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1 JUNE 2018 – 15 JUNE 2018

SUBMITTED TO: Mr. Rajeshwar Singh

SUBMITTED BY: Yogesh Kumar Mittal

COLLEGE : University Institue of Legal Studies, Chandigarh

YEAR : 2018
Acknowledgment ....................................................................................................................... 2

About State Legal Service Authority, Chandigarh .................................................................... 3

Day 1 (01.06.2018) .................................................................................................................... 4

Morning: ................................................................................................................................ 4

Evening: ................................................................................................................................. 4

Day 2 (02.06.2018) .................................................................................................................... 5

Day 3 (04.06.2018) .................................................................................................................... 6

Morning: ................................................................................................................................ 6

Evening: ................................................................................................................................. 6

Day 4 (05.06.2018) .................................................................................................................... 7

Morning: ................................................................................................................................ 7

Evening: ................................................................................................................................. 7

Day 5 (06.06.2018) .................................................................................................................... 8

Day 6 (07.06.2018) .................................................................................................................... 9

Morning: ................................................................................................................................ 9

Evening: ................................................................................................................................. 9

Day 7 (08.06.2018) .................................................................................................................. 10

Day 8 (09.06.2018) .................................................................................................................. 11

Day 9 (11.06.2018) .................................................................................................................. 12

Morning: .............................................................................................................................. 12

Evening: ............................................................................................................................... 12

Day 10 (12.06.2018) ................................................................................................................ 13

Day 11 (13.06.2018) ................................................................................................................ 14

Day 12 (14.06.2018) ................................................................................................................ 15

Day 13 (15.06.2018) ................................................................................................................ 16

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First of all, I would like to thank God for keeping me in good health all through this internship
programme and getting new experiences of my life. I would like to thank Mr. Mahavir sir and
Mr. V.K.Kapoor for giving us the informative lectures.

I would like to thank Mr. Rajeshwar sir, for accepting our applications of internship and giving
us such immense opportunity to learn a lot of things I would like to show my immense gratitude
towards Mr. Shiv sir and Mr. Vikas Sir, for coordinating our schedule so well, that we never
felt bored.

At the end, I would like to thank my co-interns for their friendly environment.

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About State Legal Service Authority, Chandigarh

There are 29 States and 7 Union Territories. All the States and the Union territories have a
separate Legal Service Authority, constituted as such under the State Legal Services Authority
Act, 1987. Chandigarh, being one of the Union Territory of India, the State Legal Services
Authority (hereinafter referred to as ‘S.L.S.A.’) was constituted under Legal Services
Authorities Act, 1987 which can into force with effect from, 19th January 1998. The aims and
objectives of the Act was to settle the disputes between the parties amicably and expeditiously.
Therefore, Permanent Lok Adalat was established in the District Courts Complex, Chandigarh
on 07.08.1998 which was first of its kind in the country.

The Hon’ble Chief Justice of Punjab and Haryana High Court is the Patron-in-Chief of the
authority and one of the senior judge adhered the post of Executive Chairman of the Authority
as mentioned in the State Legal Services Authority Act, 1987. Presently, Hon’ble Mr. Justice
Krishna Murari, the Chief Justice of Punjab and Haryana High Court is the Patron-in-chief of
the authority. He took over as the Chief Justice of Punjab and Haryana High Court on

Article 14 and 22(1) makes it obligatory for the State to ensure equality before law and a legal
system which promotes justice on a basis of equal opportunity to all. Legal aid strives to ensure
that constitutional pledge is fulfilled in its letter and spirit. Equal justice is made available to
poor and weaker sections of the society.

The State Legal Service Authority, Chandigarh is located in Sector 9, Chandigarh. During the
internship, the day was divided in two halves – Morning and Evening session. Lectures were
usually given in the morning session and visits were kept in the latter session.

