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Nama : Melfi Purnama

NPM : 1608320140


Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

When I was just a little girl, I see my grandmother had stroke. After she had it, she
looked depressed, more thiner, and just sit in her wheel chair. Moreover, my father had
Diabetes Mellitus and he have to consumed drugs everyday. It makes me feel so sad and
helpless. From the moment I realize that I have to be a doctor so that I can treat my family
and another people.

When I’m preclinical medical student, I studied hard and proudly graduated as the 5th
Best Graduated Student with Cum Laude Degree from Faculty of Medical, University
Muhammadiyah of Sumatera Utara. It wasn’t an easy thing and required maximal effort with
good skill but I’m not burderdened with it because love the subject make easy to learn it and
never give up.

I like something new and different in my life so as from the 4th semester I joined with
my lecturer to make some research, followed some research events, and ever be the runner up
of the scientific writing competition regional in University Muhammadiyah of Sumatera
Utara. Some of my research related to herbal medication for example “the effectiveness of
banana leaves for Diabetes Mellitus”. Lucky me was in Faculty of Medical, University
Muhammadiyah of Sumatera Utara that support my hobby because in the 7th semester there
was an elective program that contained Traditional Chinese Medicine that includes herbal
medication and acupuncture.

Now, I’am in clinical medical student and UMSU have Elective Clinical Rotation
Program in Taiwan that will focus on learning traditional Chinese medicine / therapy,
practices and visiting hospital in Taiwan. In addition, the participants will also get a unique
experience about culture in Taiwan.

Traditional Chinese Medicine is a type of holistic, natural health care system that
dates back at least 2.000 years. TCM practitioners use herbal medicines and various mind and
body practices, such as acupuncture and tai chi, to treat or prevent health problems. TCM was
mostly practiced in Asia and not commonly known of or studied in the U.S. until around the
1970s, people use TCM primarily as a complementary health approach. Since Eastern
practices, such as yoga, meditation, tai chi and acupuncture, started to gain notoriety in the
media during this time period, hundreds of studies have investigated the health effects of such

Several of the advantages that Traditional Chinese Medicine and other Eastern
practices have to offer include a high level of patien compliance (often due to patients
noticing improvements in their symptoms quickly), reduced stress levels, natural pain
management, improved sleep, stronger immunity and decreased need for medications.

Indonesia is a country with abundant natural resources especially plants so it has

potential to develop herbal medicine and I hope UMSU can become a center of TCM in
Indonesia. Hence, I am interested to participate this elective clinical rotation program in
Taiwan and this is the first program that held by Faculty of Medical University
Muhammadiyah of Sumatera Utara which can be the golden chance. I believe golden
chance’s are given only once, so never miss any chance.

I regard my self to be one of the candidate in this program because I am never give up
person, curious person, quickly understand, energic, and hard worker that can give the
advantages to all of people. I will give the best effort to UMSU.

I would be very grateful if I am accepted in this program because this will give
experience, valuable knowledge, golden opportunity so that my dream be a greater doctor
comes true.

So I make this motivation letter as the consideration to this UMSU’s Elective Clinical
Rotation Program in Taiwan. Thank you so much for your attention.

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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