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Ship Design I

Manuel Ventura

MSc in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering


• Ship Dimensioning
• Owner’s Requirements
• Traditional approach
• Generic Ship Dimensioning Process
• Most common implementation methods:
– Systematic parametric variation
– Optimization methods
• Some Optimization Software Tools
– Excel Solver
– Matlab fmincon() function
Annex A. Ships Statistical Data Gathering and Processing
Annex B. Physical Limitations to ship dimensions
Annex C. Economical Measures of Merit
M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 2

Ship Dimensioning

Preliminary Design Process

The determination
of the main
dimensions and
characteristics of
the ship is the first
step of the
preliminary design

Yang & al (2006)

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 4

Owner’s Requirements

The starting point is a set of Owner’s requirements defining

mainly the ship type, cargo capacity and speed

Example of requirements:

Type of ship: Container-carrier, with cell guides

Mission: Service Line Setubal - Antwerp
Deadweight: 9,500 dwt
Max. Draught: 8.0 m
Cargo capacity: 750 TEU, including 20 reefers
Service speed: 17 knots
Autonomy: 20,000 miles
Cargo Equipment: 2 cranes of 40 t x 26.5 m
Other: Accommodations for 15 people

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 5

Ship Dimensioning – Traditional Process

• DW (input)
• Assumed a (DW/ Displacement) ratio empirically
• Displacement = DW / (DW/ Displacement)
• Lpp = f (Displacement, Vs )
• Cb = f ( Fn, Displacement, Vs )
• B, T, D are functions of:
– Space requirements (cargo and ballast volumes, max.
– Intact stability
– Free Board
– Reserve of flotation

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 6

Selection of the Form Coefficients

• Selection of the Cb
– In diagrams similar to the one in the figure, as a function of the Froude

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 7

Selection of the Main Dimensions

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 8

Ship Initial Dimensions

• Watson and Gilfillan (1976) presented the following

procedure to obtain the main dimensions of a ship with the
required displacement ∆

( ) ( )
⎛ Δ⋅ L 2 ⋅ B ⎞3 • The ratios (L/B), (B/T)
⎜ B T ⎟ and Cb are obtained
L=⎜ ⎟
⎜ 1. 025 ⋅ (1 + s ) ⋅ C B ⎟
from statistical data of
⎝ ⎠ similar ships
B= • (D/T) is initially assumed
L ( )
B as 1.20
B • (1+s) is a coefficient
B ( )
related to the hull
D =T ⋅ D( )
M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 9

Generic Ship

Modern approach

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 10

Ship Model

Type of Ship
CDW, TEU, Lane Length
Lpp, B, D, T, Cb
Variables Mission
Requirements Type of Propulsion System
Specific Fuel Oil Consumption
Ship Model Technical

Cm, Cwl, Kb, Lcb, BMT, BML, Sw
Lightship Weight, Kg, Lcg
Cargo Capacity
Ballast Capacity
Propulsion Power
Length of Engine Room
Length of Cargo Area

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 11

Size Measures for Specific Ship Types

• Weight based design (Ex.: Tankers, bulk-carriers,..)

– Cargo capacity depends mainly of the displacement
– Homogeneous cargoes
– CDW is the measure of cargo capacity
– Depth = f(Vcargo)

• Volume based design (Ex.: Container carriers)

– Unitized or packed cargo
– Number of TEU is the measure of cargo capacity

• Area based design (Ex.: Ro/Ro ships)

– Lane length for vehicle stowage is the most common measure of
cargo capacity

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M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 13

Economical Assessment

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 14

Economical Measures of Merit

• Initial ship cost

– The initial ship cost is not by itself a good indicator, some
design options only become economically advantageous on the
long run
• Other criteria can be used to take into consideration the
running costs of the ship along its entire operational life
• The most common are:
– Required Freight Rate (RFR)
– Present Value (PV)
– Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
• To evaluate these criteria the knowledge of the typical ship
voyage is required

