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~~ CPO Policy &Guidance Web iThis Site: CPO POlley'& Guida~.~"',L_1_ _ _ _---11.:....1.01
The Policy and Guidance Library ~ the sole source for all olficial FBI policy.
Policy and Guidance Library
, per 09/26/2011 (pg. 19)
Please select the tab of the policy category you wish to search. If you do not know the spedfic category, you can select the 'All' tab. Column Filter Boxes: Below the column headers are filter boxes. Enter keywords In the boxes to filter
the results being displayed. You may filter on multiple columns.
Comm Facilities Finance HR Mgmt IT Mgmt Legal Op Services Operations Org Auth Records Mgmt Security Travel All
Publish Date Policy Title Name Classification Policy Type Division Tier 1Category Tier 2Category Tier 3Category Proponent

Count =1200
I I~I____~I~I__~I~I__~Ic:J~~1__~I~I____~II~__~I~I~
2011/08/i3 WMD COordinator Certification and 0438D UNCIASSIFlED Directive COrporate Human Training and Workforce Weapons of Mass
Training Resource Development Destruction
Management Directorate
2011/08/22 Assistant SectIon Chief Request 04240 UNCIASSIFlED Directive COrporate Organizational Strategic Management and Resource Planning
Process Authorities and Resource Allocation Office
2011/08/22 Program Management 03860 UNClASSIFlEDI/FOUO Directive COrporate Organizational Authorities and Directors Office
Authorities and Responsibilities
2011/08/22 Reserve Service Program COnditions 0433N UNCIASSIFlED Notice COrporate Human Employment Recruitment Re-employment Human Resources
and Procedures Resource and Placement Division
2011/08/19 Transportatlon Crimes Poliey 04350 UNClASSlFlED Directive COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Criminal
Implementation Guide and Response Investigative
2011/08/19 Transportation Crimes Polley 0435PGttltW UNClASSIFlEDI/FOUO PG COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Criminal
Implementation Guide and Response Investigative

~011/08/06 Undercover and senSitive Operations 04320 UNClASSIFIED Directive COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Criminal
Paley Implementation Guide and Response Investigative
2011/08/06 Undercover and SenSitive Operations 0432PG UNCIASSIFlEDI/FOUO PG COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Criminal
Paley Implementation Guide and Response Investigative
2011/08/01 setting Pay Upon COnversion Into the 0419N UNCLASSIFIED Notice ·COrporate Human Senior Executive Service SES/SL Pay Setting Human Resources
Senior Executive ServIce or Senior Resource Division
Levcl ServIce Management
2011/07/29 Government Vehlde Use Polley 04300 UNCIASSIFlED Directive COrporate Lega I Chief Division Counsel Officeoflntegrtty
Program and COmpliance
2011/07/29 Government Vehicle Use Poliey 0430PG UNCLASSIFIED PG COrporate Legal Chief Division Counsel Officeoflntegrtty
Implementation Guide Program and COmpliance
2011/07/27 Assistance to Other Government 0400D SOOIlI'KlFORN Directive corporate Operations National Security Operational
Agendes (OGA) under F1SA SectIon Technology
702 Division
2011/07/27 Electronic Storage of Records Crea~ 0426N UNctASSlFlED Notice corporate Records Records Storage and Records
In Guardian and Stored In the Management Retrieval Management
Automated Case SUpport (ACS)
2011/07/27 Information Systems Security 03880 UNClASSIFlED .Directive COrporate Security Information Assurance Security Division
Framework Polley Program
2011/07/27 Personnel Records 0429N UNCIASSIFlED Notice COrporate Records Personnel Records Records
Management Management Management

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2011/07/27 Request for Exemption from 0407N UNClASSIFIED Notioe Corporate Human Human Resources
Mandatory Retirement Resource Division
2011/07/27 Software Assurance security Polley 03530 UNClASSlFIEDI/FOUO Directive Corporate Security Information Assurance security Division
2011/06/30 O1sls Negotiation Program Policy 04160 UNClASSIFIED Directive Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations O1tical Inddent
Im~ementatlon Guide and Response Response Group
2011/06/30 Crisis Negotiation Prc-;Jram Policy 0416PG UNClASSIFIEDI/FOUO PG Corpqrate Operations Criminal Investigations O1ticalIncident
Implementation Guide and Response Response Group
2011/06/22 Preservation and Disclosure of 0423N UNClASSIFIED Notioe Corporate Legal Discovery Office of the
Sectronlc Communications In Federal General Counscl
O1mlnal cases
2011/06/13 Biometric Investment Polley 02190 UNClASSIFIED Directive Corporate Finance Procurement Acquisition Cycle Science and
Technology Branch
2011/06/13 Premium Oass Travcl 04200 UNClASSIFIED Directive Corporate Finance Accounting Ananoe DMslon
2011/06/10 PelSonncl security Self-Reporting 04210 UNClASSIFIEDI/FOUO Directive Corporate Security Personnel Security security DivI~on
Requirements (PERSEC)
2011/06/09 Corporate Data Management Program 03540 UNClASSIFIED Directive Corporate Organizational Resource Planning
(CDMP) Authorities and Offioe
2011/06/09 Handling of Information gathered In 0356N UNClASSIFIED Notioe Corporate Records Records Dispositio~ and Office of the
violation of the Privacy Pd Management Exceptions General Couns~

2011/06/08 FBI Information Technology (IT) Ufe 04180 UNClASSIFIED Directive Corporate Information ' Project Management Information
Cyde Management (LCM) Program Technology Technology Branch
Pdlcy Management
2011/06/08 Technical or Scientific Products 03780 UNClASSIFIED Directive Corporate Information Enterprise Planning Information
Procurement Policy Directive Technology Technology Branch
2011/05/31 Change In Marital Status 04150 UNClASSlFlEDI/FOUO Directive Corporate Security Personnel Security security Division
2011/05/31 Communications security (COMSEC) 04130 UNClASSIFIEDI/FOUO Directive Corporate Security Communication Security security Division
2011/05/31 Designation/ Marking/ Sharing/ and 0383PG UNClASSIFIEDI/FOUO PG Corporate Security Information Security security Division
Safeguarding Law Enforcement
sensitive and Law Enforcement
sensitive-Not Releasa~e to foreign
Nationals Information Polley
Implementation Guide
2011/05/31 Identi~lng Designating Marking De- 03830 UNClASSIFIED Directive Corporate Security Information Security security Division
Controlling and Safeguarding LES and
lES-NOFORN Information
2011/05/31 Intemal Selectlon Moratorium 0414N UNClASSIFIED Notioe Corporate Human Employment Recruitment Human Resources
Resource and Placement Division
2011/05/31 Unoffidal foreign Travel 03800 UNClASSIFIEDI/FOUO Directive Corporate Security Personnel Security security Division
2011/05/23 Immediate Response Protocols For 03630 UNClASSlfIEDI/FOUO Directive Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Criminal
Handling Threats Against FBI and Response Investigative
Employees An(Or Family Members. Division
2011/05/23 Project Baseline Agreement (PBA) 03990 UNClASSIFIED Directive. Corporate Information Project Management Information
Paley Technology Technology Branch
2011/05/20 ellS ErgonOOllcs Polley 01500070 UNClASSIFIED DIrective CJIS Facilities and Occupational Safety Criminal Justloe
Logistics Information
2011/05/18 Terrorist explosive Device Analytical LOOOll0 UNClASSIFIED Directive Lab Operational Laboratory Laboratory Division
center (TEDAC) Quality System • Services

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2011/05/17 National Backstopping Policy 04100 UNa.ASSlFlED Directive Corpomte Operations Criminal Investigations Criminal
Implementation Guide and Response Investigative

2011/05/17 National Backstopping Policy 0410PG UNa.ASSlFlEDI/LES PG Corpomte Operations Criminal Investigations Criminal
Implementation Guide and Response Investigative
201i/Os/03 Tclewor1< Policy 04060 UNa.ASSlFiED Directive COrpomte Human Employee Programs and Work Life Human Resources
Resource Services Division
2011/04/30 Fugitive Policy Implementation Guide 04040 UNa.ASSlFlED Directive COrpomte Operations Criminal Investigations Criminal
and Response Investigative
2011/04/30 Fugitive Policy Implementation Guide 0404PG UNa.ASSlFlEDl/fOUO PG COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Criminal
and Response Investigative
2011/04/29 Weapons of Mass Destructlon 04030 UNa.ASSlFlED Directive Corpomte Operations National Security Weapons of Mass
Investigations and Operations Policy Destruction
Implementation Guide Directorate
2011/04/29 Weapons of Mass Destructlon 0403PG SECRETI/NOfORN PG COrporate Operations National Security Weapons of Mass
Investigations and Operations Policy Destruction
Implementation Guide Directorate
2011/04/28 Organized Crime Policy 04050 UNa.ASSlFlED Directive Corpomte Operations Criminal Investigations Criminal
Implementation Guide arid Response Investigative
2011/04/28 Organized Crime Policy 040SPG UNClASSlFlEDl/fOUO PG Corpomte Operations Criminal Investigations Criminal
Implementation Guide and Response Investigative
2011/04/26 Crimes Against Children Policy 04020 UNa.ASSlFlED Directive Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Criminal
Implemen~tlon Guide and Response Investigative
2011/04/26 Crimes Against Children Policy 0402PG UNa.ASSIFIEDl/fOUO PG COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Criminal
Implementation Guide and Response Investigative
2011/04/26 Reporti~ of Shooting Inddents 03280 UNa.ASSlFIED Directive Corpomte Operations Legal Attache (LEGAT) International
Abroad Operations Division
2011/04/26 ' Special Events policy Implementation 04010 UNrusSIFlED Directive Corporate Operations National Security Cntlcallncldent
Guide Response Group
2011/04/26 Special Events Policy Implementation 0401PG UNrusSIFiEDl/fOUO PG COrporate Operations National Security Critical Inddent
Guide Response Group
2011/04/22 Additional COmmercial Parking 03980 UNClASSIFIED Directive Corpomte Facilities and Facilities Management and Facilitlesand
Acquisition Policy LogistiCS Acquisition logistics services
2011/04/22 Reciprocity for Personnel Security 03740 UNa.ASSlFlEDl/fOUO Directive Corporate Security Personnel Security Security DM~on
Oearances (PERSEC)
2011/04/i8 Operational Technology DMslon OTOOO11D UNa.ASSlFlED Directive OTD Travel Finance Related Issues Operational
(OTO) Travel Authorization Number Technology
(TR)Pdlcy Division
2011/04/13 FBI Geospatial Int~lIgence Program 03970 UNa.ASSlFlEDl/fOUO Directive . Corporate Operations Information Collection, Directorate of
Exploitation and Intelligence
2011/04/13 Intelligence Policy Implementation 03910 UNa.ASSlFlED Directive COrporate Operations National Security Directorate of
Guide Intelligence
2011/04/13 Intelligence Policy Implementation 0391PG UNa.ASSlFlEDl/fOUO PG COrporate Operations National Security Directorate of
Guide Intelligence
2011/04/07 OIS IT Governance OI500060 UNa.ASSlFlED Directive OIS Information Enterprise Planning Criminal Justice
Technology Information
Management ServIces

2011/04/07 Directorate of Intelligence (D1) 0100030 UNCIASSIFlED Directive 01 Communications Internal Communications Directorate of
Internal COmmunications Intell geOCe

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2011/04/01 Defensive k.cess Control (Locks) and 01640 UNCLASSlFlEDI/fOUO Directive Corporate Security Personnei Security secun~ Division
Intrusion Detection (Alarms) Polley (PERSEC)
2011/04/01 HQ Administrative and Operational 02390 UNCLASSlFlEDI/fOUO Directive Col]lOrate Organizational Authorities and Resource P~nnlng
Data-callsJas~ngs to Flcld Offices Authorities and Responsibilities Office
andl.egats Oversight
2011/04/01 'Mandatory Training Requirement for 03810 UNCLASSIFIED Directive Corporate Finance Procurement Finance Di~slon
All FBI Travcl cardholders
2011/04/01 Use of Other Direct Costs In 03380 UNCLASSIFIED Directive Corporate Finance Procurement FlnanceDMslon
2011/03/31 Cyber DMslon Polley Implementa~on 03950 UNCLASSIFIED Directive Col]lOrate Operations Criminal Investigations Cyber Division
Guide and Response
2011/03/31 Cyber Division polley Implementation 0395PG UNCLASSlFlEDI/fOUO PG Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Cy~ Division
Guide and Response
2011/03/31 Cyber Division Policy Implementation 0395PG·2 UNCLASSlFlEDI/fOUO PG Col]lOrate Operations Criminal Investigations Cyber Division
Guide, Appendix C•The Infragard and Response
2011/03/31 Foreign Intelligence Surv~llance Act 03940 UNCLASSlFlEDI/fOUO Directive Corporate Operations National Security Office of the
(FlSA) Accuraey General Counsel
2011/03/31 Forelgn'Intclllgence Surv~lIance Act 0394PG UNCLASSlFIEDI/fOUO PG CorpOrate Operations National Security Office of the
(FlSA) Accuraey Polley General Counsel
Implementatlon Guide
2011/03/29 Electronic Storage of Records Created 038SN UNCLASSIFIED Notice Corporate Records Electronic Records Records
In SEm'iNB. and Stored In the Management Management
Automated case SUpport (ACS)
2011/03/28 Operational Technology Division OTOOO10N UNCLASSIFIED Notice oro Organizational Authorities and Operational
Approval Signature Authorities Authorities and Responsibilities Technology
Oversight Division
2011/03/28 Radio Programs Polley 03920 UNCLASSIFIED Directive Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations operational
Implementatlon Guide and Response Technology
2011/03/28 Radio Programs Polley 0392PG UNCLASSlFlEDl/fOUO PG Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Operational
Implementation Guide and Response Technology
2011/03/24 FBI Information System and 03520 UNCLASSIFIED DIrective Corporate Security Information Assurance secun~ DIvI~on
InfonnaHan Technology Periods Program
Processing Securi~ Polley
2011/03/24 Headquarters Stlategy Management 02940 UNCLASSIFIED Directive Corporate Organizational Strategic Management and Resource P~nnlng
System Implementation Authorities and Resource Allocation Office
2011/03/24 Non-record email Retention 0372N UNCLASSIFIED Notice Corporate Records Recordkeeping Records
Management Requirements Management
2011/03/24 System f(cess Request (StIR) Polley 02870 UNCLASSlFIEDI/fOUO Directive Corporate Information Operations, Maintenance, Resource Planning
Technology and Use Office
2011/03/22 Weapons of Mass Destruction 03870 UNa:ASSlFlED Directive Corporate Operations National Security Weapons of Mass
Countermeasures and Preparedness Destruction
Pclley Implementation Guide Dlrectqrate
2011/03/22 Weapons of Mass Destruction 0387PG SOOllM:lfORN PG Corporate Operations National Security Weapons of Mass
Countermeasures and Preparedness Destructlon
Pclley Implementation Guide Directorate
2011/03/21 National Center for the Analysis of 03890 UNCLASStFlED Directive Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Critical Incident
Violent Crime Polley Implementation and Response Response Group
2011/03/21 National Center for the Analysis of 0389PG UNCLASSIFIED PG Col]lOrate Operations Criminal Investi~ation$ Critlcallnddent
Violent Crime Polley Implementation and Response Response Group
2011/03/14 National Secun~ Mall Cover Request 0382N UNCLASSIFIED Notice Col]lOrate Organizational Natlonar Security
Approval Authonty Authorities and Branch

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2011/03/07 Special Audio SUivelllance SUpport 03790 UNCLASSIFIED Directive Corporate Operational Science and -Technology Operational
P~ICY Implementation Guide Services TeronolC>;}y

2011/03/07 Special Audio Surveillance SUpport 0379PG SECRETIINOFORN PG ' Corporate Operational Science and Technologv Operational
P~lcy Implementation Guide Services TechnolC>;}y

2011/03/03 Technical Threat Analysis and 03770 UNClASSIFIED Directive Corporate Operational Science and Technology Operational
Evaluation PoIl~ Implementation Services Technology
Guide Division

2011/03/03 Technical Threat Analysis and 0377PG UNClASSIFIED PG Corporate Operational Science and Technology Operational
Evaluation Policy Implementation Services Technology
Guide Division
2011/03/02 CrlslsandSpeclalEventTactical 03760 UNClASSIFIED Directive Corporate Operational Science and Technology Operational
Communication Policy Implementation Services TechnolC>;}y
Guide Division
2011/03/02 , Crlsls and Special Event Tactical 0376PG UNClASSIFIED PG Corporate Operational Science and Technology Operational
Communication Policy Implementation Services Technology
Guide Division
2011/03/02 Machining and ProtoWpIr,g Policy 03750 UNClASSIFIED - Directive Corporate Operational Science and Technology Operational
Implementation Guide Services Technology

2011/03/02 Machining and ProtoWplng Policy 037SPG UNClASSIFIED PG Corporate Operational Science and Technology Operational
Implementation Guide Services Technology

~011/0U03 Rapid Deployment Team Policy 03680 UNClASSIFIED Directive Corporate Opera,tions Criminal Investigations Crlticallnddent
Implementation Guide and Response Response Group

2011/92/03 Rapid Deployment Team Policy 0368PG UNClASSIFlEDIlFOUO PG Corporate Operations Criminai Investigations Crlticallncldent
Implementation Guide and Response Response Grollp
2011/01/27 Surreptitious Entries Policy 03660 UNa.ASSlFlED Directive Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Operational
Implementation Guide and Response Technology
2011/01/27 Surreptitious Entries Policy 0366PG SECRETIINOFORN PG Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Operational
Implementation Guide and Response Technology

2011/01/26 National SecunW Undercover 03070 UNClASSIFlEDI/FOUO Directive Corporate Operations National SecunW
Operations Policy Implementation Branch
2011/01/26 National SecuriW Undercover 0307PG SECRETIINOFORN PG Corporate Operations National Security
Operations Policy Implementation Branch
2011/01/21 Financial Audit Schedule 03340 UNClASSIFIED Directive Corporate Finance Accounting Finance Division
2011/01/21 Fitness·for·DutyProgram 03310 UNClASSIFIED Directive Corporate Human Health Services Fit for Duty Human Resources
Resource Division
2011/01/21 Fltness·for·Duty program Policy 0331PG UNClASSIFIED PG Corporate Human , Health Services Fit for Duty Human Resources
Implementation Gu)de Resource Division
2011/01/21 Legal Review of Intclllgence 03500 UNa.ASSlFIEDIlFOUO Directive Corporate Legal Criminal Investigation an~ Office of the
Infonnation ReJXlrts Litigation General Counscl
2011/01/21 Legal Review of Intclilgence 0350PG UNClASSIFJEDI/FOUO PG Corporate Legal Criminal Investigation and Office of the
Infonnation Reports Policy Litigation General Counscl
Implementation Guide
2011/01/21 Use of Finance DiviSion Valuable 0346N UNClASSIFIED Notice Corporate Finance Accounting Property Finance Division
iOll/01/07 Disciplinary Suspensions to Start at 03550 UNClASSIFIEDI/FOUO Directive Corpolilte Human Processing Personnel Office of
the Beglnnl~ of the Work Week Resource Actions and Records Professional
Management ResponslblllW

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2010/12/23 Community Outreach In F1cld Offices 03640 UNClASSIFIED Directive Corporate Communications External Communications Outreach Programs Office of Public
2010/12/23 Special Agent Mld·Levcl Management 03650 UNClASSIFIED Directive Corporate Human Career Development EDSP Human Resources
System Resource Division
2010/12/23 Special Agent Mld·Levcl Management 0365PG UNClASSIFIED PG Corporate Human Career Development EDSP Human Resources
System (SAMMS) Policy Resource DivisIon
Implementation Guide Management
2010/12/22 Laboratory Division Sgnature LDOO10D UNCLASSIFIED Directive Lab Communications Laboratory Division
Authority Policy
2010/12/21 Counterintelligence Offidal Reception 03450 UNOASSIFIED Directive • Corporate Finance Accounting Representation Funds Finance DMslon
and Representation Expenses
(CORRE) and Representatlon Funds
2010/12/10 Money Laundering P~lcy 03590 UNClASSIFIEDI/FOUO Directive Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Criminal
Implementatlon Guide and ,Response Investigative
2010/12/10 Money Laundering P~lcy 0359PG UNOASSIFIEDI/FOUO PG Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Criminal
Implementation Guide and Response Investigative
2010l12/08 Leave Policy 03410 UNOASSIFIED Directive Corporate Human Employee Hours and Leave Human Resources
Resource DMslon
2010/12/08 Leave Policy Implementation Guide 0341PG UNClASSIFIED PG Corporate Human Employee Hours and Leave Human Resources
Resource Division
2010/12/07 Operational Technology Division OTDOO01D UNClASSIFI8) Directive OlD Finance Procurement Operational
(OTO) FBI Government Purchase card Technology
(GPC) Program Division
2010/11/29 Operational Technology Division OTOOO080 UNOASSIFIED Directive OlD Travel Finance Related Issues Operational
Travcl Fleet card Policy Technology
2010/11/29 OlD Budget execution Deobllgatlon OTOOO090 UNClASSIFIED Dlrectiv~ OlD Finance Budget Operational
Process Technology
2010/11/23 Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Policy 03430 UNCLASSJFIEDI/FOUO Directive Corpofute Communications External Communications Publications, Official Criminal Justice
Implementation Guide FBX Information

2010/11/23 Uniform Crime Reporting Policy 0343PG UNClASSIFIEDI/FOUO PG Corporate Communications External Communications Publications, Official Criminal Justice
Implementation Guide FBI Information

2010/11/22 Inspection Division Statement of 03260 UNClASSIFIED/lFOUO Directive Corporate Organizational Authorities and Inspection Division
Authorities and Responslbllitles Authorities and Responsibilities
2010/11/19 Continuity Communications 02700 UNClASSIFIEDI/FOUO Directive Corporate Security Continuity of Operations Secunty Division
capabilities and Requirements (COOP) Program
2010/11/19 IntelligenCe Dissemination 03360 UNCLASSJFIEDI/FOUO Directive Corporate Operations Information Collection, . Directorate of
Exploitation and Intelligence
2010/11/19 Intelligence Dissemination Policy 0336PG UNCLASSIFIEDI/FOUO PG Corporate Operations Information Collectionr Directorate of
Implementation Guide Exploitation and Intelligence
2010/11/19 Rclntegratlon of FBI Employees after 029GN UNClASSIFIED Notice Corporate •Human Employment Recruitment Detallees National Securtty

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aDetallee Assignment Resource and Placement Branch

2010/11/18 Handling of Unsolicited Proposals 03390 UNa.ASSiFIED Directive Corporate Finance Procurement Acquisition Cycle Finance DMslon

2010/11/18 Honoraria Policy 03400 UNa.ASSlFIED Directive Corporate Finance Accounting Payments Finance DMslon

2010/11/02 Ratification of Unauthorized 03020 UNa.ASSlAED Directive Corporate Finance Procurement Finance DMslon
2010/10/22 Cohabitant· Roommate Policy 03470 UNa.ASSlFIEDI/FOUO Directive 'Corporate Security Personnel Security security Division
2010/10/20 Official For~gn Travel 03290 UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO Directive Corporate Security Personnel Security security Division
2010/10/18 O~I Rights Policy Implementation 03420 UNa.ASSIFiED Directive Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Qfmlnal
Guide and Response Investigative
2010/10/18 Ovil Rights Policy Implementation 0342PG UNa.ASSlFlEDI/FOUO PG Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Qfmlnal
Guide and Response Investigative
2010/10/15 F1nandal Instlltition Fraud Policy 03330 UNa.ASSlFlED Directive Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Qfmlnal
Implementation Guide and Response Investigative
2010/10/15 Finandallnstlltition Fraud Policy 0333PG UNa.ASSlFlEDI/FOUO PG Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Qfmlnal
Implementation Guide and Response Investigative
2010/10/08 FBI Ethics and Integrity Program 0205PG-2 UNa.ASSiFIED PG Corporate Legal Ethics and Personnel Officeof/ntegrlty
Pcllcy Implementation Guide Conduct andcom~la~

2010/10/06 Sensitive Compartmented InfonnaUon 03370 UNa.ASSiFIEDI/FOUO DIrective Corporate Security Personnel Security security Division
(SCI) Access (PERSEC)
2010/10/04 FBI Whlstleblower Policy 02720 UNa.ASSiFIED Directive Corporate Organizational Internal Oversight Inspection Division
Authorities and
2010/10/04 Non-Reprtsal for Reporting Unsafe or 03160 UNa.ASSlFlED DIrective Corporate Organizational Authorities and Facilities and
Unhealthful Working Conditions Authorities and Responsibilities logistics 5e!vlces
Oversight Division
2010/10/01 Finance DMslon Dress Code FDDOO1D UNa.ASSlFlED DIrective FD Human Ethics and Personnel General Finance DMslon
Resource Conduct.
2010/09/29 Alternate Work Schedule Policy • FLSDOOO10 UNa.ASSlFlED Directive FLSD Human Employee Hours and Leave Duty Hours Facllltlesand
Facilities and logistics 5e!vlces Resource logistics Setvices
Division Management DMslon
2010/09/29 Image capturing Devices within FBI 0335D UNa.ASSlFIED Directive Corporate Security Information Assurance security Division
Controlled Facilities Program
2010/09/20 Privacy Policy Implementation Guide 02990 UNa.ASSIFiED Directive Corporate Legal Privacy and Civil liberties Office of the
General Couns~
2010/09/20 Privacy Policy Implementation Guide 0299PG UNa.ASSlFlED PG Corporate Legal Privacy and Civil Liberties Office of the
General Counsel
2010/09/20 ·Use of Special Characters and D332N UNa.ASSIFiED Notice Corporate Records Recordkeeplng Records
Symbols as Subfile Designators Management Requirements Management
2010/09/20 Wori<ers Compensatlon for FBI 02930 UNa.ASSIFiED Directive Corporate Human Processing Personnel Worker's Human Resourtes
Employees Resource Actions and Records Compensation DMslon
2010/09/20 Workers' Compensation Policy 0293PG UNa.ASSlFlED PG Corporate Human Processing Personnel Worker's Human Resourtes
Implementation Guide Resource Actions and Records Compensation Division

