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Timeline: Greek Warfare


Ancient and Homeric Warfare

c. 1400 Dendra panoply at Dendra near Mycenae, overlapping broad hoops of metal
form body armor covered by articulated shoulders, along with a
boar’s tusk helmet. This is guessed to be for a shieldless
chariot fighter.

Rise of Phalanx
776 1st Olympiad
c. 725 1st hoplite armor appears
c. 700 Lelantine War Chalcis and Eretria
c. 640-600 Tyrtaeus Spartan warrior poet
c. 550 Battle of at Thyrea, Sparta vs. Argos; 300 picked men on each side; 1
Champions wounded Spartan left on field, 2 Argives run off to report victory
546 Darius def. Croesus and gains Lydia
520 hoplitodromos est. as Olympic event
Persian Wars
499-494 Ionian revolt
490 Battle of
480 Battle of
Battle of
Battle of Salamis
479 Battle of
Battle of Mycale
Pentecontaetia and Peloponnesian War
477 Delian League
431-404 Peloponnesian
425 Battle of
424 Battle of Delium Boeotians def. Athenians with phalanx deepened to 25 on
right wing (Thuc. 4.96.2); Ath general = Hippocrates, Boe
commander = Pagondas; unusual points: happens after
normal campaigning season, sanctity of temple and spring
ignored by athenians and return of dead refused therefore by
the Boeotians for nearly 3 weeks, the 25 deep array, the use
of a hill to conceal this deployment, the pursuit was long and
bloody, and Pagondas apparently expected his light troops to
be useful.
418 Battle of Mantinea Spartans and allies def. Argos and allies
415-413 Sicilian Expedition
413 Decelean Fort
410 Battle of Cyzicus Athenians def. Peloponnesian fleet
406 Battle of Arginusae Athenians def. Peloponnesian fleet
405 Battle of Peloponnesian def. Athenians fleet

401 Battle of Cunaxa march of the Ten Thousand
395-387-6 Corinthian War Sparta and allies vs. Thebes, Athens, and allies
390 Battle at Athenian peltasts def. Spartan hoplites
371 Battle of Leuctra Boeotians def. Spartans and allies
370 Jason of Pherae
362 2nd Battle of Boeotians vs. Spartans, indecisive
338 Battle of Philip II of Macedon def. Greek alliance
336 Philip II dies son Alexander takes the throne
c. 335 ephebeia mandatory 2 years of military training established at Athens
334 Battle of Granicus Alexander def. Persian satraps
siege of
333 Battle of Issus Alexander def. Darius III
332 siege of Tyre
conquest of Egypt
331 Battle of Alexander def. Darius III
326 Battle of Hydaspes Alexander def. Porus (of India)
323 Alexander dies at Babylon
323-2 Lamian War Greeks revolt after Alexander’s death, put down by Antipater
317 Battle of Antigonus the One-Eyed vs. Eumenes, indecisive
317/16 Battle of Gabiene Antigonus the One-Eyed def. Eumenes
312 Battle of Gaza Ptolemy I def. Demetrius Poliorcetes
305-304 siege of Rhodes by Demetrius Poliorcetes
301 Battle of Ipsus Antigonus the One-Eyed killed
c.300 chain mail invented
222 Battle of Sellasia Achaean League and Macedonia def. Cleomenes of Sparta
217 Battle of Raphia Ptolemy IV def. Antiochus III

Timeline: Roman Warfare


753 Foundation of Rome (trad.)

578-535 Servius Tullius Servian census indicates Roman use of hoplite arms
509 Republic
496 Battle of Lake near Tusculum; Rome def. Latins, becomes head of Latin
Regillus League; provides buffers between Etruscans to the north and
Italic highlanders to the south
407 war with Veii powerful Etruscan city north of Rome during fifth century; war
breaks out 407, Rome wins -> Rome doubles territory, also
introduces custom of paying their troops 406.
390 Sack of Rome by the Gauls