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Day 1 (01.06.2018)
The first day was all introduction and orientation. We were asked to report on 9.30 am at the
SLSA office, Chandigarh. Mr. Vikas Sir and Mr. Shiv Sir were present in the room and they
briefed us about how the S.L.S.A. works and what are the activities we all be doing in the
course of 15-day internship. I was very excited to start and so were the other interns. Everyone
introduced themselves one by one. Justice Mr. Mahavir Singh (Addl. District & Session Judge,
Member Secretary, State Legal Services Authority, U.T.) along with his colleagues then told
and thoroughly explained the working of the authority. He briefly told about the NALSA Act,
1987 which governs the SLSAs in all the states and Union territories. Many questions were
asked by the interns and no question was unanswered by Mr. Mahavir Sir. He was so calm that
it never felt like a mentor-student relationship with him. It was a great session and one was
very clear that the main functioning of the SLSA is to provide free legal service and to provide
legal awareness to those who are still in dark. Section 12 of the State Legal Services Authority
Act, 1987 provides who are eligible for free legal aid. After a long hour lecture, we were served
with some dhoklas and pakoras and it summed up our 1st morning session.

After an informative lecture in the morning, we were asked to report in the Juvenile Justice
Board located in Sector 25 on 3.00 pm. Everybody came and we entered the Board with Mr.
Shiv Sir and Mr. Vikas Sir. We were told by the caretakers that how these children come up
under there care. They explained that there were observation homes and special homes.
Observation homes are meant for the temporary reception of any juvenile in conflict with the
law during the pendency of any inquiry against him/her. Special homes are for those who have
been convicted by the Court and he/she is kept for a longer period of rehabilitation. We also
came to know that parents were allowed to meet their children anytime. We were asked to
interact with these children. Firstly, we went to observation home where I interacted one of the
child who just had come 4 days ago. I asked him whether he was comfortable in there and he
negatived it by saying he misses his family. However, children were provided with all the basic
necessities and special care was taken for there overall development. It was saddening to see
these children living without their parents. It was a quality visit of about an hour and it summed
up day 1.

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Day 2 (02.06.2018)

Saturday and Wednesday were reserved for legal aid clinic from 3-5 pm. A group of 5-6 interns
was formulated and all these groups were given the address of the legal aid clinic where they
had to report. Day 2 was Saturday and I, along with other group members, were given ‘Colony
No. 4’ in Panchkula. The main task was to survey the people living in that area regarding the
legal documents like aadhar, voter card etc. and making aware the people of the legal aid they
are entitled to. I had no idea how colony no. 4 looked like. I always thought that Chandigarh is
a well developed area but I was devastated to witness the conditions so miserable in a place
which was so near to Chandigarh and yet so far. People were illiterate and it seemed like they
were far away from modernization. Roads were blemished resulting in many potholes.
Conditions were unsanitary and due to rain the preceding day roads were filled with water
which led to mosquitos being born. I felt sorry for the people living but to my surprise people
living there were imperturbable. It taught me a life lesson that no matter what one must keep
the smile even in the worst phase of the life.

We were told by the PLV (para-legal volunteer) present there Mrs. Rimple Khosla that how to
survey the people and enlightening those people about there constitutional rights. I, along with
the team, went door to door in the colony and told people living there about the significance of
various legal documents and their constitutional rights. There was a woman living who was
facing domestic violence. Our team reached the lady and told her about how she can come to
the clinic and she will be helped pro bono. We surveyed for approximate 1 hour and then
concluded our survey. It was a new experience for me. Many people who were facing problems
like not getting aadhar card or pension yet not received came to the clinic and many of those
persons were helped by the paralegal volunteers present by guiding them in the right direction.
This concluded my Day 2 and yet another day where I learnt a thing or two.

