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Min Max Weighted

No. Category/Criteria Weight Score

Score Score Score

UC Urban Connectivity
UC.1 Load on Local Traffic Conditions 0 3 1.59% 0.00%
UC.2 Pedestrian Pathways -1 3 0.95% 0.00%
UC.3 Proximity to Amenities -1 3 0.61% 0.00%
UC.4 Light Pollution -1 3 0.51% 0.00%
UC.5 Noise Pollution -1 3 0.38% 0.00%
UC.6 Public Transportation -1 3 1.14% 0.00%
UC.7 Private Transportation -1 3 0.34% 0.00%
UC.8 Sewer & Waterway Contamination -1 3 0.95% 0.00%
UC.9 Nearby Bodies of Water -1 3 0.95% 0.00%
UC.10 Shading of Adjacent Properties -1 3 0.57% 0.00%
Total Possible -9 30 8.00% 0.00%

S Site
S.1 Ecological Value of Land -1 3 2.34% 0.00%
S.2 Vegetation & Shading -1 3 1.05% 0.00%
S.3 Desertifi cation -1 3 1.75% 0.00%
S.4 Rainwater Runoff -1 3 1.17% 0.00%
S.5 Mixed Use -1 3 0.88% 0.00%
S.6 Heat Island Effect -1 3 0.58% 0.00%
S.7 Adverse Wind Conditions -1 3 0.88% 0.00%
S.8 Acoustic Conditions -1 3 0.35% 0.00%
Total Possible -8 24 9.00% 0.00%

E Energy
E.1 Energy Demand Performance -1 3 3.25% 0.00%
E.2 Energy Delivery Performance -1 3 3.25% 0.00%
E.3 Fossil Fuel Conservation -1 3 2.27% 0.00%
E.4 CO2 Emissions -1 3 2.84% 0.00%
E.5 Nox, Sox, & Particulate Matter -1 3 3.38% 0.00%
Total Possible -5 15 15.00% 0.00%

W Water
W.1 Water Consumption -1 3 25.00% 0.00%
Total Possible -7 21 25.00% 0.00%

M Materials
M.1 Regional Materials -1 3 1.85% 0.00%
M.2 Responsible Sourcing of Materials N/A N/A 0.00% 0.00%
M.3 Structure Reuse: On-site -1 3 0.92% 0.00%
M.4 Materials Reuse: Off-site -1 3 1.54% 0.00%
M.5 Recycled Materials -1 3 1.85% 0.00%
M.6 Design for Disassembly -1 3 1.85% 0.00%
M.7 Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) N/A N/A 0.00% 0.00%
Total Possible -5 15 9.00% 0.00%

IE Indoor Environment
IE.1 Thermal Comfort -1 3 1.35% 0.00%
IE.2 Low-Emitting Materials -1 3 1.81% 0.00%
IE.3 Natural Ventilation -1 3 1.81% 0.00%
IE.4 Mechanical Ventilation -1 3 1.81% 0.00%
IE.5 Indoor Chemical & Pollutant Source Control -1 3 1.81% 0.00%
IE.6 Views -1 3 1.35% 0.00%
IE.7 Glare Control -1 3 1.35% 0.00%
IE.8 Illumination Levels -1 3 1.35% 0.00%
IE.9 Acoustic Quality -1 3 1.35% 0.00%
Total Possible -9 27 14.00% 0.00%

CE Cultural & Economic Value

CE.1 Heritage & Cultural Identity -1 3 8.67% 0.00%
CE.2 Support of National Economy -1 3 4.33% 0.00%
Total Possible -2 6 13.00% 0.00%

MO Managements & Operations

MO.1 Commissioning Plan 0 3 4.00% 0.00%
MO.2 Energy Use Sub-metering 0 3 1.33% 0.00%
MO.3 Leak Detection 0 3 2.67% 0.00%
MO.4 Organic Waste Management N/A N/A 0.00% 0.00%
MO.5 Recycling Management N/A N/A 0.00% 0.00%
Total Possible 0 9 8.00% 0.00%
Proposed Total Score
Value of 'X', 'b',
No. Category/Criteria Description of 'X'
'a', etc.