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2010/09/13 ActIng Assignment Awards 0330N UNClASSIFIED Notice COrporate Human Classification, Performance, Special Human Resources
Resource Compensation and Act, or Achievement Division
Management Bonuses Awards
2010/09/03 Economic Oimes Policy 03250 UNClASSIFIED Directive COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Oimlnal
Implementation Guide ~nd Response Investigative
2010/09/03 economic Oimes Policy 0325PG UNClASSIFlEDI/FOUO PG COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Criminal
Implementation Guide and Response Investigative
2010/08/30 Special Agent Reinstatement policy 0323N UNClASSIFIED Notice COrporate Human Employment Recruitment Human Resources
Resource and Placement Division
2010/08/23 University Education Program Tuition 03200 UNClASSIFIED Directive COrporate Human Training and Workforce External Training Training Division
Payment Program Resource Development
2010/08/23 University Education Program Tuition 0320PG UNClASSIFIED PG COrporate Human Training and Workforce External Training Training Division
Payment Program Resource Development
2010/08/19 Requesting Original aassification 0322N UNClASSIFlEDI/FOUO Notice COrporate Security Authorities and Security Division
Authority Responsibilities
2010108/13 Casualty Response Policy Directive 0300D UNClASSIFIED Directive COrporate Human Processing Personnel Death Action Human Resources
Resource Actions and Records Division
2010/08/13 Casualty Response Policy 0300PG UNClASSIFIED PG COrporate Human Processing Personnel Death Action Human Resources
Implementation Guide Resource Actions and Records Dlylslon
2010/08/11 Indian COuntry (IC) Policy 0321D UNClASSIFIED Directive COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Oimlnal
Implementation Guide and Response Investigative
2010/08/11 Indian COuntry Pdlcy Implementatlon 0321PG UNClASSIFIEDI/FOUO PG COrporate Operations Criminal investigations Oimlnal
Guide and Response Investigative
2010/08/09, COunterintclilgence Division Policy 03090 UNClASSIFIED Directive COrporate Operations National Security COunterintelligence
Implementation Guide Division
2010/08/09 COunterintelligence Division Policy 0309PG SECRETllt-.OFORN PG COrporate Operations National Security COuntertntclllgence
Implementation Guide Division
2010/07/27 LD forensic Examiner Training LDOOO9D UNClASSIFIED Directive Lab Human Training and Workforce Specialty Laboratol)' DIvi~on
Program Resource Development Training/Certifications
2010/07/25 Cyber Division Statement of 03150 UNClASSIFIED Directive COrporate 9rganizational Authorities and Cyber Division
Authoritles and Responsibilities Authorities and Responsibilities
2010/07/25 National Name Check DerogateI)' 03170 UNClASSIFIED Directive COrporate Records Name Check Programs Records
Information Policy ,Management Management
2010/07/25 National Name Check DerogateI)' 0317PG UNClASSIFIED PG COrporate Records Name Check Programs Records
Information Policy Implementation Management , Management

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2010/07/22 SupeNlsory Approval of Ol9iN UNClASSIFIED Notice Corporate Records Recordkeeping Records
Administrative Records Management Requirements Management
2010/07/20 ~IS Configuration Management OISOO050 UNQASSlFlED Directive ClIS Information Project Management Criminal Justice
'Pcllcy Technology Information
Management ServIces
2010/07/15 Requirement for Written Operations 0242N UNQASSlFIED Notice Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Critical Inddent
Order· Reid Operations and Response Response Group
2010/07/09 (U) k.cess Policy for the Data 02S5D UNQASSlFIEDI/FOUO Directive Corporate Operations Information Collection, National5ecurlty
Warehouse System (DWS)·ELSUR Exploitation and Branch
Data Management System (EDMS), Dissemination
the Data Loading and Analysis System
(DaLAS), and any successor systems
2010/07/07 Required Approvals for Human HRDOO04D UNQASSlFIED Directive HRD Communications Internal Communications Human Resources
Resources Division (HRD) Sectronlc Division
Communications (ECs)
2010/07/06 Contracting for Legal Selvlces 03080 UNQASSlFIED Directive Corporate Legal Procurement Office of the,
General Counscl
2010/07/06 Pattern·based Data Mining Reporting 0310D UNClASSlFIEDI/FOUO Directive ~rporate Legal Privacy and Civil Liberties Office of the
Requirements General Counscl
2010/07/06 Protection of FBI Information 03140 UNCLASSIFIED Directive Corporate Security Information As$urance SecunW Division
Transmitted via Facsimile Program
2010/07/01 Laboratory DIvI~on Recognition LDOOOSD UNQASSlFlED Directive Lab Human Performance Management Laboratory Division
Awards Program Resource
2010/07/01 Laboratory Presentation and LDOO07D UNQASSlFIED Directive Lab Organizational Internal Oversight Laboratory Division
Publication Review Policy Authorities and
2010/06/18 Reporting Compromises ofTechnlcal 0311D UNClASSIFIED Directive Corporate Operations Information Collection, Operational
Installations Exploitation and Technology
Dissemination Division
2010/06/11 • Health Care Fraud (HCF) Policy 03030 UNQASSlFIED Directive Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Criminal
Implementation Guide and Response Investigative
2010/06/11 Health Care Fraud Policy 0303PG UNQASSlFIEDI/FOUO PG Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Criminal
Implementation Guide and Response Investigative
2010/06/10 Intelligence Information Reports 02920 UNQASSlFlEDI/FOUO Directive Corporate Operations Information Collection, Directorate of
Pcllcy Implementation Guide ExplOitation and Intelligence
2010/06/10 Intelligence Information Reports 0292PG UNQASSlFlEDI/FOUO PG Corporate Operations Information Collection, Directorate of
Pcllcy Implementation Guide Exploitation and Intelligence
2010/06/03 COntlnuiW of Operations 5ecuriW 03060 UNCl.ASSIFlED Directive COl"porate Security Information Assurance 5ecurtW DIvI~on
aas~ficatlon Guide Program
2010/06/03 ContlnulW of Operations Secunty 0306CG UNQASSlFIEDI/FOUO CG Corporate Security Information Assurance 5ecunW DIvI~on
Oasslflcatlon Guide Program
2010/05/26 Special k.cess Program (SAP) 03010 UNQASSlFlEDI/FOUO Directive COrporate Security Information Security SecurlW Division
2010105/24 Metadata Tagging of Electronically 02490 UNQASSlFIEDI/FOUO Directive Corporate Records Electronic Records Records
Stored Information In FBI Systems Management Management
2010/05/24 Professional Staff OVertime Program OTDOO06D UNCl.ASSIFIED Directive oro Human Operational
Management Resource Technology
Management Division
2010/05/24 Return of G:lvernment Property Upon 03040 UNCLASSIFIED Directive Corporate Finance Accounting Property Finance' Di~slon
Separation from the FBI
2010/05/24 Succession and Delegation Policy 02590 UNQASSlFlEDI/FOUO Directive COrporate Organizational Authorities and Office of the
Authorities and Responsibilities General Counsel

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2010/05/13 oros student Technical Exchange OTDOOOSN UNCLASSIFIED Notice oro Human Employment Recruitment Operatlonal
(STE) Program Management Resource and Placement Technology
,Management Division
2010/05/03 (U) Keylxlarct Video Monitor and 02980 UNCLASSlFlEDI/FOUO Directive Corporate Security Information Assurance Securi~ Division
Mouse (KVM) Switches Program
2010/05/03 Keyboard, Video Monitor and Mouse 0298PG UNCLASSIFIED PG Corporate Security Information Assurance Securi~ Divi~on
P~ICY Implementation Guide Program
2010/05/03 Pre-Employment Drug Policy 02890 UNClASSlFlEDI/FOUO Directive Corporate Security Personnel Security Secun~ Division
2010/05/03 pre-Employment Drug Policy Policy 0289PG UNClASS1FlEDI/FOUO PG Corporate Security Personnel Security Secun~ DMslon
Implementatlon Guide (PERSEC)
2010/04/23 (U) Posting FBI Disseminated 02670 UNClASSlFIEDI/FOUO Directive Corporate Operations Informati,on Collection, Information Sharing Directorate of
Intelligence Prcducts on the Ubrary of Exploitation and (Dissemination) Intelligence
Nationallnt~lIgence (LNI) Dissemination
2010/04/23 FBI Hazardous Devices Operations 02330 UNClASSIFIED Directive Corporate Operatio~s Criticallndoent
Center Policy Response Group
2010/04/23 Hazardous Devices Operatlons center 0233PG UNClASSIFIED PG Corporate Operations CritlcalInddent
P~lcy Implementation Guide Response Group
2010/04/06 Intelligence Training Requirements 02770 UNClASSIFIED/IFOUO Directive Corporate Human Training and Workforce ' Internal Training Directorate of
Resource Development Intelligence

2010/04/05 HRT canine Use and Deployment 02120 UNctASSIFiED Directive Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Cnticallnddent
and Response Response Group
2010/04/05 Memoranda of Understanding &Non- 0273PG UNClASSIFIED 'PG Corporate Legal Memoranda of Office of the
oontractual Agreements PG Understanding IAgreement General Counscl
2010/04/05 Memoranda of Understaoolng and 02730 UNCLASSIFIED Directive Corporate Legal Memoranda of Office of the
Non-Contractual Agreements UnderstandinglAgreement General Counsel
2010/04/05 Office of the Ombudsman Statement . 02740 .UNClASSIFIED Directive Corporate Communications Internal Communications Office of the
of AUthoritles and Responslbil tl,es OmbtXfsman
2010/04/05 Protectfon of Human Subjects In 01860 UNClASSIFIED Directive Corporate Organizational Office of the
Research Conducted or Supported by Authorities and General Counsel
the FBI Oversight
2010/03/26 Confidential Human Source Validation 02580 UNClASSlFlEDI/FOUO Directive Corporate Operations Joint Operations Directorate of
Standards Manual Intelligence
2010/03/26 Confidential Human Source Validation 02S8PG SECRETI/t()FORN PG Corporate Operations Joint Operations Directorate of
Standards Manual Intelligence,
2010/03/25 Deployment of MRAP Armored 0204N UNCLASSIFIED Notice Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Criticallnddent
Vehldes In the Absence of Federal and Response Response Group
2010/03/23 Resource Allocation Planning (RAP) 02880 •UNClASSIFIED Directive Corporate' Organizational Strategic Management and Resource Planning
Tool Usage Authorities and Resource Allocation Office
2010/03/18 Interim Policy for SWAT Operations • 0278N UNCtASSlFlEDI/FOUO Notice Corporate Operations Joint Operations Criticallnddent
Fast Roping Response Group
2010/03/17 Evidence Response Team (ERT) 02790 UNClASSIFIED Directive Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Laboratory DIvision
Expert Assistance to State and Local and Response
Law Enforcement Agendes
2010/03/16 Portable electronic DeviCes (PEDs) 02560 UNClASSlFIEDI/FOUO Directive Corporate Security Informati,on Assurance Security Division
2010/03/01 Discontinuance of ActIon Leads for 02810 UNClASSIFIED Directive Corporate Finance Procurement Acquisition Cycle Rnance Division
the Procurement SectIon, FInance
Division, In Electronic Communications
for Acquisitions
2010/02/26 Emergency Medical Support Program 02860 UNClASSIFIED Directive Corporate Human Health Services Human Resources
(EMSP) Resource Division

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2010/02/26 Emergency Medical Support Program 0286PG UNClASSIFIED PG Corporate Human Health Services Human Resources
P~lcy Implementation Guide Resource Di~slon
2010/0~22 IT Project Mlfact Storage-Update 02510 UNClASSIFIED Directive Corporate Information Enterprise Planning Infonnation
Pcllcy Technology Technology Branch
2010/02/22 Position Description Ubra/y 02S3N UNClASSIFIED Notice Corporate Human "Classification, Classification Human Resources
Resource Compensation and Division
Management Bonuses
2010/02/19 Virtual Plademy Policy 02820 UNClASSlFlEDI/FOUO Directive Corporate Human Training and Workforce Continuing Education Training Di~slon
Resource Development
2010/02/18 Commercial Prtnting and Cop~ng 02320 UNClASSIFIED Directive Corporate Facilities and Facilities Program and Facilities and
LogistiCS ,Project Management logistics Services
2010/02/18 Modified Reporting Procedures for 297-HQ-C1514237 UNClASSIFIED EC Corporate Operations Joint Operations International Inspectlon Division
Shooting Inddents In Iraq and

2010/02/18 Shipment of Valuables 02620 UNClASSlFlEol/FOUO Directive Corporate Facilities and Logistics and Services Facilltlesand
LogistiCS logistics Services

2010/0~18 Special Agent ca~r Development 02800 UNClASSIFIED Directive Corporate Human Career Development EDSP Human Resources
Resource Division
2010/02/18 Special Agent career Development 0280PG UNClASSIFIED PG Corporate Human Career Development EDSP Human Resources
P~lcy Implementation Guide Resource Division
20~0/02/18 Updating the Personnel Contact 02710 UNClASSIFIED Directive Corporate Human Employee Programs and Human Resources
Update Subsystem (PCUS) and Resource Services Division
Address I.Ocator Subsystem (AlS) Management
2010/02/12 Video and.or Audio Tcleconferendng 02550 UNClASSIFIED Directive Corporate Security Information Assurance Secun~ Division
2010/02/10 IT Project Mlfact Storage/update 0251PG UNClASSIFIED PG Corporate Information Enterprlse,Planning Infonnation
P~I~ Implementation Guide Technology Technology Branch
2010/01/21 Training Program Funding 02600 UNCLASSIFIED Directive Corporate Finance Accounting Training Division
2010/01/13 FBI Government Purchase card (GPC) . 02690 UNClASSIFIED Directive Corporate Finance Procurement Finance Di~slon
2010/01/13 Government Purchase card Program 0269PG UNClASSIFIED PG Corporate Finance Procurement Finance Division
P~lcy Implementation Guide

2010/01/13 Human Resources Division (HRD) HROOOO3D UNClASSIFIED Directive HRD Human Classification, Performance, Special. Human Resources
Employee of the Month Award Resource Compensation and A~, or Achievement Division
Management Bonuses Awards
2010/01/07 Counterterrorism Program Guidance, 3190-HQ-A14S7636- UNClASSIFIED' EC Corporate Operations Counterterrorism
Notifications to Outside Agendes CTDSER40 Division
2010/01/04 Oasslfication Challenges -National 030SN UNClASSIFIED Notice Corporate security Information Sec~rlty Securi~ Division

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Securi~ Information

7010/01/04 Crossover Security Oearances 02680 UNOASSIFIEDI/FOUO Directive Corporate Security Personnel Security Securi~ Divi~on
2010/01/04 Crossover Security Oearances Polley 0268PG UNCl.ASSIFIEDI/FOUO PG Corporate Security Personnel Security Securi~ Division
Implementiltlon Guide (PERSEC)
2010/01/04 Security Oearance Requirements for 02610 UNOASSIFIEDI/FOUO Directive Corporate Security Information Assurance Security Di~slon
f1.cess to FBI InfolT11ation Systems Program
2009/12/23 FBI Seal, Name, Initials, and SpecIal 02660 UNOASSIFIED Directive Corporate Legal FBI Seal, Initials, Name, . Human Resources
Agent Glld Badge and Insignia Division
2009/12/22 Transferring Resources between the 0254N UNCl.ASSIFIED Notice Corporate Finance Accounting Finance DMsion
FBI and Non·FBI Entitles
2009/12/07 COunterterrorism Program Guidance, 3190·HQ-Al487636- SECREI' EC Corporate Operations Counterterrorism
Watchllsting CTD5ER38 Division
2009/12/01 Collateral Duty Polley 0240N UNOASSIFIED Notice Corporate Human Classification, Classification Human Resources
Resource Compensation and DMslon
Management Bonuses
2009/12/01 TIme and Utilization Recordkeeplng 0253N UNCl.ASSIFlED Notice Corporate Organizational Strategic Management and Directorate of
(TURK) for Intelligence Stilff Authorities and Resource 'Allocation Intelligence
2009/11/25 Personncl Security Oearance and 0192PG UNCLASSIFIEDI/FOUO PG COrporate Security Personnel Security Security Division
NxesS Polley Implementation Guide (PERSEC)
2009/11/19 Updated Laooratory DI~slon parking LDOOO6D UNCl.ASSIFIED Directive Lab Security Phvsical Security Laboratory Division
Pclley (PHY5EC)
2009/11/17 COntlnui~ of Operations (COOP) 02100 UNOASSIFIEDI/FOUO Directive COrporate Security Continuity of Operations Securl~ Division
(COOP) Program
2009/11/16 Documentation of all COntilClS During 02450 UNOASSIFIED Directive -COrporate Human Ethics and Personnel Disciplinary Matters Office of
the FBI's DIsciplinary Process Resource Conduct Professional
Management Responslblli~
2009/11/16 Written Douglas Factor Assessment 02460 UNCl.ASSIFIED Directive Corporate Human Ethics and Personnel Disciplinary Matters Office of
Required In Intemal Disciplinary cases Resource Conduct Professional
Management Responsibility
2009/10/28 Modifications to the Collection of the 0252N UNCl.ASSIFIEDI/FOUO Notice Corporate Security security Division
Standard Form 86 (SF'86)
2009/10/27 Flcld Evidence Management and 0120PG UNCLASStFlEDI/FOUO PG Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Administrative Laboratory Division
Operations Polley Implementatlon and Response
2009/10/26 Operations Secur1~ Polley 0196PG UNOASSIFIEDI/FOUO PG Corporate Security Operational Se.curity Secunty Division
Implementiltlon Guide (OPSEC)
2009/10/18 COnfidential Funding Guide 02480 UNOASSIFIEDI/FOUO Directive Corporate Finance Accounting Finance DMslon
2009/10/18 Confidential Funding Poliey 0248PG UNOASSIFIEDI/FOUO PG Corporate Finance Accounting FInance Di~slon
Implementiltlon Guide
2009/10/18 Removable Electronic Storage (RES) 02470 UNClASSIFIED Directive COrporate Security Information Assurance Secur1~ Division
Media Protection Program
2009/10/13 Automatic Restriction of k.cess to 02430 UNCl.ASSIFlEDI/FOUO Directive Corporate Organizational Internal Oversight Information Sharing National Security
Data In FBI case Support Systems Authorities and (Dissemination) Branch
Based on Stilndard FIle Oasslficatlon Oversight
2009/10/09 Distribution of NSB E-mail Traffic from 01940 UNOASSIFIEDI/FOUO Directive Corporate Communications external Communications National Secun~
Outside Agendes Branch
2009/10/08 (UI/FOUO) Delegation of an Acting 0227N UNCl.ASSIFIEDI/FOUO Notice Corporate Legal National Security Law National Security Office of the
Official to Issue National Securi~ Letters General Counsel
2009/09/25 Documentation of Precedent by OPR OPROOO1D UNClASSIFIED Directive OPR Human Ethics and Personnel Disciplinary Matters Office of
In all Substantiated cases of Resource Conduct Professional

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Management Responslbil~
Employee Misconduct
2009/09/24 Counterterrorism Program Guidance, 3190·HQ-A14B7636· SECRCTI/NOFORN EC Corporate Operations Counterterrorism
Baseline Collection Plan CTOSER35 Division

2009/09/23 (U) FBI Operatlon~ Security Program 01960 UNClASSIFIED/lFOUO Directive Corporate Security oper~tional Security Security DMslon
2009/09/23 (UI/FOUO) DIsciplinary Appeals 0235N UNClASSIFIEDI/FOUO Notice Corporate Human Ethics and Personnel Human Resources
Process Resource Conduct DMslon
2009/09/23 Construction Security Plan for New 022BPG UNOASSIFIEDI/FOUO PG Corporate Security Facilities Program and Security Divl~on
FBI Fadlltles Policy Implementation Project Management
2009/09/23 Construction Security Policy for New 02280 UNCl.ASSJFIEDI/FOUO Oirective Corporate Security Facilities Program and Security Division
FBI Fadlltles Project Management
2009/09/23 Olrected Reassignment and 02240 UNClASSIFIED Directive Corporate Human Employment Recruitment Human Resources
Wo~dwlde Mobility Policy Resource and Placement DMslon
2009/09/23 Non'Pald Consultant Program 02160 UNClASSIFlEDI/FOUO Directive Corporate Security Personnel Security Security Division
2009/09/23 Security Incident Program (SIP) 01500 UNClASSIFlEDI/FOUO Directive Corporate Security Operational Security Security Division
2009/09/19 Presidential Management Fcllows 02200 UNClASSIFIED Directive Corporate Human Employment Recruitment Position Requirements Human Resources
(PMF) Program Policy and Guidance Resource and Placement DiviSion
2009/09/19 Presidential Management Fcllows 0220PG UNOASSlFIED PG Corporate Human Employment Recruitment Position Requirements Human Resources
Program Policy and Gul~ance Policy Resource and Plac.ement Division
Implementation Guide Management
2009/09/16 (UI/FOUO) The productlon and 02220 UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO Directive ~rporate Organizational Policy Management National·Security
Coordination of Polldes Involving all Authorities and, Branch
Intelligence Communl~ 8ements and Oversight
the Office of the Director of National
2009/09/15 01 Policy Processes and ProcedUres 0100020 UNClASSIFIED Directive 01 Organizational Policy Management Directorate of
Authorities and Intelligence
2009/09/04 Personal Services Contracts 02290 UNClASSIFIED •Directive Corporate Finance Procurement Services Anance Division

2009/06/25 Automated External Defibril~tor 02110 UNQ.ASSlFIED Directive Corporate Human Health Services Human Resources
(AED)program Resource Division
2009/08/25 Guide to Forfclture Petitions 0226N UNClASSIFlED/lFOUO Notice Corporate Legal Forfeiture Law Officeafthe
General Counsel

2009/08/25 Guide to ,Forfclture Petitions 0226PG UNClASSIFlEOI/FOUO PG Corporate Legal Forfeiture Law afficeofthe
General Cou'nsel

2009/06/25 Intelligence Communl~ Joint Duty 02300 UNCl.ASSJFlED Directive Corporate Human Career Development Human Resources
Program Resource Division
2009/08/25 Intelligence Community Joint Duty 0230PG UNClASSIFIED PG Corporate Human ~areer Development Human Resources
Program Policy Implementation Guide Resource Division

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2009/08/25 Pnon~ Reemployment Ust Policy 02310 UNa.ASSlFIED Diredive Corporate Human Employment Recruitment Recruitment Human Resources
Resource and Placement Division
2009/08/13 Intelligence Value AssessmenlS of 02080 UNa.ASSlFlEDI/FOUO Diredive Corporate Operations Information Collection, Directorate of
F1SA-Derived Sectronlc SUlv~lIa~ Exploitation and Intelligence
2009/08/10 FBI Sensitive Review Board and 02250 UNClASSIFlEDI/FOUO Diredive co.rporate Operations Information Colie,etlon, Information Sharing National Securi~
Dispute Resolutlon Process Exploitation and (Dissemination) Branch
Dissemination .
2009/08/07 Laboratory Division Worldlfe Program LDOOOSD UNClASSlFI~ Diredive Lab Organizational Internal Oversight Laboratory Division
and Physical FItness Policy Authorities and
2009/08/06 Job Vacancy Postlngs for Professional 02l8N UNa.ASSlFIED Notioe Corporate Human Classification, Human Resources
Staff Positions Resource Compensation and Division
Management Bonuses
2009/08/04 External Securi~ Marld~ of 02230 UNa.ASSlFIED Diredive COrporate Security Information Assurance Secun~ Divi~on
Information TechnolOgy Hardware· Program
and 8ectronlc Data Storage Media
2009/08/04 J. Edgar Hoover (JEH) FBI Building 02210 UNCLASSIFIED Dlredive Corporate Facilities and Facilities Operations Facilitlesand
Posters and Flyers Policy LogisticS logistics Services
2009/08/03 FBI Acoess and Visitor COntrol Policy 0217D UNClASSlFlEDI/FOUO Diredive Corporate Security Physical Security Securl~ Division
2009/08/03 FBI Acoess and Visitor Control policy 02l7PG UNa.ASSlFlEDI/FOUO PG Corporate Security Physical Security Security DiviSion
Implementatlon Guide (PHYSEC)
2009/07/31 InformaHon Assurance Oasslficatlon 02340 UNClASSIFIED Dlredive Corporate Security Information Assurance Security Division
Guide Program
2009/07/31 Information Assurance Securi~ 0234CG UNClASSIFlEDI/FOUO CG Corporate Security Information Assurance Securi~ Division
Oasslflcatlon Guide Program
2009/07/06 Standard Operating Procedures for 01840 UNa.ASSlFlED Diredive COrporate Operations Legal Attache (LEGAT) International
Intelligence Analysts ~gned to Operations Division
Legal Attache Offices
2009/07/01 Suitablll~ Requirements For On-Board 0206N UNClASSlFlEDI/FOUO Notice COrporate Security Personnel Security Security Division
Contractors Applying For FBI Positions (PERSEC)
2009/06/30 X-Ray Screening Policy 02150 UNClASSIFIEDI/FOUO Diredive Corpo,rnte Security Physical Security Security Division
2009/06/29 FBI Information System Pri~leged 02130 UNClASSIFlEDI/FOUO Diredive Corporate Security Information Assurance Securi~ Division
User Program Policy Progr~m

2009/06/29 The Use of Encryption for Protection 02140 UNa.ASSlFlEDI/FOUO Dlredive Corporate Security Information Assurance Securi~ Division
of Electronic FBI Information. Program
2009/06/23 ClIS Uniforms-Personal Protective CJ1S0004D UNClASSIFlEDI/FOUO Diredive ClIS Facilities and Occupational Safety Criminal Justioe
Oothlng and Equipment Logistics Information
2009/06/19 Updated Information Sharing Policy 0207D UN~F1EDI/FOUO Diredive Corporate Operations Information Collection, Information Sharing National Security
for Law Enforcement National Data Exploitation and • (Dissemination) Branch
Excha~e (N'DEx) Dissemination
2009/06/18 Publicly Advertised Rewards 02090 UNCLASSIFIED Dlredive Corporate Finance Budget Flnanoe DMslon
2009/06/10 OTD Annual Exoellence Awards OTOOO03D UNClASSIFIED Directive oro Human Performance Management Operntlonal
Resource Technology
Management Division
2009/06/01 Immunization Program 02030 UNClASSIFIED Diredive Corporate Human Health Services Human Resources
Resource Division

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Foreign Natiohal Access to FBI 01720 UNClAS51FlEDI/fOUO Directive Corporate Security 5e£un~ Division

2009/05/22 FO·S1S·AssetSeizure..Asset 01540 UNClASSIFIEDI/fOUO Directive Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations cnmlnal
Forfeiture Program and Response Investigative

2009/05/20 Dual Otlzenshlp and foreign Passport 02010 UNClASSIFIEDI/fOUO Directive Corporate Security Personnel Security 5e£urtty Division
2009/05/15 CDC and ADC Selection Process 0199N UNClASSIFIED Notice Corporate Human Employment Recruitment Internal Placement Office of the
Resource and Placement General Couns~
2009/05/15 Legal Attache (Legat) Medical 01910 UNClASSIFIED Directive Corporate Human Health Services Human Resources
Program Resource Division
2009/05/15 Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) 02000 UNClASSIFIEDI/FOUO Directive Corporate Security Information Assurance Securi~ Division
2009/05/14 Gold Star Award Program OTOOO020 UNClASSIFIED Directive OTD Human Performance Management Operational
Resource Technology
Management Division
2009/05/14 Proper Handling and Protection of' 01790 UNClASSlFIEDI/fOUO Directive Corporate Security Information Assurance Securi~ DivI~on
personally Identifiable Infonnatlon Program
(PII) on Mobile Devices
2009/05/08 Employee Transfers 01930 UNClASSIFIED Directive Corporate Human Employment Recruitment Internal Placement Human Resources
Resource and Placement Division
2009/05/07 cross Domain Data Transfer (COOn 01820 UNClASSIFIEDl/fOUO Directive Corporate Security Information Assurance 5e£urt~ Divl~on
2009/05/07 Cross Domain Data Transfer (COOn 0182PG UNClASSIFIEDI/fOUO PG Corporate Security Information Assurance Security Division
Pdlcy Implementation Guide Program
2009/05/07 FBI Technical Assistance to U,S, 01890 UNClASSIFIED Directive Corporate Operational Science and Technology Operational
Federal, State, and Local Law Services Technology
Enforcement Agencies Pertaining to Division
the use of FBI8ectronic SUivelllance
Systems for Pen Register and Trap
and Trace Techniques and forl1tie III
Wire and 6ectronlc Communications
2009/05/07 Infonnatlon Technology' 0190D UNClASSIFIED Directive Corporate Information Project Management Infonnation
Independent Verification and Technology Technology Branch
Validation Policy Management
2009/04/30 Employee Transfer Policy 0193PG UNClASSIFIED PG Corporate Human Employment Recruitment Internal Placement Human Resources
Implementation Guide Resource a~dPlacement DiviSion
2009/04/24 CertificaUon and Accreditation (eM) CA_Handbook UNClASSIFIEDl/fOUO Other Corporate Security Information Assurance Certification and 5e£uri~ DivI~on
Handbook Program Accreditation
2009/04/24 Personn~ 5e£untY aearance and 01920 UNClASSIFlEDI/fOUO Directive Corporate Security Personnel Security 5e£urity Division
Access Policy (PERSE'C)
Rclnvestigations 01850 UNClASSIFIEDI/fOUO Directive Corporate Security Personnel Security 5e£un~ Division
Rclnvestlgatlons Policy 0185PG UNClASSIFIEDl/fOUO PG Corporate Security Personnel Security 5e£un~ Division
Implementation Guide (PERSEC)

