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I’d like to start with a simple but striking statement by John C.

Maxwell, when he said “Whatever Tasks Lies Ahead of you, Plan to
Move Forward”. Undoubtedly some great task lies ahead of us. Maybe
we suspect that accomplishing is the key to our purpose, but we’ve been
afraid to tackle it. Perhaps we’ve been worried that we will not be able to
overcome the failure that result from attempting it.

The challenge is, plan to do it. Don’t jump into it frivolously. Get
back on your feet, and use this strategy to move forward.

F – finalize your goal

O – order your plans
R – risk falling taking into action
W – welcome mistakes
A – advance based on your character
R – reevaluate your progress continually
D – develop new strategies to succeed

We must therefore spend time reflecting in the lasting investments we

would like to make and create a plan to achieve them.

However, according to the leadership expert, J. M. we should

continue to develop our personal and professional qualities and make the
big letter A as our greatest asset. Attitude colors once life, it is like the
mind’s paintbrush. It is the greatest asset. If we have the big letter A at
all times, there is no reason whey we cannot improve. ASC, especially on
the physical aspect or the building itself. So as a School President, it is
again a challenge to uphold the ABC of life. This time A is not for
attitude only, but ability – what you do & how you do it. It instills
capability, capacity, aptitude, potential & etc. B – stands backbone, not
the jawbone or the wishbone, nor the knuckle bone but one who can
support/lean on. C – stands for Charting the Course; 4 things to consider:
1. Leaders draw on Past Experience, so take time to reflect My friends, these are done w/ the collaborative efforts of all of
and learn from experience. us. So we’ll continue to get up. Get up! Get over it! Get going! And we
2. Leaders examine conditions before making work as a Team. And if we work as a team, if we are connected with
commitments-finances, resources, talents but intangible each other, there is no reason why we can’t be effective & efficient
such as timing, morale, momentum, culture & etc. teaching and non-teaching personnel. The trigger-key to world class
3. Leaders listen to what others have to say no matter how development and progress to profess the 7 habits of effective and
good the leader is, gather info from many sources. efficient personnel in ASC. The first is Be Proactive; Begin with the End
4. Leaders make sure that conclusions represent both faith in Mind; Put first things first; Think win-win; Seek first to understand to
& fact. be understood; Synergize; Sharpen the saw; and the 8th habit is for
Faith – people can make it effectiveness to greatness. According to Stephen Covey, in order to
Facts – realistically thrive on the new knowledge worker, we need to build on & move
beyond effectiveness to greatness.
In the five year development plan of ASC one concern was
the construction of a 2-story 14 classroom bldg. but due to financial My friends, this humble self vows to continue to carry her yoke
constraints and other difficulties and problems experienced by the daily in ASC to leave the past to the Greatest Teacher’s Mercy, the
school, the plan was not materialized. The progressive plan will be present to the Greatest Teacher’s Love and the future to the Greatest
pushed through perhaps in 5 – 10 years time. Teacher’s Providence.

On the academic aspects, teachers are working hand in hand To God be the Glory.
to meet the illusive goal of 60 – 75% in varied achievement test
given in the basic education. On the LET results (the pride of ASC)
we are still at par with big/some standard schools in the cities. For
other courses we are trying to improve our instruction. We have
applied for additional programs in IT and BSA in Technology. For
TESDA courses, commercial cooking, FBS are ongoing; next year
hopefully we’ll be offering a 2-year course in HRM.

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