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Research Article

Data Privacy: Its Challenges

Charchit Khandelwal1, Mayank Jain2, Deepak Singhal3
Information protection, additionally called Data Security, is the part of Data Innovation (IT) that arrangements
with the capacity an association or individual needs to figure out what information in a PC framework
can be imparted to outsiders.

In the course of the most recent four decades, the protection of individual information has been the
subject of enactment and prosecution in both the US and the EU. Insurance of individual information
protection under the law has been molded by the interests of numerous bodies electorate: people, business
associations, government organizations, law authorization, and national security administrations. The
complex and seemingly inadequate nature of US information security law is frequently scrutinized the
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), otherwise called the European Data Protection Regulation
(the GDPR is not examined in the white paper – it presumably justifies one of its own). Knowing how
information security insurance has advanced in the US so far should help advise its further movement.
What’s more, there is no doubt advance should be made. The trust-dissolving impacts of powerless
security insurance on our economy are obviously achieving quantifiable nations that have
more far reaching information assurance enactment. The paper serves to give a nonpartisan survey of US
information protection enactment ; be that as it may, it additionally watches that intrigue’s other than
those of the individual have had a tendency to win in US information security enactment, prominently
the interests of trade, and additionally those of state security offices, especially those that react to the
mind boggling specialized substances of information correspondence and information preparing with
a “gather everything” way to deal with electronic reconnaissance. Our research is based on doctrinal
method however some parts will be conducted through empirical study where most of research is done
through journals, books, reports of NGO’s and other secondary sources. The following questions are-

• What is the Application of Right to Privacy and its importance in every ascept?
• Which Is More Important - National Security or Data Privacy?
• What is the Importance of Data Privacy for each individual ,every company & every Country?

In the Full Paper, we will briefly describe the starting point of the right to privacy, national security and
the Importance of Data privacy at the level of individual as well as national.

Keywords: Privacy, Gather Everything, Security, Right, Data Protection, Information

Data Security refers to protective digital measures that enables to protect computers from unauthorized access. It also
helps in preventing unwanted actions from unwanted users which reduces the rate of cyber-attacks. It also prevents data
from corruption. The main focus of Data protection is to ensure protection of Personal as well as Corporate Information.
Information protection, additionally called Data Security, is the part of Data Innovation (IT) that arrangements with the
capacity an association or individual needs to figure out what information in a PC framework can be imparted to outsiders.
It is a pivotal task of the government since it surrounds legal as well as political issues.Data Security concerns the insurance

2nd year BBA LL.B (International Trade), 3(Taxation laws) University of Petroleum & Energy Studies, Dehradun.

Correspondence: Mr. Charchit Khandelwal, University of Petroleum & Energy Studies, Dehradun.

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How to cite this article: Khandelwal C, Jain M, Singhal D. Data Privacy: Its Challenges. J Adv Res Comp Tech Soft Appl 2017; 4(3) : 1-5.

© ADR Journals 2017. All Rights Reserved.

Khandelwal C et al. J. Adv. Res. Comp. Tech. Soft. Appl. 2017; 4(3)

