Being Transformed Into The Image of Christ

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Being Transformed into the

Image of Christ
Copyright © 2009 by NU DAE Enterprises, LLC.
Divine Metamorphosis

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may

be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or
transmitted in any form or by any means electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise,
without the prior written permission of the
publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief
passages in a review.

Edited by Karen Gingerich

Cover Design NU DAE Enterprises, LLC. 2008

NU DAE Enterprises, LLC.

Printed in the United States of America
Table of Contents


Looking at the person in the mirror………………….….…...…….4

Letting go of past and present anger ………..………..….….….….8

Learning to love YOU ..……………….….…….…...…..…..……..11

The control of the mind …………………..…..….…….……..……15

Imprisoned by your own thinking ………………….....….….……18

Breaking the generational curse ………………………..….….…..22

Your future is based upon your decision today …….…..…….….26

CONCLUSION ……………..………………………………....…...31
Here is the first of many pages that the Lord allowed
1.0 me to create. I believe this first page will be the most
difficult for most. That is, if you are willing to be real
INTRODUCTION with yourself. Much like the children of Israel, I spent
Looking at the almost 40 years in my own wilderness experience. I
person in the mirror floundered for many years in the wilderness of my own
indecision before reaching what I consider God’s
Promise Land. There are many, however, who fail to
1.1 - HOW do you see the enter into their Promise Land because of unbelief. My
person in the mirror? prayer for you is that this will not be your experience. I
thank God that He uses even our failures for His glory.
My life has been both an example and a warning. I am
grateful for all the ways my life has been utilized as an
instrument for God’s glory.

1.2 - WHO is the person Do you know who you are today? If you do not, you
in the mirror today? will never be able to move forward in God’s blessings
for you. Most people plow through these questions
with the wrong attitude. Their goal is just to read the
material. But they read without understanding. They
fail to see the immediate impact of the questions on
their lives. This is not about me. This is all about you.
Like I tell my children, “You have to know when it is
about you and when it is not about you. Only then can
you move forward in life.” Is the person in the mirror a
hard person to get along with, an easy-going person, a
lazy person, a person seeking the path of least
resistance, a hard-working person, a troubled person, a
jealous person? WHO are you? If my words seem to be
repetitive, bear with me…there is a reason for the
madness. Most of us go through life doing the same
thing repeatedly but expecting different results. Albert
Einstein said, “Insanity: doing the same thing over and
over again and expecting different results.” The reason
they make first grade seats so small is so we won’t fit
at age 18. “Therefore, if any man is in Christ, he is a
new creature: old things are passed away: behold, all
things are become new” (2 Corinthians 5: 21).


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1.3 - WHAT is it like to For the first time in my life I can truly say, “I am
look at the person in the pleased with the person I see in the mirror.” I am now
mirror? able to look in the mirror and smile back at the person
smiling at me. To look in the mirror today is a
wonderful thing, because I can see where God has
brought me. So what is it like for you to look in the
mirror? Do you find it painful to look at yourself, not
because of your outward appearance but because of
how you feel on the inside? Many of us judge others
and ourselves by what we see on the outside instead of
what is on the inside. “Do not judge according to
appearance, but judge according to righteousness”
(John 7:24). “Man looks on the outward appearance,
but God looks at the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7). The most
corrupt part of the human race is often that which goes
unseen. “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees,
hypocrites: for you make clean the outside of the cup
and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion
and excess” (Matthew 23: 25).