UC Urban Connectivity

Calculate the maximum Delay Time Increase (X, minutes) based

on developed plan to mitigate impact to local traffic conditions due
to commuting/transportation loads. The plan will include the
following elements:
• Analysis of existing traffi c conditions.
UC.1 Load on Local Traffic Conditions Select a value
• Calculations to estimate added traffi c load due to project
• Strategies to mitigate impact of the cumulative additional traffi c
• Implementation of the recommended strategies.

Calculate the % Above or Below Recommended Lighting Level (a)

by perform simulations to determine the average illumination
levels of pathways and inputting results into the Pedestrian
Pathways Calculator. The design of pedestrian pathways will meet
the following requirements:
Pedestrian Pathways Select a value
UC.2 • Pathways will meet but not signifi cantly exceed the required
illumination level of 10 lux, as per IESNA RP-33.
• In the case of cluster developments, direct paths will be provided
between buildings. All exits from each building will have a direct
path leading to all other buildings.

Cluster Project? Yes/No Select an answer Direct Pathways (b) Select an answer

Complete the Proximity to Amenities Calculator and identify on a

site map all the amenities that are located within short walking or
driving distance from the proposed site, measured from the center
of the project. Examples of basic amenities include, but are not
limited to:
• Places of Worship
UC.3 Proximity to Amenities Select a value
• Food Outlets/Restaurants
• Basic Range of Personal Needs (daycare, cleaners, markets, Project w
shops, post offi ce, banks, schools, fi tness centers) Pollution
The Proximity to Amenities Calculator computes the criterion Exterior
score based on the total number of amenities accessible to the boundary
project occupants within a certain distance range (X, m). exceed th
33 standa
• Zone
Zone E1
% Illumination Above IESNA Limitation Level (a) Select a value • Zone
UC.4 Light Pollution Zone E2
% of Fixture Lumens Above 90° from Nadir (b) Select a value • Zone
Zone E3
Using Noise Pollution Calculator, determinePost-development • Zone
Zone E4
Noise Pollution
UC.5 DNL addition to predevelopment day-night sound level (X, dBA). Select a value Recomme
Is project within 500m of any: Select building type Please determine building Type • Zone
Zone E1
• Zone
Zone E2
Using the Public Transportation Calculator, identify on a site map • Zone
Zone E3
the public transport stops within 480m of the proposed site. • Zone
Zone E4
UC.6 Public Transportation Select a value
Distance is measured from the center of the building to the public
transport stop. Total points from Public Transport Calculator (X) determine
to determ
5% of the
Alternative Transportation Ratio from Private Transportation higher fro
UC.7 Private Transportation Select a value
Calculator (X)
Submit plans to demonstrate how solid or harmful substances will
UC.8 Sewer & Waterway Contamination Select an answer
be collected, stored, and removed from the site.
Ecologist to evaluate impact of development to nearby water
UC.9 Nearby Bodies of Water bodies & recommend strategies to preserve/enhance the Select an answer
% of Adjacent Properties Shaded (as calculated by the Adjacent
UC.10 Shading of Adjacent Properties Select a value
Properties Calculator file).

S Site
Performance Indicator (X) (Calculated using The Site Value
S.1 Ecological Value of Land Select a value
S.2 Vegetation & Shading Score (X) Calculated using the Vegetation & Shading Calculator. Select a value

% of Total Landscaped Area Protected by Wind Barrier (from The

S.3 Desertification Select a value
Desertification Calculator).
Submit a landscaping plan and rainwater management plan to
S.4 Rainwater Runoff Select an answer
demonstrate the prevention of rainwater runoff.
Mixed Use
Number of Major Occupancy Types (Calculated using the Mixed Please identify
S.5 Gross bldg area (excluding
Select an answer Use Calculator). building Size
any parking/service use):
The change in equilibrium surface temperature as
S.6 Heat Island Effect a ratio X (X = [Pre-development - Post-development] / Pre- Select a value
development). Use the Heat Island Calculator.
The Increase in Average Wind Speed (X) Calculated using the
S.7 Adverse Wind Conditions Select a value
Wind Calculator or a CFD simulation.
S.8 Acoustic Conditions Day-Night Average Sound Level (DNL), X Select a value