from coincidental or deliberate yet unproved alteration, solutions to overcome the challenge. Getting a Secure, Cost-
demolition or exposure using physical security, regulatory efficient data protection software is a constant Challenge for
controls, sensible controls and different protections to many Companies. More than 50% of the companies failed
constrain availability. Guaranteeing data security inside your to recover business data effectively due to unreliability each
association is significant in the event that you are to stay year. Also, there are not enough Resources to manage the
consistent against the expanding data security directions, growth of the Company. But, Technology Improvements
also guaranteeing that you keep up a decent association have increased the rate of Protective Solutions. More than
safety efforts will place you in great stead for insurance 70% of companies were using cloud services till 2014. There
against data misfortune and data security breaks. Data are many tools introduced like ‘Think Positive’ which has
Security is also important since Sensitive information of been created to understand articulation of challenges faced
an individual may be leaked and can cause huge losses to by the employees of all the organizations. Companies like
his/her reputation. Right to Privacy, in recent period, has Facebook, Apple are attracting Customers by their Privacy
been coined as the Fundamental Right under Article 21 concern & using it as a marketing tool for effective sales.
of the Indian Constitution. It also says that one’s personal They use Cloud Data Protection for protecting information
information should be protected from public perusal. of both companies as well as customers.
Right to privacy is being mentioned in over 155 national
constitutions. Elements of Privacy arise from contexts of What is a Cloud Data Protection?
facets of freedom and dignity recognized under Part III.
Informational Privacy is a facet of the Right to Privacy. Can Cloud Data Protection Overcome the Challenges?
Privacy laws are important for a Collective Value as well of Cloud Data Protection is type of advanced protection model
Human Right. It also claims to Privacy laws only increases used to protect stored & moving data in a cloud form. It
Government Surveillance. In-turn Government Surveillance uses industry standard encryption algorithms which ensures
has developed negative nuance due to government’s end-to-end Protection which reduces the rate of Data
assembling of personal information of millions of citizen Loss Risk. Most Importantly,it protects the Organization’s
misleading claims & in preventing terrorist attacks.As per Investments. This model also centralizesresources which in-
the Supreme Court of India, every aspect of right to privacy turn helps in improving security level & reliability of backup
is not fundamental, rather it is subjected to reasonable tasks. It also helps in reducing expenditures and assists
restrictions. Privacy is multi-faceted and every faceted company in becoming a more-cost effective management.
can’t be considered as fundamental right. This Model also helps in improving recovery reliability by
Government Associations holds gigantic measure removing hardware dependencies & automated processes
of information- natives information, military insight speed recovery. By adopting this model, Companies are
information and significantly more. This basic information is able to store daily, which in-turn helps them to reduce their
likewise the reason for most savvy activities the legislature capital expenditure & can focus on paramount step i.e.,
and nearby experts embrace. In the meantime government Implementing the strategic business Priorities.
systems and endpoints are under steady danger from In the course of the most recent four decades, the protection
outside governments, digital assailants, and other hostile to of individual information has been the subject of enactment
national components. Any break of security and information and prosecution in both the US and the EU.
can affect the whole country, region or state.
Which of the following is more Pivotal for a country -
Local, state, common and civil- to guarantee that the National SecurityorData Privacy?
delicate information they hold is enough secured. We
ensure million of government workers and secure some This issue has been debated for a while now. Both the
prominent government offices. We give an advanced scope phenomenon holds an equitable share of Importance since
of encryption, system, entryway and security suites that both are pivotal at their levels. National Security, concept
are as they are easy to send, oversee and live with. developed in United States, basically means that protection
of State and the Citizens against all kinds of crises. It has the
Challenges of Data Privacy motto of ‘Protecting Our Country, Protecting Our People’. It
One of the pivotal challenges of Data privacy is utilizing should protect against all power projections existing in the
the data while protecting individual’s right and Personal dynamic environment such as political power, economic
Information. Since laws and regulations related to data power and such as present there. Protecting of critical
privacy are dynamic, there should be a constant check on infrastructures has been growing role in National Security
changes in law & continuous reassessment with privacy & Issues. These include water supply, financial services and
security issues. Organizations with limited resources and communication networks. Initially, Military Security and
rapid growth need proper data privacy software and better Political security were only considered as National Security
but now, as the time Progressed, Cyber security is also