1.4 - WHY should you “Examine yourself to see whether you are in the faith.
look at the person in the Prove yourself” (2 Corinthians 13:5). It is paramount
mirror? that we examine ourselves instead of looking towards
someone else. It has been said, “When you point your
finger, three fingers point back at you.” So many times
we want to condemn others for the mistakes they have
made while ignoring the person in the mirror and the
role we may have played in the incident. It is very easy
to blame others for our downfalls: wife, friend,
employer, children and even the judicial system. In
reality, the only person you can blame is the person in
the mirror. Just to repeat a statement I made earlier,
“You have to know when it is about you and when it is
not about you.” Only then can God bring about
maturity in your life. “Let us search out and examine
our ways, and turn back to the Lord” (Lamentation: 3:

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1.5 - WHERE is the Where are you today as a person? Are you still full of
person at in the mirror anger, jealousy and hatred? Are you still like the
today? people in the wilderness, taking a 40-year journey
when it should only have taken three years? We could
be a great deal farther in life if we let go and let GOD,
but again, as people we like to have control and we
can’t go to the next realm of life because we will not
let GOD have full control. So we are stuck with all
these problems, and where are we? In the wilderness
for another 40 years. Are you with God or man? Where
are you today in your mirror? “Yet in this thing you did
not believe the Lord your God. Who went in the way
before you, to search you out a place to pitch your tents
in, in fire by night, to show you? By what way you
should go and in a cloud by day, and the Lord heard
the voice of your words, and was wroth, and swore, to
give unto your fathers. Surely there shall not one of
these men of this evil generation see that good land,
which I swore to give unto your father” (Deuteronomy
1: 32-35).

1.6 - WHEN should you Most of us arrogantly look at the person in the mirror
look at the person in the when things are going well. As human beings we don’t
mirror? want to face reality when things start to go bad. If we
only look in the mirror when things are going well,
how can we know when God is working in our life?
I’ve learned to look in the mirror on a daily basis,
whether or not things appear to be going well. I’ve
learned that I have to take the bitter with the sweet.
You also have to look at yourself in the mirror on a
daily basis in order to see your faults and not the faults
of others. “And why do you look at the speck in your
brother’s eye, but do not consider the plank in your
own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, let me
remove the speck from your eye: and look, a plank is
in your own eye? Hypocrite! First remove the plank
from your own eye, and then you can see cleanly to
remove the speck from your brother’s eye” (Matthew
7: 3-5).

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In order to let go of past and present anger, you first

2.0 have to learn to deal with self, because that is where it
all begins. Well, let’s take a look at the big picture.
Letting go of past Right now you might say, “My mother makes me
and present anger upset” or it could be your brothers and sisters, or
teachers…maybe even your wife or husband, even
your boss. At this point of your life you are letting
2.1 - HOW do you let go people control you. When someone gets you upset,
of past and present they have control of your day, even your tomorrow in
anger? some cases. The root of this anger problem is within
you. Most of the time, this is because things are not
going your way or are not like you envision them.
There is nothing wrong with being angry. The
important thing is how you control yourself in your
anger. “Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go
down upon your wrath: neither give place to the devil”
(Ephesians reads 4: 26, 2).

2.2 - WHO controls your This should be an easy one for us all. We want to
past and present anger? blame everyone else for our anger, which is why we
become extremely angry and so on. In spite of this, let
me bring you back to reality. You do not have to let
anyone control who you are today. The only one who
should be in control of your life is God. Many of you,
like me, will go through life and miss out on your
blessing because of your anger. I, for example, missed
out on good jobs and relationships. “A fool gives full
vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under
control” (Proverbs 29:11).

2.3 WHAT controls your For many of us, it would be people, places and things;
past and present anger? people as in mother, father, brother and sister, or
spouse, places as in clubs, schools, churches, home and
work, or things as in bills, food, clothes, and drugs or
alcohol. Now you wonder why I would use church in
this. You would be amazed how many of us leave
church with more anger than when we arrived. Instead
of letting anger control your life, “…let the peace of
God rule in your hearts, to which also ye are called in
one body: and be ye thankful” (Colossians 3: 15).

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2.4 - WHY should you You cannot do anything with anger present in your
control your past and body. You are unable to do a good job or have a good
present anger? relationship with your wife or husband, children,
family, friends or even coworkers. You cannot even
see a bright future for yourself or the blessing that God
has for your life. I missed out on so many family
events being controlled by my own anger. Life is too
short to be tripped up by your own anger or anyone
else’s. “Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and
clamor, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with
all malice: and be kind to one another, tenderhearted,
forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake
hath forgiven you” (Ephesians 4: 31-32).