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(U) Guidance on Intelligence 01880 UNCLASSlFlEDI/FOUO Directive Corporate Organizational External Oversight Office of the
2009/04/22 General Counsel
Oversight Board Matters Authorities and
2009/04/22 (UlGuldance on Intelligence Oversight 0188PG UNClASSIFlEDI/FOUO PG Corporate Organizational External Oversight Office of the
Board Matters Authorities and General CDunsel
FBI Training 01800 UNClASSIFlED Directive Corporate Human Training and Workforce Training Di~slon
Resource Development
2009/04/20 Training Policy Implementation Guide 0180PG UNClASSIFlED PG Corporate Human Training and Workforce Training DMslon
Resource Development
2009/04/13 Electronic Discovery 01400 UNClASSIFIED Directive Corporate Legal Civil Litigation Office of the
General CDunsel

2009/04/08 Standards for scanned Documents 0183N UNClASSIFlEDI/FOUO Notice Corporate Records Electronic Records Conversion Standards Records
Management Management

2009/03/23 Dedication Ceremonies For Newly 01710 UNClASSIFlEDI/FOUO Directive CDrporate Facilities and Facilities Program and Facilities and
Constructed Acld Offices, Resident Logistics Project Management Loglstlcs Servlces
Agendes, and Headquarters Fadlltles Division

2009/03/23 Opening, Ooslng, Rclocatlng, and 01730 UNCLASSIFIED Directive CDrporate Organizational Strategic Management and Resource P~nnlng
Expan~on of FBI Offices Authorities and Resource Allocation Office
2009/03/10 Acld evidence Management arK! 01200 UNC\ASSlFlEDI/FOUO Directive Corporate Operations criminal'Investigations Administrative Laboratory Division
Operations Policy and Response
2009/03/05 Expungement of FBI Records 0169N UNClASSIFIED Notice Corpolilte Records Records Oispositlon and Records
Management Exceptions Management

2009/02/27 .Retirement Gifts for Senior Executives 0147N UNC\ASSlFlED Notice Corporate Human Senior Executive Service Human Resources
Resource Division
2009/02/26 FBI Requests for Technical Assistance 01700 SECRET DIrective Corporate Operational Science and Technology Operational
of the NSA Services Technology

2009/02/20 Updated Flying the U.S. Aag and the 01670 UNClASSIFlED Directive Corporate Facilities and Facilities Program and Facilities and
FBI Flag at half staff Logistics Project Management LoglsUcs Services

2009/02/17 Assignment of Ungulst Resources to 0159N UNClASSIFIED Notice Corporate Operations Information Collection, Directorate of
Uve Monitoring of ELSUR Intercepts Exploitation arid Intelligence
2009/02/17 NCTC Role Basro k.cess 01680 UNa.ASSiFIED Directive CDrpolilte Operations National Security Counterterrorism Counterterrorism

2009/02/17 scanner Equipment Standards 0166N UNClASSIFIEDI/FOUO Notice Corporate Records Electronic Records Records·
(Indudlng Document Conversion Management Management
Laboratory Servlce Requirements)
2009/02/04 Chaplain Program CP UNClASSIFlEDI/FOUO Manual Corporate Human Employee Programs and Employee Assistance Human Resources
Resource Services Program (EAP) Division
2009/02/02 Crisis Intervention Program CIP UNClASSIFlEDI/FOUO Manual Corporate Human Employee Programs and Employee Assistance Human Resources
Resource Services Program (EAP) Division
2009/01/29 Employee Assistance Program 01600 UNClASSIFIED Directive CDrporate HUman Employee Programs and Human Resources
Resource Services Division

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2009/01/26 Employee Assistance Program Polley 0160PG UNClASSIFIED PG Corporate Human Emplovee Programs and Human Resources
Implementation Guide (PG) Resource Services Division
2009/01/26 FBI Employee Assistance Unit (EAU) 0160PG·2 UNClASSIFlEDI/FOUO PG Corporate Human El1'!ployee Programs and Human Resources
Pclley Implementation Guide (PG) on Resource Services Division
Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Management
CoordlnalXlr and Peer Position and
selection, Training, and Retention Development
2009/01/23 Official Bureau Name 01SSN UNClASSIFIED Notice' Corporate Human Human Resources
Resource Division
2009/01/14 Payment of Covert 0163D UNC1ASSIFIEDI/FOUO Directive Corporate Finance Accounting Payments Anance DMslon
Telecommunication Bills In tJ1e Acld
2009/01/11 Title III Wiretap Reporting 0162N UNC1ASSIFIEDI/FOUO Notice Corporate Records ELSUR Records System Records
Management Management
2009/01/09 FBI Polley Cycle Polley 0152PG UNClASSIFIED PG Corporate Organizational Policy Management Resource Planning
Implementation Guide (PG) Authorities and Office
2009/01/08 Contact with Contractors and Vendors 01570 UNClASSIFlEDI/FOUO Directive Corporate Finance Procurement Anance DMslon
Contracting with Foll11er Government
Employees and expanding the Scope
of existing Contracts
2009/01/08 Intelligence Analyst (IA) Quarterly 012SN UNClASSIFIED Notice Corporate Human Performance Management Career Paths 'Directorate of
Review Resource Intelligence
2009/01/08 Parking Policy· CJIS DMslon CJ1S0003D UNC1ASSIFIEDI/FOUO Directive CJIS Facilities and Facilities Operations Criminal Justice
Logistics Infoll11ation
2009/01/07 FBI Polley Cyde 01520 UNClASSIFIED Directive Corporate Organizational Policy Management Resource Planning
Authorities and Office
2009/01/06 (U) Financial Disclosure Program 0153D UNClASSIFlEDIlFOUO Directive Corporate Security Security Division

2008/12/16 FBI Domestic Investigations and 01490 UNClASSIFIED/lFOUO Directive COrporate Operations Resource Planning
Operations Office
2008/12/15 Delegation of Authority to Approve 333·HQ·C1596156 SEatET EC Corporate Operations Office of the
Dissemination of FlSA •Acquired U,S, SERl GeneralCouns~
Person Infoll11atlon to For~gn
2008/12/03 Human Resources DMsion Statement 0125D UNClASSIFIED Directive Corporate Orga,nizational Authorities and Human Resources
of Authorities and Responslbilitles Authorities and Responsibilities Division
2008/12/02 Personally OWned Storage Media 0146D UNC1ASSIFIEDI/FOUO Directive Corporate Security Information Assurance Security Division
2008/11/24 National Crime Infoll11atlon center 01450 UNClASSIFlEDI/FOUO Directive Corporate Operations Information Collection, CrtminalJustice
(t«lc) Aeld Office Guide Exploitation and Infoll11ation
Dissemination Selvices
2008/11/24 National Crime Infoll11atlon Center 014SPG UNClASSIFlEDI/FOUO PG Corporate Operations Information Collection, CrimlnalJustlce
(t«lC) Field Office Guide Exploitation and Infoll11ation
Dissemination Selvices
2008/11/20 Metal Detector Screening Pclley 0144D UNClASSI~EDI/FOUO Directive Corporate Security Physical Security Facilities , Securt~ Division
2008/11/20 Sustalnabllity Guld~lnes For New FBI 01300 UNClASSIFIEDI/FOUO Directive Corporate Facilities and . Facilities Management and Facilities and
Facilities Logistics Acquisition logistics SWlces

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2008/11/19 Furniture Policy furniture UNa.ASSlFIEDI/FOUO Manual Corporate Facilities,and Logistics and Services Furniture Facilitlesand
Logistics logistics Selvices

2008/11/18 Critical Inddent Response Group 01330 UNa.ASSlFlED/lFOUO Directive Col]lOrate Organizational Authorities and FBI HQ Authorities Critical Inddent
Statement of Authorities and Authorities and Responsibilities Response Group,
Responsibilities Oversight
2008/11/16 Recordkeeplng Policy for ELSUR 0143N UNa.ASSlFlEDI/FOUO Notice Col]lOrate Records Recordkeeping Electronic Surveillance Records
Administrative Informatlon Resulting 'Management Requirements Management
from J~nt Criminal Investigative
2008/10/31 Work Hours Policy' Operational OTOOO010 UNaASSlFlED Directive OTD Human Employee Hours and Leave Duty Hours Operational
Technology DMslon Resource Technology
Management Division
2008/10/30 Information Systems Certification aoo 01410 UNa.ASSlFIEDI/FOUO Directive Col]lOrate Security Information Assurance Security Division
Accreditation (C&A) Program
2008/10/30 Standard Minimization Procedures 01370 UNa.ASSlFIEDI/FOUO Directive Corporate Legal National Security Law Office of the
Implementation Policy General Counsel
2008/10/30 Standard Minimization Procedures 0137PG SECREJ' PG Col]lOrate Legal National Security Law Office of the
P~lcy Implementation Guide General Counsel
2008/10/24 Compliance Risk Referrals 01360 UNa.ASSlFlEDI/FOUO Directive Corporate Organizational Compliance Office ofintegrlty
Authorities and and Compl~nce
2008/10/24 Ment Promotion and Placement Plan 01350 UNaASSlFlEDI/FOUO Directive Corporate Human Employment Recruitment Internal Placement Human Resources
(MP3) Resource and Placement Division
2008/10/21 Conference Plannlng-Conference Cost 01270 UNa.ASSlFIEDI/FOUO Directive Corporate Finance Procurement Finance Division
Reportlilg and Approvals to Use Non·
Federal Fadl~les
2008/10/20 Intelligence Analyst Promotion Policy 0122N UNa.ASSlFIEDI/FOUO Notice Corporate Human Performance Management Directorate of
Resource Intelligence
, Managemen~
2008/10/16 FBI Policy for Naming GSA-owned, 01160 UNa.ASSlFIEDI/FOUO Directive Col]lOrate Facilities and Facilities Management and Facilities and
GSA-Leased, aoo FBI-owned Logistics Acquisition logistics Selvices
Buildings DMslon
2008/10/16 Lease Acquisition Policy 00410 UNa.ASSlFIEQIlFOUO Directive Col]lOrate Facilities and Procurement Leases Facllitlesand
Logistics logistics Selvlces
2008/10/14 Modification and Destruction of 013iN UNa.ASSlFIEDI/FOUO Notice Corporate Records Records Disposition and Records
Records M~nagement Exceptions Management
2008/10/14 Signature Authority for Offidal Bureau 01150 UNa.ASSIFIEDI/FOUO Directive Corporate Records Recordkeeping Records Creation and Records
Records Management Requirements Receipt Management
2008/10/06 (5) Interim Policy Providing 0121N SECREJ' Notice Col]lOrate Operations National Security Administrative Offlceofthe
(S) Procedures for Coordinating OG].\. General Counsel
Im;mentatlon of Surveillance of
I Na onal secOhW A§en~iththe

2008/10/06 Appllca~on of the Integrity and 01260 UNa.ASSlFIEDI/FOUO Directive Corporate Organizational compliance Office of Integrtty
Compliance Program (I&C Program) Authorities and and Compl~nce
to FBI Program Management Oversight
2008/10/06 Roles and Responsibilities for 0127N UNa.ASSJFlEDI/FOUO Notice Col]lOrate Legal privacy and Civil Liberties Protection of Office of the
Reporting aData Breach 'Personaliy Identifiable General Counsel
2008/10/02 San Francisco Emel!lency Response SFOO010 UNa.ASSlFIEDI/FOUO Directive SF Facilities and Logistics and Services Fleet Management and San Francisco
capability Policy Logistics Transportation

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2008/09/25 Technical Security Guide for Access Access Controls, CoNFIDENTIAL Manual COrporate Security Security Division
COntrols,lntruslon Detection Systems Intrusion Detection
and CCJV Technical Systems Systems and ccrv
Technical Security
• 2008/09/22 Resource Request Polley 01240 UNa.ASSiFlEOI/FOUO Directive COrporate Organizational Strategic Management and Funded Staffing Level Resource P~nnlng
Authorities and Resource Allocation Office
2~08/09/16 Laboratory Division Statement of 01090 UNQ.ASSlFlEDI/FOUO .Directive COrporate Organizational Authorities and Laboratory DM~on
Authoritles aoo Responsibilities ,Authorities and Responsibilities
2008/09/01 University Educatlon Program 01130 UNQ.ASSlFlEDI/FOUO Directive COrporate Human Training and Workforce External Training Training DMslon
sabbatical COmponent Resource Development
2008/09/01' university Education Program 0113PG UNQ.ASSlFlEOI/FOUO PG Corporate Human Training and Workforce External Training Training DMslon
sabbatical Component Resource Development
P~leyImplementatlon Guide Management
2008/08/27 Special Agent Selection System 01140 UNQ.ASSlFlED Directive Co!pOrate Human Training and Workforce Human Resources
Assessor program polley Resource Development Division
2008/08/13 Security Division Statement of 01110 UNa.ASSlFIEO Directive Co!pOrate Organizational Authorities and FBI HQ Authorities Security Division
Authorities aoo Responslbilitles Authorities and Respo'nsibilities
2008/08/11 Data Backup Retention 00760 UNQ.ASSlFIEO Directive Co!pOrate Records Electronic Records Records
Management Management

2008/08/07 Reid Office Rnandal Manager 01030 UNQ.ASSlFlEOI/FOUO Directive Co!pOrate Organizational Authorities and Finance DMslon
ReportfngS~re Authorities and Responsibilities
2008/08/04 Intelligence COllection Requirements 01070 SECRET Directive Co!pOrate Operational Authorities and Directorate of
Paley Services Responsibilities Intelligerce

2008/08/01 DlsposJtlon Authority for FBI Records 010SN UNQ.ASSlFIEOI/FOUO Notice Corporate Records Records
Management Management
2008/07/29 Maooatory Use of Foreign 0100010 UNQ.ASSlFlEDI/FOUO Directive DI Records Recordkeeping Directorate of
Dissemination Subfiles Management Requirements Intelligence
2008/07/29 Reporting Missing Rles and Serials 0106N UNQ.ASSlFlEOI/FOUO Notice Co!pOrate Records Records
Management Management
2008/07/21 Operatlonal Technology Division 01020 SECRET Directive COrporate Organizational Authorities and FBI HQ Authorities Operational
Statement of Authorities aoo Authorities and Responsibilities Technology
Responsibilities Oversight Division
2008/07/16 SfAO Requisition Cover Sheet STAOOOD10 UNa.ASSIFlEOI/FOUO Directive SfAO Finance Procurement Special
Technologies and
Applications Office
2008/07/14 Privaey Policies on FBI Public 00870 UNa.ASSiFIED/lFOUO Directive CO!pOrate Communications External Communications Internet Publishing Office of the
Websltes General Counscl
2008/07/14 Protecting Privacy In the Infonnation 00950 UNClASSIFlEOI/FOUO Directive Corporate Operations Information Collection, Information Sharing Office of the
Sharing environment Exploitation and (Dissemination) General Counsel
2008/06/30 Country Clearance Requirements 319T·HQ-A1487667- UNa.ASSiFIEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Travel On-Duty Travel Foreign International
Regarding Offidal Travcl to Foreign lOSER 1703 Operations Division
2008/06/27 FBI GETA Training Polldes 00970 UNa.ASSiFlEOI/FOUO Directive Co!pOrate Human Training and Workforce GETA Training Division
Resource Development
2008/06/27 Government Employees' Training Act 0097PG UNQ.ASSlFlEOI/FOUO PG Corporate Human Training and Workforce GETA Training DMslon

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(GETA) Program Management Policy Resource Development

Implementation Guide Management
2008/06/27 Mandatory Training ReqUirement for 00980 UNctJ\SSlFlEDI/FOUO Directive Corporate Human Training and Workforce Internal Training Training Division
All FBI Instructors Resource Development
2008/06/16 Induslon of New Subject Areas on 0093N UNCLASSIFIED Notice Corporate Security Personnel Security Polvgraph Security Division
Applicant and Personn~ Security (PERSEC)
P~ygraph examinations

2008/06/06 Mutual Notification of Criminal Fraud 00520 UNctJ\SSlFlEDI/FOUO Directive Corporate Organizational External Oversight DOl/IG Criminal
cases to Offices of Inspector General Authorities and Investlga~ve
Oversight Division
2008/06/06 Noti~lng OOl OIG of poten~al 00510 UNctJ\SSlFlEDI/FOUO Directive Corporate Organizational External Oversight DOJ/IG Criminal
Misconduct And Criminal Conduct By Authorities and Investigative
OOl And FSr Employees Oversight Division
2008/06/04 Consent to Warrantless Search Allng 00610 UNCLASSIFIEDI/FOUO Directive Corporate Security Personnel Security Clearances Security Division
Requirement (PERSEC)
2008/05/29 Security Monitoring of FBllnfonnation 00740 UNctJ\SSlFlEDI/FOUO Directive COrporate Security Information Assurance Monitoring of FBI Security DMslon
Systems Program Computer and
2008/05/29 ~ectJon Process for Professional 00800 • UNctJ\SSlFlEDI/FOUO Directive Corporate Human Employment Recruitment Position Requirements Security Division
Support CSO and ACSO Positions Resource and Placement
2008/05/28 Inte~m Policy for Sharlng of Detainee LDOOO4N UNctJ\SSlFlEDI/FOUO Notice Lab Operational Laboratory Laboratory Division
DNA Data Services
2008/05/27 OGC Statement of AuthOrities and 00780 UNctJ\SSlFlEDI/FOUO Directive Corporate Organizational Authorities and FBI HQ Authorities Office of the
Responsibilities Authorities an~ ~esponslbllities GeneralCOuns~
2008/05/23 (U) Foreign Government InfonnaHon 00580 UNCLASSIFIeD Directive Corporate Security Information Security Classification National Security
Oasslficatlon Guide #1 (Go1) Branch
2008/05/23 Forelgn Dissemination Manual Foreign Dissemination SECRETI/NOFORN Manual COrporate Operations. Information Collection, Information Sharing National Security
Manual Exploitation and (Dissemination) Branch
2008/05/23 Foreign Dissemination Policy 00620 UNctJ\SSlFlEDI/FOUO Directive Corporate Operations Information Collection, Information Sharing National Security
Exploitation and (Dissemination) Branch
2008/05/23 Foreign Government InfonnaHon 005BCG SECRETIINOFORN CG COrporate Security Information Security Classification National Secunty
Oasslficatlon Guide #1 (Go1) Branch
2008/05/23 Special Agent Experience Level 00810 UNCIJI5S1F1EDI/FOUO Directive Corporate Human Employment Recruitment Position Requirements Directorate of
Required for FIG Assignment Resource and Placement Intelligence
2008/05/15 Philadelphia DMslon Policy for PHOO010 UNctJ\SSlFlEDI/FOUO Directive PH Operations Philadelphia
Operational Plans
2008/05/09 ClIS DiviSion Statement of Authorities 00600 UNctJ\SSlFlED/lFOUO Directive COrporate Organizational Authorities and Delegated Authorities Criminal JOStice
and Responslbilitles Authorities and Responsibilities InfonnaUon
Oversight .~ces

2008/05/09 STAO Statement of Authorities and 00720 UNctJ\SSlFlED Directive Corporate Organizational Authorities and FBI HQ Authorities Special
Responsibilities Authorities and Responsibilities Technologies and
Oversight Applications Office
2008/05/08 Anance DMslon (FD) Statement of 00770 UNctJ\SSlFIED/lFOUO Directive COrporate Organizational Authorities and FBI HQ Authorities Flnan~ Division
Authorities and Responsibilities Authorities and Responsibilities
2008/05/07 Facilities logistics Seivlces DMslon 00480 UNctJ\SSlF!eD/lFOUO Directive COrporate Organizational Authorities and FBI HQ Authorities Facilitlesand
Statement of Authorities and Authorities and Responsibilities logistics services

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Responsibilities Oversight Division

2008/05/02 ,FBI Information System Use Policy 00710 UNCI.ASSIFlEDI/FOUO Directive COrporate Security Information Assurance 5ecunW Division
2008/05/01 Enrichment COnference selection SecCOOOiO UNClASSIFIED Directive SeeD Human Training and Workforce Conferences 5ecunW Division
Pcllcy Resource Development
2008/04/30 Highest Previous Rate (HPR) aoo 00640 UNClASSIFIED Directive COrporate Human Processing Personnel Human Resources
Ma~mum Payable Rate (MPR) Rule Resource Actions and Records Division
2008/04/30 Noncompetitive Hiring of Individuals 00500 UNClASSIFIED Directive COrporate Human Employment Recruitment Application! Human Resources
with Disabilities Resource and Placement Appointment Actions Division
2008/04/30 Performance Appral~1 System 0043N UNClASSIFlEDI/FOUO Notice COrporate Human Performance Management Performance Human Resources
Resource Appraisal! Division
Management Evaluations! Plans
2008/04/23 COunterterrorism Division Authorities 00530 UNClASSIFlED/lFOUO Directive COrporate Organizational Authorities and fBI HQ Authorities COunterterrortsm
and Responsibilities Authorities and Responsibilities Division
2008/04/23 Home Marketing Incentive Payments 006SN UNClASSIFIED Notice COrporate Travel Transfers Housing and Human Resources
Temporary Quarters Division

2008/04/09 Maooatory Use of the Technical 00540 UNClASSIFIED Directive COrporate Finance Accounting Financial Reporting Operational
Management Database ('!MDl for Technology
Managlng,T~ecommunlcatlons Data Division

2008/04/04 Changes to the Third Party Draft 00S6N UNClASSIFIEDI/FOUO Notice COrporate Finance Accounting Anance Division
System User Guide (DSUG) and
COnfidential Funding Guide (CFG)
2008/04/02 FBI Information Sharing Activities 00120 UNClASS1F1EDI/FOUO Directive COrporate Operations Information Collection, Information Sharing National5ecunty
with Other Government Agendes Exploitation and (Dissemination) Branch
2008/03/31 OPR Statement of Authonties and 00470 UNClASSIFIEDI/FOUO Directive COrporate Organizational Authorities and FBI HQ Authorities Office of
Responsibilities Authorities and Responsibilities Professional
Oversight Responslbil~

2008/03/26 Department of Justice Procurement 00490 ' UNClASSIFIED Directive COrporate Finance Procurement Finance Division
Guidance Documents
2008/03/26 Mission essential Function aoo 00440 UNClASSIFlEDllFOUO Directive COrporate Security Continuity of Operations Adjudications 5ecuriW Division
Primary Mission Essential Function (COOP) Program
2008/03/26 RMD Statement of Authorities and 00420 UNClASSIFlEDllFOUO Directive COrporate Organizational Authorities and FBI HQ Authorities Records
Responsibilities Authorities and Responsibilities Management
2008/03/24 Assignment of Uooeroover Employees 00460 SECRET Directive COrporate Operations National Security Cyber Division
In Cyber National5ecunW Underoover
Operations and Activities
2008/03/19 Training DI~slon Statement of 00390 UNClASSIFlEDI/FOUO Directive COrporate Organizational Authorities and FBI HQ Authorities Trainlng'Divislon
Authorities aoo Responsibilities Authorities and Responsibilities
2008/03/13 Laboratory Division Dress Code Policy LDOO03D UNClASSIFiEDI/FOUO Directive Lab Human Ethics and Personnel General LaboratolY Division
Resource Conduct
2008/03/07 Employee Ungulst Administration and 321E·HQ·A1222316· UNClASS1FlEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Operations Information Collection, Processing and Directorate of
Management Program, Modification of LS SER 1109 Exploita~ion and Analysis (Exploitation) Intelligence

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Ellglblll~ Requirements and Award ' Dissemination

Status for Language Ana!yst of the
2008/03/06 National Security Information Security 00380 UNWSSIFIEDI/FOUO Directive C9rporate Security Information Security Classification National Security
Oasslfication Guide Branch
2008/03/06 National Security Information Security 0038CG SEOl.ETIlOOFORN CG Corpornte Security Information Security Classification National Security
Oasslflcatlon Guide Branch
2008/02/26 Short-Distance Moves 00310 UNCLASSIFIEDI/FOUO Directive Corporate Finance Accounting Payments Finance DMslon
2008/02/12 CJIS Fund·RaI~ng Paley 01S0001D UNWSSIFIEDI/FOUO Directive CJIS Human Ethics and Personnel General Criminal Justice
Resource Conduct Information
Management ~ces
2008/02/11 Non-retaliation for Reporting 00320 UNOASSIFIEDI/FOUO Directive Corporate Human Ethics and Personnel Office of Integrity
Compliance Risks Resource Conduct and Compliance
2008/02/04 Special Agent Selection System 319W·HQ-A1487698 UNOASSIFIED EC Corporate Human Health Services Fit for Duty Human Resources
Modification of Polldes for Physical SER4S7 Resource DMslon
AtnessTest(PFT) Management
2008/01/30 FBI Forms Approval Cyde 00330 UNOASSIFIED Directive CorpoiClte Organizational ,POlicy Management Resource Planning
Authorities and Office
2008/01/30 Special Agent Hiring Modified 319W-HQ-A1487698 UNWSSIFIED EC CorpoiClte Human Employment Recruitment Application/ Human Resources
Background Processing SER456 Resource and Placement Appointment Actions Division
2008/01/17 Consolidation of almate and 00300 UNQASSIFIEDI/FOUO Directive Corpornte Human Human Resources
leadership Survey Resource DMslon
2008/01/04 FBI Reorganizations 00280 UNOASSIflEDI/FOUO Directive Corporate Organizational Authorities and Resource Planning .
Authorities and Responsibilities Office
2007/12/17 Dress Code, San Diego Division 5000050 UNWSSIFIED Directive SO Human Ethics and Personnel General San Diego
Resource Conduct
2007/12/14 HRO Budget Execution and Signature HRDDDD2D UNQASSIFIED Directive HRD Finance Budget Human Resources
Approval Authorities Div~lon

