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Geography Study Guide

Chapter Three
Hour____ Name__________________________

I. Multiple Choice Know the following.

A. Some questions will be repeated from the previous test.
B. Know the populations of the World, the U.S., Missouri and Saint Louis.
C. Know why
a. The population is growing so fast
b. the death rate has fallen
c. the birth rate has fallen
d. poor people have more children than wealthy
e. most demographers predict the population of the world will stabilize sometime this century.
D. Be able to define culture.
E. Compare governmental systems around the world
F. Compare economic systems around the world

II. Be able to calculate population density per square mile and the rate of natural population increase.
Then make some judgments as to the relative development of countries based on various numbers.

III. Match the term with its definition. From book and class (2 points each)

IV. Listing: Countries and cities by population and Elements of culture and five themes

V. Label this graph

Demographic Transition


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