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Day 3 (04.06.2018)

It was Monday and a good reason to explain the drabness among the interns. But I was spirited
from the fact that the visit was in District and Sessions Court, Chandigarh, Sector 43. We were
asked to report at 9.30 am in the conference room in the Court. We were divided into the group
of two. One group was told to be in the conference room where they had a lecture on mediation
process and the other group which included me, was asked to go to the Permanent Lok Adalat.
I was so excited to see the proceedings in the court. The permanent lok adalat was presided
over by. He told us about how expeditiously cases are done away with. It was claimed by
Justice SK Gupta that around 20 cases are disposed on daily basis. He also explained what are
the ‘Public Utility Services’ as given under Section 22(B) of Legal Service Authority Act,
1987. Only cases which falls under this category comes under the purview of Permanent Lok
Adalat. We were shown how proceeding took place and I witnessed 4 cases disposed off in a
matter of 30 minutes. Being a law student, it was quite fascinating to witness such thing.
Around 1 pm, we were asked to have lunch and it concluded the morning session.

After a great morning session, we headed towards ‘Snehalaya’ in Maloya. We visited to
Chandigarh Commission for Protection of Child Rights. It was lecture from Ms. Harjinder
Kaur. She introduced herself and asked the interns to introduce themselves. She told that she
is the Chairperson of C.C.P.C.R. She explained the working and procedure of the institution.
She was so humble and answered every question as asked by the interns. The other two
colleagues of hers then further told what the provisions that protects these children from
harassment are. We were excited to meet these children but due to program organized for the
World Child Labor day it was shifted to next day.

We, then, reported to sector 44-D where the program was organized. Various lectures were
given by the guests present. Mr. Mahavir sir too was present. Everyone, turn by turn, explained
how evil the child labor is as it not only crushes the hopes of a child but subjects them to danger
of exploitation. After an hour long lecture from various guests present, we all gathered outside
to rally in the market to stop child labor. We marched in the market with a banner saying no to
child labor. Then, after the rally concluded, we were served pakoras and gulab jamun. It ended
yet another eventful day.

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Day 4 (05.06.2018)

As it was World Environment Day, we celebrated this day with students from various
government schools in Sector 47-D. It was an atmosphere of amusement and excitement. We
witnessed dramas and dance performances by the young students of the government school.
The students were very eager to learn about the environment and protection of environment.
Our co-interns in a very unique and interesting way explained them the about the protection of
environment and to our surprise the students were equally excited and full of questions in their
mind which were all answered by Mr. Mahavir Ahlawat. He explained us about the theme this
year which was related to plastic pollution. The importance of environment protection was
explained to the students with very interesting facts and actual stories. At the end we danced
with the students and had a lot of fun.

This was followed by a lecture on ‘mediation’ which is coming up as one of the new concept
for settling the marital disputes. It was given by Advocate Seema Pasricha and was a very
informative and interesting of all the lectures. The lecture provided us with the insights of the
new concept. Many of the interns were thrilled by various cases which she told she had
undertaken. On asking that whether we could witness the proceedings, she said that there was
no problem whatsoever, but parties were not comfortable enough to disclose their problems
hence defeating the purpose of mediation. It ended with some questions which further cleared
our doubts. Some of the interns even made up their mind to pursue in this line.

We were then taken to ‘Snehalaya’ in Maloya again. This time it was not a lecture but an
interaction with the children living there. We were taken to them and to our surprise they all
were living merrily. We were astonished by the facilities provided by them. It included not
only study but all other activities which will enhance their development like: music classes,
dance classes etc. We met a boy whose name was Karan. He was 9 year old kid. And on
interacting with him he told us that the food provided is good and he loves to play kabaddi.
Then, 2 children performed break dance which can easily defeat a pro. We asked various
question to house mother whether residents involves children who are related to drug abuse.
She replied positive and she said for them special facilities provided are counsellor and free
treatment from PGI.

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Day 5 (06.06.2018)

On this day, we reported to Government Modern Senior Secondary School, Sector 45A, where
we met para legal volunteers. They told us about the program which was to be conducted on 9
June, 2018. They directed us to conduct a survey to aware residents of Sector 45 about the
camp and legal services provided by SLSA, Chandigarh.