2.5 - WHERE did your So where did your past and present anger come from?
past and present anger Many of us will say we inherited it from our parents,
come from? the streets, or some may even say they were born
angry. All of these answers are correct. We were all
born into sin through Adam and Eve. It also takes time
for anger to develop in an individual. Those entertained
in our lives often accelerate anger. People often blame
their surroundings for their actions, such as the case of
the person who blames alcohol or drugs for crimes they
commit. I believe they would have committed the
crime regardless, but their drug of choice just made
them act a little quicker. No, I am not trying to give an
excuse for your anger problems. However,
acknowledgement is the first step towards a solution.
You have a choice to make. The wonderful thing about
the God we service: He gives us choices. “Make no
friendship with an angry man: and with a furious man
thou learn his ways, and get a snare to the soul”
(Proverbs 23: 24-25).

You can only gain control over your present anger after
2.6 - WHEN should you you have let go of your past anger. Many of us cannot
look at the person in the let go of the past anger, so we have to not only deal
mirror? with the past anger, but also the present anger. In order
to succeed in life, you have to let go of the past in
order to have control over the future that God has
prepared for you. “Trust in the Lord with all your
heart: and lean not unto your own understanding. In
all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy
paths” (Proverbs 3: 5-6).

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Many times in life, you cannot love yourself or anyone

3.0 else because you do not know how to love spiritually.
How do you feel about yourself? What makes you
Learning to love tick? What are your goals in life? What plans do have
YOU for the future? What are your desires for your children?
What are some of your relationship goals? These are
just a few of the things you need to consider when
3.1 - HOW do you learn learning to love yourself. Set goals and make plans for
to love yourself? your future. You should not live haphazardly, just
taking things as they come. True love is always
purposeful, beginning in the spiritual realm and
manifesting itself in the physical realm. Spiritual love
origin is rooted in God and not one’s self or the flesh.
In order to love spiritually, you must first love God,
and the love of others will be the byproduct of your
love for God. “A new command I give you: Love one
another. As I have loved you, so you must love one
another. By this all men will know that you are my
disciples, if you love one another” (John 13:34-35).

3.2 - WHO told you to We should not have to learn to love ourselves, but we
love yourself? do. We try so hard to love others, but we often forget
to love ourselves. When relationships fail, as they so
often do, we are left trying to love ourselves. The only
someone who will tell you that you have to love
yourself before you can love them is someone who
truly cares about you. If you do not love yourself, you
will never be able to love someone else, no matter how
hard you try. The way you appropriately love yourself
is by beginning with loving God first, then others, and
everything else will fall into place. The Bible says so
many things about love, about loving God and loving
one another. The Bible speaks about a love that is God-
centered, not self-centered. The flesh is extremely
arrogant, prideful and self-centered. God, being all-
knowing, knows the only way we can truly love
ourselves is through Him and others. As we practice
loving God and others through the Spirit of God, we
begin to love ourselves appropriately as a child of the
living God. My charge to you is to begin accepting the
love of God and begin loving others and you will learn
to love yourself. “The LORD preserves all them that
love him…” (Psalm 145:20).

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3.3 - WHAT makes you I could answer this and other questions for you, but no
want to learn to love one knows YOU better than you do. As stated earlier,
yourself? “This isn’t about me, this about you!” If you still have
no idea what makes you want to learn to love yourself
at this point, you are still in the wilderness. You have
not released your life over to God so that he can lead
you through the wilds of life. “For God so loved the
world, that he gave his only begotten son, that
whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have
everlasting life” (John 3:16). So if God loves you this
much, that He gave His only son, what more do you
need to learn in order to love yourself?

