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Introduction to Industrial and System Engineering
Industrial Engineering Department
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Firliani Sarah
A Total Food Solutions Company

1. To provide sustainable solutions for food needs
2. To continuously improve our people, processes and
3. To contribute to the welfare of the society
4. To continuously improve stakeholders’ values
 Indonesia’s Leading Food and Beverage Company

 We are a transformation-making company that creates
value to society based on interdependent co-arising
Indofood and GarudaFood are two of the biggest food companies in Indonesia. Both
of these companies’ main target is becoming the leading company in food and beverage field
in Indonesia.

Written in their vision, GarudaFood wants to be Indonesia’s leading food and

beverage company. Their snack, such as Kacang Garuda, Gery Chocolatos, BerryGood, etc,
are booming in Indonesia. However, it is still not enough to be a leading company. In order to
achieve their target, they cooperate with Suntory Holdings Ltd, one of food company in
Japan. In the last few years, GarudaFood indeed focused on their drink product. They release
some product which has not been produced in Indonesia. For example, Mountea Sparkling, a
combination between tea and fruit. The flavor is different compared than other beverages
product other companies generate. Or MyTea, the first oolong tea product in Indonesia.

Indofood, in other hand, from their vision, has same outline with GarudaFood. But,
their target is not only in Indonesia, but also worldwide. This can be seen in their vision, “A
Total Food Solutions Company”. From their mission, we also can see their product is not
only snack like GarudaFood, but also carbohidrat food, a substitute of rice. Their main
product, Indomie, is spread to all over the world, with a lot of flavor such as chicken curry,
rendang, beef and lime, and many more. But it is not only noodles product that famous.
Indofood also produce snack, like Lays, Qtela, Chiki, Trenz, Chitato, etc. Another famous
product from Indofood is from dairy. A lot of Indonesian use Indomilk as their trusted
product for milk. Indofood release food seasonings product, too. Ketchup, soy bean, instant
spices, etc.

Eventhough their vision have same outline, but I believe there’s a big differences
between GarudaFood and Indofood. Indofood’s target is spread their product worldwide,
while GarudaFood still focus promoting their product in Indonesia alone. Indofood third
mission is to contribute to the welfare of the society. This affect their variation of product.
Indofood produces food that full the need of people, not just snack, for fun only. Mainly,
GarudaFood product’s are snacks.

Conclusion, although the vision is almost same, but if the strategy to reach the target
is different, of course the result will different too. In my opinion, Indofood leads because
their product have more variety than GarudaFood. Thus, society recognize Indofood product
more than the one from GarudaFood.

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