J. Adv. Res. Comp. Tech. Soft. Appl. 2017; 4(3) Khandelwal C et al.

considered as the most indispensable one. Electronic as ID proof to enter airports. Government after enactment
Information Systems & Devices are vital for maintaining a of ‘Right to Privacy’ made the Aadhaar Card linked with the
National Security of any State. Unauthorized Access can account mandatory.By these, every individual’s personal
cause serious damages to the country and then intake to details and information is with the government and it needs
the people of that country. It has been seenthat ‘Cyber to be handled with care else It can lead to gigantic loss to
Threat’ is one of the most serious economic and national all as well as to the Nation. This linked up accounts have
security challenges being faced by the world. lot of benefits but losing of this information to any other
party can cause enormous loss to one and all.
Data Privacy
Role of USA in development of data privacy
is the ability of the organization to deal with what they
have shared with third parties. After the Landmark Ruling, United States of America being a developed nation has
Privacy is Fundamental and this is considered to be a right an pre-eminent role in development of data privacy and
step in Right Direction. Since it was Important for India its laws. There are no general laws in USA regarding data
since it is a nation with one of the highest terror and cyber- privacy but there are various sectoral laws and guidelines
threat perceptions should now look into major legislative regarding data privacy .
drafting from a national security Perspective. The Most
Crucial Aspect of privacy is that it helps in weakening the USA has a crucial role in the development of data privacy
ability of counter-terrorism and helps our intelligence of their citizens as even the collection of email ids and
units to stay a step ahead in this darkening digital world telephone numbers are regulated . The citizens are even
which would have grave long-term consequences. In this given the right to seek redress in courts for violation of
digital world, Individual’s every like or dislike, every action, their privacy when the personal information of the person
every application could be traced by complex algorithms is shared with the law enforcement agencies .
which could bring all the large generated information
together from his/her financial transactions to the shopping As more and more use of computerised database to store
transaction with records. This can cause a lot of harm to information about individual became widespread in the
reputation as well as identity. In Present times, Cyber crimes 1970s, the data protection legislation started to appear
rate has increased a lot, with the internet being used as a .In the last four decades from the 1970s USA has started
primary tool for several activities from smuggling to Money developing various legislature to accommodate the interest
laundering to recruitment into terror outfits. Terrorist of individuals, commercial organizations, government
Organizationslike ISIS have started using internet as a mean agencies, law enforcement, and national security services
to execute a crime and help them in indentify thefts and for the privacy of data .
data breaches. For counter parting this problem, Strong As USA is the country with the highest usage of computers
data protection and privacy laws were to be made, similar making it the country with most possible data theft attacks
to European Union General Data Protection Regulation . USA has paid a great emphasis on protection of the data
(GDPR), which is considered to be the most important privacy and has also shown the rest of the world the new
change in Data Privacy Regulation in last 20 years. There era of technology and the protection which should be taken
are Rumors that European Union is ensuring that from care of by every other country to avoid the abominable
2018, we will be able to control our own data, allowing us circumstances that could arrive in future .
to have the right to whom we want to share the concerned
data. Moreover, Measures are taken to curb government General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
efforts i.e. few private institutions colonize the bulk of
data which in-turn reduces the government ability to GDPR means a formation of sets ofpersonal information
provide proper living of the citizen and create turbulent of person and it collect the data and process the data.
social and economic eruptions. The best solution can The EU GDPR is supplanting the Data Protection 95/46/
be the Creation of Independent watchdog institutions EC set in 1995. The Data protection Directive was far
with substantial constitutional authority to ensure that reaching for now is the ideal time before the blast of the
any organization whether public or private working with information gathering and huge information. However
data abide by with draconian data privacy, protection and the more established report was non-authoritative, and
security regulations, would be an ideal steps in ensuring the genuine laws authorizing the Directive have varied
that our citizens effectively preserve their privacy in this uncontrollably among the nations.
digital world. This will help in keeping stability & flexibility
in the organizations. With new Technologies, The country’s As the nation has developed, companies from everywhere
privacy laws needs to be updated & individual’s surveillance throughout the mainland started business connections and
needs to be regulated for the betterment of all.Technology associations with different nations inside and outside. As a
has reached a next level that Mobile Aadhaar can be used feature of these cooperative energies, client information has

Khandelwal C et al. J. Adv. Res. Comp. Tech. Soft. Appl. 2017; 4(3)