2007/12/07 FBI Ethics and Integrity Program 00190 UNClASSIFIEDI/FOUO Directive Corpornte Human Ethics and Personnel Office of Integrity
Resource Conduct and Compliance
2007/10/31 RPO Statement of Authorities and 0015D . UNCLASSIFIEDI/FOUO Directive Corporate Organizational Authorities and Delegated ~uthoritles Resource Planning
Responsibilities Authorities and Responsibilities Office
2007/10/22 llm~y Submission of Personnei 00110 UNOASSIFIEDI/FOUO Directive Corpornte Human Processing Personnel National Finance Human Resources
Actions Resource Actions and Records Center Processing Division
2007/10/19 llme and Attendance 00100 UNOASSIFIEDI/FOUO Directive COrporate Employee Hours and Leave Human Resources

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2007/10/18 Electronic Bank Records Initiative 319W·HQ·A1487699· UNClASSlFlEO EC Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Financial Crimes Crfmlnal
CIDSER498 and Response Investigative

2007/10/12 FBI Language Personn~'s Temporal'{ 321E-HQ-A1222316 UNClASSlFleDI/FOUO EC Corporate Operations Information Collection, Processing and Directorate of
Assignments to National Virtual SER 2850 Exploitation and Analysis (Exploitation) Intelligence
Translation Center (NVTC) Dissemination
2007/10/01 Executive Performance Appraisals· 0006D UNClASSlFlEOI/FOUO Directive Corporate Human Performance Management Performance Officeoflntegnty
Compliance Resource Appraisal/ ~nd Compliance
Management Evaluatlons/ Plans
2007/10/01 FBI DMslon Compliance Officer 00050 UNCt.ASSlFIEOI/FOUO Directive Corporate Organizational Internal Ove~sight Office of Integnty
Authorities and and Compliance
2007/09/24 Language Selvlces Translation Quality 321E·HQ·A1222316· UNClASSlFIEO/lFOUO EC Corporate Operations Information Collection, Processing and Directorate of
Control Policy and Guidelines (TQCPG) QCSER162 Exploitation and Analysis (Exploitation) Intelligence ...
2007/09/24 Recommended revision to Security 319W·HQ·A1487699 UNClASSlFlEO EC SeeD Security Authorities and International Secunty Division
Pellcy Manual (SPM) SER 742 Responsibilities
2007/09/17 Protection of Copier and Reproduction 00070 UNClASSlFIEO Directive Corporate Security Information Security Handling/ Security Division
equipment Sanltlzatlon/
2007/09/17 Protectfon of Copier and Reproduction 00070 Attachment UNClASSlFIEOI/FOUO Other Corporate Security Information Assurance Handling/ Security Division
equipment Procedures Program Sanitization/
2007/09/14 Administrative Policy 4S·oay Hiring 319W·HQ·A1487698 UNClASSlFIEOI/FOUO EC Corporate Human Human Resources
Metrics SER397 Resource Division
2007/09/13 Time and Attendance Guide OOlOM UNClASSIFlEOI/FOUO Manual Corporate Human Employee Hours and Leave Human Resources
Resource Division
2007/09/12 Transnational Criminal Enterprise 319W·HQ-A1487699 UNClASSIFIEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Operations International
Program· case Initiation by Legal SER 522 Operations Divi~on
Attache Offices
2007/09/07 Window Tinting on Bureau Vehldes, SDOO02D UNClASSIFlEOI/FOUO Directive SO Facilities and Logistics and Services Fleet Management and san Diego
san Diego Division LogistiCS Transportation
2007/09/05 Confidential Human SOu~ hs.pol!cy.manual SECRETIINOFORN Manual Corporate Operations Information Collection, Collection Directorate of·
Exploitation and Intelligence
2007/09/05 Obtaining Advances from Emergency SDOO030 UNClASSlFlEOI/FOUO Directive SO Operations Confidential Funding Confidential Services san Diego
Funds, san Diego Division
2007/08/31 Internal Revenue Selvlce 319W·HQ·A1487698 UNClASSIFlEOI/FOUO EC Corporate Operations Finance DMslon
2007/08/24 Records Management rm~manual UNClASSlAEDI/FOUO Manual Corporate Records Records
Management Management
2007/08/21 Wireless and Undercover Ops 319W·HQ-A1487698 UNCt.ASSlFlEOI/FOUO EC Corporate Operations Inrormatlon Collection, Collection Crfmlnal
SER368 Exploitation and Investigative
Dissemination Division
2007/08/20 Ungulst Training &Professional 321E-HQ·A1222316- UNClASSlFIEOI/FOUO EC Corporate Operations Information Collection, Processing and Directorate of
Development Program, FBI TRSER 1801 . Exploitation and Analysis (Exploitation) Intelligence
Probationary Ungulsts, Dissemination
Implementation of Professional
Development Plan
2007/08/08 Designation of Division Policy Officer, 5000010 UNClASSlFIEOI/FOUO Directive SO Organizational Authorities and Delegated Authorities san Diego
san Diego DMslon Authorities and Responsibilities

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2007/07/24 Legal Attache Program; Use of 319I·HQ·A1487560 UNa.ASSlFlEDI/FOUO EC ColllOrate Facilities and Logistics and Services Fleet Management and International
Vehicles Abroad SER485 Logistics Transportation Operations Division

2007/07/15 FBI Personncl RecoveIY Relntegratlon 00010 UNa.ASSlFlEDI/FOUO Directive CoqlOrate Operations Criminal Investigations CIRG International
Policy and Response operations DivI~on

2007/06/25 FBllntegn~ and COmpliance Coundl 0004D UNQ;SSlFlEDI/FOUO Directive ColllOrate Organizational • Compliance Office of Integnty
(ICC)~rter Authorities and and Compllaoce
2007/06/25 FBllntegri~ and COmpliance '0003D UNQ;SSI~EDI/FOUO Directive COll Orate Organizational Compliance Officeoflntegrlty
Executive Management COmmittees Authorities and and Compllaoce
(EMC)01arter Oversight
2007/06/25 FBllntegri~ and COmpliance Program 00020 UNa.ASS1F1EDI/FOUO Directive Corporate Organizational Compliance Officeofintegrity
Authorities and and Compllaoce
2007/06/25 Office of Equal Employment 319W·HQ·A1487698 UNa.ASSlFlEDI/FOUO EC COrporate Human Equal Employment Administrative Office of Equal
Opportunity Affairs (OEEOA): Policy SER 333 Resource Opportunity Employment
and Procedures to Fadlltate Management Opportunity Affairs
Confidentiall~ Provl~ons of the and
Rehablll~tlon Act of 1973 Development
2007/06/18 Physical Security Matters· Enhanced 261D·HQ·C1188941 UNQ;SSlFlEDI/FOUO EC ColllOrate Security Personnel Security Investigations Secun~ Division
Umlted Background Investigatlon for SER 1795 (PERSEC)
2007/04/13 Administrative Policy For Hard Copy 319W·HQ·A1487698 UNClASSIFIED EC ColllOrate Records Records
and E1ectronlcDrarts SER325 Management Management
2007/04/09 Bureau Aviation Regulations BAR UNQ;SSlFIEDI/FOUO Manual ColllOrate Operations Information Collection, Collection Oitlcallnddent
Exploitation and' Response Group
2007/04/06 Increase of Dollar Threshold for 319B·HQ·A1487505 UNClASSIFIED EC ColllOrate Finance Anance DMslon
, capturing Inventonable Pro~ SER 657
2007/04/03 FBI Unclassified Network policy UNET Pollev vi,O UNQ;SSlFlEDI/FOUO P~ICY Corporate Information Operations, Maintenance, Network Information
Technologv and Use Technology Branch
2007/03/30 Laboratory -Prohibition Against 319W·HQ-A1487699· SENSmVEBlIT EC Lab Operational Laboratory Laboratol'{ Division
AnaMical Work by CFSRU LAB SER 10 UNa.ASS1F1ED Services
2007/03/29 Acceptance of cases for examination EC319W·HQ· UNClASSIFIED EC CoqlOrate Operational Science and Technology Operational
from State, Local, and Non·FBI Law A1487699 SER 686 Services Technology •
Enforcment Agendes PoliCy Division
2007/03/20 STAO COntact Policy 319W·HQ·A1487699· UNQ;SSlFlED//FOUO EC STAO Communications Internal Communications Special
OSTSERl Technologies and
Applications Office
2007/03/19 500 megab~e E-Mail Personal 500 Megabyte pst UNa.ASSlFlEDllFOUO Pdlcy COll Orate Information Operations, Maintenance, Email Operational
Storage (.pst)Nault Policy Vault Policy vi,O Technologv and Use Technology
Management Division
2007/03/19 Laboratol'{· Prohibition Against 319W·HQ·A1487699· SENSmVEBlIT EC Lab Operational Laboratory Laboratol'{ Division
Anal~cal Work by CFSRU LABSER9 UNQ;SSIFIED Services
2007/03/19 Vital Records Program' vrpm UNQ;SSlFlEDI/FOUO Manual ColllOrate Records Records
Management Management
2007/03/16 Human capital Polldes and 319W-HQ·A1487698 UNa.ASSlFlEDI/FOUO EC ColllOrate Security Continuity of Operations Human Resources
Procedures In Contlnui~ of SER293 (COOP) Program Division
Operatlons (COOP) Program
2007/03/16 Monthly Count of NSL Requests 319X·HQ·A1487720· UNa.ASS1FIEDI/roUO EC Corporate Legal National Security Law National Security Office of the
OGCSER335 Letters General COunscl
2007/03/16 National Violent Oimes Unit· Bank 319W·HQ·A1487699· UNQ;SSlFlEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Violent Crime Criminal
RobbelYMatters CIDSER410 and Response Investigative
2007/03/i5 Occupant Emergency Plan· Quarterly 319J·HQ·A148757S· sENSITIve BlIT EC ells Security Continuity of Operations Facilities and
Renewal CJISSER35 UNa.ASS1AED (COOP) Program Logistics Selvices
2007/03/12 Operations Test and Evaluation Operations Test and UNa.ASSIFlEDI/FOUO P~ICY ColllOrate Information Technical Engineering Testing Information
Facl1l~ Evaluation Facility Technologv Management Technology Branch
vl,O Management

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2007/03/09 Legal Attache Program· Use of 319I·HQ-A1487560 UNClASSIFlEDI/rouO EC CoJ]lOrate Facilities and Logistics and Services Fleet Management and International
Bureau Vehldes Abroad SER 3S5 Logistics Transportation Operations DMslon

Management of Natlonalsecuri~ 319W·HQ-A1487699- UNClASSIFIEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Legal National Security Law National Security Records
Letters RMD SER17 Letters Management

2007/03/05 Authorization of the Sectronlc 319W·HQ-A148769S· UNClASSIFlEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Records Recordkeeping Records Maintenance Records
Maintenance of 319 and 67Q Records RMDSER 12 Management , Requirements Management

2007/03/01 Umltlng Movement of SUpport 319W'HQ-A1487698 UNClASSIFlEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Human Employment Recruitment Application/ Human Resources
Employees SER274 Resource and Placement Appointment Actions Division
2007/03/01 National Securi~ Letters· Telephone 319X·HQ·Al487720- UNClASSIFIEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Legal National Security Law National Security Office of the
Queries -Emergency Disclosure OGCSER331 Letters General Counsel
2007/03/01 Physical Fitness Test Policy New EC319W-HQ' UNClASSIFIEDI/FOUO EC TO Human Health Services Fit for Duty Training Di~~on
Agents' Training Program section A1487699 SER 681 Resource
2007/03/01 Unlawful Flight to Avoid Prosecutlon 319W·HQ·A1487699· UNClASSIFIEDI/FOUO EC Corporate' Operations Criminal Investigations Violent Crime Crfmlnal
Investigatlons CIDSER399 and Response Investigative

2007/02/28 Joint Terrorism Task Force (JITF) • 319T-HQ·A1487667· UNClASSIFIEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Operations Joint Operations Task Forces Counterterrorism
Bureau Personncl Management CTD SER 1293 Division
System (BPMS)
2007/02/26 Gifts from foreign Officials Sources 319W·HQ·A1487697· UNClASSIFIEDI/FOUO EC 100 Human Ethics and Personnel General International
lOSER 1 Resource Conduct Operations Division
2007/02/13 New procedures for HRD QSIs 67Q·HQ·A153S009· UNClASSIFIED EC HRD Human Classification, Performance, Special Human Resources
HROSER2 Resource Compensation and Act, or Achievement DiviSion
Management Bonuses Awards
2007/02/09 Inoondusiv~Deceptlon Indicated 319W·HQ·A1487698 UNClASSIFIED EC Corporate Security Securi~ DiVj~on
P~ygraph examinations· RevIsed SER 196
Procedures, Analysis and
Investigations Unit (AlU)
2007/02/08 Updated CoJ]lOrate Fraud Definition 318A·HQ·C138883S SENSmVEBUT EC Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Financial Crimes Crfminal
and Reporting Requirements SER 192 UNClASSIFIED and Response Investigative
2007/02/05 015 Official Use of the CiL Network 242·HQ·C133340S SENSmVEBUT EC OIS Information Operations, Maintenance, CrfmlnalJustice
SER 107 UNClASSIFIED Technology and Use Information
Management Services

2007/02/05 Reporting Procedures for Lost and or 319S·HQ-A1487S0S UNClASSIFIEDI/FOUO EC Lab Finance Accounting Property Laboratory Division
StolenP.roperty SER 598
2007/02/05 Response to Unusual Market 319W-HQ·A1487699· UNClASSIFlEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Financial Crimes Crfmlnal
Transactions •Late Day Market CIDSER37S and Response Investigative
Transactions Division

2007/01/29 New Procedures 3190·HQ-A1487636· UNClASSIFIED EC HRD Human Employee Hours and leave Human Resources
Overtlm~Compensatory l1me HRDSER6 Resource Division
Approval Process Human Resources Management
Division (HRD) and
2007/01/26 Qelegation of Authority to Issue 319W·HQ·A148769S· UNClASSIFlEDI/rouO EC CoJ]lOrate Organizational Authorities and security Division
Courier Authorization CertIficates and SeeD SER38 Authorities and Responsibilities
Letters Oversight
2007/01/26 Spanish Language Assistance for 319W-HQ-A1487699· SENSITIVE BUT -EC Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Criminal Enterprise Criminal
Gang Drug Investigative Matters CIDSER372 UNClASSIFIED and Response Investigative
2007/01/25 New Procedures Human Resources G7Q-HQ-A1538009· UNClASSIFlEDI/FOUO EC HRD Human Classification, Performance, Special Human Resources

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Division Incentive Awards HRDSER 1 Resource Compensation and Act, or Achievement Division
Management Bonuses Awards
Weighing, Storing and Destroying 319W·HQ·A1487699· UNa.ASSlFIEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Criminal Enterprise CrIminal
2007/01/16 Investigative
Drug Evidence CID SER 370 and Response

Foreign Language Program, 321E·HQ·A1222316 UNa.ASSlFIEDI/FOUO EC COrporate Operations Information Collection, Processing and Directorate of
Promotion CrIteria and Procedures, SER 2796 Exploitation and Analysis (Exploitation) Intelligence
Foreign Language Program Manager Dissemination
After·Actlon Reports (AM) 319U·HQ·A1487680· UNCl.ASSlFIED EC rrOD Information Operations, Maintenance, Infonnation
InfonnaUon Technology and ITOD Technology and Use Technology Branch
Operations Division (rrOD) Customer Management
Relations Management Section
(CRMS) Enterprise Operations Center
Un~ (EOCU), Service Outage Policy

Postage for Mailing Travel card 319H·HQ·A1487554 SENSmVEBlJr EC Col]lOlate Facilities and LogistiCS and Services Mail Facilities and
Billings SER 154 UNa.ASSlFIED Logistics logistics Services

2006/12/21 Handling of Suspldous ActMty 319W·HQ·A1487699· UNa.ASSlFIEDI/FOUO EC COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Financial Crimes Criminal
ReJX)rts ClOSER 359 and Response Investigative

2006/12/20 Laboratory Vehicle Fleet 3190·HQ·Al487624- UNa.ASSlFIEDI/FOUO EC COrporate Facilities and Logistics and Services Fleet Management and Laboratory DiviSion
LAB SER 9 Logistics Transportation·

2006/12/15 SUpJX)rt career Devclopment Program 66F·HQ·A1302594 UNClASSlFIEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Human Employment Recruitment Position Requirements Human Resources
• SUPJX)rt Mld·Levei Manager SER54 Resource and Placement DiviSion
Definition Management
2006/12/14 Language Analyst Promotions 321E·HQ·A1222316· UNClASSlFlEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Operations Information Collection, Processing and Directorate of
LS SER 1018 Exploitation and Analysis (Exploitation) Intelligence
2006/12/12 Honest Services Fraud Statute 319W·HQ·A1487699· SENSmvEBlJr EC COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Public Corruption CrIminal
CID SER 374 UNa.ASSlFIED and Response Investigative

2006/12/01 Noncompetitive Hiring Opportunities, 66·HQ·A1240026·MP UNClASSIFlEDI/FOUO EC COrporate Human Employment Recruitment Application/ . Human Resources
Veteran Employment/Support SER 9~2 Resource and Placement Appointment Actions DiVISion
Employee Positions Management
2006/11/30 Racketeerlng Enterprise Investigations 319W·HQ·A1487699· UNa.ASSlFIED/lFOUO EC COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Financial Crimes Criminal
(REI) CID SER 352 and Response Investigative

2006/11/22 COnsolidated Priority Organization 319W·HQ·A1487699- UNa.ASSlFIEDI/FOUO EC COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Criminal Enterprise Criminal
Targ~ (CPOT) Investigations CIDSER3S4 and Response Investigative

2006/H/22 Red Wolf FISA Monitoring 321E·HQ·A1222316· UNa.ASSlFIEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Legal National Security Law FISA Processing and Directorate of
AS SER 397 Procedures Intelligence

2006/11/17 Driver Authorizations to Maintain 319I-HQ-A1487566· SECREr EC Lab Facilities and LogistiCS and Services Fleet Management and Laboratory Divl~o.n
Bureau Vehldes Overnight at their LABSER3 LogistiCS Transportation
2006/11/16 rr Conflguratlon Management (CM) -IT Configuration UNa.ASSlFIEDI/FOUO Pdlcy Corporate Information Technical Engineering Configuration Infonnation
Management (CM) Technology Management Management Technology Branch
Policy v2.0 Management
2006/11/16 rr Measurement and Analysis (MA) IT Measurement and UNa.ASSlFIEDI/FOUO Pdicy COrporate Information Project Management Measure &Analysis Infonnation
Analysis (MA) Policy Technology Technology Branch
v1.0 Management
2006/11/16 . rrprocessand Product Quality IT Process and UNClASSlFIEDI/FOUO Pdlcy Information Technical Engineering Quality Assurance Infonnation
Assurance (PPQA) Product Quality Technology Management Technology Branch
Assurance (PPQA) Management
Polley vl,O

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2006/11/16 rrRlsk Management (RskM) IT Risk Management UNCtJ\SSIFIEDI/FOUO Policy Corporate Information Project Management ' Risk Management InfoJl11atlon
(RskM) Policy vi.O Technology Technology Branch
2006/11/14 IT Requirements engineering IT Requirements UNClASSIFIEDI/FOUO Policy Corporate, Information Technical Engineering Requirements InfoJl11ation
Engineering Policy Technology Management Engineering Technology Branch
vi.O Management
2006/11/13 New Haven Field Office· Best 281D·HQ·C1147186 UNOASSIFIEDI/FOUO E<: Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Violent Crime Criminal
Practices for Gang Investigations SER 7808 and Response Investigative

2006/11/02 personn~ Security Policy Matters; 319W·HQ·A1487697 UNOASSIFIED E<: Corporate Security Security Division
expansion of PARM Program SER2
2006/10/27 Automatic and Manual Case 319W·HQ·A1487699· UNOASSIFIEDI/FOUO E<: Corporate operations Criminal Investigations Administrative Criminal
Restrictions of Ales in Ar:s CID SER 339 and Response Investigative

2006/10/24 Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) 315N·HQ·C1515828·P UNOASSIFIED E<: Corporate Operations Counterterrorism
Program JTTF Policy Guidance SERB Division
Slandard Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) for JTTFs
2006/10/24 SWAT AreaJl11s M~tters 244C·IR·A4573 SER UNOASSJFlEDI/FOUO E<: Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations CIRG Critlcallnddent
1084 and Response Response Group

2006/10/13 Criminal Enterprise Sectlon •Gang 319W-HQ-A1487699· UNOASSJFlEDI/FOUO E<: Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Violent Crime Criminal
Program Components CID SER 320 and Response Investigative
2006/10/10 Unmanned A1rcra~ System (UAS) 321D·IR-7144 SER 5ENSmVEBUT E<: COrpOrate Operations Criminal Investigations CIRG Criticallnddent
172 UNOASSIFIED and Response Response Group

2006/10/04 Authorized Rest and Recuperation 319W-HQ·A148769B- UNOASSJFlEDI/FO~O E<: Corporate Human Classification, Bonuses International
(R&R) Travels for Legat Offices 10 SER 21 Resource Compensation and Operations Division
Management Bonuses
2006/09/26 A~d Office Int~"gence Handl:ook FIG_annexes SECRETIINOFORN Manual Corporate Operations Information Collection, Intelligence Products Directorate of
Annexes Exploitation and ' lntelllgence
2006/09/26 Trav~ Matters· Elimination of 319H·HQ·A1487554 Undassified E<: Corporate Finance Accounting Pavments Anance Division
"Aatllnlng! as Reimbursement (or SER 135
Lodging Expenses Incurred In
Connection with Temporary Duty
(TOY) Assignment Trav~
2006/09/22 Anandal Institution Fraud 319W·HQ·A1487699- 5ENSmVE6UT E<: . Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Financial Crimes Criminal
Investigations ClOSER 325 UNOASSIFIED and Response Investigative
2006/09/22 Anandallnstitutlon Fraud Unit (FIfO) 319W·HQ-A1487699· UNOASSIFIEDI/FOUO E<: Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Financial Crimes Criminal
CID SER315 and Response Investigative
2006/09/21 Remlttance(s) Polides and Procedures 319W-HQ'A1487697- UNOASSIFIEDI/FOUO E<l Corporate Finance Accounting Finance DMsion
2006/09/19 Opening of the OCOETF FUSion Center 319X-HQ·A1487709- SENSI11VE BUT E<: Corporate Operation~ Joint Operations Task Forces Criminal

2006/09/13 New Agents' Training program Sectlon 319W·HQ·A1487698 UNOASSJFlED E<: Corporate Human Training DM~on
(NATPS) SER 124 Resource
2006/09/13 Relocation Bonus for ASf!C.s in Select 66F-HQ·C1186479 SENSmVEBUT E<: Corporate Human Classification, Bonuses Human Resources
High Cost Aeld Offices SER 1024 UNOASSJFlED Resource CompenS!ltlon and DMslon
Management Bonuses
2006/09/13 5ES Selectlon System Change 66F·HQ-A1407677 SENSlTIVE BUT E<: Corporate Human Senior Executive Service SES/SL Selection Human Resources
SER3 UNOASSJFlED Resource Division

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2006/09/12 National Violent Crimes Unit· 319W·HQ·A1487699· SENSmVEBUT EC Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Violent Crime Criminal
Statistical Accomplishments dalmed CIDSER278 UNCLASSIFIED and Response Investigative
In Bank Robbe!y Matters Division

2006/09/12 Procedural and Operational Issues 319W·HQ·A1487699 SECREt' EC Corporate Operations Operational
SER 543 Technology

2006/09/11 Miranda Warnings Prior To Custodial EC319X·HQ- UNCLASSIFIEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Legal Office of the
Intelligence Interrogatlons of DOD A1487720·0GC SER General Counscl
Detainees It Guantanamo Bay 240
2006/09/07 Asset Management SemI·Annual 19W·HQ·A1487699 UNCLASSIFIED EC Corporate Finance Accounting Financial Reporting FInance DMslon
Reporting Procedures SER 517
2006/09/06 Communications exploitation 66F·HQ·A1397794 SECRETIINOFORNI/ORCON EC cro Operations Information Collection, Processing and Counterterrorism
SER 241 Exploitation and Analysis (Exploitation) Division
2006/09/05 Adult Obscenity Initiative 319W·HQ·A1487699- SENSmVEBUT EC Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Violent Crime Criminal
CIDSER276 UNCLASSIFIED and Response Investigative

2006/08/29 Implementation of the Major case 319Q·HQ·A1487663· UNCLASSJFlEDJ/FOUO EC Corporate Security Continuity of Operations security Division
Contact Center SECD SER 164 (COOP) Program
2006/08/25 FBIHQ DeI!veJ)', Storage, Warehouse 3191·HQ-A1487576- SENSmVEBUT EC Corporate Finance Accounting Property Facilities and
FLSD SER 1 UNCLASSIFIED logistics services
2006/08/17 Partldpation In Project Safe 319W·HQ·A1487699· UNCLASSlFlEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Violent Crime Criminal
NelghbortY.xxfs (PSN) CIDSER256 and Response Investigative
2006/08/15 SWAT Program Budget Execution and 244C·IR·A4573 SER UNCLASSlFlEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Finance Procurement Acquisition Cycle Critlcallnddent
Purchasing 1018 Response Group

2006/08/10 Delegation of AuthOrity for SAMMS 66F·HQ-C1186479 UNCLASSIFIEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Organizational Authorities and Delegated Authorities Human Resources
Board Matters SER 1010 Authorities and Responsibilities Division
2006/08/10 Information Sharing and Access ISPB Policy for UNCLASSlFlEDI/FOUO P~icy Corporate Security Information Assurance Access Control Policy security DMslon
Control In Sentlncl and Other SENTINEL Program
Information Management Systems
2006/08/08 Federal legislative Corruption 319W·HQ"A1487699· SENsmVEBUT EC Corporate Operations ,Criminal Investigations Public Corruption CrIminal
Investigations CIDSER 253 UNCLASSIFIED and Response Investigative
2006/08/03 Innocent Images Natlonallnltlatlve 30SA·HQ-C1210820 UNCLASSIFIED EC CyD Operatlon~ Cyber Division
(IINI) Project Safe Childhood SER 1987
2006/07/28 InfraGard 66F'HQ-A1192083 UNCLASSIFIEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Cyber Crimes Cyber DiviSion
SER25 and Response
2006/07/25 No Ay and Selectee Usts; Guidance to 315-00 SER 60 Confidential EC Corporate Operations National Security Counterterrorism Counterterrorism
Implement Criteria Division
2006/07/20 Creation of Administrative Guidelines 319W·HQ·A1487698· UNCLASSIFIEDI/FOUO EC CyD Operations Information Collection, Processing and Cyber Division
Manual CYDSER89 Exploitation and Analysis (Exploitation)
2006/07/14 Counterintelligence Critical Needs 66F-HQ·A141859S SECREt' EC Corporate Human Employment Recruitment Internal Placement Counterintelligence
Transfer Re:!uests Review and SER454 Resource and Placement Division
Recommendation Process Management
2006/07/11 , Acquisition and Transfer of FBI 319B·HQ·A1487505 UNCLASSlFlEDJ/FOUO EC Corporate Finance Accounting Property Finance Division
Property and equipment Between SER424
Government Agencies
2006/07/10' Privacy and Safeguarding of 66F·HQ·1201415-I UNCLASSIFIEDI/FOUO • EC Corporate • Legal Privacy and Civil liberties Protection of Office of the
personally Identifiable Information SER272 Personally Identifiable General Counsel
2006/07/07 Prioritization of Translatlon of FISAs 66F·HQ·A1418595 SECRET Corporate operations Information Collection, Processing and Countertntclilgence
SER453 Exploitation and Analysis (Exploitation) Division