3.4 - WHY do you have to It is very important how you feel about yourself and
love yourself? others, but it is more important why you love Jesus
Christ. When I first started writing this workbook,
people wanted me to sugarcoat the word of the LORD,
but whether this workbook makes a big hit or miss, I
will not allow myself to do so. I know it seems as if I
am getting off track, but give me a minute. My WHY,
to love myself, can only be based upon the love I have
for the LORD. As I allow the love of the LORD to
reside within me, his love is manifested to me as well
as others. This is why the Lord’s will is manifested in
my life as I serve Him with a cheerful heart. “If you
love me, you will keep my commandments” (John
14:15). Our love is made perfect through obedience. I
show how much I love myself by doing the LORD’S
will in love. You cannot do any eternal work with
hatred in your heart. “We love him, because he first
loved us” (1 John 4:19).

"Focus on where you want to go, not on what you fear."

-Anthony Robbins

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3.5 - WHERE did you As a child, my mother taught me to love myself. As a

learn to love yourself? teen, the world taught me how to hate myself. You
may believe that “hate” is a harsh word, but if we are
real with ourselves, we all experience this emotion at
some point in our lives. In times of great
disappointments, life can seem very hopeless, and it is
in those times we begin to hate our very existence. In
our despair, we give GOD a chance. He begins to mold
us through our circumstances. We become as little
children once again. The LORD shows us how to love
ourselves as well as others. Where there is peace, there
is love. “And the peace of God, which transcends all
understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds
in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4: 7).

3.6 - WHEN did you learn Many times, we do not start to love ourselves until we
to love yourself? reach rock bottom. Everyone has a different bottom to
reach. My rock bottom was loneliness when I was
incarcerated. I felt all alone, and there was no one there
to comfort me. The LORD spoke to me through his
words, “My child, I will never leave you nor forsake
you.” That is when I knew, if God could love me, I
could learn to love myself. “…I will never leave thee,
nor forsake thee. So that we may boldly say, the Lord
is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do
unto me” (Hebrews13:5-6).

"One important key to success is self-

confidence. An important key to self-
confidence is preparation." -Arthur Ashe

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How is your mind being controlled? Do sex, drugs,

4.0 money, clothes, relationships, power, fame, cars, and
so on control you? We grant so many things access
The control of the into our mind’s gate. We say we love the LORD with
mind all our heart, but do we truly love Him like we say we
do? When we allow the things of this world to control
us, we cannot truly love the LORD as we ought.
4.1 - HOW is your mind Letting the LORD have full control of your mind
being controlled today? would be the best thing for you, and everything else
will fall into place. “A good name is rather to be
chosen than great riches, and loving favor rather than
silver and gold” (Proverbs 22: 1).

4.2 - WHO controls your WHO controls your mind? Do your loved ones, friends
mind today? or even strangers on the street? Who on earth controls
your mind? People once controlled my thinking. Not
only did people control my mind, but a host of other
things, as well. I would like for you to think about your
own life, and apply your thoughts to some paper,
because it’s very important that you find out what has
control over your mind and to let it go if it’s not for
you. If it’s not of GOD, it’s not good for you. “But
among you there must not be even a hint of sexual
immorality, or any kind of impurity, or of greed,
because these are improper for God's holy people”
(Ephesians. 5:3).

4.3 - WHAT controls your What controls your mind? Do people, money, emotions
mind today? and things of this world have a stronghold on your
mind? Nothing happens you do not allow. You control
your life by the things you think. “Trash in, trash out.”
If the things of God are not controlling you, the flesh,
the world or the devil is controlling you. Therefore,
whether the things control your mind stated above or
other things that are not of GOD, the result will be
trash. I am a living testimony. “Let not your heart envy
sinners: but be thou in the fear of the LORD all the day
long” (Proverbs 23:17).

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4.4 - WHY should you Having control of your mind makes a great many
learn to control your things easier to see in life, and life will go a great deal
mind? smoother for you. I am not saying things will not get
tough for you, because I would not be telling the truth.
What I am saying is if you do not have restraint over
your mind, you will make more mistakes in life,
whereas if you have control over your mind, you make
fewer such mistakes. To control your mind is to control
your future. The blessings of God are the result of a
controlled mind. “Do not be anxious about anything,
but in everything, by prayer and petition, with
thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the
peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will
guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus”
(Philippians, 4: 6-7).