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 15

Typical Voyage

• The specification of the typical ship voyage allows a more

comprehensive analysis of the economic aspects
• It may include:
– The number of ports visited during the round trip
– The distance between ports
– The cargo-handling capabilities available and the corresponding
handling rates and costs
– Port fees and taxes

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 16

Example of a Typical Voyage
1 Setúbal
2 Antuérpia
3 Sines
1-2 600 teu’s x 14 t
2-3 400 teu’s x 16 t + 200 teu’s vazios
Ritmos de carga/descarga
1 60 teu’s/hora shinc
2 70 teu’s/hora shinc
Termos de carga/descarga Li-Lo
Custos portuários do navio
1 €10,000 + 0.5xGT
2 €30,000 + 0.5xGT
Custos portuários da carga
1 €100/teu cheio, € 50/teu vazio
2 €120/teu cheio, € 70/teu vazio
Frete RFR (frete mínimo requerido)

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Some Common Freight Conditions

• fio (free in and out)

• fiost (free in and out stowed and trimmed)
• li-lo (liner in and liner out)
• shinc (Sundays and holidays included)
• sshex (Saturdays, Sundays and holidays excluded)

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 18

Other Generic Requirements

Ship Registry (conventional flag/convenience flag) MAR

Duration of the Investment (ship economic lifetime) 20 years
Capital Interest Rate (bank loans) 10%
Working days /year (Off hire days/year) 355 d (10 d)

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 19

Generation Engine for Design Variables

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 20

Determination of the Design Variables

• Parametric Studies
– The independent variables are obtained by variation between
the lower and upper limits assumed
– Require more computing time when the number of design
variables is high
– No guarantees that the solution found is the optimal

• Optimization Methods
– The independent variables are obtained from an optimization
– Possible to find a better and faster solution
– Only provides information about the optimal point found (single
objective methods)

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 21

Parametric Studies

Parametric Study Methodology

• System of 5 equations Δ = L ⋅ B ⋅ T ⋅ Cb ⋅ γ
• 11 variables Δ = LWT + DW
• 3 variables fixed based on LWT = f ( L, B, D, T , Cb, PMCR )
the Owner requirements
(DW, CCAP, V) PMCR = f ( L, B, T , Cb,V )
D = f ( L, B, Cb, PMCR , CCAP )

Experience shows that these three relations,

which are relatively stable for each ship type,
are suited for a good initial estimate

Introducing these additional three relations, the solution of

the displacement equation it is transformed in the solution of
system of eight non-linear equations.

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 23

Diagram of the
Dimensioning by

The system of non-

linear equations is
solved by an iterative

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 24

Main Dimensions

• The main dimension can be obtained from the ratios and

coefficients used as independent variables
• For example:
The ratio k can be obtained
Δ = ⎜ ⎟ ⋅ DW from statistics:
Δ ⎛ DW ⎞
T= k =⎜ ⎟
⎝ Δ ⎠
⎛ L⎞ ⎛B⎞
⎜ ⎟ ⋅ ⎜ ⎟ ⋅ Cb ⋅ γ

⎝B⎠ ⎝T ⎠
B = T ⋅⎜ ⎟
⎝T ⎠
⎛ L⎞
L = B ⋅⎜ ⎟
M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 25

Optimization Methods

Types of Optimization Problems

• Single-Objective
– Simplified process in which one only objective, considered the
most important, is selected

• Multi-Objective
– Closer to the reality
– Several objectives can be in conflict between them

• Hybrid
– A multi-objective problem is transformed into a single
– One of the objectives is selected as the most important and
the other are converted into a set of constraints that are
varied parametrically

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 27

Types of Methods and Algorithms

Linear Methods:
• Linear Programming (LP)
• Newton

Non-Linear Methods:
• Gauss-Newton
• Levenberg-Marquardt
• Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP)
• Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)
• Genetic Algorithms (GA)
• Simulated Annealing (SA)
• Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 28