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2006/06/29 Ellmlnatlon of FBIHQ Approval for 319W·HQ·A1487699· UNMSIFIEDI/FOUO EC COrporete Operations Criminal Investigations Financial Crimes Crlmlnal
Anandal Institution Freud (FlF) CID SER 234 and Response Investlgatlve
Losses Less than $100,000 Division
2006/06/29 FBI National secun~ and Intelligence 319W·HQ-A1487699· SECRETI/NOFORN EC Corporate Operations Information Collection, National Secunty
Mission and Standardization of A~d DISER 5 Exploitation and Branch
Intelligence Activities Dissemination
2006/06/28 Public Affairs public_affairs_manual UNClASSIFlEDI/FOUO Manual COrporate Communications Directors Office
2006/06/27 Field Office Relatlonshlps with State 319T·HQ-A1487667· UNMSIFIEDI/FOUO EC COrporate Operations Joint Operations Fusion Centers Directorate of
Fusion Centers and Other Multi- DI SER 252 Intelligence
Agenq' Intelligence Centers
2006/06/21 Regional Field Oversight Program; 321E·HQ-A1222316 UNOASSIFIEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Operations Information Collection, Processing and Directorate of
Operations Management Unit, SER 2749 Exploitation and Analysis (Exploitation) Intelligence
, Language Services Sci:tlon Dissemination
2006/06/15 Revisions to FBI Policies Related to 319T·HQ·A1487667- UNOASSIFIEDI/FOUO EC COrporate Operational Information Collection, Collection Directorate of
Human SOurces 01 Services Exploitation and Intelligence
2006/06/12 Safe Streets aoo Gang Unit· 319W·HQ~A1487699- UNOASSIFIEDI/FOUO EC COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Violent Crime Crlmlnal
InstitUtion of New safe streets Violent ClOSER 221 and Response Investigative
Gang Task Forces DiviSion
2006/06/08 Procedurel and Operational Issuances, 319W·HQ·A1487699 UNMSIFIEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Human Employee Programs and Crlmlnal
Assistance To ViCtims ofTerrorism SER463 Resource Services Investlgative
and aimlnal Transportatlon Disasters Management Division
2006/06/01 secun~ and Protectlve ServIces Legat 319Q·HQ·A1487641· SECRETI/NOFORN EC COrporate Security Communication Security International
or Legat TOY Personnel Travel IOSERl (COMSEC) Operations OMslon
2006/05/30 Acld Office On-site Program Reviews 319W·~Q-A1487699· UNMSIFlEDIlFOUO EC CyD Organizational Internal Oversight Program Evaluation CywDMslon
CYDSER 7 Authorities and Matters
2006/05/30 Flnandal Analyst Program Staffing 319W·HQ·A1487699- SENSmVEBUT EC Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations financial Crimes Criminal
CID SER 207 UNOASSIFIED and Response Investigative
2006/05/30 Requesting aNational Bank RobbeI)' 319W·HQ-A1487699· UNMSIFIEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Violent Crime Crlmlnal
Album (NABRA) Orcular and or Place CIDSER206 and Response Investigative
Unknown Bank Robwon FBI Division
2006/05/18 Justice For All Act •,Compliance with 319W·HQ·A1487699· UNMSIFIEDI/FOUO EC COrporate Operational Victim Assistance Crlmlnal
Crlme Victims' Rights Obligations ClOSER 228 Services Investlgative
2006/05/17 Automatic and Manual case 3~9W-HQ·A1487699- UNClASSIFlEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Operations Information Collection, Information Sharing National Security
Restrictions of Files In Ar:s NSBSER4 Exploitation and (Dissemination) Branch
2006/05/15 Deployment of FBI Sensitive Technical 319W-HQ-A1487699 UNOASSIFIEDI/FOUO EC COrporete Operational Operational
Equipment ($TEl In foreign COuntries SER 367 Services Technology
2006105/15 Privaq' Program Matters· 66F·HQ·C1321794 UNOASSIFIEDI/FOUO EC COrporate Legal Privacy and Civil Liberties Privacy Act Program Office of the
Appointment of Division Privacy SER 249 General CouOsel
2006/05/10 Bank Robbei)' •Armored carner 319W-HQ-A1487699- SENSmVEBUT EC Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Violent Crime Crlmlnal
Robbery Program CIDSER192 UNClASSIFIED and Response Investigative
2006/05/04 HMRT Alternate Membership Pollq' ~6F·HQ·A1510620- SENSmVEBUT EC Corporate Operations In(ormatlon Collection, Collection LabomtoryDlvlslon
2006/04/26 Administrative/Policy/Procedural and 319W·HQ-A1487698 UNClASSIFIED EC Corporete Security
Operatlonal Issuances Securi~ SER 109
Division Processing Oearances For
Contractors Requiring Access To
Oasslfied Informatlon
2006/04/26 Compensatol)' llme Off for Travel All Employee Memo UNMSIFIED All Employee Corporate Human Employee Hours and Leave Compensatory Time Directors Office
crOFT Memo Resource

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2006/04/24 Terrorist Screening Center -New FD- 31S-HQ·C1477837·G UNClASSIFIEDI/FOUO EC COrporate Operations National Security Counterterrorism COunterterrorism
930 (Gang or Terrorist Member SER 10 Division
Watchllstlng Form) and New
Procedures for Nomlnatlng Terrorist
2006/04/21 Student Loan Repayment Program 66F-HQ·A1240026-MP SENSmvEBUT EC COrpo~te Human Classification, Bonuses Human Resources
(SLRP) COntinuing Repayment Reo SERB18 UNClASSIFIED Resource Compensation and Division
certifications for Employees Management Bonuses
2006/04/19 Mall Management Program -Pitney 319K-HQ-A1487597 SENSmvEBUT EC COrporate Facilities and Logistics and Services Mail Facilities and
Bowes Mqll Metering equipment SER3 UNClASSIFIED Logistics logistics services
2006/04/17 Asset and Informant Records 319W·HQ-A1487699- UNClASSIFIEDI/FOUO EC COrporate Records Records Disposition and Records
RMDSER 11 Management Exceptions Management
2006/04/17 Discontinuance of Action Taken 319W·HQ·A1487699- UNClASSIFIEQI/FOUO EC COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Financial Crimes Crtmlnal
Letters ClOSER 181 and Response Investigative
2006/04/17 Expenditures of HCF Funds for 319W·HQ·A1487699- SENSmVEBUT EC COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Health Care CrIminal
Administrative and Investigative CIDSER178 UNClASSIFIED and Response Investigative
Support DMslon
2006/04/07 Government Employees Training M. 319T·HQ·A1487667· UNClASSIFIED EC ClP Human Training and Workforce GETA COunterterrorism
(GETA) Program Changes and eTD SER 413 Resource Development DMslon
Processing Guldcllnes Management
2005/04/03 Securi~ Policy Manual spm UNClASSIFIEDI/FOUO Manual COrporate Security Securi~ Division

2006/03/31 Pcllcy and Procedure For Requesting EC319X·HQ- SECRETI/NOFORN EC ~rporate Operations National Security Electronic Surveillance Officeo/the •
Executive Order 12333 Sectlon'2oS A1487720'OGC SER General COunsel
AutOOrity 214
2006/03/28 Administrative 5ervices Unit 319T-HQ·Al487667· UNClASSIFIED EC CyD Human Classirication, Within-Grade Cyber Di~slon
Movement of Personncl &With·ln CYDSER 111 Resource Compensation and Increases (WIGl)
Gradelnereases Management Bonuses
2006/03/23 ElectroniC Recording of COnfessions 66F·HQ·C1384970 UNClASSIFIEDI/FOUO EC COrporate Operations Information Collection, Collection Office of the
and Witnesses Intervlew5 SER 24857 Exploitation and GeOeralCOunsel
2006/03/22 Direct Hire Policy Statement 66-HQ-A1240026·MP UNClASSIFIEDI/FOUO EC COrporate Human Employment Recruitment Applicationl Human Resources
SER 807 Resource and Placement Appointment Actions Division
2006/03/15 5erviceCenter Service C~nter Policy UNClASSIFIEOI/FOUO Pcllcy COrporate Information Operations, Maintenance, Support Services Information
vi,0 Technology and Use Technology Branch
2006/03/14 Legat program TOYs Agent MOUs and 319T·HQ-A1487667· UNClA5SIFIEDI/FOUO EC COrporate Human Employment Recruitment Application! • International
Evaluations lOSER 246 Resource and Placement Appointment Actions O~tlons Divi~on
2006/03/09 NaUonal Security Letters -Delegation 319X·HQ-Al487720· UNClASSIFIEDI/FOUO EC COrporate Legal National Security Law National Security Office of the
of Signature Authort~ Nonodlsclosure OGC SER 210 L~tters General COunsel
Certification Authority
2006/03/09 Reporting foreign COntacts, 010 319W·HQ·A148769S- SECRET EC 100 CommUnications External Communications Foreign Nationals International
Personncl at FBIHQ lOSER 11 Operations Division
2006/03/07 Procedural and Operational Issuances 319W·HQ·A1487699 UNClASSIFIED EC COrporate Security security Division
Personncl Securt~ Investigation SER 307
Section Security Investigation Unit

Employee Assistance Matters

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2006/03/06 Americas Criminal Enterprise Section· 319W·HQ·A1487699· UNQ.ASSlFlEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Criminal Enterprise Criminal
Dismantlements Disruptions Guidance CIDSER157 and Response Investigative
2006/03/05 Joint Terrorism Task Force (JITF) 315N-HQ-C1515S28-P UNQ.ASSlFlEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Operations Joint Operations Task Forces Counterterrorism
Program -U,5, Marshal Service SERS ,Division
Firearms -SpecIal Deputation
2006/03/03 Requests for Sports Betting 319W-HQ·A1487699· UNQ.ASSlFlEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Criminal Enterprise Criminal
Presentations Which Require CIDSER154 and Response Investigative
Interdivisional Travcl Division
2006/03/02 On,Slte Review Process 319W·HQ-A14S769S- UNQ.ASSlFlEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Organizational Internal Oversight Program Evaluation Cyber Division
CYDSER48 Authorities and Matters
2006/03/01 Earned Value Management Policy for Earned Value UNQ.ASSlFlEDI/FOUO Pc/Icy Corporate Information Project Management Information
[Projects Management Polley for Technology Technology Braoch
IT Projects vl,0 Management
2006/02/24 Recusalln OPR Matters Recusal in OPR UNaASSlFlED Other Corporate Human Directors Office
Matters Resource
2006/02/18 New Procedures for Processing On- 319T·HQ·Al487667· UNQ.ASSlFlEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Human Employment Recruitment ~rityDivlslon
board Support Employees who are SECD SER 162 Resource and Placement
Selected for Special Agent Positions Management
2006/02/15 Pdlcy Regarding Dissemination of 319W·HQ·A148769S· UNCLASSIFIED EC Corporate Communications Cyber Division
Communication/Surveys Cyber CyDSER39
2006/02/15 Property Management Application 319W·HQ·A1487698 UNaASSiFlED//FOUO EC Corporate Finance Accounting Property Rnance OMslon .
PdlcyChange SER34
2006/02/14 Asset Management Seml-Mnual 319W·HQ·A1487699 UNaASSiFlEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Finance Accounting Payments Anance OMslon
Reporting Procedures SER66
2006/02/10 JITF Submission of Documentation of 315N·HQ·C151582S·P UNQ.ASSlFlEDI/FOUO EC Corpolilte Operations Joint Operations, Task Forces Counterterrorism
Executive Board Meetings to the SER3 Division
National Joint Terrorism Task Force
2006/02/10 Space Guidelines for FBI 66·HQ·A1240026-SM UNQ.ASSlFlEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Facilities and Facilities Management and Faclhtiesand
Headquarters and FBI Acld Offices • SER 2626 Logistics Acquisition logistics services
Revised Division
2006/02/09 Significant Public Benefit Parole 66-HQ·A1251101· UNQ.ASSlFlEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Legal Directorate of
PAROLE SE~ 110 Intelllgeoce
2006/02/06 For~gn SUbstance Screening 319K·HQ-A14S7S9S SENsmVEBUT EC Corporate Facilities and LogistiCS and Services Mail Facllftlesand
Procedures SER6 UNQ.ASSlFlED Logistics logistics services
2006/02/02 288A (Criminal Computer Intrusion) 319W·HQ-A1487699· UNaASSlFIEDI/FOUO EC Corpolilte Operations Criminallnvestlga'tlons Cvber CrImes Cyber Division
Violations from 196E (Internet Fliloo) CYDSER4 and Response
2006/02/01 Mnex Ato the Int~lIgence Intelligence Support UNQ.ASSlFlEDI/FOUO Other Corporate Operational Directorate of
Production and Use CONOPS • to Crises, Incidents, Services Intelligence
Intelligeoce Support to Crises, and Special Events
Inddents and SpecIal Events
2006/01/30 Medicare Benefidary cards and 319W·HQ·A1487699- SENSfTlVEBUT EC Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Health Care Criminal
Accounts CID SER 128 UNQ.ASSlFlED and Response Investigative
2006/01/25 Pantheon Project FBHtalian National 92A-HQ-C133562N UNQ.ASSlFIEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Communications External Communications Foreign Nationals Qimlnal
Pc/Ice law Enforcement Exchange SER2 Investigatlve

2006/01/20 Computer Intrusion Program 319W·HQ·A1487699· SECRETIINOFORN EC Corpolilte Operations Criminal Investigations Cyber Crimes Cyber Division
CYDSER3 and Response
2006/01/17 Mall Management Program· Federal 319K·HQ-A148759S SENSmVEBUT EC Corpolilte Facilities and Logistics and Services Mail Facllitlesand
Express (FEDEX) SER4 UNQ.ASSlFlED Logistics logistics services

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2006/01/13 Bureau Issued Passports 319H·HQ·A1487556 UNCLASSlFlED/lFOUO EC Corporate Travel On-Duty Travel Foreign International
SER 14 Opera~ons Division

2006/01/12 Spfe Streets Violent Crime InitiaUve - 281D·HQ·C11471B6 UNCLASSlFlED/lFOUO EC Corporate, Operations Criminal Investigations Violent Crime Cfmlnal
National Gang Strategy SER 7133 and Response Investigative

2006/01/06 Cyber ActIon Team Ales 319W·HQ-A1487698· UNClASSlFlED/lFOUO EC COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Cyber Crimes CyberDivislon
CYOSER35 and Response
2005/12/30 program GuldaOOl to the Rcld 319W·HQ·A1487699· SENSmvEBUT EC Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Financial Crimes Criminal
Ealnomlc Cfmes Unit and Health CIOSERl1S UNCLASSIFIED and Response InvestigaUve
care Fraud Matters Division

2005/12/28 Violent Gang SUbprogram· case 319W·HQ·A1487699· UNCLASSlFlED/lFOUO " EC Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Violent Crime Criminal
Initiation and Reporting· 281D ClOSER 116 and Response Investigative
Matters DMslon

2005/12/22 Directive to cease All Public 319W·HQ·A1487699· SENSITIVE BUT EC Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Public Corruption Criminal
Corruption Intclilgence Information CIDSER117 UNCLASSIFIED and Response Investigative
Reports (IIRs) Di~slon

2005/12/19 Handling of Property 319B·HQ-A148750S UNClASSlFlED/lFOUO EC Lab Finance Accounting Property Laboratory DMslon '
SER 319
2005/12/07 Evidence Management Operations 321·HQ·1491998 SER UNClASSIFIEDI/FOUO EC oro Security Physical Security Access Control Operational'
54 (PHYSEC), Technology
2005/12/06 canadian Based Telemarketing Fraud 319W·HQ·A1487699· SENSmVEBUT EC COrporat~ Operations Criminal Investigations Financial Crimes Criminal
COmplaints ClOSER 110 UNCLASSIFIED and Response Investigative

2005/12/05 Training program Requirements for 319W·HQ·A1487699 UNCLASSIFIED EC Corporate Human Employment Recruitment Special Agent Training Di~slon
New Agent Instructors and Staff SER38 Resource and Placement Authorities
2005/12/01 Change Request Approval Change Request UNCLASSlFlED/lFOUO Paley COrporate Information Operations, Maintenance, Software Information
Approval Policy vi,0 Technology and Use Technology Branch
2005/12/01 Change Request Test Documentation Change Request Test UNClASSlFIED/lFOUO Paley COrporate Information Operations, Maintenance, Information
Paley Documetatlon Policy Technology and Use Technology Branch
vi,0 Management
2005/12/01 Corporate Fraud Program Matters; 319W·HQ·A14B7699 UNCLASSlFlEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Operations Criminal
Reporting Requirements SER44 Investigative
2005/11/29 TImcllness of Foreign Language 321E·HQ-A1222316· UNCLASSIFIEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Operations Information Collection, Processing and Directorate of
Support TL SER 2322 Exploitation and Analysis (Exploitation) Intelligence
2005/11/28 Indefinite Suspensions Authori~ In 319W·HQ·A1487698 UNCLASSIFIED EC COrporate Organizational Internal Oversight Internal Investigation Inspection Division
PersonnclMatters SER28 Authorities and Matters
2005/11/21 Civil Rights Program· General case 319W·HQ·A1487699· UNCLASSIFIED/lFOUO EC Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Civil Rights Criminal
InltlatlonProcedures ClOSER 122 and Response Investigative
2005/11/21 Diplomatic Accreditation-Multiple 319T·HQ·A1487G67- UNCLASSIFIEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Travel .On·Duty Travel Foreign International
embassies lOSER 95 Operations Division
2005/11/18 Military Reserve Matters 66·HQ-A1240026·MIL UNCLASSlFIED/lFOUO EC Corporate Human Employment Recruitment Military/Reserve Human ResourceS'
SER 229 Resource and Placement Matters Division
2005/11/18 Money Laundering Transactions 319W·HQ·A1487699· UNCLASSlFlEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Financial Crimes Cfmlnal
Involving aTerrorist Organization CIDSER98 and Response Investigative
2005/11/18 Special Jurisdiction Matters· Cfme on 319W·HQ·A1487699· UNCLASSlFI8J/lFOUO EC COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Violent Crime Cfmlnal
the High Seas ClDSER109 and Response Investigative
2005/11/17 COmpliance with Crime VIctims' Rights 319W·HQ·A1487699· UNCl.ASSlFlEDI/FOUO EC COrporate Operational Victim Assistance Cfmlnal

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Statutes by Department of Justfce CID SER 227 Services Investigative

Employees Division

2005/11/17 Transnational Criminal EnteJjlrise 66F·HQ·A1246974·G 4NClASSIFIEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Criminal Enterprise Criminal
,Investlgations SER 164 and Response Investigative

2005/11/15 Computer Analysis Response Team 319W·HQ·A1487698 UNCLASSIFIED EC Corporate Operations Operational
(CART) Grade Increase Guidelines SER29 Technology

2005/11/08 InventolY Matters Reiterating Polldes 319B·HQ·A1487505 UNClASSI~ED/lFOUO EC Corporate Finance Accounting Property Finance Division
to Place Property on InventolY and SER 237
Post ReceIpts In FMS
2005/11/04 Pcllcy Change for Submission of FD- 319W·HQ·A1487698 UNCLASSIFIED/lFOUO EC Corporate Finance Accounting Property Finance DMslon
500's, Report of Lost of Stolen SER24
2005/11/01 Infonnatlon Sharing Policy Board ISPB Charter UNClASSIFIB:l Other . Corporate Organizational Directorate of
Charter Authorities and Intelligence
2005/10/19 Assetforfelture Program· Threshold 319W·HQ·A1487699· UNClASSIFIED/lFOUO EC Corporate Operations Criminallnvestig3tions Financial Crimes Criminal
Waivers In cases Involving the Red CIDSER95 and Response Investfgative
cross, FEMA Or aRecognized Relief Division
Organization Rclatlng to Hurricanes
Rita, Katrina and or the Stonn Season
2005/10/14 White Collar Crime (WCC) Mortgage 319W·HQ·A148769~· UNClASSIFIB:l/lFOUO EC Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Financial Crimes Criminal
Fraud Program CIDSER86 and Response Investigative

2005/10/06 IIRs Serialization Numbers In FlDS 66~·HQ·A14S8759·H UNCLASSIFIED/lFOUO EC Corporate Operations Information Collection, Intelligence Products Directorate of
Durtng Non-Traditional Shills SER4 Exploitation and Intelligence
Dissemination '
2005/10/05 Legat Personnel Availability Standards 319T·HQ·A1487667· UNCLASSIFIB:l/lFOUO EC Corporate Operations Legal Attache (LEGAT) Internatlonal
IOSER61 Operations DMslon
2005/09/23 Acld Intelligence Group; Anlshed 319W·HQ·A148769S· UNCLASSIFIED EC Corporate Operations Directorate of
Intelligence PrC<luction DISER3 Intelligence
2005/09/15 Prepublication Review pre"pub~rev_80SD5 UNCLASSIFIEDI/FOUO Manual Corporate Communications Records
2005/09/12 Bribe Authority Levels In PubliC 319W.HQoA1487699. SENSmvEBUT EC Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Public Corruption Criminal
ColTUption Investigations CIDSER61 UNClASSIFIED and Response Investigative
2005/09/06 Reporting Requirements for 319W·HQ-A1487699· SENSmVEBUT EC Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Public corruption Criminal
Governmental Fraud Investigative CIOSER57 UNClASSIFlB:l and Response Investigative
Matters Division
2005/09/01 Amending 'Executive Orders 12139 66F·HQ·C1446842 UNCLASSIFIB:l/lFOUO EC Corporate Legal National Security Law FISA Processing and Office of the
and 12949 Relating To FISA SER6 Procedures General cOunscl
2005/08/31 Deployment Procedures 319W·HQ·A148769S· UNCLASSIFIED/lFOUO EC Corporate Travel On-Duty Travel Deployment Cyber Division
2005/08/30 Chief Security Officer (CSO) Initiative 261G·HQ·1419027-C UNClASSIFIB:l EC Corporate Human Securtty Division
Term $A and Professional Support SER 261 Resource
Hlrtng Management
2005/08/25 Administrative Matter; Interaction 319W·HQ·~1487698 UNCLASSIFIB:l EC CyD Commu'nlcations External Communications Cyber Division
with the PubliC and the Media; Cyber SER 122
Division's Polldes and Procedures
200S/08/04 ellS Division's Tobacco Policy 319T·HQ·Al487667· SENsmVEBUT EC ells Facilities and Occupational Safety Criminal Justice
CJISSER 571 UNClASSIFIB:l Logistics Infonnatlon
2005/08/03 Procedural and Operational Issuances 319W·HQ·A1487699 UNClASSI~B:l EC Corporate Security Security Division
Delegation of Authority SEeD SER 12
2005/06/27 Child Vlctlm Identification program 30SA·HQ·C1411872·D UNClASSIFIED/lFOUO EC Corporate •Operations Criminal Investigations Violent Crime Cyber Division
(OIIP) SER24 and Response

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2005/06/23 Commercial Advaoces Uquldation 66F-HQ·Al.204817 UNOASSlFlEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Finance Procurement Advances Finance Division
Period Change SER5546
2005/06/21 Combined PR·rr and Business 319X·HQ·A1487720· UNa.ASSlFlEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Legal National Security Law FISA Processing and Office of the
Records Authority for Telepoones OGCSER25 Procedures General Counsel
2005/06/20 DOJ Monograph on Use and Discovery 319X·HQ-A1487720 UNa.ASSlFlEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Legal National Security Law FISA Processing and Office of the
of FISA Information SER 20 Procedures General Counsel
2005/06/10 VIctim Assistance in Travcler cases 188B·HQ·Al043145·A UNa.ASSlFlEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Operational Victim Assistance Office for Vlctims
SER 203 Services Assistance
2005/05/31 Sunset of Autfloritles on tfle Use of 66·HQ·A1240026·PA UNa.ASSlFlEDI/FOUO EC ~rporate Human Classification, Bonuses Human Resources
Recruitment and Rclocatlon Bonuses SER 2596 Resource Compensation and Division
and ~tentlon /lJlowances Management Bonuses
I ' Development
2005/05/23 Procedural and Operational Issues; 319W·HQ·A1487699 UNa.ASSlFlED EC Corporate operations Criminal Justlce
Bloterrol1sm Act SER3 Information
2005/05/20 Suggestion for Security Officers and How to Prepare UNa.ASSlFIEDI/FOUO Guldcllnes Corporate Security Security Division
. Instructions on How to Prepare Courier Card
COurier card
2005/05/12 Middle Eastern Criminal Enterprises 319W-HQ·A1487699- UNa.ASSlFlEDllFOUO EC Corporate. Operations Criminal Investigations Criminal Enterprise Criminal
(MECEs) CIDSER34 and Response Investigative
2005/05/06 Extended Assignment Incentive (EAI) 66·HQ·A1240026·PA UNa.ASSlFIEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Human Classification, Bonuses Human Resources
SER 2080 Resource compensation and Division
Management Bonuses
and .
2005/05/06 Militia/Sovereign Otlzens Sub 2660·HQ·Al448552 UNClASSlFIEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Operations National Security Domestic Terrorism COunterterronsm
P~ram Judldal Threat Protocol SER 795 Division
2005/04/27 Authonty to Dispose of FD-SOls and 319W·HQ·A1487699· UNOASSlFlEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Security Information Security Handling! Records
FD-S02s RMDSER2 Sanitization/ Management
Oestru etion
2005/04/19 Mandatory State Personncl Security 319W·HQ·A1487698 UNClASSIFIEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Travel Temporary Duty International
Training for TOYs of 30 days or more SER3 Assignments operations Division
2005/04/13 Procedures for FBI to reimburse State 319T·HQ·A1487667· SENSmvEBUT EC Corporate Finance Accounting Payments International
for Emergency Medical Expenses lOSER 10 UNa.ASSlFlED Operations DMslon
2005/04/09 Notiflcatlon ofVlctlm RIghts aoo 188B·HQ·Al043145 UNa.ASSlFIEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Operational Victim Assistance Directors Office
Services ByAcldOffices SER2412 Services
2005/04/08 Phase II Quality COntrol Reviews 66·HQ·A1240026- UNa.ASSlFlEDI/FOUO EC COrporate Human Employment Recruitment Position Requirements Human Resources
APPR SER 1319 Resource and Placement Division
2005/04/05 Persons with Disabilities P~ram • 280D·HQ·1171500 SENSmvEBUT EC Corporate Human Equal Employment Office of Equal
Sign Language Interpreting Request SER 126 UNa.ASSlFIED Resource Opportunity Employment
Management Opportunity Affairs
2005/04/04 OVA Budget Matters 188B'HQ-Al043145 UNOASSlFIEDI/FOUO EC COrporate Operational Victim Assistance Criminal
SER 2141 Services Investigative
2005/03/18 Authority to Dispose of Onglnal Notes 319W·HQ·A1487699·' UNa.ASSlFIEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Records Recordkeeping Records Maintenance Records
from Contract SpecIal Investlgations RMDSER 1 Management •Requirements Management
2005/03/18 Modification To Investigative 66foHQ·A1362123·C UNa.ASSlFIED EC Corporate Security Security Division
Standards for Single Scope SER4
Background Investigation· Periodic
2005/03/04 Disciplinary Process and Dclegated 66F·HQ·C1384970 SENSmvEBUT EC ,COrporate Human Ethics and Personnel Disciplinary Matters Office of
Investigation· Adjudication (DIA) SER 17366 UNOASSIFlED Resource Conduct Professional
P~ram Management Responsibility