4.5 - WHERE are you You believe that you have your mind in check. What
with your mind in are you doing to make an impact in the lives of others?
control? Earlier I said this is about you, but being about you
will also mean being about others. As stated earlier,
“You have to know when it’s about you and when it’s
not about you.” When you figure that out, you will
begin drawing closer to both God and your fellow man.
“You have heard that it has been said: thou shall love
thy neighbor, and hate your enemy. But I say unto you,
Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good
to them that hate you, and pray for them which
despitefully use you, and persecute you…” (Matthew,

4.6 - WHEN are you in Do you think you are in control of your life? Often we
control of your mind? believe we are in control of our lives, when in reality
we are not. Those times when you think you have the
most control of your life is when things are about to
fall apart. It is in those times that you have nowhere to
turn but to the Lord. You never really have control
over your life. Our very existence is dependent upon
the Lord. “You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose
mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You”
(Isaiah 26: 3).

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Has your negative thinking imprisoned you? What has

5.0 erroneous thinking cost you? Has it cost you your job,
a relationship, friends or family? What has negative
Imprisoned by your thinking cost you? Has it cost you time with loved
own thinking ones? Have imprisoned thoughts caused you to do the
wrong thing, thinking that is was right? Is your life a
cycle of desiring to do right but the wrong thing seems
5.1 - HOW has your to happen? How long will you be imprisoned by the
thinking imprisoned you? way you think? How long will you continue to lose
loved ones or let them down because of your
imprisoned thoughts? “For you have spent enough time
in the past doing what pagans choose to do--living in
debauchery, lust, drunkenness, orgies, carousing and
detestable idolatry” (1 Peter 4: 3).

5.2 - WHO has you WHO has your mind so imprisoned that you cannot
mentally imprisoned think straight? Who is to blame for all of this madness
today? going on in your life? Who has you mentally
imprisoned, is it your spouse, your boss, your teacher,
your family or your friends? You may blame all these
people, but the bottom line is you are to blame for your
imprisoned thinking. It is time to release yourself from
imprisoned thinking and begin thinking Christ-like.
“Lie not to one another, seeing that you put off the old
man with his deeds; and have put on the new man
which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him
that created him” (Colossians 3:9-10).

5.3 - WHAT imprisoned What has your thinking so confined that you cannot see
your way of thinking your potential in the Lord? How long will you tolerate
today? yourself being detained by your thinking? What will
your imprisoned thinking cost you? Loss of loved
ones? A job perhaps? Make a list of what your
imprisoned thoughts have cost you. Begin to replace
old negative thoughts with newly-acquired positive
thoughts. I refuse to allow myself to be imprisoned by
the things of this world any longer, and I pray that you
will choose likewise. “You were taught, with regard to
your former way of life, to put off your old self, which
is being corrupted by its deceitful desire; to be made
new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the
new self, created to be like GOD in true righteousness
and holiness” (Ephesians 4; 22-24).

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5.4 - WHY have you Many of us go through life without an inkling of why
allowed your way of things are the way they are. A great deal of the time we
thinking to imprison you? just do not have the answer for the troubles we
encounter in the course of a day. We ask “why” in
those moments when we are caught up in our
imprisoned thinking. It is in our captivity that we seek
a reason to our “why”. “Why are all these things going
wrong in my life?” We find it hard to believe that God
is working amidst the chaos in our lives. But until we
let go of the “why this” and “why that”, allowing GOD
to do what only He can do in our lives, we will always
be stuck on the “why” of life. Asking the question
“why” is often a byproduct of fear, not faith. Why
can’t I do this? On the other hand, why did I do that?
Either way, we are afraid to let go and let GOD. This
fear keeps us from reaching the next level that God has
in mind for us. We can never obtain what God has for
us by looking back. “God has not given us the spirit of
fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind”
(2Timothy 1:7).