361 Titus Manlius Single combat: Manlius Torquatus and the Gaul
349 Marcus Valerius Single combat: Valerius Corvus and the Gaul (but not the
Corvus same one, har har); note V. asks permission before defeating
the Gallic leader with help of a raven
Samnite Wars First Samnite War 343-341, Rome joins Capua against
343-341 I Samnites, ugly, in treaty Rome gives territory of some
326-304 II Campanian allies to Samnites -> Latin War 340-338.
298-290 III Second Samnite War 326-304, result of conflict over
Campania, long and difficult against war-like people, finally
come to terms in 304.
Third Samnite War 298-290, Samnites renew war 298, join
with Gauls and Etruscans; Rome wins turning point at
Sentinum 295, concludes by 290.
sig: a) first time fighting numerous and hardy people, takes
Rome 3 wars to win because they don’t have the strength to
do it in one; b) Rome emerges from Samnite wars as
dominant power in Italy.
343-341 1st Samnite War see above
340-338 Latin War Rome gains final control of Latium
340 Manlius Torquatus executes son
326-304 2nd Samnite War see above
298-290 3rd Samnite War see above
280-274 Pyrrhus campaigns in Sicily and Italy
Tarentum Most powerful Gk city in S. Italy after death of Dion. of
Syracuse in 367; fighting off Italians with help of various
mercenaries, Rome intervenes in sphere of interest and
hostilities break out 282; Tarentines enlist aid of Pyrrhus of
Epirus who does OK, spends 278-275 in Sicily then back to
Greece; 275 Tarentum capitulates, becomes Roman ally.
sig: last hurrah for Italy, by 265 all of peninsular Italy is under
Roman suzerainty.
280 Battle of Heraclea Pyrrhus def. Romans
279 Battle of Asculum Pyrrhus def. Romans (Fabricius and Quintus Aemilius cos.)
275 Battle of Romans def. Pyrrhus
Punic Wars First Punic War 264-241, Messina in Sicily occupied by
264-241 I Campanian Mercenaries attacked by Syracuse, call for help
218-202 II from both Rome and Carthage, both come, Messina picks
149-146 III Rome, Rome and Carthage mad, Rome frees Messina, war.
Fighting in Sicily 263-256, build large navy and turn sea battle
into land battles with grapplers, decisive victory in Sicily;
move to Africa 256-255, success then failure; back in Sicily,
254-241, finally done 241; peace: Carthage out of Sicily, pay
mula, Rome dominant power in w. Med.
Second Punic War 218-202, Carthage expands in Spain (to
help pay debt), Hamilcar, Hasdrubel A, then Hannibal, last
one takes Saguntum 219 leads to war 218. Hasdrubel B in
Spain, Hannibal to Italy, Cannae 216, needs reinforcements
208, Hasdrubal tries and is killed 207; war in Spain and
Greece ends 207-206; Scipio invades Africa 204, almost
peace 203, Hannibal and fight return, Scipio Africanus wins
Zama 202, peace 201.
effect of no. 2: leaves Rome master of western Med and
greatest power of the time;