Non-Linear Methods (1)

• Linear Successive Approximations

– The process starts from an initial feasible point
– The functions are expanded in Taylor series around the initial
point, considering only the linear terms
– The constrains and the objective functions are linearized in a
similar way and the problem is solved as linear.
• Random Search
– The values of the design variables are generated randomly
between the lower and upper limits.
– The values that do not comply to the constrains are eliminated
and are not used in the next functions.
– The process stops when all the variables comply to the criteria
• Direct Search
– The process starts from an initial point and generates a
sequence of point that converge to an optimal point where the
function has a minimum.
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Non-Linear Methods (2)

• Advantages/Disadvantages
– Linear Successive Approximations – Fast process but where
the non-linear behavior of the relations is lost due to the
linearization of the initial stage.
– Random Search – Slow process where the optimum point can be
missed due to the contraction process. It can be applied to
multi-modal functions.
– Direct search – Based on local search and global movements.

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 30

Types of Optimization Methods

• Is able to search through the entire design space to find
the optimal solution

• Can converge to a local solution, missing possible solutions in
other regions of the design space

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 31

Some Optimization Software Tools:

Excel Solver

EXCEL Solver (1)

• Available algorithms:
– LP - Linear Programming (assumed only if selected in <Options>)
– Non-Linear Programming (assumed by default)
• GRG2 - Generalized Reduced Gradient (Lasdom et al, 1998)
• The Solver approximates the Jacobian matrix (partial
derivatives) using finite differences and re-evaluates it at
the beginning of each iteration
• Limits
– 1 objective (Single Objective algorithm)
– 200 variables
– 100 implicit restrictions
– 400 simple restrictions (upper/lower limits)
• Usage:
– <Tools>/<Solver>

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 33

EXCEL Solver (2)

Multiple range
<Changing Cells> can be
indicated separated by
$C$4, $C$6:$C$8

• <Target cell> is the one where the objective function is evaluated

• <Equal To> define the type of problem (maximize, minimize, equal to)
• <Changing Cells> are the ones that contain the design variables (to be
optimized) and must be all in the active sheet
• <Constrains> list the constraints to be applied

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 34

Example: Bulk Carrier Dimensioning

• The simplified Model used on the example is based on the

one presented in Xuebin (2009)

Objective Function
M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 35

Example: Problem Constraints

• The following set of 14 constraints is applied:

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 36

Example: Bulk Carrier Dimensioning

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 37

Notes on the Spreadsheet Design (1)

• In order to make the model formulas more readable and

easy to debug and maintain, cell and range names should be
used instead of just references
• Cell names are created by:
• The use of cell names avoids the need to use absolute cell
references (Example: ‘Lpp’ instead of C$4$)
• Define all the cell names BEFORE entering the formulas
• Define explicitly the units of all the values

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 38

Notes on the Spreadsheet Design (2)

• Constraints associated to intervals must be split in two.

25000 <= DW <= 500000
To be split into:
DW >= 25000
DW <= 50000
• Use color codes to identify the different types of cells. For
– <yellow> input cells
– <orange> constraints
– <red> objective function
– <gray> values computed by the model

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 39

Notes on the Spreadsheet Design (3)

• Container Carriers have dimensions external (breadth of ship) and

internal (inner breadth of cargo hold) multiple of the width of the
standard container (8.0ft = 2.44m)
• These conditions can be converted into additional constraints
• For example for the Breadth of the ship:
Module(B/2.46) < 0.01

• The value 2.46 results from taking into consideration the width of
the container plus the interval between containers (abt. 25 mm)
• In Excel the expression will be:
mod(B; 2.46)
where the function mod(a;b) returns the remainder of the division

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 40

Notes on the Spreadsheet Design (3)