5.5 - WHERE did your “Imprisoned,” means to be incarcerated, locked up,

imprisoned thinking come confined, or put away; whatever the case, you are
from? failing to live life to its fullest potential. Imprisoned
thinking is deeply rooted in some people, and in others,
it sits at the surface level. Wherever you may find
yourself, acknowledgment is the beginning of
liberation. You can no longer allow entities outside
yourself to control you. You have come too far to
return to your old ways of thinking. However, if you
are still allowing others to control you, it may be
needful that you return to the beginning as a reminder
that nothing should hold power over you other than the
LORD Himself. “Wherefore seeing we also are
compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let
us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so
easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race
that is set before us. Looking unto Jesus the author and
finisher of our faith” (Hebrews 12:1-2).

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5.6 - WHEN were you Your thinking imprisons you when you make decisions
imprisoned by your own independently of God. It starts out well because you do
thoughts? not see anyone hurt by your decisions. You believe it is
“all about you”. Now it is time for a reality check.
Everything you do affects someone or something else.
There are no exceptions to this rule. It is hard to escape
when you are ensnared by your own thinking. For this
reason, it is needful that we seek the Lord for guidance
in all that concerns us. “I will instruct thee and teach
thee in the way which thou shall go; I will guide thee
with my eye” (Psalm 32:8).

"The way to develop self-confidence is to do the thing

you fear and get a record of successful experiences
behind you.
Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of
choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to
be achieved."
-William Jennings Bryant (1860-1925)

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How do you fix something you do not believe is

6.0 broken? Many times, we go through life thinking that
everything is okay, when in reality we are making a
Breaking the mess of our lives and the lives of everyone with whom
generational curse we come in contact, beginning with family and friends.
If we take a closer look at our lives and the things that
we do, we will discover either we are walking in
6.1 - HOW do you break blessings or curses. If what we do does not line up with
the generational curse? God’s purpose for our lives, it will manifest in curses.
A curse to me means that you follow the things of the
world and not of God. How do you break generational
curses? You break generational curses by following the
Lord and not the world. “But when it pleased God,
who separated me from my mother’s womb, and called
me by his grace…” (Galatians 1:15).

6.2 - WHO caused your Who can cause anything to go wrong in your life? I
generational curse? know–you are saying that a curse is something that is
put on you, but a great deal of the time, we cause
curses to be placed upon us. For example, a bill we
should not have incurred, a relationship that we should
not be in, a drink we should not have drunk, or drugs
we should not have taken. Let’s face it: 99% of the
time, we create our own curses. The Devil and other
people do not have to do anything to us but leave us to
our own devices. “The backslider in heart shall be
filled with his own ways…” (Proverbs 14:140).

6.3 - WHAT steps can you First, you must change your way of thinking. That
take now to break your means you cannot continue doing the same thing
generational curse? repeatedly hoping things turn out differently. Many
times an offender wants to continue doing the same
thing repeatedly expecting different results. As
discussed before, the definition of insanity is doing the
same thing over and over again and expecting different
results. We want to do things by the world’s standards
and not by God’s standards.

Continued on next page

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Continued from previous page I used to beat myself up because I felt I should have
been further along in life. I realized that my thinking
had not changed. Since my thinking had not changed,
my life remained stuck on “stupid”. But once I gave
my life to the Lord, my way of thinking improved.
This transformation did not happen overnight. But as
my thinking changed, the curses in my life began to
slowly but surely fade away. “You will know that I am
the LORD, for you have not followed my decrees or
kept my laws but have conformed to the standards of
the nations around you” (Ezekiel 11:12).

