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Taxonomical profile, distribution and cultivation

Estimation of species number revealed30–160 annual and perennial herbs and shrubs indigenous
to the tropics as well as subtropical areas of Asia, Africa, and Central and SouthAmerica
(Darrah, 1980; Paton et al., 1999).

Different species and forms of Ocimum species vary in growth habit, color, and aromatic
composition,making the true botanical identity of basil difficult. Because of their economical and
medical importance, the most widely cultivated species worldwide are O. africanum Lour. (syn.
O. x citriodorum Vis.), O. americanum L. (syn. O. canum Sims.), O. basilicum L., O. minimum
L., O. gratissimum L., and O. tenuiflorum L. (syn. O. sanctum L.) (Carovic-Stanko et al., 2010).

Ocimum was described in 1753 by Linneaus, who listed five species. According to Paton et al
(1999), Bentham (1832) acknowledged approximately 40 species in Ocimum genus and
clustered them into three sections: Ocimum (Ocymodon Benth.), Gymnocymum Benth, and
Hierocymum Benth.

Based on the calyx morphology, section Ocimum was subdivided byBentham into three
subsections: Ocimum, HiantiaBenth and Gratissima. He also incorporated anovel section,
Hemizgya Benth., which Briquet(1897) regarded as a separate genus due to the fusion of anterior
stamens. Paton (1992), reviewed African species of Ocimum and identified around30 species and
drawed on infra generic classification of Ocimum given by Bentham(1848) in which sect.
Hemizygia and subsect. Hiantia were uninvolved, favoring the second as the distinct genus
Becium (Paton et al., 1999).Pushpangadan (1974; as described in Paton et al.,1999) devised a
separate infra generic classification. Basil taxa was divided into two groups by him: the
Basilicum group, including annual herbs or at times perennials having ellipsoid, black, intensely
mucilaginous seeds with a basic chromosome number x = 12, and the Sanctum group, consisting
of perennial shrubs with brown globose, non-mucilaginous or weakly mucilaginous seeds with a
basic chromosome number of x = 8. As per Pushpangadan’s categorization, the Basilicum group
has only section Ocimum subsection Ocimum. Six major cultivars and varieties that are
frequently found in the market worldwide (var. basilicum cv.Genovese, var. basilicum cv. Sweet
Basil, var.difforme Benth., var. purpurascens Benth., cv.Dark Opal, and var.
thyrsiflorum/L./Benth.) werekept in Basilicum group, section Ocimum (=O.basilicum group) by
Pushpangadan. However, there are numerous issues pertaining to his infra generic classification,
and also not complies with the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature. Elevated levels of
both chemical and morphological inconsistency exist within the genus due to polyploidy, inter
specific hybridization, and the occurrence of chemotypes which do not considerably vary in
morphology(Simon et al., 1990). To get a better overview into inter- and intra specific taxonomy,
an array of various methods based on morphology, geographic origin, karyotype, crossability and
chemical composition have been used (Khosla, 1995;Grayer et al., 1996; Marotti et al., 1996;
Patonand Putievsky, 1996; Ravid et al., 1997; Putievskyet al., 1999; Martins et al., 1999).
Despite theseefforts, taxonomy and phylogenetic relationshipswithin Ocimum genus are still in

Kingdom : Plantae

Subkingdom : Tracheobionta

Superdivision : Spermatophyta

Division : Magnoliophyta

Class : Magnoliopsida

Subclass : Asteridae

Order : Lamiales

Family : Lamiaceae

Genus : Ocimum

Species : O. sanctum

Basil grows to between 30-130 cm tall, with opposite, light green, silky leaves3-11 cm long and
1-6 cm broad. The flowersare small, white in color and are arranged ina terminal spike. Unusual
amongLaminacaea, the four stamens and the pistilare not pushed under the upper lip ofcorolla,
but lie over the inferior lip. Afterentomophilous pollinatioin, the corolla fallsoff and four round
achenes develop insidethe bilabiate calyx.Basil is very sensitive to cold, withbest growth in hot,
dry conditions. Itbehaves as an annual if there is any chanceof a frost. Although basil will grow
bestoutdoors, it can be grown indoor in a potand, like most herbs, will do best on anequator-
facing windowsill. It should be keptaway from extremely cold drafts, and growsbest in strong
sunlight; therefore agreenhouse or row cover is ideal if available.They can, however, be grown
even in abasement, under fluorescent lights.


Thrives well on variety of soils. Rich loam to poor laterite, saline and alkaline to moderately
acidic soils are well suited for its cultivation. Well-drained soil helps better vegetative grown.
Water logged condition can cause root-rot and result in stunted growth. The plant can be grown
under partially shaded conditions but with low oil contents. It flourishes well under fairly high
rainfall and humid conditions. Long days and high temperatures have been found favourable for
plant growth and oil production.Topical and sub-topical climate (at altitudes upto 900m.) is
suited for its cultivation.
T(44): Ocimum gratissimum linn contains 10.38 mg (0.20%) of Eugenol. Ocimum sanctum linn
contains 13.91 mg (0.27%) of Eugenol. Ocimum americanum linn contains 11.57 mg (0.23%) of
Eugenol From 5gm of Extracts. And from the HPLC analysis it was conclude that the.Ocimum
gratissimum linn contains 8.28 mg (0.16%) of Eugenol.Ocimum sanctum linn contains 10.08 mg
(0.20%) of Eugenol. Ocimum canum linn contains 8.5 mg (0.17%) of Eugenol From 5gm of

Harvesting/Post Harvesting Operation

The crop is harvested at full bloom stage. The first harvest is obtained at 90-95 days of planting.
Then it may be harvested every 65-75 days interval. Harvesting is done usually on bright sunny
days for good oil yield and its quality. It is not desirable to harvest the crop if there was a rain in
the previous day.

T (4): Cultivation

a. Basil grows to between 30-130 cm tall, with opposite, light green, silky leaves 3-11 cm long
and 1-6 cm broad. The flowers are small, white in color and are arranged in a terminal spike.
Unusual among Laminacaea , the four stamens and the pistil are not pushed under the upper lip
of corolla, but lie over the inferior lip. After entomophilous pollinatioin, the corolla falls off and
four round achenes develop inside the bilabiate calyx.

b. Basil is very sensitive to cold, with best growth in hot, dry conditions. It behaves as an annual
if there is any chance of a frost. Although basil will grow best outdoors, it can be grown indoor
in a pot and, like most herbs, will do best on an equator-facing windowsill. It should be kept
away from extremely cold drafts, and grows best in strong sunlight; therefore a greenhouse or
row cover is ideal if available. They can, however, be grown even in a basement, under
fluorescent lights.

Ocimum is a genus of about 35 species of aromatic annual and perennial herbs and shrubs. Some
species includes Ocimum basilicum or Thai basil; O. campechianum or Amazonian basil; O.
gratissimum or African Basil; O. tenuiflorum or O. sanctum or Tulsi or Holy Basil; O.
citriodorum or Lemon Basil.

T (28)

Ocimum sanctum L. (Tulsi), Ocimum gratissium (Ram Tulsi), Ocimum canum (Dulal Tulsi),
Ocimum basilicum (BanTulsi), Ocimum kilimandscharicum, Ocimum ammericanum, Ocimum
camphora and Ocimum micranthum

In month of November, Ocimum sanctum L. has been found to yield maximum amount of

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