E Energy
Complete the Energy Performance Standard Calculation Tool
E.1 Energy Demand Performance (EPSCT) to determine the EPC_nd value. EPC_nd = Qdesign / Select a value
Qref_nd, (Qref_nd=125 kWh/m2/yr).
Complete the Energy Performance Standard Calculation Tool
E.2 Energy Delivery Performance (EPSCT) to determine the EPC_del value. EPCdel = Edelivery / Select a value
Eref_del, (Eref_del = 89 kWh/m 2/yr).
Complete the Energy Performance Standard Calculation Tool
E.3 Fossil Fuel Conservation (EPSCT) to determine the EPC_p value. EPC = Ep / Eref_p, Select a value
(Eref_p = 255 kWh/m2/yr).
Complete the Energy Performance Standard Calculation Tool
E.4 CO2 Emissions (EPSCT) to determine the EPC_CO2 value. EPCco2 = CO2 / Select a value
CO2_ref, (CO2_ref = 57,413 g/m 2/yr).

Complete the Energy Performance Standard Calculation Tool

(EPSCT) to determine the EPC_NOx-SOx value. EPCnox-sox =
E.5 Nox, Sox, & Particulate Matter Select a value
{(NOx / NOx_ref) + (SOx / SOx_ref)} / 2, (NOx_ref = 87 g/m2/yr,
SOx_ref = 198 g/m2/yr).

W Water

Calculate Water Performance Coefficient WPC per area and per

person (WPC=m3/m2 & m3/person). Devide by baseline values of
W.1 Water Consumption Select a value
0.64 m3/m2 & 6.4 m3/person resp (whichever is smaller). and
obtain the ration (X).

M Materials

Compute a Performance Indicator (X) (using the Factor Regional

M.1 Regional Materials Materials Calculator) based on the weight & sourcing distance of Select a value
all materials (regional:under 200km or external: over 200km).

M.2 Responsible Sourcing of Materials N/A N/A

Calculate score (X=% of Major Bldg Elements Reused) (using The
Structure Reuse On-Site Calculator) based on the area of existing
M.3 Structure Reuse: On-site Select a value
major building elements and the area of existing major building
elements to be reused.
Calculate (X=% (by cost) of Materials Reuse from other sites)
(using the Materials Reuse Off-Site Calculator) based on the
M.4 Materials Reuse: Off-site Select a value
quantity of reused materials, the reused material cost, and the
total cost of project materials.
Calculate the %, by cost, of the recycled content of all raw
M.5 Recycled Materials materials used in the project (X) (using the Recycled Materials Select a value
Calculate the %, by cost, of elements that can be disassembled to
M.6 Design for Disassembly be reused or recycled. (X) (using the Design for Disassembly Select a value
M.7 Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) N/A N/A
Total Possible 0 0

IE Indoor Environment
Using the Thermal Comfort Calculator, calculate PMV values of
different positions in critical spaces for hottest hour of the year
(e.g. different positions relative to window and to diffuser locations
IE.1 Thermal Comfort Select a value
and select the worst PMV value for assessment) to demonstrate
that system capacity can meet the peak cooling loads for all
critical spaces.
Calculate the VOC contents of specified indoor materials (X)
IE.2 Low-Emitting Materials Select a value
(using Low-Emitting Materials Calculator & Appendix I).
Demonstrate, through simulation, the number of months (X) that
the building can utilize natural ventilation, while verifying optimum
IE.3 Natural Ventilation mechanical system efficiency, minimum fresh air supply to Select a value
guarantee indoor air quality (ASHRAE 62.1) and moisture
constraints (ASHRAE 55).
The mechanical system must meet the minimum requirements of
IE.4 Mechanical Ventilation ASHRAE 62.1-2004, ASHRAE 90.1-2004. (X = Outdoor Air Select a value
Volume, %)