We went shop to shop, house to house telling the residents about the legal camp we were
organizing on 09.06.2018. They were made clear what basic documents were required. It was
a new experience for me and not only it helped me to improve my skills in communication but
also gave a deep insight of the real world and the problems prevailing in the society. The legal
camp was one way to eradicate such issues. True that it won’t completely eradicate these
problems at national level, but such camps will surely act a catalyst to erase such limitations.
We felt motivated to work on the camp.

Many of the residents never knew about the State Legal Services which are provided for free
by the authority. We enlightened them about the same and also provided them with various
helpline numbers. It was saddening to witness the backwardness among the people. It never
felt that we were doing this survey in ‘the city beautiful’ Chandigarh. The conditions prevailing
were unhygienic and it seemed that residents had accepted this fact.

After the survey was done, we all gathered at the school where the legal camp was to be
organized. Here, Mr. Mahavir Sir arrived. We were told that on the day of camp activities like
dance or drama need to be performed. Few interns got excited and raised their hand. Mahavir
Sir then said a few words and ended our day. It was tiring day yet knowledgeable.

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Day 6 (07.06.2018)

We were asked to gather in the conference room in the Session and District Court, Chandigarh
in Sector 43. Two lectures awaited us. First lecture was given by Mr. Virinder Kishore Kapoor
and the latter was given by Mrs. Mohinder Kour Kataria. Mr.V.K. Kapoor gave us lecture on
stress management and told the reasons and solutions for the same. It was a motivating lecture
which taught how to deal with stress at different stages of life. The other lecture given by our
own, Mrs. Kataria, was related to motivation. She told us various motivating theories and also
shown us the video which explained different ways to success. It ended our morning session.

DART, disability assessment rehabilitation and triage, yet another place which fascinated the
interns. Here, people with unsound mind were given shelter and were treated. They were not
only living there but also taught various ways of livelihood like: Masala making, paper
recycling etc. They were trained to earn and be independent. The advocate there then narrated
one of the anecdote of two sisters who were mentally ill and were served injustice from the
society. He told us about how they were treated and were helped legally by the SLSA team
which included PLVs and advocates who provided free legal aid. Yet another day concluded.

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Day 7 (08.06.2018)

Interns were again called in the government school in sector 45. It was yet another rally to
aware the residents about the legal camp to be held the next day. We distributed pamphlets and
told the residents about the camp. People inquired about what documents were necessary.
Every question was answered by us. People also questioned what documents are being made
at the camp. It was a scorching heat with a sincillating sunshine. It was a tough morning as we
were surveying in open.

We, after completing the area where survey was to be done, marched back to the government
school. However, the tiring day was cut short as we celebrated birthday of one of our co-intern
and also we had a lot of fun playing charades with the interns. It improved our bonding and we
felt like a team. Mr. Shiv sir then told that afternoon session was meant for girls only as it was
a visit to Nari Niketan. Boys were given off and were told to report the camp at 9.30 am sharp.

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Day 8 (09.06.2018)

It was the day we all been preparing since last week. The day arrived when legal aid camp was
organized. We reached there at 9.00 am and all the preparation was done before the starting
time. It was a well-planned and well-organized camp. I was allotted the aadhar department.
The system was very smooth. A person has to register first at the registration desk. He/she was
then given the room no. where he/she had to report. Once they reach the room they were
assisted in the best possible manner by the interns and para legal volunteers. Aadhar and voter
cards department were the most visited of all. I was at the aadhar card department where my
role was to maintain discipline and directing the persons coming about the pre-requisite
documents. It went smooth for the first hour but was full of chaos the other hour.

