Excel Three Dimensional Worksheets

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Excel Three Dimensional Worksheets

One of the most helpful applications of using Windows -based spreadsheet programs is
the ability to work with multiple worksheets (pages) or in all three dimensions; length
width and DEPTH. This application is especially helpful when working with large
spreadsheets or things that you want to keep in order by time frame, production run or
other category. The other big advantage of this application is the ability to connect the
worksheets together and can calculate formulas with references to multiple worksheets.
Think of it as using a tablet or notebook in class, when you need more space you just
turn to the next page.

Working with Worksheets

The default for Excel is three worksheets (the tabs appear at the bottom of the screen.)

To add another worksheet(s)

1. Go to the Insert menu
2. Select worksheet
To rename worksheets
1. RIGHT click on the tab
2. Select Rename
3. Type the name using letters and numbers no characters or no spaces

Moving Worksheets

You can move or change the order of the worksheets by left clicking and dragging them.
They are ordered left to right in Excel. It is best to put the worksheets in order before
you start building formulas with multiple worksheet references.

Navigating through Multiple Worksheets

Probably the most difficult part of this whole process is navigating through the
worksheets. The navigation bar is located in the lower left hand corner to the left of the
The navigation is as follows:
 | < go to the first worksheet
 < go back one worksheet
 > go forward one worksheet
 >| go the last worksheet
Format For Three Dimensional Formulas and Functions

The general format is formula/function (‘beginning sheet name:ending

sheet name’! Beginning cell name:ending cell name)

NOTE: there are NO spaces in this process I included them for convenience
only. This also why you do not want spaces in your worksheet names.

If I had 4 worksheets named one through four, and the value of 100 in cell A1 of sheets
one through three and I wanted to total those on sheet four the formula would be:


Function Sheet Range Cell Range

NOTE the placement of the () and : and !

Formatting Multiple Worksheets Simultaneously

Often you want to add information or formatting to multiple worksheets. This can be
done one worksheet at a time, done using copying and pasting or done by selecting the
sheets to format and formatting them all at one.

To format multiple worksheets

1. Select your starting worksheet (does not need to be the first one)
2. Hold down the Ctrl (Control) key on the keyboard
3. Left click on the sheet tabs in the lower left corner for each sheet you want to
4. Do your formatting. All the sheets will be the same
5. To Ungroup the sheets when you are finished RIGHT click on the sheet tab and
Ungroup Sheets.

Viewing Formulas in a Worksheet

Often it is helpful to see all the formulas and data in a worksheet. To see the formulas
hold down the Ctrl `. To reverse and see the data just Ctrl`

The ` key is located on the top row left hand key of the keyboard (next to the number 1)

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