Identify all potential sources for contamination & develop a

strategy to control all airborne contaminants. The strategy must
meet the following criteria:
• Physically separate sources of contamination from adjacent
IE.5 Indoor Chemical & Pollutant Source Control • Spaces with potential contaminants should utilize dedicated Select a value
exhaust systems & negative pressure Backgro
• Entry system should include an effective system to capture recomme
potentially harmful particles 8233:199
• Mechanical systems will utilize high-level fi ltration systems 50Laeq).
• Indoor materials should resist microbial growth spaces in
for assess
Calculate the floor area and window area factors for all typical Calculatio
layouts (using the Views Calculator). The floor area factor is the model, an
percentage of the total occupiable area that is within 7m of a Standard
perimeter wall. The window area factor is the percentage of total Reverbe
IE.6 Views Select a value pressure
wall area consisting of visible openings or windows. The area of or below.
windows and visible openings must be ≥ 20% of the total inside absorptio
wall area and must not be obstructed by permanent architectural mid-frequ
devices (X = Occupiable Area, Y = Window Area). calculatio
or below.

Calculate the daylight glare index (DGI) (by simulation/calculations

IE.7 Glare Control and then entering results into the Glare Control Calculator). Select a value
Average DGI=X.

Using Illumination Levels Calculator, demonstrate that the design

will provide light levels no less than those recommended by the
IESNA Lighting Handbook, 9th Edition. The input values and
calculations are for a typical occupied room in the building (i.e.,
IE.8 Illumination Levels Select a value
private office). The project will identify the illuminance category for
the typical occupied space and determine required light levels as
found in the IESNA Lighting Handbook. The measurement only
accounts for artificial light levels.

Using Acoustic Quality Calculator, determine if the project meets

IE.9 Acoustic Quality the minimum requirements for background noise and Select a value Commiss
reverberation time. • Develop
goals and
CE Cultural & Economic Value • Develop
Compliance range will be defi ned by an Expert Heritage Panel • Inclusio
assigned by the Certifi cation Body. The design of the project will documen
demonstrate the following through drawings and descriptions of • Review
building s
CE.1 Heritage & Cultural Identity the design strategy: Select a value
• Enhancement, strengthening and refl ection of cultural identity The follow
and traditions in the bu
• Harmonization with cultural values of the region • Life saf
• HVAC s
• Lighting
Using Support of National Economy Calculator, determine the
• Electric
amount of construction expenditure benefitting the national • Building
economy, as a percentage of total construction costs. • Water-u
Construction expenditures include, but are not limited to, the • Renewa
following: Energy su
CE.2 Support of National Economy Select a value following
• Laborers/Contractors
• Building Materials • Genera
• Lighti
• Construction Materials
• Fans
• Construction Tools/Equipment • Plug L
• Temporary Rental Spaces • Eleva
• Steam/
• Chilled
MO Managements & Operations • Other m
A qualifi ed, independent Commissioning Authority will develop a
comprehensive Commissioning Plan for all phases of the building
MO.1 Commissioning Plan 3
process to ensure the proper design, construction, calibration and
performance of all critical building systems.
Energy sub-meters will be installed for all energy consuming
systems within the building. Specifications and drawings must
MO.2 Energy Use Sub-metering demonstrate that each sub-meter meets the following criteria: Select an answer
• Easily accessible by facility operators
• Displays the end energy consumption

The leak detection system must be installed on all main water

supply lines leading to the site boundary and within the building.
The leak detection system must meet the following criteria:
• Be capable of detecting higher than normal fl ow rates at water
MO.3 Leak Detection meters for longer than a pre-set period of time Select an answer
• Be capable of identifying various levels of leakage rates
• Be programmable and adjustable
• Be clearly audible
• Minimize the possibility of false alarms