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2005/03/01 VIctim Assistance Rapid Deployment 188B·HQ·Al043145 SENsmVEBUT EC COrporate Operational Victim Assistance Criminal
Team· Travcl Guidelines SER 2349 UNClASSIFI8) Services Investigative
2005/02/25 Bureau Applicant Matters, 66F·HQ·A1240026· UNCLASSlFI8)/IFOUO EC COrporate Human Employment Recruitment security DivI~on
Replacement of FIH40 and FD·140a APPH SER 1076 Resource and Placement
with SF·86 and SF·86a Management
2005/02/22 National Joint Terrorism Task Force GGF-HQ-121SS49'A UNClASSIFl8)/IFOUO EC COrporate Operations Joint Operations Task Forces COunterterrorism
(NJTTF) -TIme Utilization SER 1331 Division
Recordkeeplng (TURK)
2005/02/09 security Policy Matters Delegation of GGF·HQ·A1412096·F UNClASSIFI8) EC COrporate Security Security Division
Authority To Issue COurier Letters SER 18
2005/02/08 Delegation of Authorities to the FBI to 66F·HQ·Al0S5154· UNClASSIFI8)/IFOUO EC COrporate Organizational Authorities and Delegated Authorities COunterterrorism
Exercise the Powers and Duties of MISCSER 129 Authorities and Responsibilities Division
Immlgratlon Officers Oversight
2005/02/02 Recruibnent Incentives Student Loan 66·HQ·A1240026·PA SENSmvEBUT EC Corporate Human Classification, Bonuses Human Resources
Repayment (SLR) Program SER 1376 UNClASSIFIED Resource Compensation and Division
Management Bonuses
2005/02/01 Exploitation ofTerrorist·Rclated 66F·HQ-A1397794 SECRET/lNOF,ORN EC COrporate Operations Information Collection, Processing and COunterterrorism
Pocket Utter SER 147 Exploitation and Analysis (Exploitation) Division
• Dissemination
2005/01/25 Foreign Language Program· 66F·HQ·A1222316· SENSmVEBUT EC CQrporate Operations Information Collection, Processing and Directorate of
Deployment Program TDYSER 751 UNClASSIFl8) Exploitation and Analysis (Exploitation) Intelligence
2005/01/24 Implementation of New COnsent 66F·HQ·A134671S·P UNClASSIFI8) EC COrporate Security Security Division
Forms Fo-979 and Fo-979A SER8
2005/01(18 Anandal Analyst (FA) Program 66F·HQ·A1268981 UNClASSlFI8)/IFOUO EC COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Financial Crimes Criminal
SER30 and Response Investigative
2005/01/10 FBI Intelligence Relations FBI Intelligence UNClASSIFI8)//FOUO Other COrporate Operations Information Collection, Information Sharing Directorate of
Management Handtook Relations Management Exploitation and (Dissemination) Intelligence
Handbook Dissemination
2004/12/30 For~gn Language Program (FlP); 321E·HQ·A1222316 UNtLAsSIFl8)/IFOUO EC COrporate Operations Information Collection, Processing and Directorate of
Translation Quality Control Policy and SER 2158 Exploitation and Analysis (Exploitation) Intelligence
Guidelines (TQCPG); Modified Dissemination
Procedures and Guld~lnes
2004/12/09 Code of Federal Regulations; 66F·HQ·l085160 SER UNClASSlFI8)/IFOUO EC Corporate Legal· Office of the
Amendment To 28 C.F,R §0,85 96 General COunsel
2004/12/06 Arearms Policy for Legats and 7DY 66F-HQ·Al448234·H UNClASSIFI8)/IFOUO EC COrporate Security Physical Security . Firearms/Ammunition International
Personn~ Operating Abroad In the SER l' (PHYSEC) Operations DIvl~on
2004/12/01 Handling Remains of us Otizens Kil ed 18BB·HQ·Al043145 SENSmVEBUT EC COrporate Operational Victim Assistance Criminal
In Terrorism Attacks OVerseas SER2272 UNClASSIFl8) Services Investigative
2004/11/30 ells Division Information Technology 6GF-HQ-A1250535 SENsmVEBUT EC OIS Information Criminal Justice
Management ~on Administrative SER 399 UNClASSIFl8) Technology Information
Matters; Portable Notetook (Laptop) Management Services
Management Policy
2004/11/23 Digital Pootography' Hazardous 66f.:HQ·C1222332 SENSmVEBUT EC COrporate Opera,tions Information Collection, Collectlori Laboratory DivI~on
Materials environments Crime fane SER518 UNClASSIFIED Exploitation and
Processing and Management Dissemination
2004/11/19 Designation of aCOunterproliferatlon ~6F·HQ·A1418S95 SECRET EC COrporate Operations National Security Counterintelligence COuntertnteiligence
(0') Coordinator In Each A~d Office SER 245 Division
2004/10/22 P~lcy Changes Related to the 66F·HQ·A1455078 UNClASSIFl8)/IFOUO EC COrporate Human Ethics and Personnel Disciplinary Matters Office of
Disciplinary Process SER 27 Resource Conduct Professional
Management Responilbllity

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2004/04/26 Office of Inspector General case 66F-HQ·1462038 SER SENsmVEBUT EC COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Public Corruption Criminal
Notifications ' 13 UNClASSIAED and Response Investigative

2004/04/01 COTR Oarifications and Policy COTR Clarifications UNClASSIFIED Other corporate Finance Finance Division
~nges, Policy &Directive #04-02 and Policy Changes
2004/03/30 Safe Streets Violent Crime Initiative· 66F-HQ·C1147186 UNClASSIFlEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Operations Conridentlal Funding Criminal
Criminal COnfidential case Funds SER5744 Investigative
(CCCF) Asset Forfeiture Funding (AFF) Division

2004/03/22 Tracking of cases Involving Mortgage 66F-HQ·U04421· UNClASSIFlEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Financial Crimes Criminal
Fraud Activity (MFA) GUIDANCE SER 16 and Response Investigative

2004/03/18 Art Theft Program Manual 87·HQ·C1242246 SER SENsmVESUT EC Corporate Operations Criminal'lnvestigations Criminal Enterprise Criminal
686 UNClASSIFIED and Respon"se Investigative·

2004/03/16 Alien Smuggling· Human Trafficking 66F-HQ-A1404069·A UNClASSIFlEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Criminal Ent~rprise Criminal
SER8 and Response Investigative
2004/0U20 Private Branch Exchange Procurement 261G·HQ·C1419027·F SECRET EC Corporate Finance Procurement Acquisition Cycle Anance DMslon
Pcllcy SER4
2004/02/12 COnsolidated Priority Organization 66F·HQ·A1195574 UNClASSlFlffi/lFOUO EC COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Criminal Enterprise Criminal
Target Ust (ooT) Target Ust SER 266 and Response Investigative
2004/02/05 carriage of Weapons In Federal 66P-HQ·A1246974-A SENSmvESUT EC Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Administrative Criminal
Judldal Fadlltles SER 618 UNClASSIFIED and Response Investigative
2004/02/03 Administrative law Unit 66F-HQ-1201415 SER UNClASSIFlEDI/FOUO EC COrpolOte Legal bfficeofthe
ColTe5pondence Reminder: Electronic 281 General Counsel
Rulema~ng Deadline

2004/02/03 Suspldous Activity Report (SAA) 66F-HQ-U04421- UNClASSIFlED/lFOUO EC COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Financial Crimes Criminal
Disclosure Guldcllnes GUIDANCE SER 14 and Response Investigative
2004/02/01 Vulnerability Assessment Program Vulnerability UNClASSIFlED/lFOUO Other Corporate Security 5ecurity DMslon
Guide Assessment Program
2004/01/23 Invasive Medical Procedures 66F-HQ-A1339948-D SENsmVEBUT EC COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Health Care Criminal
Condocted on COVert Undercover SER 115 UNClASSIAED and Response Investigative
Health care Fraud Division
2004/01/22 Federal NJenct Employee COntacts 62C-HQ·C1184349 UNClASSlFlEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Legal Office of the
with Bush<heney '04; Dissemination SER23 General COunsel
of FBI Ale Information to the White
2004/01/21 Use of the Name 'FBI Otlzens' 66F·HQ·1201415 SER UNClASSlFlEDI/FOUO EC CorpolOte Legal FBI seal, Initials, Name, Office of the
Academy' 275 and Insignia General Counsel
2004/01/16 Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) SPB 197 addressing UNClASSIFIED Other COrporate Security security Di~slon
cover sheet addressing security Policy SF'S6
Board (SPB 1·97),
2004/01/13 Revised Chemlcal·Based Products 66F·HQ·A122566S SENSmvESUT EC ells Facilities and Occupational Safety Criminal Justice
Inventory and Material Safety Data SER 198 UNClASSIFIED Logistics Information
• Sheets Management Services
2004/01/02 Legal Attache Program (LEGAT) S~lIs 66F·HQ·A1448234 UNClASSlFlEDI/FOUO EC COrporate Human Employment Recruitment Application/ International
and Preference ust SER2 Resource and Placement Appointment Actions Operations DIvI~on
2004/01/oi The Attorney General's Guld~lnes for Terrorism Guidance· UNClASSIFIED Other Corporate Operations Office of the
FBI Natlonal5ecunty Investigations Financial, Educational General Counsel
and Foreign Int~llgence COllection and Medical Records
(NSIG) •Anandal, Educational, and
Medical Records
2003/12/31 Revision of Minimum Uncorrected 66F·HQ·A1240026·HC UNClASSlFlEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Human Employment Recruitment Position Requirements Human Resources
Distant Visual Acuity SER 1077 Resource and Placement Division

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2003/12/29 Involvement of Legats In Section 603 66F·HQ·A1418595 SECRET EC Corpolilte Operations Legal Attache (LEGAl) Counterintclilgence
and 811 Matters SER 121 Division
2003/12/16 Notification of Police Killings 66F·HQ·A1246974-A SENSmvEBUT EC Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Violent Crime CrIminal
SER 619 UNrus5lFIED and Response Investigative
2003/12/12 ellS· Official Use of the Law 66F-HQ-A1253177 UNrus5lFIEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Information Operations, Maintenance, CrlmlnalJustlce
Enforcement Online (LEO) Internet SER 257 Technology and Use Information
Local Area Management ServIces
2003/12/12 Revised Policy for Virus Scanning at 66F·HQ-A1253177 ~ENSmvEBUT EC ellS Information Operations, Maintenance, CrIminal Justice
ellS SER 259. UNa.A5S1F1ED Technology and Use Information
Management ServIces

~OO3/12/04 Rnandallnstitutlon Fraud Unit (F1FU) 66F·HQ·U04421· UNa.A5SIFIEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Financial Crimes Criminal
•Fast Track Program GUIDANCE SER 5 and Response Investigative
2003/11/06 Special Opercltions Division (SOD) - 66F·HQ"A1221182 UNctASSIFIEDIlFOUO EC Corporate Operations Criminal Investig~tions Financial Crimes CrIminal
Money Laundering Investigations SER 778 . and Response Investigative
2003/11/05 Business Record Orders 66F-HQ-A1431182 UNrus5lFlEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Operations Information Collection, Processing and Offlceofthe
SER4 Exploitation and Analysis (Exploitation) General Counsel
2003/11/05 Interpretation of O1mlnal Proceedings . 66F-HQ-A1247863 UNClASSlFIED/lFOUO EC Corporate Legal National Security Law FISA Processing and Offlceofthe
In FISA Inclu~on of Grand Jury SER 143 Procedures General Counsel
2003/10/31 The Attorney General's Guldcllnes For MEMO onAGG SECRET Memo Corporate Legal Office of the
FBI National Sectin~ Investigations Guidelines ror FBI NS General Counscl
and Foreign Intelligence Collection Investigations
2003/10/21 CrIminal Ente!prise Investigations 66F·HQ·A1246974-A UNctASSIFlED//FOUO EC Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Violent Crime CrIminal
Proglilm ((EP) Program Priorities SER 582 and Response Investigative
2003/10/20 Regional Counterintclilgence Working 66f.HQ·A1418595 UNrus5lFIEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Operations Information Collection, Processing and Counterintelligence
Groups -Forelgn Counterintclilgence SER 101 Exploitation and Analysis (Exploitation) Division
Proglilm Dissemination
2003/10/17 Distribution and Training for Escape 66·HQ-A1240026·IH SENSmVE BUT, EC Corporate Facilities and Occupational Safety Human Resources
Hood ResplralDrs SER,6 UNClASSIFIED LogistiCS Division
2003/10/08 Dissemination of FBI Rle Information 62C-HQ·C1184349 UNrus5lFlEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Legal Office of the
To the White House SER 22 General Counsel
2003/10/01 Major Theft SUbprogram Guidance lS·HQ·C118616S SER UNa.A5SIFIEDI/FOUO EC Corpolilte Operations Criminal Investigations Criminal Enterprise CrIminal
347 and Response Investigative
2003/09/30 HMRT Funding and Inventory Policy 66F·HQ-122233H SENSmvEBUT EC Corporate Finance Accounting Property Laboratory Division
SER40 UNrus5lFlED
2003/0S/29 Civil Disorder on Indian Reservations 19S·HQ·C12S6308 SENSmvEBUT EC Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Indian Country CrIminal
SER478 UNrus5lFIED and Response InveStigative
2003/09/25 Organized CrIme Drug Enforcement 66foHQ·A1195S74 UNrus5lFlEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Operations Joint Operations Task Forces CrIminal
Task Force (OCOETF) Program SER 241 Investigative
Matters DiVision
2003/09/04 capture and Report llme Utilization 66F·HQ-A1204767·D UNrus5lFIED EC Corporate Finance Finance DMslon
Recordkeeplng (lURK) Data ofTask SER49
Force Officers (TFO)
2003/09/01 FBI email Policy FBI Email Policy UNrus5lFIED//FOUO P~lcy Corporate Information Operations, Maintenance, Email Information
Technology and Use TechnolC9Y Branch
2003/08/20 case Initiation CrIteria and Reporting 66F·HQ-A1246974·G UNrus5lFIEDIlFOUO EC Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Organized Crime CrIminal
Requirements for Organized CrIme SER6S and Response Investigative
Investigations Division
2003/08/04 Information Sharing -FBI External 66F·HQ·A1419048·L UNrus5lFIEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Operations Information Collection, Information Sharing Directorate of
Webs~e Content SER3 Exploitation and (Dissemination) Intelligence

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2003/08/04 ' Interim Fl~d Analyst Promotions GGF·HQ·1307721·B UNClASSIFlEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Human Classification, Promotions Criminal
SER 304 Resource Compensation and Investigative
Management Bonuses Di~slon
2003/07/28 Regional Computer Forensic 66F·HQ·C1368950 UNCl.ASSIFIED EC Corporate Operations Operational
Laboratories (RCfl), cart Mutual SER67 Technology
Assistance ~reements and Division
Cybercrlme Task Forces (CCTF) Policy
2003/07/11 Public Corruption Reporting 66F·HQ·13391S0 SER SENSmvSBlIT EC Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Public Corruption Criminal
R~ulrements 98 UNCl.ASSIFIED and Response Investigative
2003/06/19 Property and equipment Shipped to 66F·HQ·C1189737 UNCl.ASSIFlEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Finance Accounting Property Finance Division
Field Divisions Assel Management SER 1790
2003/06/17 TranSition to Electronic Recordkeeplng 66F·HQ·A1358157· UNOASSIFIEDI/FOUO EC Corporate ,Records Re~ords$torage and Records
•Changes In Bureau Filing Procedures POll SER39 Management Retrieval Management
2003/06 Leave Policy Manual lPM UNCIASSIFlEDI/FOUO Manual Corporate Human Human Resources
Resource Division
2003/05/21 Civil RICO -Assistance to the 183A·NN50246 SER UNOASSIFIEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Organized Crime Criminal
International Brotherhood of 624 and Response Investigative
Teamsters Division
2003/05/21 Claiming Disruptions and 66F·HQ-1396618 SER UNCl.ASSIFIEDI/FOUO EC Corporate ~peratlons CrimInal Investigations Financial Crimes Criminal
DlsmanUement (0&0) In White Collar 107 and Response Investigative
Crime (Wee) Program Investigations Division
2003/05/06 Guidance for Violent Gang 281D-HQ·C1147186 UNClASSIFIEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Violent Crime Criminal
Investigations SER4774 and Response Investigative
2003/05/06 Transportatlon Crimes Subprogram 149·HQ-C1204255 UNCIASSIFIEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Criminal Enterp~jse Criminal
Guidance SER 233 and Response Investigative
2003/05/02 FBI Use ofc:::J 66F-HQ·A1074242 SENSmvEBlIT EC Corporate Operations Information Collection, Collection Operational
SER 143 UNClASSIFIED Exploitation and ' Technology
Dissemination Division
2003/05/01 COC Criticallnddent Manual Volume I CDC CRITICAL UNOASSIFlED Manual Corporate Legal Chief Division Counsel Office of the
INCIDENT MANUAL Program General Couns~
2003/05/01 CDC Criticallnddent Manual Volume CDC CRITICAL UNOASSIFlED Manual Corporate Legal Chief Division Counsel Office of the
II INCIDENT MANUAL Program GeneralCou~
2003/04/23 Criminal Enterprise Investigations 281D·HQ-C1147186 UNOASSIFIEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Violent Crime Criminal
Program -VIQlent atles Initiative SER4772 and Response Investigative
2003/04/23 Expan~on of Ihe .AJternatlve Dispute 280D-HQ-1127798 SENSmVeSlIT EC Corporate Human Equal Employment Office of Equal
Resolution Program SER927 UNOASSIFIED Resource Opportunity Employment
Management Opportunity Affairs
2003/04/23 Prlvate Branch Exchange (PBX) 261G·HQ·C1419027-F SECREl' EC Corporate Finance Procurement Securl~ Division
Inltlative SER3
2003/04/22 Reorganization of the EEO Coun~or 280D-HQ-1127719 SENSmVEBlIT EC Corporate Human Equal Employment Office of Equal
Program SER680 UNOASSIFIED Resource opportunity Employment
Management Opportunity Affairs
2003/04/21 Procedures to R~uest Department of 66F·HQ-A12S5362 UNClASSIFlEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Legal Office of the
Defense Resources to Assist In FBI SER308 General Counsel

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Law Enforcement ActIvities

2003/04/18 Fast Track Security Oearance and 66'HQ-A1240026- UNCLASSlFlEDI/FOUO EC COrporate Security Personnel Security Clearances Human Resources
Sultabllilylnltlatlve APPH SER845 (PERSEC) Division
2003/Q4/10 COunterproliferation ,Matters 66F·HQ·A1418595 Ser SECRET EC COrporate Records Recordkeeplng Investlgativel COunterintclllgence
8 Management Requirements Intelligence Division
Classification Codes
2003/03/17 Processing of SA candidates OVerseas 66·HQ·A1240026· SENSITIVE BUT EC COrporate Human Employment Recruitment Position Requirements Human Resources
APPH SER836 UNClASSIFIED Resource and Placement Di~slon
2003/03/13 establishment of foreign 66F-HQ-A1291549·F SECRETIINOFORN EC COrporate Operations Joint Operations Task Forces COuntertntclllgence
COunterintelligence (0) Task Forces SER84 Division
2003/03/11 La COsta Nostra (LCN) Membership 92A·HQ·1183181 SER SENSmVEBIJ1' EC COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Organized Crime Criminal
Ust 747 UNClASSIFIED and Response Investigative
2003/03/10 Destruction of Flcld FIles and RecOrds 66F-HQ-C1186292 Ser SENSmVEBIJ1' EC COrporate Records Records Disposition and Records
1662 UNClASSIFIED Management Exceptions Management
2003/03/04 Prosecutorlal Guidance Regarding 66F-HQ·1395949 SER SENSmVEBUT EC COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Public Corruption Criminal
Pigford V. Glickman USDA Settlement 110 UNClASSIFIED and Response Investigative

2003/02/26 Immigration and Naturalization Act MEMO IMMIGRATION UNClASSIFIED Memo Corporate Legal Office of the
AND GeneralCOunscl
2003/02/11 COnsensual Monitoring: Attomey 66F·HQ·C1327836 UNClASSIFlEDI/FOUO EC COrporate Legal Criminal Investigation and Office of the
Advice / Department of Justice SER 15 litigation General CO~ns~
Criminal Division Attomey
2003/01/30 Terrorism and National Infant 87·HQ·C1377166 SER UNClASSIFlEDI/FOUO EC COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Criminal Enterprise Criminal
Fonnula Initiative 6 and Response Investigative
2003/01/29 Public COrruption' Govennmental 66F·HQ·13391S0 SER SENSmvEBUT EC COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Public Corruption Criminal
Fraud Unit Reorganization 35 UNClASSIFIED and Response Investigative
2003/01/24 Receipt of Merchandise and Services 66F·HQ·C1189737 UNCtASSlFIEDI/FOUO EC COrporate Finance Accounting Property FInance DMslon
Acquired via Purchase Order FInancial SER 1671
Management System (FMS)
2003/01/24 Transportation Crimes SUbprogram 66·HQ·C1275413SER UNClASSIFlEDI/FOUO EC COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Criminal Enterprise Criminal
Guidance· Interagency Interaction 83 and Response Investigative
with the Transportation Securtty Division
Administration (TSA) and Federal Air
Marshal ServIce (FAMS)
2003/01/22 foreign Language Incentive programi 321E-HQ·A1222316· UNOASSIFIEDI/FOUO EC COrporate Operations Information Collection, Processing and Directorate of
Pdlcles and Procedures Regarding FP SER 13 Exploitation and Analysis (Exploitation) Intelligence
COmpliance, Recommendations and Dissemination
2003/01/21 Automation Matters ells DMsloni Co 242·HQ-A1212144 SENSmVEBUT EC ellS Information Operati9ns, Maintenance, Email Criminal Justice
Mali Policy SER 438 UNClASSIFIED Technology and Use Infonnatlon
Management ServIces
2003/01/02 Investigative and Technical N:t.ess 66F·HQ-l043125 SER SECRET EC COrporate, Operational Science and Technology Investigative Operational
COntrol and Blometrtc Devices for 267 Services Technologv Technology
CARTTeams Division
2002/1~30 Eye Surgery to COrrect Vision (1ASIK) 66·HQ-A1240026-HC SENsmVEBlIF EC COrporate Human Health Services Fit for Dutv Human Resources
SER884 UNClASSIFIED Resource Division
2002/12/19 Automatic Indexing of Serialized 66F·HQ·A1267207 UNClASSIFIEDI/FOUO EC COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Financial Crimes Crtmlnal
Suspldous Activity Reports (SARs) SER88 and Response Investigative
Gu~ance to the FI~d Division
2002/12/16 Revision of Fonn FIH93 Report of 66F-HQ-C1189737 .UNClASSIFIED/IFOUO EC COrporate Finance Accounting Property Finance DMsion
Exit and Separation SER 1658

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2002/1il09 Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) 259-HQ-00 SER 90 UNClASSIFIED EC Corporate Security Securl~ Division
Matters; Law Enforcement Executives
and Elected Offidals Securi~
Oearance Inltlatlve (LEO Inltlative);
Interim Security Oearances and

2002/11115 Use of Recording Devices for 66F-HQ-Al0SS154 UNClASSIFlEDIlFOUO EC Corporate Operations Information Collection, Collection Office of the
Inoomlng calls at FBI Field Offices SER 311 0695 exploitation and GeneralCouns~
2002/11/05 forwarding electronic 66f·HQ·A1222316-TL SENSmvEBUT EC ColpOrate Operations Information Collection, Processing and Directorate of
Communications Across Arachnet SER878 UNClASSIFIED Exploitation and Analysis (Exploitation) Intelligence
2002/11/05 Guidance on New Attorney General 62F-HQ·C1382989 UNClASSIFIEDIlFOUO EC ColpOrate Legal Office of the
Guidelines on Sharing foreign SER4 General Couns~
Intelligence Infonnation Acquired In
almlnal Investigations and R~ated
200Ull/04 Restoration of Forfeited Property to 66F·HQ-A1204744 SENSmVEBUT Memo Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Financial Crimes Office of the
Crime Victims via Restitution In lieu of SER 3571 UNClASSIFIED and Response General Couns~
2002/10/28 Restoration of Forfeited Property 66F·HQ·A1204744 SENSITlVEBUT EC Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Financial Crimes Office of the
SER 3573 UNQJ\SSIFIED and Response GeneralCouns~

2002/10/09 Investigative AsSistant (OA) Typing 66·HQ·A1240026-MP SENSITlVEBUT EC Corporate Human Employment Recruitment Application/ Human Resources
Profidency SER461 UNClASSIFIED Resource and Placement Appointment Actions Division
2002/10/04 Ars Access for Non·FBI JTTF 242·HQ·1139716 SER UNQJ\SSIFIED EC Corporate Security Information Security Information Systems Securi~ Division
Personncl 211 &. Informatron
2002/10/02 Deputation Program -Change In 66F-HQ-A1246974- UNClASSIFlEDIlFOUO EC Corporate Operations Joint Operations Personnel Crtmlnal
Program Manager DEP SER 2241 Investigative
2002/10/01 Organized alme Drug Enforcement 66F·HQ·C1147186 UNQJ\SSIFIEDIlFOUO EC Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Violent Crime almlnal
Task Force (OCDETF) Program SER4384 and Response Investigative
Matters Division
2002/09/18 Intelligence Sharing for Foreign 66F-HQ·A1247863 SENSmVEBlIT EC Corporate Legal National Security law FISA Processing and Office of the
Intelligence and Foreign CI SER 106 UNClASSIFIED Procedures General Couns~
2002/09/15 Test Security Violations -Shipping of 67-HQ-C767247 SER UNClASSIFlEDIlFOUO EC Corporate Human Employment Recruitment Human Resources
Test Materials 2344 Resource and Placement Division
2002/09/06 Program Manager Responsibility for 66F·HQ·C1189737 SENSmVEBUT EC ColpOrate Finance Accounting Property Finance Division
Property Shipped to Fi~d DiviSions SER373 UN~FIED
and Legats
2002/08/23 Firearm and Laptop Computer P~lcy· 66f·HQ·C1196100 UNClASSIFIEDIlFOUO EC ColpOrate Finance Accounting Property Finance Division
Property Management Matter SER 659
2002/08/23 Relteratlng Policy for the 66F·HQ·C1196100 UNClASSlFlEDIlFOUO EC ColpOrate Finance Accounting Property Finance DMslon
safeguarding of Government Property SER 661
Outside of FBI Office Space
2002/08/23 Revision of Fonn FD-281 Receipt for 66F.HQ-C1'196100 UNQJ\SSIFIEDIlFOUO EC Corporate Finance Accounting Property Finance Division
Government Property SER 658
2002/08/09 Dissemination of Suspldous ActMty 66F·HQ·A1267207 UNClASSIFlEDIlFOUO EC Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Financial Crimes almlnal
Report (SAR) Infonnatlon SERS4 and Response Investigative
2002/07/26 Staffing Incentives 66F-HQ-A1240026·PA SENSmVEBUT EC Corporate Human Classification, Bonuses Human Resources
• SER 507 UNClASSIFIED Resource Compensation and Division
Management Bonuses