6.4 - WHY should you Are you happy with your life? How are you doing,
break the generational living life on your terms? What do your finances look
curse in your life? like? How are the relationships in your life? Are you
working your dream job? Have you been honoring
your parents and those God placed in authority over
you? Last but not least, how is your relationship with
your heavenly Father? Where do you stand with Him?
If all these things are going well, you should not have a
care in the world. If you do not have any problems in
your life, you should be one of the happiest people
alive. Now, if this is true for you, that means you have
already died and gone to Heaven. If you are reading
this page, that means you are still among the living,
and problems are a byproduct of living. We all have
something that keeps us from God’s BEST for our
lives. Wouldn’t you want to know if something was
keeping you from God’s BEST? I can assure you, the
problem is not with God. What are you holding onto
that keeps you from God’s BEST? Why do we
question God when it is our judgment in error that
keeps us from His BEST? “And Gideon said unto him,
oh my Lord, if the Lord be with us, why then is all this
befallen us?” (Judges 6:13).

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6.5 - WHERE did your Where did drugs, alcohol and sexual immorality begin?
generational curse begin Where did your generational curse begin? Some will
in your life? say that all sin began in the Garden of Eden. However,
where did your curse begin? Everyone’s curse begins
with everyone’s choice. Likewise, everyone’s blessings
will begin with the choice to follow God’s plan for
their lives. If you need someone to blame for your life,
you need only to look at the mirror in front of you. If
by chance we find ourselves going in circles, it is
because of our pride, arrogance and ego that we refuse
to see. But as we begin to look towards God, curses are
transformed into blessings. “For I say, through the
grace given unto me, to every man that is among you,
not to think of himself more highly than he ought to
think…” (Romans 12:3).

6.6 - WHEN will the When will you start making the right choices in your
generational curse be life? How long will it take you to see that the way you
broken in your life? are doing things is not working? When will things turn
around for you? The only way the curse can be broken
is by a change of thought. Curses are broken when we
take on the mind of Christ. People will always
disappoint you, even when they are not trying to do so.
However, as you learn to keep your mind on Christ,
generational curses will no longer have authority in
your life because you have been translated into a new
kingdom. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in
everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving,
present your requests to God. And the peace of God,
which transcends all understanding, will guard your
hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians

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7.0 HOW does your decision-making process work? Is it

based upon your future or your past? What effects have
Your future is based past decisions played on your present reality? If you
upon your decision are not living the life you desire, what new thoughts
will you need to think in order to bring about the life
today you desire? Wrong decisions, thoughts, words and
actions bring about the wrong future. Most of the time
we make hasty decisions based on our surroundings.
7.1 - HOW do you make This isn’t good, because a great deal of the time, our
decisions? surroundings are not what they seem. Poor decisions
can only bring about poor results that inadvertently
affect our future. God gives us His word so that we
will make the right decision for His will and not ours.
So will you choose God’s plan or yours? Make
decisions based on your desired future, not your
erroneous past. “How can a young man keep his way
pure? By living according to your word… I have
hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin
against you” (Psalm 119:9, 11).

7.2 - WHO makes your When it comes to living our lives, we value others’
decisions? opinions more than God’s. We believe that if we give
others responsibility over our lives that it makes us less
accountable. Moreover, when our lives fall short of the
purpose that God intended for us, we point the finger at
those we empowered with our right of choice. We
believe that this absolves us of our personal
responsibility before God. It does not! Blaming others
can never relieve us of the consequences of our
choices. If we but search the word of God, seeking His
plan for our lives, we are sure to experience a brighter
tomorrow. It is paramount that we search the word of
God, and not the world, for our answers. “Be not
deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever man
sows, that shall he also reap” (Galatians 6:7).

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7.3 - WHAT decision will What decision have you made today in order to create
you make today based on a brighter future? Often, we make rash decisions, not
your desired future? knowing the outcome. If we would all just listen to the
still-small voice within, God’s Spirit, we would begin
to experience God’s best for our lives. Instead, we fight
against the only thing that can bring about our
salvation. Therefore, no matter how hard times may
get, choose to make righteous (right) decisions based
on your desired future, not your present reality. “But if
the spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead
dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead
shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his spirit that
dwells in you” (Romans8:11).

