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Jessica Cliett

Practicum 5 Activity

Action Plan

Areas Identified as Basic and the Steps to Move Forward Towards Proficient
Category 4- Facilities, Access, and Resources

​​ 10. There shall be a plan for flexibly scheduled library media center access for students and
teachers in groups or as individuals simultaneously throughout each instruction day.
Accessibility shall refer to the facility, the staff, and the resources and shall be based on
instructional need.

Present Achieved Status: Flexible scheduling makes resources and assistance available at the
time of learning need, but school schedules may override this preferable flexibility. Library
media staff is available to teachers and students for most of the school day.

Proficient Level Requirements: Flexible scheduling and library media staffs are available
throughout the day to assist teachers and students regardless of ability or disability. The library
media center is available either before or after school.

Action Plan: ​In order to move forward towards being proficient in this area, the media center
would need a grant that would allow sufficient funding for after school programs and any type of
extended hours. In order for the media center to obtain long-term cooperation and funding under
grants, we would need to submit a partnership application and then submit an application for a
project proposal.

11. ​School library media center square footage requirements based on FTE.
Present Achieved Status:​ ​Based on FTE, the library media center meets minimum square
footage requirements.

Proficient Level Requirements:​ ​Based on FTE, the library media center exceeds minimum
square footage requirements and is large enough to accommodate large and small groups and
individuals working simultaneously. Shelving, storage areas, and electric wiring meet the needs
of the collection.

Action Plan:​ The media specialist will reevaluate current positioning and allotted space enclosed
in the media center. The media specialist will relocate and adjust the media center to create a
more collaborative and spacious space for teachers and students. Note, if you wish to extend
work hours or space in the library you would need to write a proposal and present it to the
administration, present the proposal to the superintendent, and then the proposal would be voted
on by the board of education.

Category 5- Administrative Support

20. Each local school system shall spend 100 percent of the funds designated for library media
center costs.

Present Achieved Status: ​The library media program receives an allocation for expenditures
every year. This amount meets the minimum expenditure tests.

Proficient Level Requirements: ​The library media program budget exceeds the minimum state
allocation. Local funding supplements state allocation.

Action Plan: ​The media specialist will deliberate with the advisory committee annually to assess
long-range strategic planning and supplemental funding plans for purchases to enrich the Media
Center. The media specialist will continuously seek out grants for more supplemental material.

One Area Identified as Proficient and the Steps to Move Forward Towards Exemplary

3. Professional library media staff are engaged in active teaching role/s.

Present Achieved Status: The Library Media Specialist and teachers plan and teach
collaboratively so that the library media program is an extension of classroom instruction.

Exemplary Level Requirements: The Library Media Specialist uses a variety of teaching styles
to meet diverse needs of students. Collaborative planning, which takes place on a regular basis,
determines where and how student assessment takes place, and whether the teacher or the
Library Media Specialist does the assessment. The GPS and CCGPS are integrated into the units
led by the LMS and classroom teacher.

Action Plan: ​The media specialist will collaborate with teachers on a regular basis to determine
where and how student assessments take place as well as plan for the implementation of
technology with both the teachers and student.

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