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XMLHTTPRequest Object open method

The open() method

Syntax: client. Open (method, url, async, user, password)
Sets the request method, request URL, asynchronous flag, request username, and request password.

How do I pass a value to a PHP script using AJAX?

If you want to use pure JS to pass the value through AJAX, given below is the code

1. if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
2. xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
3. xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function () {
4. if (xmlhttp.readyState === 4 && xmlhttp.status === 200) {
5. alert('form was submitted');
6. }
7. };
8."POST", "phpcodes/AjaxCallTest.php", true);
9. xmlhttp.send("Imgname=13");

XLink defines a standard way of creating hyperlinks in XML documents whereas; XPointer allows the hyperlinks
to point more specific parts in the XML document.
XML is an extensible markup language. It is extensible because it is meant to define markup languages for any
type of document, so new tags are needed depending on the problem domain.
A DTD defines the legal building blocks of an XML document. It defines the document structure with a list of legal
elements and attributes.
Well formed in relation to XML means that it has no syntax, spelling, punctuation, grammar errors, etc. in its
When a document is valid it is also "well formed," but a "well formed" document is not necessarily
valid. Here a resource is an item, whether a full document or part of one, that can be referenced by a URI
(uniform resource identifier). Xlink brings with it the introduction of some new vocabulary: Traversal, arc
and behaviour.
Xlink’s entire linking system is based upon the concept of resources.
Extended links offer full XLink functionality, such as inbound and third-party arcs, as well as links that have
arbitrary numbers of participating resources.
Unlike XPath, XPointer can be used as a part of an URL. XPointer
is divided among four specifications:
 "framework" which forms the basis for identifying XML fragments,
 a positional element addressing scheme,
 a scheme for namespaces,
 and a scheme for XPath-based addressing.
A location step has three parts: the axis, the node test, and an optional predicate. These are combined in this form:
XSLFO -- "Extensible Stylesheet Language: Formatting Objects
Unit 4
1. XMLObject uses dot notation for both elements and attributes.
2. XML is an extensible markup language. (True/false)(T)
3. SYSTEM in the DTD declaration can be replaced by _______ if the DTD is available via the Internet.
4. When a document is valid it is also "well formed ," but a "well formed" document is not necessarily valid.
5. Well formed in relation to XML means that it has no syntax, spelling, punctuation, grammar errors,
etc. in its markup. (True/False)(T)
6. _______ uses a variety of attributes to create links that are embedded within our existing XML elements.
7. _____ attribute supplies the URL of the destination resource of the links, just as it does in HTML links.
a) Href
b) Type
c) Role
d) show
8. Which is a primary attribute of XLink?
9. An XML _________ is a concept; it is a named collection of names.
10. _________ is the result of an effort to provide a common syntax and semantics for functionality shared between
XSLT and XPointer.
11. ____________________ includes an events generator component that generates the stream of events that the
dispatcher processes.
12. The ______________ must process a stream of input events.

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