MO.4 Organic Waste Management N/A N/A

MO.5 Recycling Management N/A N/A
Proposed Total Score



Project will address Exterior Illuminance Levels and Upward Light Emission and complete the Light
Pollution Calculator.
Illuminance Levels: Project
Levels: will determine
Project the average
will determine illumination
the average levelslevels
illumination at the
at site
the site
boundary, using lighting software to simulate site lighting conditions. Illumination levels should not
exceed the levels specifi ed for each zone under which the project is classified as per the IESNA RP-
33 standard.
• Zone E1:
E1: intrinsically
intrinsically dark
dark (parks
(parks and
and rural
rural settings)
#VALUE! • Zone E2:
E2: low
low ambient
ambient brightness
brightness (outer
(outer urban
urban and
and rural
rural residential
residential areas)
• Zone E3:
E3: medium
medium ambient
ambient brightness
brightness (urban
(urban residential
residential areas)
• Zone E4:
E4: high
high ambient
ambient brightness
brightness (urban
(urban areas
areas with
with both
both commercial
commercial and
and residential
residential use)
#VALUE! Recommended Maximum Illuminance Levels (as per IESNA RP-33)
• Zone E1:
E1: 11 lux
• Zone E2:
E2: 33 lux
• Zone E3:
E3: 88 lux
• Zone E4:
E4: 15
15 lux
UpwardLight Emission:
Light Emission:Project will will
Project complete the the
complete calculations within
calculations the the
within Light Pollution
Light Calculator
Pollution to
determine thethe
to determine amount
amount of upward
of upwardlight emission
light from
emission thethe
from project’s exterior
project’s lighting.
exterior No No
lighting. more than
more than
5% of the total initial design fixture lumens of exterior lights will be emitted at an angle of 90° or
higher from nadir.



























Background Noise: The indoor noise level must meet the
recommended noise level for speech intelligibility as described in BS
8233:1999 (e.g., private offi ce: 40-50 Laeq, open–plan offi ce: 45-
50Laeq). The project should select the worst case among occupied
spaces in terms of exposure to external and internal noise sources
for assessment. Among multiple sound paths from HVAC-related
systems, predominant sound paths should be taken into account.
Calculations for traffic noise follow FHWA traffi c noise prediction
model, and calculations for HVAC-related noise levels follow ARI
Standard 885.
Reverberation Time: reverberation time (RT) of A-weighted sound
#VALUE! pressure level in offi ce space and conference rooms should be 0.6s
or below. During the design stage, estimate RTusing standard
absorption coeffi cients referenced in acoustic handbooks, using the
mid-frequency at 500 Hz in relation to speech intelligibility. The RT
calculations are subjected to the Sabine reverberation time equation.
Standard 885.
Reverberation Time: reverberation time (RT) of A-weighted sound
pressure level in offi ce space and conference rooms should be 0.6s
or below. During the design stage, estimate RTusing standard
absorption coeffi cients referenced in acoustic handbooks, using the
mid-frequency at 500 Hz in relation to speech intelligibility. The RT
calculations are subjected to the Sabine reverberation time equation.



#VALUE! Commissioning Authority will be responsible for overseeing and

coordinating the following issues during the commissioning process:
• Development of a plan that outlines the Owner’s commissioning
goals and objectives
• Development of a plan by the design team that delineates
standards and descriptions for all commissioned systems
• Inclusion of commissioning requirements within the construction
• Review and verifi cation of performance results of commissioned
building systems, and completion of a summary commissioning report
The following building systems will require commissioning, if present
in the building:
• Life safety systems
• HVAC systems
• Lighting systems and controls
• Electrical systems
• Building envelope
• Water-use systems
• Renewable energy systems
Energy sub-meters must be provided separately for each of the
#VALUE! following systems, if used in the building:
• General Electric Consumption
• Lighting systems
• Fans
• Plug Loads
• Elevators & Escalators
• Steam/Boilers
• Chilled Water
• Other major energy-consuming systems used in the building.