It happened as one of the computer system didn’t work to its full potential. Also, people being
illiterate were not easy to deal with as they were quite stubborn and everybody was too eager
to get his/her work done first. As many as 129 entries were made in the day. There were many
more people coming in even after the finishing time. Out of these 129, only 60 were helped,

The major problem related to people was that they did not have any supporting document,
which was suitable enough to get their aadhar card issued. However, they were informed about
the pre-requisite documents and the formalities to be covered. They were informed about
Sampark and the legal aid clinics being set up on Wednesdays and Saturdays. They thanked us
and told us what importance aadhar card holds in their life for admissions and in Banks.

So the day which started with a lot of chaos and confusion ended with delicious lunch which
made everything smooth. There was no legal clinic that day and we were told to take the rest
of the day off and to enjoy the weekend.

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Day 9 (11.06.2018)

We visited Senior Citizen home Sector-15, Chandigarh. It was a very emotional to see those
parents living without the support of their children. But to our surprise, they were living happily
and were determined. We interacted with them and they told various incidents of their life.
They also mentioned about how they spend their whole day there happily. One of the uncle
told that he aged 104 years and was deaf due to the shock he received from the news of car
accident of his 4 children. It was quite saddening and melted our hearts down. And the other
uncle told that he used to be an advocate. He gave us the blessing to be one of the best
advocates. Few of them started crying remembering their past and the wrongdoings their own
blood committed against them. But many of them still afforded a million dollar smile which
ceased the negativity. It was a very saddening yet motivational experience. It was great to see
our Sessions Judge distributing few goods of necessity. We, the interns, distributed fruits and
lassi to beat the heat. We were then informed by Mr. Shiv Sir to report at SLSA, which
concluded morning session.

We reached protection home for runaway couples in Sector 19. It was yet another visit where
underprivileged or the needy persons were helped pro bono. But we did not get any chance to
interact with any of the victims as it is meant to be confidential as per the Hon’ble High Court
orders. We were thoroughly informed that there are 2 units, of which one relates to women and
child help and the other is for runaway couples. The women and children are helped once the
information of grievance is given through helpline number which is 181. They told us that for
runaway couples the condition mandatory is that they should be a married couple. Various
facilities like free food, shelter and clothing for 10 days were provided. From 11th day they
charge a minimal amount of rupees 100 for accommodation and rupees 100 for the whole day
meal. But if from 11th day the couple cannot afford to pay the Hon’ble High Court orders the
free accommodation and free food till further orders. It was a fun filled day, where we
experienced new things by visiting different places.

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Day 10 (12.06.2018)

We were asked to report in District and Sessions Court, Sector 43, Chandigarh. Here, Prof.
Grewal explained us about the emerging Family Welfare Committee. Professor told that he
was the first director of my esteemed department University Institute of Legal Services,
Chandigarh. He also told that many of the High Court judges studies under him. He took a lot
of pride from the fact that many still visit him. He further highlighted the fact that my
department was just a single building leased by the university which was taken to heights from
the ashes by him. Today, UILS is considered one of the top institute for legal studies. I felt
contented and proud of this fact.

He, in his lecture, told us that the idea of Family Welfare Committee came up in the landmark
case of Arnesh Kumar v. State of U.P. He explained us that the women are provided various
special provisions which are meant to protect them. But, they use it as a weapon instead of
shield. It defeats the idea of providing special recognition. Further, he stated, there were a lot
of cases under Section 498-A, Indian Penal Code, relating to cruelty and he enunciated that
85% of such cases were frivolous and fabricated, due to which the scar of arrest sully the
reputation of the husband and his relatives which cannot be amended ever.

So to expedite and to keep a check on such false cases, a trial committee was set up which
before the arrest is made applies its judicial mind to check the merits of the case and whether
the prima facie case is being made. He also told that a very nominal salary was provided to
them. It seemed that he was not happy with the amount he was receiving.

Yet another knowledgeable session expired. It ended our day too as the visit to ‘Aashiana’ was
meant for girls only. We were told the venue and time for the succeeding day will be updated
through whatsapp.