Third Punic War 149-146, really falls under next section when
Rome is subjugating eastern Med, remember Pydna was long
ago in 168; Carthage getting too wealthy, scares Rome,
Masinissa provides excuse for war, Scipio Aemilianus goes
against Carthage in 147, levels it 146.
264-241 1st Punic War
260 Battle of Mylae Romans def. Carth. fleet; north coast of Sicily; naval battle in
which new Roman navy with ugly tactics def. Carthage navy,
neutralizes Carth. sea power and allows attack of Africa.
256 Battle of Ecnomus Romans def. Carth. fleet
255 Battle of Bagradas Carth. def. Romans in Africa
250 Battle of Carth. def. Roman fleet
242 Battle of Aegates Romans def. Carth. fleet
Illyrian Wars First Illyrian War 229-228, Illyria (east Adriatic) Queen Teuta
229-228 I accedes to throne of Ill. 231, piracy hurts S. Italy clients,
220-219 II Rome whoops her 229. sig: Rome moves into eastern circles
of influence, through clients; also, Greeks don’t understand
Roman idea of patron/client.
Second Illyrian War 220-219, Macedonia gets stronger->
client king in Ill. gets uppity, starts pirating and attacking other
client cities, whoops him 220-19. Makes Macedonia mad to
have Roman protectorate e. of Adriatic.
225 Battle of Telamon Romans def. Gauls
218-201 2nd Punic War
218 Ticinus First skirmish (Scipio younger saves Scipio elder)
218 Battle of Trebia Hannibal def. elder Scipio and Tiberius Sempronius Longus in
n. Italy; ex of Roman aggression: Longus wants to win before
year is out and his consulship is up, so he attacks across
frigid river - oops
217 Battle of Lake Hannibal def. Flaminius in Etruria; prompts 6 mo. dictatorship
Trasimene for Q. Fabius Maximus; again Roman aggressive ethos:
Flaminius runs into the ambus at the lake fearing reproach in
army and Rome if he lets Hannibal plunder Etruria – oops.
Note that even though QFM is successful they set Minucius
equal to him (master of horse) and even after QFM saves
Minucius’ blunder and demonstrates usefulness of Fabian
tactics the Romans give direct orders to the next cos to seek
battle with Hannibal (although note they give them a much
bigger army, which Lendon doesn’t mention).
216 Cannae Hannibal def. L. Aemilius Paullus elder and C. Terentius
Varro in Apulia; bloodiest of all Roman defeats; conseq:
Roman allies waver, some defect to Hannibal, including
Capua. Causes Romans to enroll low/no property in army
214. ex of Roman military aggression, L. A. P. doesn’t want
to fight on flat ground against cavalry but Varro and army
want action now – oops.
212 Battle of Herdonea another ex of crazy Roman soldiers and the
discipline/aggression problem, Fulvius (praetor) doesn’t want
to fight but soldiers form their own line of battle and are
211 Capua besieged, so Hannibal marches to Rome, but can’t
carry out a siege there so must leave; meanwhile elder Scipio

dies in Spain
207 Battle of Metaurus Romans def. Hasdrubal’s reinforcement attempt
206 Battle of Ilipa Scipio def. Carth. in Spain
202 Battle of Zama Scipio def. Hannibal in Africa
Macedonian Wars First Macedonian War 215-206, has to do with preceeding
I section, this is Philip V attacking Roman possessions in Illyria
215-206 II during second punic war.
200-196 III Second Macedonian War 200-196, Rome basically mad at
171-167 IV Philip and worried about the expansion of Philip and
149-148 Antiochus in the east, when Rhodes and Pergamon ask for
help Rome declares war; 200 bungling, 198 Flamininus
shows up, 197 Cynoscephalae, 196 peace and Isthmian
sig: Rome first takes Greece in hand with interest, mobilizes
them under Roman aegis against Philip.
Third Macedonian War 171-167, Roman forces invade
Thessaly after Perseus, son of Philip V, 171; Aemilius Paullus
big victory over Perseus at Pydna in 168;
sig: Rome henceforth clearly boss in eastern Med.
Fourth Macedonian War 149-148, (recall Third Punic War is
149-146), Greek states unhappy with Rome, upstart
pretender to Macedonian lineage appears 149, def. at Pydna
in 148 and Macedonia annexed as a province.
215-206 1st Macedonian
200-196 2nd Macedonian
198 Siege of Atrax Macedonian phalanx resists Romans – a phalanx holds a
breach in the city wall against Roman attack (phalanx a
formidable opponent)
197 Battle of Flamininus def. Philip V (phalanx def. due to broken terrain of
Cynoscephalae the field)
196 Isthmian Flamininus declares Greece free from tyrrany of Macedon
c.200- Polybius
195 Battle of Emporiae M. Porcius Cato def. ? in Spain
192-189 War against (King of Seleucid Empire)
190 Battle of Magnesia Romans def. Antiochus
171-168 3rd Macedonian
171 Battle of Callinicus Perseus def. Romans
168 Battle of Pydna Aemilus Paullus def. Perseus; Roman aggression (soldiers
complain to P. when he doesn’t attack ASAP)
167 Livy’s ms. breaks off, little military detail until 58 BC
149-146 3rd Punic War
147-146 Achaean War Achaean Confederacy attacks Sparta over dispute in 149,
Rome detaches cities to punish, Ach. Con. refuse 147, war
next year; 146 Rome sends fleet under L. Mummius, victory
and Corinth destroyed 146.
143-133 War of Numantia (Spain)
113-101 War against
Cimbri and

