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Quipper School and Its Effectiveness to the Academic Performance

in English of Grade 8 Students

Jonny S. Viray
Junior High School Teacher
Division of Pampanga


This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of Quipper School to the academic performance
in English of Grade 8 students at Masantol High School. Quasi-experimental design was used
involving 41 students in the control group and 40 students in the experimental group. Descriptive
statistics namely mean and t-test were used to treat and analyze the data. Significant findings reveal
that Quipper School is effective in improving the academic performance of Grade 8 students in
English. Students find the Quipper School feasible in terms of access, cost, and time of use. The
study recommends that teachers should use Quipper School as ICT-based approach of teaching,
and to save time on part of the students and the teacher in assessment and in preparing instructional

Keywords: Quipper School. effectiveness, academic performance, Grade 8 Students, English

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