UC.1 S.1 E.1
Select a value Select a value Select a value
0 X > 6 OR Plan does not compy -1 X<0 -1 EPC > 1.0
1 Select Value 0 0 = X < 0.5 0 0.8 < EPC ≤ 1.0
2 2<X≤4 1 0.5 = X < 1.5 1 0.7 < EPC ≤ 0.8
3 X≤2 2 1.5 = X < 2.5 2 0.6 < EPC ≤ 0.7
3 X = 2.5 3 EPC ≤ 0.6

UC.2a S.2 E.2

Select a value Select a value Select a value
-1 a > 50% -1 X < -0.5 OR the Lawn Factor > 50% -1 EPC > 1.0
0 40% < a ≤ 50% 0 -0.5 ≤ X < 0.5 0 0.8 < EPC ≤ 1.0
1 30% < a ≤ 40% 1 0.5 ≤ X < 1.5 1 0.7 < EPC ≤ 0.8
2 20% < a ≤ 30% 2 1.5 ≤ X < 2.5 2 0.6 < EPC ≤ 0.7
3 a ≤ 20% 3 X ≥ 2.5 3 EPC ≤ 0.6

Select an answer

Select an answer
-1 No direct pathways provided betwn bldg's
0 Some direct pathways provided betwn bldg's
3 Direct pathways provided betwn all bldg's

UC.3 S.3 E.3

Select a value Select a value Select a value
-1 X > 2,500m -1 X = 20% -1 EPC > 1.0
0 1,000m < X ≤ 2,500m 0 20% < X = 40% 0 0.8 < EPC ≤ 1.0
1 800m < X ≤ 1,000m 1 40% < X = 60% 1 0.7 < EPC ≤ 0.8
2 500m < X ≤ 800m 2 60% < X = 80% 2 0.6 < EPC ≤ 0.7
3 X ≤ 500m 3 X > 80% 3 EPC ≤ 0.6

UC.4a S.4 E.4

Select a value Select an answer Select a value
-1 a > 30% -1 No plan developed to suffi ciently de -1 EPC > 1.0
0 20 < a = 30% 3 Landscaping plan developed to demon0 0.8 < EPC ≤ 1.0
1 10 < a = 20% 1 0.7 < EPC ≤ 0.8
2 0 < a = 10% 2 0.6 < EPC ≤ 0.7
3 a = 0% 3 EPC ≤ 0.6

Select a value
-1 b > 20%
0 15< b = 20%
1 10 < b = 15%
2 5 < b = 10%
3 b = 5%

UC.5 S.5 E.5

Select building type Select a value
Institutional bldg? Select an answer -1 EPC > 1.0
Hotel? <10,000 m2 0 0.8 < EPC ≤ 1.0
Medical facility? ≥10,000 m2 1 0.7 < EPC ≤ 0.8
Residential bldg? 2 0.6 < EPC ≤ 0.7
Library? Select an answer 3 EPC ≤ 0.6
Place of worship?
N/A < ≥
0 -1 Please identify building Size
Building Type undetermined Please determi 1 0 Please identify building Size
-1 Building Type undetermined Please determi 2 1 Please identify building Size
0 Building Type undetermined Please determi 3 2 Please identify building Size
3 Building Type undetermined Please determine bui 3 Please identify building Size

Select a value
-1 X < 0.75
0 0.75 = X < 1.25
1 1.25 = X < 2.00
2 2.00 = X < 2.75
3 X = 2.75

UC.7 S.6
Select a value Select a value
-1 X < 0.0050 -1 X < 0%
0 0.0050 = X < 0.0075 0 X = 0%
1 0.0075 = X < 0.0100 1 0% < X = 10%
2 0.0100 = X < 0.0125 2 10% < X = 20%
3 X = 0.0125 3 X > 20%

UC.8 S.7
Select an answer Select a value
-1 No plan developed to sufficiently demonstr -1 X > 8.0m/s
3 Comprehensive plan developed to demonstr 0 6.0m/s < X = 8m/s
1 4.0m/s < X = 6m/s
2 2.0m/s < X = 4m/s
3 X = 2.0m/s or Post-development maximum wind speed = 5.5m/s