• Sometimes it is convenient to be able to use more than one

objective in the optimization process
• Although the <Solver> is a single objective method, multiple
objectives can be taken into consideration by creating an objective
function which is the result of a weighted sum of several
Fobj = w0xF0 + w1xF1 + w2xF2 …
• The weights wi will be assigned by the designer in accordance to
the relative importance of each contribution and their sum will be
always equal to 1.0:
w0 + w1 + w2 + … = 1.0
• The sign of each weight will be positive, if the corresponding
contribution is to me minimized, or negative, if it is to be
• It is convenient to scale the different contributions to the same
order of magnitude. For example each contribution can be scaled to
be in the interval [0, 1]

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 41

Notes on the Spreadsheet Design (5)

• The initial values for the variable cells should be

representative of the values expected at the optimal
solution, rather than arbitrary values such as all zeroes.
• The Excel Solver is a local optimizer -> different sets of
initial variables values should be tested to check the
consistency of the results and to help to find a global
• The process can be made automatic by creating a macro to
define the design variables, the constraints and the
objective function and to run the Solver
• The macro can be converted into a VBA (Visual Basic for
Applications) function

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 42

VBA Programming in Excel

• The first draft of a

program can be obtained
by recording a sequence
of commands (macro)
using the macro
New Macro>

• Next the macro code can be run and edited in the VBA Editor
<Tools/Macro/Macros/Run> or /Edit>
• The code should be extensively commented in order to make its
debugging and maintenance easier
M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 43

VBA Function for Dimensioning (1)

Sub OptimumShip()
' OptimumShip Macro
' Macro recorded 2010-09-22 by Manuel Ventura
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+S
' Clear Solver options

' Minimize Objective Function

SolverOk SetCell:="$K$17", MaxMinVal:=2, ValueOf:="0", _

' Constraints
' Lpp <=
SolverAdd CellRef:="$C$4", Relation:=1, FormulaText:="$C$24"

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 44

VBA Function for Dimensioning (2)

' T <=
SolverAdd CellRef:="$C$7", Relation:=1, FormulaText:="$C$25“
' T <=
SolverAdd CellRef:="$C$7", Relation:=1, FormulaText:="$C$26"
' L/B >=
SolverAdd CellRef:="$C$11", Relation:=3, FormulaText:="$C$27"
' L/D <=
SolverAdd CellRef:="$C$12", Relation:=1, FormulaText:="$C$28"
' L/T <=
SolverAdd CellRef:="$C$13", Relation:=1, FormulaText:="$C$29"
' Cb >=
SolverAdd CellRef:="$C$8", Relation:=3, FormulaText:="$C$30"
' Cb <=
SolverAdd CellRef:="$C$8", Relation:=1, FormulaText:="$C$31"
' Fn <=
SolverAdd CellRef:="$G$15", Relation:=1, FormulaText:="$C$32"

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 45

VBA Function for Dimensioning (3)

' GMT >=

SolverAdd CellRef:="$G$31", Relation:=3, FormulaText:="$C$33"
' DW >=
SolverAdd CellRef:="$G$20", Relation:=3, FormulaText:="$C$34“
' DW <=
SolverAdd CellRef:="$G$20", Relation:=1, FormulaText:="$C$35"
' Vs >=
SolverAdd CellRef:="$C$9", Relation:=3, FormulaText:="$C$36“
' Vs <=
SolverAdd CellRef:="$C$9", Relation:=1, FormulaText:="$C$37"

' Run Solver and

‘ allow the user to decide to keep or not the obtained result
SolverSolve userFinish:=False
End Sub

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 46

Solver Options (1)

• The Solver can be fine-tuned by changing the default


M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 47

Solver Options (2)

• The <Max Time> and the <Iterations> edit boxes control the
Solver’s running time.
• The <Show Iteration Results> check box instructs the
Solver to pause after each major iteration and display the
current "trial solution" on the spreadsheet. In alternative
the user can simply press the ESC key at any time to
interrupt the Solver, inspect the current iterate, and decide
whether to continue or to stop.
• The <Assume Linear Model> check box determines whether
the simplex method or the GRG2 nonlinear programming
algorithm will be used to solve the problem.
• The <Use Automatic Scaling> check box causes the model to
be rescaled internally before solution.

