IlluminatiMastermind May4 Slides

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You are about to learn …

!  How we save $10,000 or more per year, PER product, from our suppliers

!  How to get great videos made that show up on your Amazon listing page

!  How to keep getting paid if Amazon closes your account for >5 days

!  How to magically increase your conversion rate and rank higher

!  How to increase your sales on Amazon by 5-20% without spending money

!  How to make sure you are getting indexed organically with the new changes

!  About an incredible opportunity to learn and network with successful sellers

This Webinar is NOT For

"  Lazy folks who want to get rich quick

"  Sellers who want push-button, done-for-you solutions

"  Sellers not willing to invest in their business

"  New sellers – this is advanced level material

Who is this Webinar For?

"  Sellers who are already generating sales on Amazon

"  $10,000 $25,000 $100,000 $500,000 $1,000,000+

"  If so, this is for you

"  We want to help you take your business to the next level

"  Most training is for newbies. What we will cover today is not.
Why do we call it the “illuminati Mastermind?”

People claiming to possess special enlightenment or knowledge of something

In our case, you will be enlightened in the art of

outranking, outpacing, and outselling the competition
Why Manny and Kevin?

#  We understand we may be ahead of some of you. You get to benefit from the thousands of
dollars and countless hours we have put in to figure out what works and what doesn’t.

#  We are also bringing together a lot of high-level successful sellers and people who have access
to real data – no guessing. Plus, we look forward to learning something from many of you too!

#  We are in the trenches every day with our own money. We live and breathe e-commerce.

#  We will be sharing, in near real-time, strategies not available in podcasts and Facebook groups.
As Amazon evolves, so do we. When we learn a new way to increase our sales, you will too.
Reality Check

"  Remember, sales numbers only tell half the story.

"  We all know the B.S. that goes on. We are about to show you
our real numbers.

"  Profit Margins are what really matter.
Step 1: Go to
Step 1: Go to
Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Go to and paste
If you get the wrong, products, use different keyword
Step 3: Find your product or very similar
Step 4: Check to see how much it selling for
Step 5: Go to Google and key in the following:
Step 6: Go to Google and key in the following:
Step 7: Compare to your supplier’s price & negotiate!
Insure Your Amazon Account Against Suspension
•  Lloyds of London
•  Currently USA business entities only selling in USA
•  Premiums under $3,000 for a million dollar per year seller
•  Pays out on your average daily gross sales. Unlimited ASINs.
•  Coverage pays out after 120 hours
•  Former Amazon employees work your reinstatement
•  Insurance reimburses first $500 of the cost of reinstatement services
•  Requires account in good standing with no prior major issues for best rates
•  Max payout period: 90 days (new version coming for 30, 60 and 120 days)
•  European sellers (need US address) & insurance on specific ASINS (up to 50)
•  Just had first 2 claims in mid April. Got them reinstated within 10 days.
Insure Your Amazon Account Against Suspension

Sellers in business for 1 year or less have a maximum aggregate coverage of $250,000
Sellers in business for 1 to 2 years have a maximum aggregate coverage of $500,000
Sellers with more than 2 years in business have up to the $1 million limit.      
Insure Your Amazon Account Against Suspension

Exclusive contract with Lloyds of London

To find out more, email:
Notice a big drop
in sales recently?
Amazon is rolling
major indexing changes
•  Only indexing 400 to 450 maximum of TITLE + SEARCH TERM fields

•  Description is indexed partially for some, not for others

•  BULLET POINTS varies by listing - there may be a character limit

•  SUBJECT MATTER fields are still being indexed – max 50 characters ea.
•  Keyword Phrases are VERY important now (individual words may not index)
•  Example: “6 pack” or “six pack” Index for “6” “pack” & “six” not the phrase
•  Bullet Points Positions Index Randomly
•  I only repeats keywords/phrases if still not indexing
•  Description is heavily loaded with exact match phrases – some stick, some don’t.
•  Does not matter if separated by commas, spaces, semicolons or comma+space
•  Does not matter how kw entered in search terms fields, but Seller Central is
recommending people do one kw per line (I am doing several per line)
* many of the best selling products do 1 phrase per line *
•  Best converting keywords from sponsored ads need to be in title, first 3 bullets
or backend for best odds they can be found organically with these new changes
•  I am using exact phrases only and repeating words if necessary, top 2-3 in title
•  I use my PPC Search Term report to decide what keywords to use in my listings
My formula: I use Conversion Rate (not ACOS)
-- Ideally 1,000+ impressions, 0.4+ CTR, 2+ sales, and 10%+ ConvRate
Coming in May 9 webinar only for Illuminati members:

The new way to get to Page 1

Amazon is completely changing the way products are ranked

We will show you what to do in your listings

to shoot up the rankings on top search queries
Importance of Video
According to Invodo, 4 times as many consumers would
rather watch a video about a product than read about it

Forrester researcher Dr. James McQuivey estimates that

one minute of video is equal to 1.8 million words.

90% of users say that seeing a video about a product is

helpful in the decision process.
50% of mobile shoppers try Amazon first

76% of consumers shop on their smartphone

92% say smartphone shopping can influence

a purchase decision, while 52% say
smartphone shopping often or always
supports a purchase.