UC.9 S.8
Select an answer Select a value
-1 No plan developed to sufficiently demonstr -1 X > 65
0 Not applicable (If Ecologist determines there 0 60 < X = 65
3 Comprehensive plan developed to demonstr 1 58 < X = 60
2 56 < X = 58
3 X = 56

Select a value
-1 X = 80%
0 60 = X < 80%
1 40 = X < 60%
2 20 = X < 40%
3 X < 20%
W.1 M.1 IE.1
Select a value Select a value Select a value
-1 X > 1.2 -1 X ≥ 30 -1 |PMV| > 2.0 OR system capacity does.
0 1.0 < X ≤ 1.2 0 20 ≤ X < 30 0 1.5 < |PMV| ≤ 2.0 under the system capacity
. meeting t
1 0.8 < X ≤ 1.0 1 10 ≤ X < 20 1 1.0 < |PMV| ≤ 1.5 under the system c .
2 0.6 < X ≤ 0.8 2 1 < X < 10 2 0.5 < |PMV| ≤ 1.0 under the system c .
3 X ≤ 0.6 3 X=1 3 |PMV| ≤ 0.5 under the system capacit.

M.2 IE.2
Select a value Select a value
-1 TBD -1 X > 100% OR any VOC_emi_i > 100%
3 TBD 0 85% < X ≤ 100%
1 70% < X ≤ 85%
2 60% < X ≤ 70%
3 X ≤ 60%

M.3 IE.3
Select a value Select a value
-1 X = 0% -1 No natural ve
0 0% < X ≤ 10% OR no existing0building
X < 1 month
on siteof the year
1 10% < X ≤ 40% 1 X < 2 months of the year
2 40% < X ≤ 70% 2 X < 3 months of the year
3 X > 70% 3 X ≥ 3 months of the year

M.4 IE.4
Select a value Select a value
-1 X < 5% -1 Not enough outdoor air based on ASHRAE 62.1 2004
0 5% ≤ X < 10% 0 X ≥ 15% of ASHRAE 62.1 requirement; AND no existe
1 10% ≤ X < 15% 1 10% ≤ X < 15% of ASHRAE 62.1 requirement; AND no
2 15% ≤ X < 20% 2 5% ≤ X < 10% of ASHRAE 62.1 requirement; AND no
3 X ≥ 20% 3 X < 5% of ASHRAE 62.1 requirement; AND no existen
M.5 IE.5
Select a value Select an answer
Select a value -1 No strategy developed to sufficiently demonstrate com
-1 X < 5% 0 The project does not contain likely sources of contamin
0 5% ≤ X < 10% 3 Detailed strategy developed to demonstrate complianc
1 10% ≤ X < 15%
2 15% ≤ X < 20%
3 X ≥ 20%

M.6 IE.6
Select a value Select a value
-1 X < 20% -1 X < 60% OR Y < 20%
0 20% ≤ X < 25% 0 60% ≤ X < 70%
1 25% ≤ X < 30% 1 70% ≤ X < 80%
2 30% ≤ X < 35% 2 80% ≤ X < 90%
3 X ≥ 35% 3 X ≥ 90%

M.7 IE.7
Select a value Select a value
Select a value -1 X > 22
-1 TBD 0 20 < X ≤ 22
0 TBD 1 18 < X ≤ 20
1 TBD 2 16 < X ≤ 18
nd speed = 5.5m/s 2 TBD 3 X ≤ 16

Select an answer
-1 Project does not meet minimum requirements of the IE
3 Project meets minimum requirements of the IESNA Lig
Select an answer
-1 Project does not meet minimum requirements for acou
3 Project meets minimum requirements for acoustic qual
CE.1 MO.1
Select a value Select an answer
-1 TBD by Certifi cation Body . 0 Commissioning Plan does not demonstrate compliance.
0 TBD by Certifi cation Body . 3 Comprehensive Commissioning Plan developed to demonstrate compliance.
1 TBD by Certifi cation Body .
2 TBD by Certifi cation Body .
3 TBD by Certifi cation Body .