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2002/07/25 Natlonal Joint Terronsm Task Force 66F-HQ-121SS49-A SENSITIVE BUT EC Corporate Operations joint Operations Task Forces Seattle
(JITF) Correctional Institution/Stolen SER 553 UNClASSIFIED
AIrcraft Coordination Inltlative
2002/07/23 Review of FBI Entitles Reporting 66F-HQ·C1189737 UNOASSIFIEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Finance Accounting Property Anance Division
excessive Loss of Bureau Property SER1472
2002/07/11 CoOOuctfng FBI Investigations ALL SAC MEMO UNClASSIFIED All SAC Memo Corporate Operations Directors Office
2002/07/09 HMRU Program Management Strategy 66F·HQ·C1222332 UNCLA5SlFIEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Operations • Information Collection, Collection Laboratory Division
-establishment of Regions for SSAs SER406 Exploitation and
and Aeld SUppo~ -Training Program Dissemination
2002/06/27 Legal Requirements Concemlng 66F·HQ-A1358157- UNCLA5SlFl8)/IFOUO EC • Corporate Records Recordkeeping Email Records
Creation, Maintenance, and POLl Ser2 Management Requirements Management
DispoSition of Bectronic Mall (E-mail)
2002/06/19 Securitt Requirements for Shipping 2610·HQ·C1188941 SENSmVEBUT EC Corporate Facilities and Logistics and Services Mail Human Resources
Receiving FBI Documents and R~ated SER 894 UNOASSIFIED Logistics Division
Material Within the United SllItes and
Puerto RIco
2002/06/14 RMA FCI Subprogram 66F·HQ-A1418595 SENSmvEBUT EC Corporate Organizational Strategic Management and Resource Use and Counterintelligence
SER12 UNOASSIFI8) Authorities and Resource Allocation Strategic Management Division
2002/06/04 Physical Surv~llance Unit (PSU) 66F·HQ-C1189737 UNClASS1FIEDI/FOUO EC Corpornte Finance Accounting Property Anance DMslon
Property Management Matter SER 1409
2002/05/31 Qualifications for FBI OCCupational 66F-HQ·A1240026- UNClASSIFI8)/IFOUO EC Corporate Facilities and Occupational Safety Human Resources
Safett aoo Health Inspectors In High SAFSER665 Logistics Division
Hazard Environments
2002/05/28 Prtiba~onary Pertod For Initial ALL EMPLOYEE MEMO UNa.ASSIFI8) All Employee Corporate Human Directors Office
Assignment To SUpervisory and PROBATIONARY Memo Resource
Managerlal Po~tions PERIOD FOR INTIAL Management
200~05/10 Delegation of AuthOrity'to Review and 66F-HQ-1204665 SER SENSITIVE BUT EC Corpornte Finance Accounting Representation Funds Finance Division
Approve Represenllltion and CORRE 649 UNOASSIFIED
FuOO expenditures
2002/05/09 Vehlde The~ OVerview and Resource 26-HQ·C1186169 SER UNOASSIFIED/lFOUO EC Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations ,Criminal Enterprise cnmlnal
Manual 398 and Response Investigative
2002/04/16 Forfeiture of Project ~erated 66F-HQ·A1323SB8 SENSmVEBUT EC Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Financial Crimes • cnmlnal
Income (PGI) SER 503 UNOASSIFIED and Response Investigative
2002/04/03 Modification of Grade Determination 321E-HQ-A1222316- UNClASSIFl8)/IFOUO EC Corporate Operations Information Collection, Processing and Criminal
Guidelines for the Language Specialist LS SER 489 Exploitation and Analvsls (Exploitation) Investigative
POSition Dissemination Division
2002/03/22 Asset Forf~ture Program Matters - 66F-HQ·A1323588 UNCLA.?S!FI8)/IFOUO EC Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Financial Crimes Criminal
Undercover OperaUons SER478 and Response Investigative
2002/03/15 Automation Matters ClIS Division; 242-HQ-A1212144 SENSmVEBUT EC ellS Information Criminal Justice
Personal Digital Assistants (PDA) SER368 UNClASSIFIED Technology Infonnatlon
Management 5elv!ces
2002/03/07 National Equipment Register In Heavy 26·HQ-C1186169 SER SENSmVEBUT EC Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Criminal Enterprise cnmlnal
Equipment Theft Investigations 395 UNClASSIFIED and Response Investigative
2002/03/04 Automation Matters ClIS Division; 242-HQ·A1212144 SENSmVEBUT EC ClIS Information Criminal Justice
Policy For Use of Rlmage COOeator SER366 UNClASSIFI8) Technology Information
(Burner) Management 5elv!ces
2002/03 Forfeiture Manual fftmanual6 UNa.ASSIFIED/lFOUO Manual Corporate Legal ForfeitUre Law Office of the
General Counscl
2002/02/28 Computer ScIence/Information 66-HQ·A1240026- SENSmvEBUT EC Corporate Human Employment Recruitment Application! Human Resources
Technology Special ~ent Entry APPRSERS20 UNOASSIFI8) Resource and Placement Appointment Actions DiviSion
Program Management

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2002/02/28 Rclocation Allowances Changes In 66F-HQ-A1204765 SENSmVEBUT EC Corporate Travel Transfers Anance Division
Federal Travcl Regulations SER 189 UNCLASSIFIED
2002/02/28 Student Loan Repayment 66F-HQ·A1240026·PA SENSmvEBUT EC Corporate Human Classincation, Bonuses Human Resources
SER470 UNCLASSIFIED Resource Compensation and Division
Management Bonuses
Development •
2002/02/26 Use of Appropriated Funds To 66F·HQ-120141S·H UNCLASSIFIEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Legal Office of the
Purchase Or Manufacture Retirement SER 124 General Counscl
2002/02/14 Accountable Property Management 66F·HQ·C1189737 SENsmVEBUT EC Corporate Finance Accounting Property Anance Division
2002/01/11 Asset Forfeiture Matter -expansion of 66F·HQ-A1323S88 SENSmVEBUT EC Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Financial Crimes Office of the
Forfeiture Law -USA Patriot 1m of SER364 UNClASSIFIED and Response General Counsel
2001/12/26 Senior Executive Service (5ES) 66F·HQ·A1240026· UNClASSIFIEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Human Senior Executive Service SES/SL Selection Human Resources
Probationary Pertod PARS SER 488 Resource Division
. 2001/12/20 Spending Guidelines for Acld 66F-HQ-C1222332'C SENSmVEBUT EC Corporate Finance Procurement Acquisition Cycle Laboratory Division
2001/12/18 Educational Requirements for SA 66F-HQ·A1240026· SENsmVESUT EC Corporate Human Employment Recruitment Pqsitlon Requirements Human Resources
posltlon APPH SER 561 UNClASSIFIED Resource and Placement Division
2001/11/09 Submission of Evidence of SUspected 66F·HQ-A1265126 SENSmvEBUT EC Corporate Operations Information Collection, Collection Laboratory Division
WMDMatenals SER23 UNCLASSIFIED Exploitation and
2001/10/26 New legislation Revisions To Fa/IT 66F·HQ·A1247863 UNClASSIFIEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Legal Office of the
Legal Authorities Forclgn Intclligence SER 70 General Counsel
Surveillance Act (FISA)
2001/10/12 Cross·Border Consensual Monitoring 66F·HQ·l085157SER UNCLASSIFIEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Legal Office of the
and Related Investigative ActivIW 14 General Counsel
2001/09/19 New Procedures For Documenting 66·HQ·A1240026· UNCLASSIFIED EC Corporate Human Human Resources
Employee Performance While on PARSSER2 Resource Division
Delali Management
2001/08/10 Changes In Standardized Regulations 66F-HQ-A1204751 SENSmVEBUT EC Corporate Travel Transfers Support Personnel Finance DI~slon
•Overseas Allowances and Benefits SER 146 UNCLASSIFIED
2001/08/10 Pclldes and Procedures for Legat 66F·HQ·C1189737 SENSmVEBUT EC Corporate Finance Accounting Property Finance Division
Property· Property Management SER 603 UNCLASSIFIED
2001/07/17 Non·Telegraphlc Consensual 66F-HQ·1339150 SER SENsmVEBUT EC Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Public Corruption Criminal
Monitoring In Public Corruption cases 5 UNClASSIFIED and Response Investigative
2001/07/14 GAO RevieW of Inspector General Law 66F-HQ·ll04420 SER SENSmvEBUT EC Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Public Corruption CrIminal
Enforcement Authority 951 UNCLASSIFIED and Response Investigative
2001/06/29 Procedures for Terminating lltle 18 66F·HQ·A1246974- SENSmVEBUT EC Corporate 'Operations Joint Operations Personnel Criminal
Special Deputation Authority DEP SER 918 UNClASSIFIED Investigative
2001/06/11 Preliminary Inquiry (PI) Matters- 66F-HQ·A1246974-A UNClASSIFIEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Violent Crime Criminal
Unlawful Flight to Avoid Prosecution SER265 and Response Investigative
2001/06/07 Automation Matters CJIS Division; 242·HQ·A1212144 SENsmVEBUT EC CJIS Information Criminal Justice
Intranet Policy SER 254 UNClASSIFIED Technology Information
Management Services

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2001/06/06 Automation Matters eJIS Dlvlsloni

Inactive Accounts
SER 251
EC CJIS Information
Page 44 of 58

Criminal Justice
Management 5ervices
2001/06/04 Automation Matters CJIS DMsloni 242·HQ·A1212144 SENSITIVE BlIT EC CJIS Information Criminal Justice
Demo/Vendor Software SER 250 UNClASSIFIED Technology Information
Management 5ervices
2001/05/16 COMSECMatters 66F·HQ·A1277947 SENSmvEBlIT EC Corporate Finance Accounting Property security Division
2001/04/23 Automation Matters CJIS Division; 242·HQ·A1212144 SENSmvEBlIT EC CJIS Information Criminal Justice
Software/Hardware Purchases SER247 UNClASSIFIED Technology Information
Management 5ervices

2001/04/20 Automation Matters CJIS Division; 242·HQ·A1212144 SENSmVEBlIT EC DIS Records Criminal Justice
Original Software SER244 UNClASSIFIED Management Information
2001/04/19 Hazardous Material Response Teams 66F·HQ·C1222332·D SENsmVEBlIT EC Corporate Operations Information Collection, .Collection Laboratory Division
and Training SER 142 UNClASSIFIED Exploitation and
• Dissemination
2001/04/16 Automation Matters DIS Division; 242·HQ·A1212144 SENSmVEBlIT EC ·CJIS Information Criminal Justice
Demo and Freeware Software SER 246 UNClASSIFIED Technology Information
Management Services
2001/04/10 Special Agent selection System Policy 67·HQ·C767247 SER SENSmvEBlIT EC Corporate Human Employment Recruitment Application/ Human Resources
Changes and Implementation 1961 UNClASSIFIED Resource and Placement Appointment Actions Division
2001/03/14 Propelty Management Application on 66F·HQ·C1189737 SENSmvEBlIT EC Corporate Finance Accounting Property Finance DMslon
• Order Report SER511 UNCLASSIFIED
2001/02/27 DIS· Computer Security Incident 66p·HQ·C1327302 SENSmVEBlIT EC Corporate Operational Criminallustice Criminal Justice
Response capability (CSIRC) SERiO UNCI.A.SSlFIED Services Information Services Information
(CJIS) 5ervices
2000/12/11 Configuration management aoo 242·HQ·Cl05480S SENSmVEBlIT EC DIS Operational Criminal Justice Criminal Justice
backup and restore procedures for SER 738 UNClASSIFIED Services Information Services Information
continuation of services for the DIS (CJIS) 5ervices
2000/11/17 educational Requirements for SA 66p·HQ·A1240026· SENSmvEBlIT EC Corporate Human Employment Recruitment Position Requirements Human Resources
position APPH SER454 UNClASSIFIED Resource and Placement Division
2000/11/01 Redelegation oflide III Wiretap 66F·HQ·U97936· SENSmVEBlIT EC Corporate Organizational Authorities and Delegated Authorities Criminal
Authority MCSU ADM SER 38 UNClASSIFIED Authorities and .Responsibilities Investigative
Oversight Division
2000/10/18 Criminal Justice Information SeIvices 66F·HQ·A1250S3S SENSmVEBlIT EC Corporate Operational Criminal Justice Criminal Justice
Division· Information Technology SER 126 UNClASSIFIED Services Information Services Information
Management SectIon Matters (CJIS) Services
2000/10/10 National Crime Information center· 66F·HQ·A1206658 SENSmVEBlIT EC Corporate Operational Criminal Justice Criminal Justice
Local Area Network SER·662 UNClASSIFIED Services Information Services Information
(015) Services
2000/09/22 New Appointees must Bear the 6GF·HQ·A1204818 SENsmVEBlIT EC Corporate Travel Transfers Agent Finance Division
Expense of Reporting to their First SER 271 UNClASSIFIED
2000/05/25 Automation Matters DIS Division; 242·HQ·A1212144 SENSmVEBlIT EC DIS Information Criminal Justlce
Password Changes For User Accounts SER 196 UNClASSIFIED Technology Information
on the Datamaxx Local Area Network Management 5ervices
2000/05/04 Suspected Unapproved AIrcraft Parts 66F·HQ·1io4420 SER SENSmvEBUT EC Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Public Corruption Criminal
Investigations 569 UNCLASSIFIED and RespDnse Investigative
2000/03/01 Invoice Processing' Purchase Orders 66F·HQ·A1204691 SENSmVEBlIT EC Corporate Finance Procurement Finance Division
and Contracts SER 1 UNClASSIFIED
2000/02/29 High Intensity Anandal Crimes Areas 272·HQ·C1158008 SENSITIVE BlIT EC •Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Financial Crimes Criminal
(HIfeb.) SER 192 UNClASSIFIED and Response Investigative

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_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _I

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2000/02/11 Acquisition, Transfer and Disposal of 66F·HQ·C1189737 SENS111VE BlIT EC Corporate Facilities and Logistics and Services Fleet Management and Anance DMslon
BureauAlrcra~ SER 343 UNCLASSIFIED Logistics Transportation
2000/01/28 litle 18 Deputation R&:juest Change 66F-HQ·A1246974·S SENSmVEBlIT EC Corporate Operations Joint Operations Personnel Crfmlnal
andlitle21 Deputation SER 117 UNOASSIFIED Investigative
2000/01/25 Criminal Justice Information SelVices 66F·HQ-A1253177 sENsmveBlIT EC Corporate Operational Crimlnal3ustlce CrfmlnalJustice
Division· Computer Secun~ Incident SER lOS UNCI.A5SIFIED Services Information Services Infonnatlon
Response capab"l~ (CJIS) SeI'I1ces

2000/01/06 FBI National Recrulbnent Team (NRT) 66·HQ·A1240026· SENSmVESlIT EC Corporate Human Employment Recruitment Recruitment Human Resources
APPRSER 153 UNOASSIFIED Resource and Placement Division
2000/01/01 SO/SOF Emergeocy Procedures SCIF Emergency UNClASSIFIED Guidelines Corporate Security Facilities and
Procedures logistics Services
1999/10/01 Hazardous Device Schoo (HDS) 66·HQ-A1240026·HC SENSmVESlIT EC Corporate Human Employment Recruitment Position Requirements Human Resources
PhyslcalStandaros SER 176 UNClASSIFIED Resource and Placement Division
1999/09/16 Re:Refined Motor 011 Use Initiative 66F·HQ·A1204665 SENSmVESlIT EC Corporate Facilities and Logistics and Services Fleet Management and Finance DMslon
SER 172 UNClASSIFIED LogistiCS Transportation
1999/07/06 Bureau Applicant Matters, Speclal~ 66F·HQ-A1240026· UNOASSIFIEDI/FOUO EC Corporate Human . Employment Recruitment Human Resources
and General Suppo~ Hiring APPH SER244 Resource and Placement Division
1999/06/18' Change In Disposal Condition Codes 6GF·HQ·C1189~37 SENSmVEBUT EC Corporate Finance Accounting Property Finance DMslon
when Declaring Property Excess on SER 204 UNClASSIFIED '
the Pro~ Manag~ment Application
1999/04/19 Department of Justice Proposed 66F·HQ·l085160 SER UNClASSIFlEDllFOUO EC Corporate Legal Office of the
Formal Interim Rules Implementing 39 General Counsel
Title 28 U,S,c. Section 530B, Ethical
Standards For Attorneys For the
1999/02/03 Presldentlallnltlative on PrtvaC)' and 66F·HQ·1201415-I sENsmveBlIT EC Corporate Legal Privacy and Civil, liberties Protection of DlrectorsOfflce
Personal Infonnatlon In Federal SER24 UNCI.A5SIFlED Personally Identifiable
Records Information '
1999/01/11 Hazmat Flcld Operations Training and 66F·HQ·C1222332 SENsmVEBUT EC Corporate Operations Information Collection, Collection Laboratory Division
Equipment SER83 UNct:ASSlFlED Exploitation and
1998/05/29 FBI Personal Protective Oothlng and 66wHq·A1240026·SAF SENSmVEBlIT EC Corporate FacUities and Occupational Safety Human Resources
Equipment (PPC&E) program SER 1 UNClASSIFIED Logistics Division
1998/04/14 Special Agent Selection System 67·HQ·C767247 SER SENSmVEBUT EC Corporate Human Employment Recruitment Position Requirements Human Resources
(StISS) Accounting Test Result Letters 1113 UNOASSIFIED Resource and Placement Division
and PoIIC)' Management
1998/03/05 Changes In Charge I~out of Issued 66F·HQ·A1204665 SENSmVEBlIT EC Corporate Finance Accounting Property Finance DMslon
Personal Prop~ on BPMS Issued SER29 UNOASSIFIED
IPPS Property Management Matter
1997/12/05 Administrative Use of Internet and 66-HQ·A1196196 SER UNa.ASSiFlEDllFOUO EC Corporate Information Operations, Maintenance, Support Services Information
Email Policy and Guldcllnes 61 Technology and Use Technology Branch
1997/04/30 SPEOAI. AGENT SELECTION SfSTEM 67-HQ-C767247 SER SENSmVEBUT EC Corporate Human Employment Recruitment Position Requirements Human Resources
(SASS) Certlfled Test Administrators 861 UNa.ASSIFIED Resource and Placement Division
(erAs) Management
1996/12/18 Phase" Testing Within the Special 67·HQ·C767247 SER SENSmvSBlIT EC Corporate HUman Employment Recruitment Position Requirements Human Resources
Agent Selection System (StISS) 801 UNCLASSIFIED Resource and Placement Division

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1996/12/18 Test Material Destruction Polley (Part 66F·HQ·Cll09368 SENsmVEBUT EC CoipOrate Human Employment Recruitment Position Requirements Facilities and
1) SER24 UNClASSIFIED Resource and Placement logistics Se!vlces
Management DI~slon
1996/12/18 Test Material Destructfon Polley (Part 67·HQ·C767247 SER SENSmvEBUT EC ColP,Orate HUman Employment Recruitment Position Requirements Facilities and
2) 768 UNOASSIFIED Resource and Placement logistics Se!vlces
Management Division
1995/07/19 Collection Arst Amendment Rights Alrtel for Collection UNClASSIFIED A1rte1 Corporate Legal Directors Office
Infonnatlon First Amendment
Rights Information
1989/07/17 Legal Instructions on Arst Airtel for First UNClASSIFIED A1rtel CoipOrate Legal Directors Office
Amendment ActMtles Encountered Amendment Activities
Duong FBI Investigations Encountered in FBI
1988/09/22 Legal Attache Manual lam SECRET Manual CoipOrate Operations Legal,Attache (LEGAT) International
Operations Division
1973/03/01 Investigative Guldcllnes lltle XI, Investigative UNClASSIFIED Guidelines CoipOrate Operations
Organized CrIme Control Act of 1970: Guidelines Organized
Regulation of Explo~ves Crime Control Act
test policy test policy
test policy
ActIVitles and Standards of Conduct MAOPP1SectionOl Undasslfied MAO? Corporate Human Ethics and Personnel Standards of Conduct
Resource Conduct
Acts of Economic espionage miogpls285 MIOG Corporate Operations National Security International
Economic Crimes
Acts of Terrorism •Domestic miogpls266 MIOG Corporate Operations National Security Domestic Terrorism
Administrative Il'k1ulrles, Et AI miogp1s062 MIOG Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations
and Response
Admlral~Matter mlogpls131 MIOG CoipOrate Operations Criminal Investigations
and Response
Admlsslblll~ of Evidence In CrIminal miogp2s003 MIOG CoipOrate legal Criminal Investigation and
cases Litigation
Adoptive forfeiture Matters • miogpls276 MIOG CoipOrate Legal Forfeiture Law
Adoptive Forfeiture Matters • mlogpls277 MIOG Corporate Legal Forfeiture Law
Adoptive Forfeiture Matters' Drugs miogpls273 MIOG Corporate Legal Forfeiture Law
Adoptive Forfclture Matters • miogpls274 MIOG Corporate Legal Forfeiture Law
Organized CrIme
Adoptive Forfeiture Matters· White miogpls27S MIOG CoipOrate Legal Forfeiture Law
Collar CrIme
Allen Terrorist Removal Court miogpls290 MIOG CoipOrate Operations National Security
Animal Enterprise Protection (AEP) miogpls291 MIOG CoipOrate Operations National Security Domestic Terrorism
AntlrtotLaws mlogpls176 MIOG ,Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations
and Response

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Antitrust miogpls060 MICG Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations financial Crimes

and Response
Appeals and Grievances MAOPP1Section14 Undassified MAOP Corporate Human Ethics and Personnel
Resource Conduct
Apperd~ A: Federal Statutes nfipmapA SECRET NFIPM Corporate Operations
Apperdlx B: ExecutJve Orders nfipmapB SECRET NFIPM Corporate Operations
Apperd~ C: National Secunty nflpmapC SECRET NFIPM Corporate Operations
Appendix D: Presidential DecIsion nfipmapO SECREr NFIPM Corporate Operations
Appendix E: Attomey General nfipmapE SECRET \. NFIPM Corporate Operations
Guidelines/ Procedures and
Apperd~ F: Memoranda of nflpmapF SECRET NFIPM Corporate Operations
Understanding with the central
Intelligence Agency
Appendix G: Memoranda of nfipmapG SECRET NFIPM Corporate Operations
Understanding with the Defense
Apperd~ H: Memoranda of nfipmapH SECRET NFIPM Corporate Operations
Understanding with the Department
Appendix I: Joint Federal Bureau of nfipmapI SECRET NFIPM Corporate Operations
Investigation/ Department of Energy
and Department of Defense
Agreement for Response to
Improvised Nuclear Device
Appendix J: Memorandum of nflpmapJ SECRET NFlPM Corporate Operations
Understanding Between the Federal
Bureau of Investigation ~nd the
Nuclear Regulatory commission
Regarding NudearT11reat Inddents
InvoMng Ucensed NRC Fadllties/
Appendix K: Memorandum of nfipmapK SECRET NFIPM Corpora~ Operations
Understanding Between the Federal
Bureau of Investigation and the
Department of State Bureau of
Diplomatic Secun~ on
Appendix L: Memorandum of nfipmapL smr NFlPM Corporate Operations
Understanding with the central
Intelligence Agency/Department of
Defense/ and Department of
Append~ M: Memoranda of nflpmapM' smr NFlPM COrporate Operations
Understanding with the Department
of Transportatlon
Apperdlx N: Memoranda of nfipmapN SECRET NFlPM Corporate Operations
Understanding with the Department
of the Treasury
Appendix 0: Visas nfipmapO SECRET NFlPM , Corporate Operations
Appendix P: Intemational nfipmapP SECRET NFIPM Corporate Operations
Apperdlx Q: Forms nfipmapQ SECRET NFIPM Corporate Operations
Apperd~ R: Selected Director of nflpmapR smr NFIPM Corporate Operations
centrallnt~llgence Directives

Apperdlx S: USA Patriot Act nfipmapS SECRET NFlPM Corporate Operations

Apperdlx U: emigre' Joint Working nfipmapU SECRET NFIPM Corporate Operations
Group Standard Operating Procedures

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Arms Control Trea~ Matters miogpls271 MIOG Corporate Operations National ~ecurity
Ascertaining Anandal Ablll~ mlogpls093 MIOG Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Administrative
and Response
AsSaultlng, KIlling or Attemptlng To mlogpls089 UNa.ASSlFlED MIOG Corporate Operations
Atomic Energy N:.t. of 1954 miogp1s117 UNOASSIFIED MIOG COrporate Operations National Sec~rity Weapons of Mass
Automobile Information Disclosure Act mlogpls1S3 MIOG COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Criminal Enterprise
and Response
Background Investigations mlogpls073 MIOG Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations
and Response
Background Investigations (BIS) miogpls077 MIOG COrporate Security Personnel Security
Corxlucted (PERSEC)
Background Investigations (BIS) miogp2s017 MIOG Corporate Security Personnel Security
Corxlucted (PERSEC)
Background Investigations Conducte:l mlogpls116 MIOG COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Administrative
and Response
Bank Robbery, Bank Burglary, Bank mlogpls091 MlOO Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Financial Crimes
Larceny/Bank and Response
Bankruptcy Fraud mlogpls049 UNOASSIFIED MIOG COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Government-related
and Response Investigations
Bil s of lading Act mlogpls071 MIOG Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Criminal Enterprise
and Response
Bloterrorlsm Risk Assessment Matters miogpls322 UNa.ASSlFlED MIOO COrporate Operations
Bombing Matters mlogpls174 MIOG COrporate Operations Criminal,Investigations CIRG
and Response
Bond Default mlogpls115 MIOG Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Administrative
and Response
Bondsmen and Sureties miogpls075 MIOG Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Government-related
and Response Investigations
Bureau Applicant Matters; mlogpls067 UNOASSIFIED MIOG Corporate' Human Employment Recruitment Application!
Resource and Placement Appointment Actions
Ovll Actions· Oalms Against the mlogpls197 MIOG COrporate Legal Civil L,itigaUon
Ovil Rights Act of 1964 miogpls173 MlOO Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Civil Rights
and Response
OVii Rights of Institutionalized mlogpls214 UNa.ASSlFIEDllFOUO MIOG Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Civil Rights
Persons Act and Response
'OvllUnrest mlogpls1S7 MIOG COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Government-related
and Response Investigations
OalmsCourt mlogpls083 MIOG COrporate Legal Civil Litigation Tort Claims Processing
Compensation MAOPP1Sectlon08 Undasslfie:l MAO? Corporate Human Classification, '
Resource Compensation and
Management Bonuses
COmputer Fraud and Abuse mlogp1s264 UNa.ASSlFlED MIOG Corpora~ Operations Criminal Investigations Cyber Crimes
and Response
Computer Intrusion· Oimlnal (288A) mlogpls288 UNa.ASSlFlED MIOG Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Cyber Crimes
and Response
COnfidentlallnformants mlogpls137 MIOG Corporate Operations Information Collection, Collection
Exploitation and
Consumer ere:lit Protection Act inlogplS181 MIOG • Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Financial Crimes
and Response