openly streamed between associations open and privately • On social networking sites FB, Gmail uses the poor
owned businesses, and crosswise over nation fringes and password which easily cracked.
even landmasses, each with its own information security
approaches set up, making real gaps for information security Threats to information system
and protection issues. That reality combined with the fast
pace of innovation, which now bolsters general society Thecontrol over what individual’sinformation organization
utilization of individual information, regularly called Pll at gather from them and how they utilize it. Straight
a worldwide scale and with unreliable outcomes are the forwardness or effective justifiable and open data about
driving elements behind the GDPR. It has set a deadline protection and security rehears. The gather utilizing and
until which every organization should be registered under exposure of individual information to be done in way
it, if not it will face a heavy fine for non-compliance. that are steady with the setting in which customers give
information. Access to their own information in usable
Requirements of GDPR organization , with the ability to remedy mistakes. There
are Sensible breaking points on the individual’s information
• Free consent that organization gathers and holds.
• Consent of written documents
• Age of minor between13 to 16 must have consent of Risk Management
parents or guardian.
• It can with draw from this anytime. Data Privacy should be our Responsibility & It should be
• Access and restriction of the information protected since it can harm the reputation which is hard
earned and easily lost. Data Protection has been long
Data dependent on‘Risk Management’ as a tool for complying
with the laws & the Fundamental rights & interests of
It basically means, facts or pieces of information together. It Individuals are protected effectively & ensures that data
may be defined as information in unorganized or raw form. are processes appropriately. Basically, Risk Management
Data is limitless and present everywhere in the universe refers to a valuable tool for calibrating the compliance
that is why it is very hard to store it. & implementation of privacy requirements, informing
about the risks. This presents both an opportunity and a
Personal Data challenge. The opportunity is to develop effective, modern
risk management tools & its impacts depending upon
Data which relates the information of privacy of the person experience with risk management broadly. The Challenge
like- social, economical. By this identify the data of natural is to do so quickly to keep pace with dynamic environment
person. It includes the Article 2 and 4 of Data Protection and dramatic changes in technology & human behavior.
Act it out automated the processing the personal data of There are insurances which help us be protected with
a person. uncertainties and unauthorized access.
Sensitive Personal Data Role of Risk Management In Data Privacy
It concerns about the places, religion, there sexual life, • Indentify Impacts & effects
personal ideas and theory. Sensitive information of a person • A Balancing test
must be protected at any cost with higher level of security. • Goal of Risk Management- Role of proportionality
It includes the Article 8(1) of DPA. Data includes that racial • Mitigating measures in Risk Management
and the political opinions, alleged the processing of crime • Organizational Support
or offences. • Efficient and Flexible Risk Management
Basis threats to the Data Cyber Insurance
• Hackers use anyone personal information without their Cyber Insurance is a kind of insurance used to users from
permission use them copy, delete the files. internet based risks. It provides coverage against losses
• Virus is programs of software that corrupt and infected such as data destruction, extortion, theft, hacking etc.
the files in the computer. By this all the data saves in The market of cyber insurance is very limited, there is
the computer erase and window crash. not much growth in the sector of cyber insurance though
• Web sites- while surfing online there are some fake the market is huge there is lack of awareness among the
sites which hack our information by open these sites. people regarding cyber insurance and it is the need of the
These unsecured sites don’t have and http address or hour as there are cyber attacks on day to day basis, where
IP address it corrupts the information. the user has to either suffer some losses or compromise
• Removable media likes pen-drive, hard disk, USB cable, with the loss of data .
CD drive it can take information from to the sources.

J. Adv. Res. Comp. Tech. Soft. Appl. 2017; 4(3) Khandelwal C et al.

Cyber insurance also helps in compensating the data loss have grave long-term consequences. The best solution
which one could suffer due to a cyber attack or some kind can be the Creation of Independent watchdog institutions
of hacking. We hear the news of hacking on a regular basis with substantial constitutional authority to ensure that
which could lead to loss of various useful and important any organization whether public or private working with
information which we need not seek to compromise . data abide by with draconian data privacy, protection and
security regulations, would be an ideal steps in ensuring that
So, proper protection should be taken to minimize the our citizens effectively preserve their privacy in this digital
threat of data loss and also the person or the organization world. In Conclusion, Individuals should be aware of this
should insure themselves if possible as it has become the right and should take measures to stop unwanted access
need of the hour. So, that they can get some compensation to his information and should be careful while surfing.
if some kind of loss takes place.
In Digital World,The country’s privacy laws needs to be 2.
updated & individual’s surveillance needs to be regulated Protection_Regulation
for the betterment of all. USA has a crucial role in the 3.
development of data privacy of their citizens as even privacy-information-privacy
the collection of email ids and telephone numbers are
regulated which is a crucial step. The citizens are even
given the right to seek redress in courts for violation of
their privacy when the personal information of the person
is shared with the law enforcement agencies. By this, Data 5.
can be saved and individual’s privacy and rights can’t be data-protection-cloud-basics/798260399
infringed which will in-turn improve the Quality of life of 6.
citizens. Privacy has also helped in weakening the ability of services-software/data-protection-solutions/_
counter-terrorism and helps our intelligence units to stay shared/seagate-tech-insight-top-5-data-
a step ahead in this darkening digital world which would challenges-econ.pdf

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