Source: State of Amazon by BloomReach

Create A Product Video
Add Video to Amazon
Member Tip:

suggest a kw
loaded title
(up to 100
In the Illuminati
Mastermind, we
Share Details
on How to Choose
an Influencer
Image #7
Seller central => Reports => Business Reports => Detail by Child
What is your Amazon conversion rate if you receive
10 sessions (visits to your Amazon page) and

a) 1 buyer, buys quantity of 1

Answer: 10%
b) 1 buyer, buys quantity of 2
Answer: 20%
c) 1 buyer, buys quantity of 5
Answer: 50%
What I am about to show you
is how I increased my sales

by $28,780
in one month
and improved ranking
adding new products
running Lightning Deals
changing Sponsored Ads
or changing my price shown
I find Image
Position 5
works best
Seller central => Advertising => Promotions
Seller central => Advertising => Promotions
Seller central => Advertising => Promotions
Seller central => Advertising => Promotions
Seller central => Advertising => Promotions
Seller central => Advertising => Promotions
Seller central => Advertising => Promotions
Seller central => Advertising => Promotions
Supplier Refunds
Supplier Refunds

Here’s how much I have saved from ONE supplier:

One Supplier: 212 units of 1 SKU: $8,480.00 (sales price)

43 units of 1 SKU: $1,161.00 (sales price)


Kevin Manny
Kevin’s Results

= $29,141.31
Reimbursement Rules
Only attach 5 transaction ID’s
Only have 5 cases open at once
Use Refund Genie to save you
days of work
So, far we have shown you …
An example of how Kevin made an extra $10,950.00
by checking his supplier’s pricing on

How to get videos on your Amazon listing to increase

your conversions & make more money

How to get up to $63,938.50 in money owed to you by

Amazon using Refund Genie

An example of how to use external benefits that made

Kevin an extra $28,780.00 in one month

How Manny made $9,641.00 back from his factory

We have shown you some
real world examples today

How much are you going to make
from these FREE tips?
•  So you’ve been watching this webinar for a while now
•  You know that private label is a HUGE opportunity
•  And you know that with the right mentorship you can
explode your business in 2017
We get asked a lot about private consulting.

You can hire the Illuminati Mastermind team

for 2 full days of private coaching
in Austin, Texas or Irvine, California
for $25,000.00

If interested, reach out to us at
We’re making
Networking a
Speaker Line Up

Manny Coats Kevin King Casey Gauss Dave & Mary Kettner Janelle Page

Elena Saris Justin Ligeri Stefania Turca Traian Turca Robb Green
Only 75 (9) Seats Available
Imagine how much MORE
could YOU MAKE
from all the ADDITONAL tips by
by coming to the
Conference Tickets
on sale NOW
Here’swhat donext
what to do next:

$  Watch the video

$  Read the speaker bios

$  Check out the details of the event

$  Enter your payment information to

secure your spot
The Live
Illuminati Conference
is going to be awesome

But we have something to

start you on your way
to 2X, 3X or 5X your
Monthly Online Training
The Illuminati Online Training Includes:
1.  Monthly Illuminati Webinars only for paying members
2.  Myself and Kevin, plus Special Guests, share their secrets as they 2X or 3X
their sales this year, both on and off Amazon
3.  This is not the same content you hear on the podcasts or read on Facebook
4.  Separate Monthly Q&A Sessions (about one week after each webinar)
5.  Watch everything live (replays are available if you miss it)
6.  Platinum status at all the Illuminati Live Events
7.  First dibs on tickets to our live event, which is capped at 75 sellers
8.  Note: NDA required – we only talk about high level advanced stuff
Join NOW!
Join NOW!
Join NOW!
Here’swhat donext
what to do next:
•  Enter your payment information to
secure your spot
•  Once in the member’s area …
•  Sign the NDA
•  Complete your onboarding questionnaire
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Thanks for staying!

Here’s another FREE

BONUS that could easily
cover the cost of
your Membership!

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Easiest way to get extra sales

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Bonus Sales Using Joelister

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Sample from Past Few Months

•  How to run a full price “lightning” deal 24/7, 365 days a year
•  How to get massive free organic traffic from suggested search – no sales needed
•  How to convert 1-star reviews to 5-star reviews, even if the reviewer is anonymous
•  How to get in Amazon Marketing Services without giving up a product
•  How to use your product questions to be on the first page of Google search
•  Details on 20+ sources Kevin has used to raise money for his Amazon inventory

Join NOW!

Sample from Past Few Months

•  How to dramatically increase your sales with shopping cart and listing enhancements
•  How to create audiences on Facebook of your Amazon customers and get insights
•  How to influence the canonical URL for better indexing on Google for your products
•  The Illuminati package insert that gets an 85% open rate & 30%+ email sign-up rate
•  How to save thousands per shipment on your shipping from China to Amazon
•  How to get your product featured in major newspapers, magazines and TV shows

Join NOW!

Past Few Months

After signing up, you will have access beginning with the April 2017 content

If you want access to March and February, which includes a lot of what we just
mentioned, please send an email for a link to purchase those back months to

Join NOW!

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