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Day 11 (13.06.2018)

There were only last few days left and we were told about another program to be organized on
June 15, 2018 which was to celebrate International Senior Citizen Abuse day. We were given
various roles to be fulfilled on that day.

We were then addressed by our law officer Mr. Rajeshwar Singh. He enlightened us with
various schemes for the needy person and also told various legal rights available to them. It
was a good lecture which kind of provided an overview of the internship we had. He was asked
various question and he answered them with no hesitation. Afterwards, we were then taken to
the Women Protection Cell.

Women protection cell is now known as women police station. Here, we were told that it was
the only of its very kind in Chandigarh. The officer told that they were the most lenient
department and said they help to expedite the process of divorce cases. We witnessed a fight
between a wife and her husband. It was quite visible that the wife was dominating and she had
beaten her husband. They were then kept away from each other and were heard keenly. We
were then set free for the day as students who had to perform on June 15, 2018 needed time to

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Day 12 (14.06.2018)

It was a penultimate day of our internship. We were all quite emotional. Mr. Shiv sir in the
office of SLSA told us that a survey was to be conducted in Sunder Nagar. Everyone look
annoyed hearing that another survey need to be conducted. But the tension was then released
when Shiv sir told that it was the sole task of the day. Sir also explained that program on the
next day was in Sector 43 old age home and asked to be there sharp by 9.30 am. He was furious
of the fact that how everyone use to be late everyday and joked that he will remember the group
due to the punctuality. Everyone had a good laugh and it set the mood right for the day.

Sundernagar, place on the outskirts of Panchkula, was unknown to every intern. Everyone was
wondering how this place look like. Even the interns who were from Chandigarh never heard
of this place. We reached almost after half an hour. The place was total mess. The people were
so backward and illiterate that they even did not know about themselves. We were given three
forms to be filled in survey. It was quite difficult to survey these people. The reason was either
some were reluctant or they didn’t know about themselves. Somehow, I managed to complete
the survey and all the forms were filled.

I was in awe to witness such incidents. People even didn’t know about themselves. They lived
in the miserable conditions. There was one school which was providing the free meal service
as directed by the government. We went to enlighten them about the SLSA, Chandigarh which
provides pro bono legal services. Many of them didn’t know about the institution and they were
surprised to hear of such thing.

We were told to report to SLSA bus once the survey was over. Interns one after the other came
back. Slowly and gradually all interns came back and we were taken to Sector 43 where we
had our rehearsal for the drama.

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Day 13 (15.06.2018)

It was the last day of our internship. Everybody reported on 9.30 am at old age home in Sector
43, Chandigarh to celebrate the World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. It was celebrated in old
age home as celebrating somewhere else will defeat the reason for celebration. Senior citizens
were invited from various old age homes like the Senior Citizens Home, Sector 15 and Day
Care Centre, Sector 46. We all gathered in Sector 43 and the program was set to be organized.
We had our last rehearsal of our play.

The day started by acknowledging all the chief guests from Mrs. Kataria ma’am. Mr. Mahavir
Sir and Mr. VK Kapoor joined us for the day. After all the acknowledgments, we were called
for the play. We received a good round of applause from the crowd. Further various other
performances were given like: Bhangra etc.

After all the performances, I served the refreshments to all the elderly people as I was allotted
the refreshment department. Afterwards, we were given ‘frooti’ and dhoklas. Once all the
refreshment was done, all present were called upon the stage for the dance. Everyone enjoyed
the dance. The old age people were quite happy and seemed to forget sorrow they were living
with. It was a sense of satisfaction to make these people happy.

After an hour of fun, we bid farewell to our co-interns. Not only the co-interns but also to Mr.
Mahavir sir, Mr. Shiv sir and Mr. Vikas sir. We danced on the last song and everyone hugged
and promised each other to stay in touch. It was emotional and we felt like leaving our family
behind. It ended the last day and our internship.

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