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 48

Solver Options (3)

• The <Assume Non-Negative> check box places lower bounds

of zero on any decision variables that do not have explicit
bounds in the <Constraints> list box.
• The <Precision> edit box is used by all of the optimizers and
indicates the tolerance within which constraints are
considered binding and variables are considered integral in
mixed integer programming (MIP) problems.
• The <Tolerance> edit box is the integer optimality or MIP-
gap tolerance used in the branch and bound method.
• The GRG2 algorithm uses the <Convergence> edit box and
<Estimates>, <Derivatives>, and <Search> option button

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 49

Some Optimization Software Tools:

Matlab Optimization Toolbox

MatLab Optimization Toolbox fmincon()

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 51

MatLab Optimization Toolbox fmincon()

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 52

Objective Function

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 53

Non-Linear Constraints

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 54

Example: Bulk Carrier Dimensioning (1)

• The simplified Model used on the example is based on the

one presented in Xuebin (2009)
• This is a part of the Matlab code to call the optimizer:

% Initial point
Lpp = 185.0;
B = 26.0;
D = 14.5;
T = 10.5;
Vs = 15.0;
Cb = 0.70;

x0 = [Lpp B D T Vs Cb];

% Call optimizer
[x, acc, exitflag, output] = fmincon( @CalcModel, x0, [], [], ...
[], [], [], [], @mycon, options );

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 55

Example: Bulk Carrier Dimensioning (2)

The file <CalcModel.m> defines the sequence of the

calculations required to compute the objective function:
function [annualCargoCost] = CalcModel( x )

% Design independent variables

Lpp = x(1);
B = x(2);
D = x(3);
T = x(4);
Vs = x(5);
Cb = x(6);

displ = 1.025*Lpp*B*T*Cb;

% Froude Number
Fn = 0.5144*Vs/sqrt(9.8065*Lpp);
M.Ventura annualCargoCostShip Dimensioning
= aoc/nvr/cdw; 56

Example: Bulk Carrier Dimensioning (3)

The file <mycon.m> contains the definition of the constraints:

function [c, ceq] = mycon( x )

global Fn dw;

Lpp = x(1);
B = x(2);
D = x(3);
T = x(4);
Vs = x(5);
Cb = x(6);

% Stability
kb = 0.53*T;
bmt = (0.085*Cb - 0.002)*B*B/T/Cb;
kmt = kb + bmt;
gmt = kmt - (1.0 + 0.52*D);

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 57

Example: Bulk Carrier Dimensioning (4)

The file <mycon.m> with the definition of the constraints:

% Inequality Constraints defined as

% ax + b <= 0

c = [-Lpp/B+6.0 Lpp/D-15.0 Lpp/T-19.0 ...

T-0.45*dw^0.31 T-0.7*D-0.7 ...
25000-dw dw-500000 ...
0.63-Cb Cb-0.75 ...
14.0-Vs Vs-18.0 ...
Lpp-274.32 Fn-0.32 ...

% NO equality constraints
ceq = [];

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 58

Example: Bulk Carrier Dimensioning (4)

Final results of the optimization :

Algorithm used : medium-scale: SQP, Quasi-Newton, line-search
No. of iterations = 18
No. function calls = 133

Optimum Ship:
Lpp = 221.855 m
B = 36.976 m
D = 19.821 m
T = 14.575 m
Vs = 14.000 knots
Cb = 0.720

ACC = 7.972 US$/t

The results are quite similar to those obtained from the Excel
spreadsheet using the Solver.
M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 59

Linear Programming (LP) Methods Applied to

Ship Dimensioning


• Linear Programming (LP), is an Operations Research

technique that was first applied during the Second World
War to help solve troop-supply problems.