7.4 - WHY should your Now we come to that part when it is just not about you.
decision today be based I know this seems like a contradiction. It is true that
upon your desired future? earlier I said this booklet is about you, and now I am
saying that it is not. But if you have truly been soul
searching, you know when it’s about you and when it
isn’t. I have suggested a few times in this booklet, “If
you are just flipping through the pages, you’re just
wasting your time.” You should know by now that
your decisions never affect you alone. Directly or
indirectly, your decisions reach out and touch everyone
with whom you come in contact. Jesus said, “When
you do it unto the least of these my brothers, you have
done it unto me.” A candle should never ignite solely
for the candle’s sake, but also for those who are
exposed to the candle. Likewise, your decisions are not
just about you, but everyone you encounter. You are
not a light solely for yourself, but also those you love.
“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but
in humility consider others better than yourselves”
(Philippians 2:3).

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7.5 - WHERE will your Now we are at the last part of the workbook, the part
decision-making get you where you need to make a decision today for your
today based on your desired tomorrow. Where will today’s decision take
desired tomorrow? you tomorrow? How will today’s decisions affect
tomorrow’s outcome, your life, and the lives of those
who care about you? It is truly never only about you. I
know I have repeated myself, but this is only because
of the important nature of the content. As a “repeat
offender”, you must begin to take a hard look at your
life at this moment. Now is the only point in time over
which we have any control. Do not remain stuck,
looking at your past decisions or mistakes that brought
you to this point in your life. We have all made
mistakes and bad decisions. The problem occurs when
you repeatedly make the same (insane) choices. I call
this, “The repeat offender”. You must begin making
today’s decisions based on tomorrow’s desired
outcome. With man, this may seem impossible; but
with God, all things are possible. “What shall it profit a
man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own
soul?” (Mark 8:36).

7.6 - WHEN should you We are now at the end of this workbook and you
make a decision based should be better equipped to make wiser decisions
upon your desired based on your desired outcome. It has been said,
tomorrow? “When you teach, you also learn. You live, you grow
and you are humbled at the power of your words.”
When I spoke to you, I was speaking to myself. As the
LORD prepared me to put these words on paper, I was
experiencing my own trials. But like you, I had to
allow God to help me make the right decisions. If I had
to make them in the flesh, using common sense (as a
great many people do) I would not have experienced
my desired outcome. Not only would I have been
affected in the wrong way, but those I love would have
also been affected. The LORD has removed me from
the hurting business.

Continued on next page

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Continued from previous page If you have thoroughly soul-searched through these
life-changing words, impressed upon my heart by the
Spirit of God, you are ready to make a decision today
(right now) based upon your desired tomorrow. May
the LORD be with you in your decision-making
process today, tomorrow and forevermore. “But seek
ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness;
and all these things shall be added unto you.” and
“In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct
thy paths” (Matthew 6:33 & Proverbs 3:5-6).

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands

in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he
stands at times of challenge and controversy."
~Martin Luther King

"There are no secrets to success. It is the result of

preparation, hard work, and learning from failures."
~Colin Powell

"When opportunity presents itself the time to

prepare has passed."

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Now that you realize who you are and where you want to go, take
a minute to reflect. Only goals that hold personal significance and
meaning to you will be accomplished, so ask yourself these
questions: Did I choose this goal? Am I ready to make a written
commitment to it? Am I ready to be accountable to others
regarding this goal? Am I setting a deadline for its
implementation? Is it within my control to achieve? Have I thought
through the consequences? Is it based on my own values? Does
this goal enhance or define my personal sense of purpose?

If the goals you have identified still hold true, you are now ready to
embark on your life’s journey to discover who you were created to
become. In pursuing personal, professional, and spiritual
development, remember that an opportunity for growth is only
realized through action. Make a commitment to yourself today
(RIGHT NOW). Working towards short-term goals will
eventually lead to the attainment of your long-term objectives.
Although the Road to Success often seems difficult and long, it is
well worth the journey. If you persevere, you will surely discover
your divine potential, “GUARANTEED!”

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Personal Development Workbook
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