111-105 Jugurthine War (North Africa)
108 Battle of Muthul Romans def. Jugurtha
c. 104 posited military reforms of Marius

105 Battle of Arausio Cimbri and Teutones def. Romans

102 Battle of Aquae Marius def. Teutones
101 Battle of Vercellae Marius def. Cimbri
after 102 Roman citizen cavalry abolished, so is requirement of 10 year
military service for political office
90-88 Social War
89-85 1st Mithridatic War
83-82 2nd Mithridatic War
74-63 3rd Mithridatic War
67 Battle of Zela Mithridates def. Romans
73-71 Spartacus’ revolt
59-AD17 Livy
58-51 Caesar in Gaul
57 Battle of the C. def. Nervii
52 Battle of Gergovia Vercingetorix def. C.
52 Siege of Alesia C. def. and captures Vercingetorix
53 Battle of Carrhae Parthians def. and kill Crassus
49-45 civil war between Caesar, Pompey, and Pompey’s followers
49 Battle of Ilerda C. def. Pompeians in Spain
48 Siege of C. besieges Pompey but withdraws
48 Battle of Pharsalus Caesar def. Pompey, P. murdered in Egypt
46 Battle of Thapsus C. def. Pompeians in n. Africa
45 Battle of Munda C. def. Pompeians in Spain
44 death of Caesar
42 Battle of Philippi Octavian and Antony def. Brutus and Cassius
31 Battle of Actium Octavian def. fleet of Antony and Cleopatra
27 Octavian assumes name Augustus
27BC- Augustus’ reign; Romans conquer the Danube
AD 9 clades Variana Arminius ambushes and destroys three legions under
Quinctilius Varus beyond the Rhine
14-37 Tiberius’ reign
14 Rhine and Danube legions mutiny
14-17 Germanicus in Germany
37-41 Gaius Caligula
41-54 Claudius
43 conquest of southern Britain
c.50-c.120 Plutarch
54-68 Nero
66-70 Jewish War
70 siege of Jerusalem
68-70 Galba; Otho; Vitellius; Vespasian ends on top
68 Battle of Vitellius def. Otho
69 Battle of Cremona Vespasians generals def. Vitellius
69-70 Batavian revolt

70-79 Vespasian
79-81 Titus
81-96 Domitian
83 Battle of Mons Agricola victorious in Scotland
96-98 Nerva
98-117 Trajan
101-102 1st Dacian War against King Decebalus
105-106 2nd Dacian War
114-117 Parthian War Trajan captures Ctesiphon
117-138 Hadrian
122 construction on Hadrian’s Wall begins
128 H. reviews troops at Lambaesis, and his remarks are
recorded on stone
132-136 Bar Kochba Judea
135 Alans invade; Arrian’s Deployment Against the Alans
138-161 Antoninus Pius
161-180 Marcus Aurelius
161-166 Parthian War
167-175 Danubian Wars
180-192 Commodus
193 Civil War
193-211 Septimius Severus
198 Severus sacks Ctesiphon
211-217 Caracalla
222-235 Severus Alexander
235-284 so-called Crisis of the Third Century: many invasions, civil
wars, and emperors, all badly reported
260-268 Gallienus; traditionally credited with increasing Roman
emphasis on cavalry
270-275 Aurelian; recovers Gaul and the East
284-305 Diocletian; restores the borders
312 Battle of Milvian Constantine def. Maxentius
324-337 Constantine sole ruler
337-361 Constantius
357 Battle of Julian def. Alamanni
359 Persians capture Amida
360-363 Julian
363 J. invades Persia; dies
364 accession of Valentinian and Valens
375 Valentinian dies
378 Battle of Visigoths def. and kill Valens
379-395 Theodosius
380-382 settlement of Visigoths within the empire
394 Battle of Frigidus Theodosius def. rivals
410 Visigoths capture and sack Rome

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