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 61

LP Software Tools Available

• MatLab Optimization Toolbox

– Quadric and Linear Programming

• LP Solve (ANSI C)
– Current version: 5.5 (CD-ROM#68)

• Clp - COIN-OR Linear Programming Solver (C++)

– Current version: 1.10 (CD-ROM#68)

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 62


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Design”, Journal of Ship Research, Vol.53, No.2, pp.83-92.
9 Yang, Y-S; Park, C-K; Lee, K-H and Suh, J-C (2007), “A Study on
the Preliminary Ship Design Method Using Deterministic and
Probabilistic Approach Including Hull Form”, Journal of Structural
Multidisciplinary Optimization, Vol.33, No.6, pp.529-539. (CD-
9 Zanic, Vedran and Cudina, Predrag (2009), "Multiattribute Decision
Making Nethodology in the Concept Design of Tankers and Bulk
Carriers", Brodogradnja, Vol.60, No.1, pp.19-43. (CD-ROM#70)

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 69


Linear Programming
9 Ferris, Michael C.; Mangasarian, Olvi L. and Wright, Stephen J.
(2007), “Linear Programming with MatLab", Society for Industrial
and Applied Mathematics and the Mathematical Programming
9 Luenberger, D.G. anf Ye, Y. (2008), “Linear and Non-Linear
Programming ”, 3rdEd, Springer.
9 Matousek, Jiri and Gartner, Bernd (2006), "Understanding and
Using Linear Programming", Springer.

Linear Programming Applied to Ship Design

• Moyst, Howard and Das, Biman (2008), “A Linear Programming
Approach to Optimization of Ship Design and Construction Phases”,
Journal of Ship Production, Vol. 24, No.1, pp. 1-6.

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 70

Annex A. Ships Statistical Data Gathering
and Processing

Ships Data Gathering (1)

• The common practice of single design or small series implies that

some initial knowledge can be obtained from the analysis of the
existing ships
• To improve the efficiency of the process the information about
existing ships of the same type and in a similar range of cargo
capacity should be structured in a small Data Base
• To improve the quality of the process, the Data Base should first
be cleaned from:
– Incorrect data (from wrong sources or typing mistakes)
– Incomplete data (incomplete records with some missing fields)
– Repeated data (from identical ships produced in series)
• Keeping track of the ship identification (Name, IMO Number,
building yard and year) and data source (journal, web site, etc.)
will help to check and improve the data quality

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 72

Ships Data Gathering (2)

• The registries of Lloyds Register and other classification

societies are good data sources
• A Spreadsheet can be used for data storage and for the
statistical analysis and graphic display of the results
• The main topics of interest are:
– Hull dimensions
– Propulsion machinery and electric generators
– Cargo capacity and equipment
– Others (ballast capacity, crew)

Name Built IMO Lpp B D T Lwt DW Vs Main MCR Electr.

Year No Engine Power

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 73

Ships Data Gathering (3)

The measure(s) of the cargo capacity used depends of the ship type:

Ship Type Measures of Cargo Capacity
Tankers No. of Tanks / Holds Cargo pumps
Bulk carriers Volume cargo tanks/holds Cranes
Total Number of TEUs (in holds, Cranes
Container carriers
on deck, reefers) Cell guides
Ro/Ro Total lane length / number of cars
RoPax / number of trailers Ramps, lifts
Ferries Number of passengers
Passenger Ships
Number of passengers

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 74

Ships Data Gathering (4)

• Other information also useful about ship systems, crew, etc.