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Contempt of Court miogpls069 MIOO Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Government-related

and Response Investigations
Controlled Substance -Robbelyi mlogpls251 MIOO Corporate Operations Criminal InvestIgations
Controlled and Response
COOperative Witness miogpls270 MIOO Corporate Operations Information Collection, Collection
Exploitation and
COpyrtghtMatter miogpls028 MIOO COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Cvber Crimes
and Response
COrporate Fraud mlogp1s318 UNCLASSIFIED MIOG Corporate 'Operations Criminal Investigations Financial Crimes-
and Response
COrruptlon of Federal Public Offidals miogpls058 MlOO Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Public Corruption
and Response
COrruption of State and local Public, miogpls194 MIOG Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Public Corruption
Officials and Response
Counterf~ting miogplsOSS MIOO COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Government-related
and Response Investigations
COunterterrorism (Cr) Preparedness mlogpls300 UNCLASSIFIED MIOG Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations CIRG
and Response
COurt ~pearance and Testimony of mlogp2s006 MIOO COrporate Legal Criminal Investigation and
Agents Litigation
Credit andlOr Debit card Frauds mlogpls258 UNCLASSIFIED MIOO COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations
and Response
Crime Aboard /lJrcraft miogpls164 MIOO Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations
and Response
Crime Resistance mlogpls188 MlOO COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Viblent Crime
and Response
Crimes In Indian Country, Et AI; mlogpls198 UNCLASSIFIED MIOO COrporate Operations Criminal Investlgation~ Indian Country
and Response
Crimes on G::lvemment Reservations mlogpls070 MIOO COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Government-related
and Response Investigations
Crimes on the High seas miogpls04S MIOO COrporate Operations Criminal Investigatlohs Violent Crime
and Response
Cri~s Management Program miogp2s030 UNCLASSIFIED MIOO COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations CIRG
and Response
CUstoms Laws and Smuggling miogplsOS4 MlOO COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Government-related
and Response Investigations
Deputation Program mlogp2s031 MIOG Corporate Operations Joint Operations Personnel
DestnJction of /lJrcraft Or Motor miogpls149 MlOO Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Criminal Enterprise
Vehldes and Response
DestnJction of Energy Fadlities (DEF) mlogpls254 UNCLASSIFIED MIOO COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Government-related
and Response Investigations
DestnJction of Interstate Property mlogpls167 ,MIOG Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Criminal Enterprise
and Response
DlsclpllnalY,Matters MAOPP1Sectlon13 Undasslfied MAO? COrporate Human Ethics and Personnel
Resource Conduct
Dissemination of Information MAOPP2Sectlon09 Undassified MAO? COrporate Operations Information Collection, Information Sharing
Exploitation and (Dissemination)
Drug Demand Reduction mlogpls012 MIOG Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Criminal Enterprise
and Response
Drug-Related Homldde mlogpls267 MIOG COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations
and Response
Economic COunterintelligence miogpls284 MIOG Corporate Operations National Security Counterintelligence

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E1ectlonLaws miogpls05G MIOG Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Government-related

and Response Investigations
Employee Oalms for Loss or Damage MAOPP1Section19 Undasslfied MAOP Corporate Human
to personal Property Resource
Employee Indoctrination Procedures MAOPP1Section02 Undasslfied MAOP . Corporate Human Employment Recruitment Applicatlonl
Resource and Placement Appointment Actions
Employee Retirement Income Security miogpls156 MIOG Corporate Operations CriminalI~vestlgations Government-related
Act and Response Investigations
environmental Crimes mlogpls249 MIOG Corporate Operations Criminal Investigatio~s Administrative
and Response
Equal Credit Opportunity kJ'. miogpls189 MIOG Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Civil Rights
and Response
Equal Employment Oppo~unlty miogpls280 MIOG Corporate Human Equal Employment
Matters Resource Opportunity
Equal Employment MAOPP1Section04 Undassified MAOP Corporate Human Equal Employment
Opportunity/Upward Mobility Resource Opportunity
Escaped Federal Prisoners, mlogpls076 UNQASSlFl;D MIOG Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Government·related
and Response Investigations
Ethics In Government kJ'. of 1978 mlogpls211 MIOG Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Government-related
and Response Investigations
Evidence Response Team miogpls308 MIOG Corporate Operations Information Collection, Collection
Exploitation and
Extortion miogpls009 MIOG Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Violent Crime
and Response
Extortionate Credit Transactions mlogpls179 MIOG Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Violent Crime
and Response
False Entrles In Records Of Interstate miogpls141 MIOG Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Criminal Enterprise
carriers and Response
False Identity Matter mlogpls191 MIOG Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations
and Response
FBI Automated Data Processing and miogp2s035 UNCLASSIFIED MIOG COrporate Security Information Assurance
Tclecommunlcatlons (ADPT) secunty Program
FBI Logo File FBI Logo COrporate Legal FBI Seal, Initials, Name,
and Insignia
FBI National Academy miogpls001 UNQASSlFlEDI/FOUO MIOG Corporate Human Training and Workforce Internal Training Training DMslon
Resource Development
Federal Criminal Law miogp2s001 MIOG COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations
and Response
Federal Regulation of lobbying Act mlogpls119 MIOG COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Government-related
and Response Investigations
Federal Retirement Systems MAOPP1Section18 Undassified MAO? Corporate Human Employee Programs and Retirement!
Resource Services • Separatlonl
Management Resignation

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Federal Revenue Sharing mlogpls204 MI0:3 COrporate Operations National Security Counterintelligence
Federal Rules of CrIminal Procedure mlogp2s002 MI0:3 COrpolOte Legal Criminal Investigation and
Federal Tort aalms Act nllogpls120 MI0:3 COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Government-related
and Response Investigations
Federal TlOln Wr/rl Statute miogpls160 MI0:3 COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Government·related
and Response Investigations
FI~d Intelligence ProglOm mlogpls319 Ml0:3 COrporate Operations National Security
Fr~d Office Operations MAOPP2Sectlon02 UNClASSlFlEDI/FOUO MAOP COrpolOte Records
Anandal Institution Fraud miogpls029 UNClASSIFIED Ml0:3 COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Financial Crimes
and Response
Flngerpnnt Identification miogp2s014 MI0:3 COrporate Operational Criminal Justice
Services Information Services
, '
Flreanns mlogp2s012 Ml0:3 COrporate Human Training and Workforce Internal Training
Resource Development
FlreannsActs mlogpls004 MI0:3 COrpolOte Operations Criminal Investigations Labor Investigations
and Response
Focd and Drugs miogpls021 MI0:3 COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Government-related
and Response Investigations
For~gn COrrupt Practices Act of 1977 mlogpls205 MIOO Corporate Operations
Fore/gn COunterintelllgeoce miogpls10S MI0:3 CorpolOte Operations Criminal Investigations Financial Crimes
and Response
foreign Counterintelligence· miogpls212 Ml0:3 Corporate Operations National Security Counterintelligence
Intelligence COmmunl~
Fore/gn Counterintelligence miogpls200 MI0:3 COrpolOte Operations National Security • Counterintelligence
foreign Counterintelligence mlogpls201 MI0:3 COrporate Operations National Security Counterintelligence
foreign Counterintelligence miogpls202 MIOO COrporate Operations National Security counterintelligence
foreign Counterintelligence miogpls203 MI0:3 COrpolOte Operations National Security Counterintelligence
foreign Counterintelligence mlogpls220 MI0:3 COrporate Operations Nat/onal Security Counterintelligence
foreign Counterintelligence miogpls221 MI0:3 COrporate Operations National Security Counterintelligence
foreign COunterintelligence miogpls222 MI0:3 COrporate Operations National Security Counterintelligence
foreign COunterintelligence miogpls223 MI0:3 Corporate Operations National Security Counterintelligence
Foreign Counterintelligence nl1ogp1s225 MI0:3 Corporate Operations National Security Counterintelligence
For~gn Counterintelligence mlogpls226 MI0:3 COrporate Operations National Security Counterintelligence
Foreign Counterintelligence mlogpls227 MI0:3 COrporate Operations National Security Counterintelligence
For~gn COunterintelligence mlogp1s283 Ml0:3 COrporate Operations National Security, Counterintelligence
For~gn economic MattelS mlogpls110 Ml0:3 COrporate Operations National Security Counterintelligence
foreign Emergency SUp(Xlrt Team mlogpls293 Ml0:3 COrpolOte Operations Legal Attache (LEGAT)

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foreign Funds miogpls112 MIOG COrporate Operations National Security counterlntellige~ce

Foreign La."guage Program MAOPP1Section22 Undassifled MAOP COrporate Op,erations Inform~tion Collection, Processing and
Exploitation and Analysis (Exploitation)
Foreign Military and Naval Matters miogpls113 MIOG COrporate Operations National Security Counterint~lIigence

Foreign Police COOperation miogplG163 UNa.ASSIFIED MIOG COrporate Operations Information Collection, Information Sharing
Exploitation and (Dissemination)
Foreign Political Matters mlogpls109 MIOG COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Criminal Enterprise
and Response '
Foreign SOCial COnditions mlogp1s111 MIOG COrporate Operations National Security Counterintelligence
Fraud Against tile Government, Et AI" miogpls046 MIOG COrporate Operations Criminal Inv~stigations Government-related
and Response Investigations
Fraud and Related Activity In miogpls253 UNa.ASSIFIED MIOG COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations
COnnection With and Response
Freedom of k.Cess to Olnlc Entrances miogpls286 UNClASSlFlEOI/FOUO MIOG COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Civil Rights
(FACE) Pct of 1994 and Response
Freedom of Information-Privacy tc.s mlogpls190 UNa.ASSIFIED MIOG COrporate Operations Information Collection, Information Sharing
(FOIPA) Exploitation and (Dissemination)
Fugitive· General mlogp2s021 UNa.ASSIFJED e MIOG COrporate Operations Information Collection,
Exploitation and
Fugitive Deserters miogpls042 MIOG COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Violent Crime
and Response
Glossary nfipmMgloss SECRET NFlPM COrporate Operations
Government Property· Theft, miogpls052 MIOG COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Government-related
Robbery, and Response Ihvestigations
Health care Fraud mlogpls209 UNa.ASSIFlED MIOG COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Health Care
and Response
Hobbs Pct -COmmercial Institutions; miogpls192 MIOG COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Government-related
and Response Investigations
Hobbs Pct •Labor Related mlogpls195 MIOG COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Labor Investigations
and Response
Hostage Rescue Team (HRT) miogpls244 MIOG COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations CIRG
and Response
Hostage TaWng mlo'gp1s256 MIOO COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Violent Crime
and Response
Human Rights Offenses mlogpls309 MlOO COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations
and Response
Illegal Gambling Business miogplS182 UNa.ASSlFIED MIOG COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Gaming/Gambling
and Response
Illegal Use of Government mlogpls078 MlOO COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Government-related
Transportation Requests and Response Investigations
Illegal Weanng of Uniform Or miogpls043 MIOG COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations
Decorations, Et AI,; and Respo~se
Impersonation and Related statutes miogpls047 MIOG COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Violent Crime
and Response
InoomeTax mlogplsOO5 MIOG COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Financial Crimes
and Response
INFRAGMD miogpls314 MIOG COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Cyber Crimes
and Response
InJunesandDlsabllltles MAOPP1Sectibn15 Undassified MAOP COrporate Human
. ~ Devdopment

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Innocent Images National Initiative miogpls305 UNOASSIFIED MIOO COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Violent Crime
(IINI) and Response
Inspection Matters mlogpls297 MIOO COrporate Organizational Internal Oversight Inspection
Authorities and Requirements
Integrt~ COmmittee Matters mlogpls296 MIOO COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Government-related
and Response Investigations
Intellectual Property Rights mlogpls295 UNOASSIflED MIOO COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Cyber Crimes
and Response
Intelligence Identities Protection Act miogpls243 MIOO COrporate Operations National Security Directorate of
Interception of COmmunications m,logpls139 UNClASSIFIED MIOO COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations
and Response
International Terrorism' COuntty mloQPls199 MIOO COrporate Operations NatIonal Security Counterterrorism
International Terrorism Investigatlons miogpls315 MIOO COrporate Operations National Security
Interstate Gambling Activities miogpls162 MIOO COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Gaming/Gambling
and Re~ponse
Interstate Obscene or Harassing mlogpls178 MIOO COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Wire Fraud
Telephone calls and Response
Interstate Transmission of Wagering miogpls165 MIOO COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Gaming/Gambling
Infonnation and Response
Interstate Transportation In Aid of miogpls166 MIOO COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Criminal Enterprise
Racketeering and Response
Inters~te Transportation of Fireworks mlogpls148 MlOO COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Criminal Enterprise
and Response
Interstate Transportation of Gambling ml.ogpls143 UNClASSIFIED MlOO COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Criminal Enterprise
De~ces and Response
Interstate Transportation of Lotter{ miogpls144 MIOO COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Criminal Enterprise
TIckets and Response
Interstate Transportation of Obscene miogpl5145 UNClASSIFIED MlOO COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations
Matter, and Response
Interstate Transportation of Prison- mlogpls146 MIOO COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Criminal Enterprise
MadeG?ods and Response
Interstate Transportation of Stolen mlogpls103 MIOO COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Financial Crimes
Uvestock and Response
Interstate TransPortation of Stolen mlogpls026 MIOO COrporate Operations Criminal ~nvestigations Criminal Enterprise
Motor and Response
Interstate Transportation of Stolen miogpls087 MIOO COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Criminal Enterprise
Property' and Response
Interstate Transportation of miogplsOO6 MIOO COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Financial Crimes
Stnkebreakers and Response
Interstate Transportation of Unsafe miogpls154 MIOO COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Criminal Enterprise
and Response
Interstate Transportation of Wagering mlogpls168 MlOO COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Criminal Enterprise
and Response
Interviews miogp2s007, M!9G COrporate Operations
Investigative Authon~ and mioginOl MIOO COrporate Organizational Authorities and
Responslblll~ Authorities and Responsibilities
Investigative Authority and MAOPP1SectionOO Unclassified MAO? Corporate Organizational Authorities and
Responsibility Authorities and Responsibilities
Involuntary 5elVitude and SlaVer{ mlogplsOSO UNOASSIFIED MIOO COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Civil Rights
and Response
Irregularitles In Federal Penal miogpl~090 MIOO COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations
, InstlM/ons and Response
Jury Pancl Investigations mlogpls0S1 MlOO COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Government-related

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and Response Investigations

Juveniles and Juvenile Delinquency mlogp2s004 MlOO COrporate Legal Criminal Investigation and
M. Litigation
Kidnapping mlogpls007 MIOO Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Violent Crime
and Response
Labor Management Relations.pa, miogpls122 MlOO COrporate Oper~tlons Criminal Investigations Labor Investigations
1947 and Response
Laboratory Division AJds To miogp2s013 UNa.ASSlFlEDI/FOUO MIOO COrporate Operational Laboratory
Investigations Services
Labor-Management Reporting and miogpls159 MIOO COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Government-related
Disclosure M. Of and Response Investigations
Language services: Manual of Language Services SECREl' Manual OJ Operational Directorate of
Standards for Translation Oass Manual of Standards Services Intelligence
for Translation Class
Latent Flngerpnnt Identification miogp2s015 MIOO COrporate Operational Laboratory
Leave MAOPP1Section09 UNClASSIFIED MAOP COrporate Human Employee Hours and Leave
, Resource
Legal Matters MAOPP2Sectlon04 Undassified MAOP COrporate Legal Chief Division Counsel
Mall Fraud miogpls036 MIOO COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Financial Crimes
and Response
May Act miogpls018 MlOO COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Criminal Enterprise
and Response
Medical Support Operations MAOPP1Section24 Undassified MAOP COrporate Human Health Services
Merit Promotion and Placement Plan MAOPP1Section07 ,Undasslfied MAOP COrporate Human
(MPPP) Resource
MllltalY and Veterans Matters MAOPP1Sectionl0 Undassified MAOP COrporate Human Employment Recruitment Military/Reserve
Resource and Placement Matters
Miscellaneous miogp2s023 MlOO COrporate Legal
Miscellaneous Personnel Matters MAOPP1Sectlon20 UNClASSIFIED MAOP COrporate Human
Miscellaneous Regulations MAOPP2Sectlonl1 Undasslfioo MAOP COrporate Communications
Missing Persons miogpls079 MlOO COrporate Operational Criminal Justice
Services Information Services
Money Laundering miogpls272 UNClASSIFIED MIOO COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Financial Crimes
and Response
Motor Vehlde Operation and MAOPP1Sectlon12 UNClASSIFIED MAOP COrporate FaCilities and Logistics and Services Fleet Management and
AccIdents Logistics Transportation
National Aeronautics and Space N:r. of miogpls155 MlOO COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations
1958 and Response
National Center For the Analysis of miogpls252 UNClASSIFIED MlOO COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations CIRG
Violent and Response

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National Drug Intelligence center miogp2s033 MIOG Corporate Operations Joint Operations
Neutr1lIl~Matters mlogpls002 MIOG Corporate Operations National Security Domestic Terrorism
Obstroctlon of Justice mlogpls072 .MIOG Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Government-related
and Response Investigations
Office of Professional Responsibility miogpls263 MIOG Corporate Human Ethics and Personnel Disciplinary Matters
Matter Resource Conduct
Organized CrIme Drug Enforcement mlogpls24S MIOG Corporate Operations Joint Operations Task Forces
Organized CrIme/Drug Investlgatlons mlogpls281 UNClASSIFIED MIOG Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations
and Response
Overseas Homicide/Attempted miogpls262 MIOG Corporate Qperatlons Legal Attache (LEGAT)
PasspOrt and Visa Matter mlogpls040 MIOG Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations
and Response
Patent Matter mlogpls027 MIOG Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Cyber Crimes
and Response
Performance Appraisals, Recognition MAOPP1SectionOS Undassified MAOP Corporate Human Performance Management
and Awards Resource
PeJjury miogpls074 MIOG Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Government-related
and Response Investigations
Police Killings mlogpls184 MIOG Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Administrative
and Response
Positlon Management Program MAOPP1Section23 Undassifted MAO? Corporate Human Employment Recruitment
Resource and Placement
PosliJl Violations (Except Mail Fraoo) miogpls048 MIOG Corporate Operational Criminal Investiga.tions Government-related
Services and Response Investigations
Presld,entlal and Presentlal Sta« miogpls17S UNClASSIFlED/lFOUO MIOG Corporate Operations Information Collection,
Assassination, Kidnapping and Assault . Exploitation and
(PPSAlV\) Dissemination
Preslden~s Intclilgence OVersight mlogpls278 UNClASSIAEDI/FOUO MIOG Corporate •Organizational External Oversight President's
Board Matters Authorities and Intelligence Oversight
Oversight Board
Privacy k.t. of 1974 •CrIminal mlogpls187 MIOG Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Government-related
and Response Investigations
ProbatlonalY Employee Policy and MAOPP1Section21 Undassified MAOP • Corporate Human Employment Recruitment Probationary Program
Procedures Resource and Placement
Procurement, Payments, and Property MAOPP2Section06 UNClASSIFIED MAOP Corporate Finance Procurement Payments
Production, Coordination and Production UNClASSIFIED Other/SOP 01 Operations Directorate of
Dissemination Standard Operating Coordination and Intelllgeoce
Procedures Dissemination
Standard Operating
Prohibition miogpls023 MIOG Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Criminal Enterprise
and Response
Protection of foreign Offidals and miogpls185 MIOG Corporate Operations National Security
Radal Violence or DIscrimination; mlogpls044 UNClASSIAEDI/FOUO MIOG COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Civil Rights


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and Response
Racketeer Influenced and COrrupt mlogpls183 UNClASSIAED MIOO COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Gaming/Gambling
Organizations and Response
Racketeerfng Enterprise Investlgatioos mlogpls092 UNClASSIFIED MlOO COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Criminal Enterprise
(REt) and Response
Railway Labor M. miogpls125 MIOO ,COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Labor Investigations
and Response
Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act miogpls186 MIOO COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Financial Crimes
of 1974 and Response
Records Available and Investigative mlogp2s010 MIOO COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations
Techniques and Response
Red Cross Act mlogpls010 MIOO COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations
and Response
Resignations MAOPP1Section17 Undassified MAO? COrporate Human Employe~ p,rograms and Retlrement/
Resource Services Separatlon/
Management ReSignation
Resource Management Information MAOPP2Section03 Undassified MAOP COrporate Organizational Strategic Management and
System Authorities and Resource Allocation
Reward Policy mlogp2s032 MIOO COrporate Operations
Sabotage miogpls098 MIOO COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations Government-related
and Response Investigations
Search and SeIZure of Documentary miogp2s028 MIOO COrporate Operations Criminal Investigations
Materials and Response
SectIon 1: Mission Statement, the nfipmsOl SECRET NFlPM COrporate Operations
National Security Ust, Acronym's, and
SectIon 11: Investigations Respecting nfipmsll I SECRET NFIPM COrporate Operations
Section 12: Investigations Respecting nflpms12 SECRET NFlPM COrporate Operations
Section 13: Investigations Respecting nfipms13 SECRET NAPM COrporate Operations
SectIon 14: Investigations Respecting nfipms14 SECRET NAPM Corporate Operations
SectIon 15: Investigations RespectJng nflpmslS SECRET NAPM COrporate Operations
Section 16: Investigations Respecting nfipms16 SECRET NFIPM Corporate Operations
the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
SectIon 18: Issue Threat nfipms18 SECRET NFiPM COrporate Operations
SectIon 19: International Terrorism nflpms19 SECRET NFIPM COrporate Operations National Security Counterterrorism
Section 2: General Investigative and nfipms02 SECRET NFIPM Corporate Operations
Admlnlsbiltlve Activities
Section 20: espionage Investigations nfipms20 SECRET NFIPM COrporate Operations
SectIon 21: Proliferation nfipms21 SECRET NFIPM COrporate Operations National Security Weapons ~f Mass
Investigations Destruction
SectIon 22: EconomiC nfipms22 SECRET NFlPM COrporate Operations National Security Counterintelligence
COunterintelligence and Economic
espionage Investigations
SectIon 23: Threats to the National nfipms23 SECRET NFIPM COrporate Operations National Security
Information Infrastructure •
(TNII .er/a) COmputer Intrusion
(288J and 2888 SubclaSSifications)

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Section 24: Targeting the U.S. nflpms~4 SECRET NFlPM Corporate Operations
Government Investigations
Section 25: Perception Management nfipms25 SECRET NFlPM Corporate Operations
SectIon 26: Foreign Intelligence nfipms26 SECRET NFlPM· Corporate O.peratlons
Actl~tles Investigations

Sectlon 28: Undercover Operations nfipms2B SECRET NFlPM Corporate Operations

Sectlon 29: the HUMINT Control nfipms29 SECRET NFlPM Corporate Operations
SectIon 3: electronic SUIV~llances and nfipms03 SECRET NFlPM Corporate Operations
Section 30: Double Agents and nflpms30 SECRET NFlPM Corporate, Operations
Double Agent Operations
Section 4: the Domain Program and nfipms04 SECRET NFlPM Corporate operations
Certain Statute
Section 5: Country Threat nflpmsOS SECRET NFlPM Corporate Operations
Section 6: Investigations Respecting nfipms06 SECRET NFlPM Corporate Operations
the Rus~an Federation, to Indude
Belarus and Ukraine
Section 7: Investigations Respecting nfipmS07 SECRET NFlPM Corporate Operations
the People's Republic of China and
Section 8: Investigations Respecting nfipmsOS SECRET NFlPM Corporate Operations
Section 9: Investigations Respecting nfipms09 SECRET NFlPM Corporate Operations
the Democratic People's Republic of
Securi~ of Q:)vennment Employee mlogpls140 MIOO Corporate Operations National Socurity
Sedition miogp1s014 MIOO Corporate Operations National Security Counterterrorism
Selective Service A~ miogpls02S MIOO Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Government-related
and Response Investigations
Serial Killings mlogpl~306 MIOO Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations
and Response
ServIces Available to Employees MAOPP1Section16 Unaassified MAOP Corporate Human
Special Agent Olreer Dev~opment MAOPP1Section03 Undasslfied 'MAO? Corporate Human Career Development
Matters Resource
Special Inquiries for White House, miogpls161 MIOO Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Administrative
COngressional and Response
SjX)rtsBribery mlogplsl72 MlOO Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations
and Response
SUpelVlslon •Availability· Resident MAOPP2SectionOl Undasslfied MAOP Corporate Human
Agendes Resource
SUlVell ances miogp2s009 MIOO Corporate Operations Information Collection, Collection
Exploitation and
Switchblade Knife M. miogpls152 MIOO Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Criminal Enterprise
and Response

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Tampering with Consumer Prodlds miogpls2S0 MIOO Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations
and Response
Tax (Other Than Income) mlogpls011 MIOG Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Financial Crimes
and Response
Technical services • miogp2s016 UNCLAS~FlED MIOG Corporate Operational Science and Technology
Techniques and Mechanics of Arrest miogp2s011 MIOG Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations
and Response
TclemarketingFraud; miogpls196 UNCLASSIFIED MIOG Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Wire Fraud
and Response
Terrorism Enterprise Investigations miogpls100 MIOG Corporate Operations National Security Counterterrorism
Tests MAOPP1Seetion06 Undasslfiro MAOP Corporate Human
The Speroy Tnal M. miogp2s00S MIOG Corporate Operations Criminal Investigation and
Theft From Interstate Shipment mlogpls015 MIOG Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Criminal Enterprise
and Response
Training MAOPP2Sectlon08 Undasslfiro MAOP Corporate Human Training and,Workforce
Resource Development
Transfers MAOPP1Sectionll Undasslfiro MAOP Corporate Human Employment Recruitment Internal Placement
Resource and Placement
Treason miogpls061 MIOG Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Government-related
and Response Investigations
Unlfonn Oime Reporting (UCR) mlogpls033 UNCLASSIFIED MIOG Corporate Communications External Communications publications, Official
Program FBI
Unlawful Flight 10 Avoid Prosecution, mlogpls088 UNCLASSIFIED MIOG Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations
and Response
Victim Assistance Program (VAP) miogp2s034 MIOG Corporate Operational Victim Assistance
Voorhis Act (See NFIP Manual, 1-04,) mlogp1s102 MIOG Corporate Operations National Security
Weapons of Mass Destruction mlogpls279 UNa.ASSiFIED MIOG Corporate Operations National Security weapons of Mass
White Collar Oime, mlogp2s020 MIOG Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Financial Crimes
and Response
White Slave Traffic M. mlogpls031 MIOG Corporate Operations Criminal Investigations Violent CrIme
and Response
Witness Securl~ Program mlogp2s027 MIOG Corporate Operational Victim Assistance
Witness Secun~ Program (WSP) mlogpls2S9 MIOG Corporate Operational Victim Assistance
Written Communications MAOPP2Sectionl0 Undasslfiro MAO? ,Corporate Communications

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