AND SOUND SYSTEMS if a direction has Breach of the Peace. Always ask who the
landlord is, ask to be introduced, and calmly important to remember that “obstruction” is to a section 63 gathering (ie. officer reasonably proceedings (ie. the court proceedings that
been given to leave and you don’t, or you return

and put about.

insist on knowing what is meant by a Breach of potentially more serious than mere posses- suspects is en route — presumably by their may arise out of any criminal charges brought
within 7 days. sion, and carries separate penalties! hairstyle, hat, music playing, general appear- under the Act). This could be a very long time
If the police exercise their powers under this the Peace, and if all else fails and the police
force entry without a warrant, and arrest, etc., ance and other objectionable prejudices) within and could cost people a lot of money in lost

Shared responsibility
Act there is little you can do (legally) except try 5 miles of the boundary of the party and direct revenue. Further, the police can charge the
immediately contact a 24 hour helpline and 5. PUBLIC NUISANCE.
all the usual tactics. It is unlikely that the police them NOT to proceed in the direction of the owners of the property for the costs of removal
complain or sue. Aggravated Trespass is a Basically this is another popular catch-all. It
will arrest the whole party (there’s always a first gathering. and storage and worse, destruction!!!!!
different ball game and is widely used (Newbury, means any act or omission that may endanger

time!) but they will seize equipment. CASE If you fail to comply, or you come back, you can
Hunt Sabs, etc.). life, health, property, morals or the comfort of
HISTORY : Blackmoon at Corby, August ’95. be arrested and you are committing an offence. It would appear that the police are fairly reluc-
the public, or obstruct the public from enjoying
At the conclusion of the trial, February 1996, take
They canado look
this inat the of raves ( section 63
respect tant to nab hired equipment, for obvious rea-
3. NOISE COMPLAINTS. their rights!! It must affect a proportion of the
they were found guilty and the PA was forfeited ) and trespassory assemblies. The important sons. If they do, it can be retrieved eventually.
and is scheduled for destruction, cost of which It is possible that the police will try and shut a community (ie. needs lots of complaints, not Free Party Index

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