CE.2 MO.2
Select a value Select an answer
-1 X< 1% 0 Energy sub-metering strategy does not demonstrate compliance.
0 1% ≤ X < 10% 3 Comprehensive energy sub-metering strategy developed to demonstrate complia
1 10% ≤ X < 20%
2 20% ≤ X < 30%
3 X ≥ 30%

Select an answer
0 Leak detection system does not demonstrate compliance.
3 Leak detection system fully demonstrates compliance.

Select a value
ed on ASHRAE 62.1 2004 requirement;. O -1 TBD
equirement; AND no existence of equipme
. 3 TBD
E 62.1 requirement; AND no existence of.
62.1 requirement; AND no existence of .e
quirement; AND no existence of equipmen
Select a value
ufficiently demonstrate compliance -1 TBD
n likely sources of contamination 3 TBD
d to demonstrate compliance

mum requirements of the IESNA Lighting Handbook, 9th Edition.

uirements of the IESNA Lighting Handbook, 9th Edition.
mum requirements for acoustic quality.
uirements for acoustic quality.
onstrate compliance.

d to demonstrate compliance.
W.1 Water Consumption -1 3 25.00%
CE.1 Heritage & Cultural Identity -1 3 8.67%
CE.2 Support of National Economy -1 3 4.33%
MO.1 Commissioning Plan 0 3 4.00%
E.5 Nox, Sox, & Particulate Matter -1 3 3.38%
E.1 Energy Demand Performance -1 3 3.25%
E.2 Energy Delivery Performance -1 3 3.25%
E.4 CO2 Emissions -1 3 2.84%
MO.3 Leak Detection 0 3 2.67%
S.1 Ecological Value of Land -1 3 2.34%
E.3 Fossil Fuel Conservation -1 3 2.27%
M.1 Regional Materials -1 3 1.85%
M.5 Recycled Materials -1 3 1.85%
M.6 Design for Disassembly -1 3 1.85%
IE.2 Low-Emitting Materials -1 3 1.81%
IE.3 Natural Ventilation -1 3 1.81%
IE.4 Mechanical Ventilation -1 3 1.81%
IE.5 Indoor Chemical & Pollutant Source Control -1 3 1.81%
S.3 Desertifi cation -1 3 1.75%
UC.1 Load on Local Traffi c Conditions 0 3 1.59%
M.4 Materials Reuse: Off-site -1 3 1.54%
IE.1 Thermal Comfort -1 3 1.35%
IE.6 Views -1 3 1.35%
IE.7 Glare Control -1 3 1.35%
IE.8 Illumination Levels -1 3 1.35%
IE.9 Acoustic Quality -1 3 1.35%
MO.2 Energy Use Sub-metering 0 3 1.33%
S.4 Rainwater Runoff -1 3 1.17%
UC.6 Public Transportation -1 3 1.14%
S.2 Vegetation & Shading -1 3 1.05%
UC.2 Pedestrian Pathways -1 3 0.95%
UC.8 Sewer & Waterway Contamination -1 3 0.95%
UC.9 Nearby Bodies of Water -1 3 0.95%
M.3 Structure Reuse: On-site -1 3 0.92%
S.5 Mixed Use -1 3 0.88%
S.7 Adverse Wind Conditions -1 3 0.88%
UC.3 Proximity to Amenities -1 3 0.61%
S.6 Heat Island Effect -1 3 0.58%
UC.10 Shading of Adjacent Properties -1 3 0.57%
UC.4 Light Pollution -1 3 0.51%
UC.5 Noise Pollution -1 3 0.38%
S.8 Acoustic Conditions -1 3 0.35%
UC.7 Private Transportation -1 3 0.34%
M.2 Responsible Sourcing of Materials N/A N/A 0.00%
M.7 Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) N/A N/A 0.00%
MO.4 Organic Waste Management N/A N/A 0.00%
MO.5 Recycling Management N/A N/A 0.00%

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