Why The World Should End - Post by Atlantix On ATS

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I also want the world as we know it to end. Why? Because it's an ugly world.

I d
on't myself living the next 50 years of my life in a society like this. Not only
is this world greedy, egocentric, self-centered, but it has to be stupid slaver
y-based. I don't see myself working from 8 to 5 for some rich corporations. Nobo
dy wants this. Nobody wants to work all the time, just to be able to "live". Thi
s is not life! This is some goddam slavery and nobody notices it. My dream is to
travel, unleash my potential, make friends, and don't give a care about today o
r tomorrow. How many dreams are being neglected?!
You walk outside and all you see is ugly buildings, ugly streets, no plants, no
grass, barely any flowers. The air stinks, the tap water is goddam lime green, W
hy can't we have beautiful houses, and monuments like the egyptians had? Why can
't we write stories on the walls instead of having to see ugly grafitis? Why do
the seas have to be poluted and the only boats on it ugly cargos? It doesn't hav
e to be like this.
Why do the government have to be a bunch of greedy warmongers? Why should all th
e decisions they do be so stupid?
Why is everybody affraid? Nobody knows their neighbours anymore! Nobody talks to
eachother anymore because of the "social rules". In waiting rooms, everyone avo
ids looking in other people eyes, because they're affraid! Why can't we just tal
k, and have fun?! People don't have any feelings anymore, they just drug themsel
ves, eat chips and candy, or become alchoolics; anything just to forget! Why do
people ridiculize people who are different? Why do the kids in school bully, ins
ult, and put down the kids who are shy or don't got the last trend clothes? Why
are people so stupid? Why should the big designers decide what we should wear?
Why should the television decide what we should think? Why should the television
decide how we live our life? Why are women still put down by men, reduced to me
re objects on television?
Why are those DISGUSTING food still on the grocery shelves? Why are cigarettes s
till on the shelves when they kill people? Why do junk food restaurants still ex
ist? They exploit stupidity! Make profit off death!
And those damn pills, the "solution" to everything. Always to "treat", never to
"cure", they would make no money if it was like that! People are sick, no doubt,
the water we drink is contaminated, the food we eat is full of poison. People a
re fat, nobody moves anymore; why? Outside it's so ugly! The places who are rura
l are EMPTY. Why would anyone want to live in isolation?
Why, huh? Why should we just accept this and live with it? Accepting it wont mak
e it go away! It'll go on like this forever until we decide to m ake it change!
If you just accept mediocirity, and even defend it, then you become part of the
problem! If you accept it, in my eyes you're just a weaklink, affraid of change,
clinging to your old little habits, a coward.

(Unrelated post below)

The New Dawn shall belongs to everyman. But it terrifies me. I live with fear fo
r the future of my family, but this fear and uncertainty can't hide the feelings
expressed in these pages.
I also want the world as we know it to end. Not the end of the world, but the en
d of these ways, and these days. I can think of many examples of corruption, and
I see it in the drudgery of daily life. Money, Profit, and Commerce are the New
Gods, and are praised-world without end.
I believe that our culture has an expiration date stamped upon it. Because we ar
e too many. If you were left on your own to compete for resources, and to take c
are of your family without electric, Google, gasoline and government, could you
do it. Sure, some could, but most could not. We live in a time of extension; wha
t great masters we are, how clever of us to dam up rivers, truck food in and gar
bage out, consolidate our sewers. These extensions have allowed us to bear fruit
, and lots of it; 9 billion folks in the world is probably not too far off the m
ark. I can't wrap my brain around that, it's too big. I can, however, look aroun
What is to be done? I know that the New Dawn will be a good thing, though I don'
t know the when or the where it will be noted. Probably some time in the future,
long after it has passed. Men will know their worth, will take care of their fa
milies as they ought. Their works will be good, not corrupt. Real 'Place-based c
ulture' could thrive, and some of the ancient ways could once again aid mankind.
If you stay in a place long enough, you notice the changes of the seasons, the
animals behaviour, the moon's affect. You also can fortell a bit of the future b
ased on these selfsame noticings. & know when something is out of whack. Yeah, i
t's out of whack all right. Don't need to stay in one place to see that.
Again, what is to be done? I suppose that this is my day and my age. I won't see
any bright new future, and indeed, I doubt I'd be welcome there. No, there is n
o place for me in the time I dream of.
I am the new amerikan insurgent. I wonder what bridges I need to bring down to s
tart the landslide, what blazing oil refineries will be key to start a 'Peak Oil
' scenario? To me, it sounds like terrorlsm, though I've served more than 10 yea
rs in the military, 3 of those in the Middle East fighting in other wars, which
are still raging to this very day. But it is not terror to want massive changes.
I am not overly special, and have always considered myself 'Joe Everyman'; norma
l thoughts and feelings about this and that, and the ability to dream of somethi
ng better. & If I'm thinking it, then there are many, many right there with me.
I do not want to fight, I want to live in peace, maybe work on my farm, and rais
e my children well. But if there is nothing done, then my children will live in
these days with these ways. I do not feel good, or accomplished, or well. I do n
ot believe we are on track as a species, for whatever reason. I am the Amerikan
that can do something about it, though it will get ugly.
Peace be upon you when you look up at the stars tonite, many of them much larger
than this planet we live upon, called the earth. When I walk underneath them I
pay very little attention to them, I'm not interested them, why? Because they se
em so far away. But they are not. They are as close as I make them.

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