Dialogue Ingles 1

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A: Hello! Nice to meet you. What’s your name?

B: Hi. My name is ________. Nice to meet you too. What’s your name?

A: My name is ________. How are you?

B: I’m good, thanks. Tell me where are you from?

A: I’m from Osorno and you?

B: I’m not from Osorno. I’m from Rio Bueno. It’s not a very big city but I like it a lot.

A: What’s your address?

B: It’s 675 Lynch Street and yours?

A: It’s 451 Angulo Street. And what’s your phone number?

B: I don’t have a phone now. Mine is broken but my sister has one. So, I use hers.

A: Ah OK. When do you go to AIEP?

B: I go to classes on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays but I don’t go the other days because
sometimes I have to work or take care of my sister.

A: Well, I always go on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. But if I don’t have classes, I stay at
home or visit a friend. Tell me, what do you study?

B: I study Preschool assistant. What about you?

A: I study social work. But tell me what do you do in your free time?

B: I’m not busy on Saturdays so I usually visit a friend of mine. I’m not a fan of watching TV so I
don’t watch it. I just listen to music or sleep at 9 pm.

A: Do you have a picture of your family?

B: Actually, yes. Here it is.

A: That is a sweet girl. Is it your sister?

B: She’s not my sister. Mine is not in the picture.

A: OK and whose cat is it?

B: It is Ana’s. My sister. The cat is hers.

A: How do you get to AIEP?

B: I always drive my car. I get up early but I don’t have breakfast. I go out at 8 am. And how do you
get there?

A: I just take a bus at 10 am. Hey, what are those?

B: Those are pens. They are strange but cute.

A: Is that your watch? I’s beautiful

B: No, it’s not. That one is my sister’s. This one in my pocket is mine. Oh, I can’t open this…Can you
do it for me, please?

A: Yes, I can. Tell me, can you study at night? I can’t do it. I can’t stay awake for long.

B: Oh it’s difficult for me too but I can do it if I have a coffee. But what I can’t do is stay all night

A: Look at the time. I have to go now. It was really nice talking to you. See you around. Bye.

B: Ok I have to go too. Bye.

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