(if available)

Vol. Ballast Vol. FO Vol. DO Crew

Ballast Pumps

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 75

Process the Compiled Data

• Based on the data compiled, a set of ratios can be computed

• These ratios help to characterize the ship class
• Allow the definition of the bounding limits to the variation
of the design variables
• Support the estimative of values for which there is no
information to support a computation, even if approximated

L/B B/T L/D T/D Cb LWT/(L.B.D) CSR WB/DW %TEUdeck %TEUref

%TEU hold

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 76

Ship Data Sources – Web Sites (1)

Data Source Notes

DNV Registry of ships and characteristics. Free access.
Search by Name or IMO Number Lloyds Register Data about existing ships (paid) Data about ships built in Polish shipyards since 1992

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 77

Ship Data Sources – Publications (2)

Data Source Notes

Motor Ship Journal that contains some ship descriptions Digital version available only by subscription.
Ingenieria Naval Journal of the association of Spanish naval architects that
www.ingenierosnavales contains some ship descriptions (in Spanish). Digital version
.com available only by subscription.
Naval Architecture RINA Journal that contains some ship descriptions
Annual publication from RINA with good descriptions of the
most representative ships of each year, including General
Significant Ships
Arrangement drawing and lightship weight information. Also
available in CD-ROM.

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 78

Annex B. Physical Limitations to the Main
Dimensions of the Ship

Physical Limitations

• Physical limitations can be associated to the geographical

route that the ship uses
• Limitations can be due to the existence of canals, straights,
bridges, ports, locks systems
• The dimensions affected can be the Length, the Breadth,
the Draught and the Air Draught

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 80

Air Draught

• Designation given to the

vertical distance measured
from the load waterline up
to the upper extremity of
the ship (top of the mast,
• Limited to 4.50 m in many
inland waterways in central
Europe due to the
existence of bridges

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 81

Some Physical Limitations in Canals

Lmax Bmax Tmax Air DW Max.

Draft TEU Max.
[m] [m] [m] max [m] [t]

Panama Canal 294.13 32.31 12.04 -- 65,000 4,000

Panama Canal
427.00 55.00 18.00 -- 12,000
(after 2014)

Kiel Canal 315.00 40.00 9.50 --

St. Lawrence
222.50 22.86 9.10 35.50

Suez Canal --- -- 20.12 -- 240,000 17,000

Strait of Malacca --- --- 21.00 -- 300,000 18,000

M.Ventura Updated on Jan. 2010

Ship Dimensioning 82

Strategic Points for the Marine

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 83

Panama Canal

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 84

Enlargement of the Panama Canal

Adapted to Post-Panamax ships

Dimensions of the new locks (eclusas):
L = 427 m
B = 55 m
T = 18 m
Cost: 5.5 billion US$
Beginning of work: 2007
Conclusion: 2014

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 85

Suez Canal – Navigation Chanel

M.Ventura Updated on Jan. 2010

Ship Dimensioning 86

Suez Canal – Evolution of the Cross
Section Dimensions

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 87

Strait of Malacca

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 88

Restrictions in Portuguese Ports

Length Breadth Draught Air Draught

Leixões/ Station B = 200 m Station B = 9 m

tankers Station C = 100 m Station C = 5.8 m
? ? ?
Other ships
Aveiro 140 m 8m
Figueira da Foz 100 m 4.7 m
Barra= 10.5 m
(dep. on the tide)
Liscont = 10 m
Lisboa Trafaria = 235 m Sta.Apol. = 8 m
Trafaria = 12 m
Barreiro = 9 m
Seixal = 5m
Barra= 9.5 m
Setúbal 250 m
(dep. on the tide)
Petrol.= 28 m
Petrol.= 23 m
Sines Gen.Cargo = 125 m Grain.= 17 m
Grain.= ?
M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning
Gen.Cargo= 5.5 m 89

Marine Ports in Portuguese Coast

• Viana do Castelo
• Leixões
• Aveiro
• Figueira da Foz
• Peniche
• Lisboa
• Cascais
• Sesimbra
• Setúbal
• Sines
• Lagos
• Faro
• V. R. Sto. António

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 90

Links – Portuguese Ports


M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 91

Links – Ports and Canals

• (Panama Canal)

• (Suez Canal Authority)
• (Kiel Canal)

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 92

Annex C. Economical Measures of Merit

Measures of Merit

• The type of measure of merit used depends on the previous

knowledge of the earnings of the ship

• Known Results
– Net Present Value (NPV)
– Internal Rate of Return (IRR)

• Unknown Results
– Required Freight Rate (RFR)
– Present Value (PV)
– Average Annual Cost (AAC)

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 94

Net Present Value (NPV)

• Often used when the funds for investment are limited and
the maximum income tax possible is required.

NPV = ∑1
⎡⎣ P W (Q ⋅ FR )− PW (AOC )− PW ( C 0 )⎤⎦

N - No. years of ship’s life
PW() - Present Worth
Q - Total quantity of cargo carried annually
FR - Freight Tax
AOC – Annual Operating Costs
C0 - Initial ship cost

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 95

Internal Rate of Return (IRR)

• Represents the tax of return which originates equal values

for the Present Value of the results and of the costs, i.e.,
for which NPV = 0.
• Allows more effective comparisons between entirely
different alternatives
• While NPV is expressed in currency units (Euro, US$), the
IRR is expressed in percentage (%)
• One advantage of the IRR is that it can be computed without
the need to estimate the cost of the capital
• When the IRR is used, the criterion is to select the projects
whose IRR exceeds the cost of the capital

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 96

Required Freight Rate (RFR)

• Used when the data necessary to determine accurately the

exploitation results is not available.
• Specially advantageous when comparisons are made between
ships of different sizes.
• Represents the cost per unit of cargo, necessary to cover
entirely the operation costs and to guarantee the specified
income tax from the capital invested.

AOC + Ci
where Ci is the annual cost of the capital and VR is the
residual value of the ship
CRF = Capital Recovery
Ci = CRF ( C0 − PW ⋅ VR ) Factor

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 97

Permissible Price (PP)

• Represents the maximum admissible price of the ship that

still guarantees a specified income tax.
• With the exception of the cases where the ship is paid in a
single installment, it is determined by an iterative
• Can be used to evaluate prices in proposals of new buildings
or in the acquisition of second-hand ships, and in the
comparison of those prices with the current ship prices and
freight values.

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 98

Some Elementary Concepts

• Capital Recovery Factor - is factor that converts a present

value into a stream of equal annual payments over a specified
period of time at a given interest rate.

i (1 + i )

CRF = where:
(1 + i ) N No. years of ship’s life
i Interest rate

• Present Worth Factor - is a multiplier which converts a

future amount into a present amount

PW = (1 + i )

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 99


9 BTE (1982), “An Estimate of Operating Costs for Bulk, RoRo and
Containers Ships”, Bureau of Transport Economics, Camberra.
9 Watson, D.G.M. (1998), “Practical Ship Design”, Vol.1, Elsevier.
9 Y-S Yang, C-K Park, K-H Lee and J-C Suh (2007), “A Study on the
Preliminary Ship Design Method Using Deterministic Approach and
Probabilistic Approach Including Hull Form”, Structural and
Multidisciplinay Optimization, Vol.33, No.6, pp.529-539. (CD-

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 100

Some Relevant Links (1)

Web Site Description / Notes

AWES – Association of European Shipbuilders and
CESA – Committee of European Shipyards’
Associations Routes and distances between ports Prices of second-hand ships

Updated prices of the different types of Fuel Oil.
Historic record and trends.
BRS Barry Rogliano Salles Shipbrokers – statistics
about the marine transport market Ship search by IMO Number

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 101

Some Relevant Links (2)

Web Site Description / Notes

World Shipping Register (subscription)
Search by Name, Type, DW, etc.
Ship search by IMO Number, Name, Owner (free

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 102

Some Portuguese Links

• (Instituto Portuário dos Transportes Marítimos)

• (Lista de Legislação Náutica de Recreio)
• (Federação Portuguesa de Vela)
• (Instituto Hidrográfico)
• (Instituto de Socorros a Náufragos)

M.Ventura Ship Dimensioning 103


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