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Kate Washington MP
Acting Shadow Minister for Disability Services

Thursday, 26 July 2018

Acting Shadow Minister for Disability Services Kate Washington and Labor candidate for Heathcote
Maryanne Stewart have highlighted the case of Kym Flowers - as the latest example of vulnerable people
falling through the cracks of the NDIS - against the backdrop of a privatised disability sector in NSW.

The Engadine woman with cerebral palsy has spent four months living in a ward at Sutherland Hospital
because her private group home provider is unwilling to have her return, despite her being well enough to
leave hospital to attend day programs.

Kym Flowers is a 34 year old woman with cerebral palsy who developed complications with diabetes while
living in a group home. Ms Flowers’ additional health issues have now been cited by her group home
provider as the reason why they cannot take her back.

In the absence of any other local housing options, hospital staff are now recommending Ms Flowers move
into an aged care facility, despite being only 34 years old.

The already-stretched NSW Health system is facing increased pressure because of the Berejkilian
Government’s privatisation of disability services, including government-run group homes.

Both Kate Washington and Heathcote Liberal MP Lee Evans have raised Ms Flowers’ case with the Minister
for Disability Services, but the Minister has offered no resolution.

NSW Labor has secured crossbench support for a parliamentary inquiry into the roll out of the NDIS and
impact of the privatisation of NSW disability services. Submissions to the inquiry close 9 August.

Quotes attributable to Kate Washington MP, Acting Shadow Minister for Disability Services

“With the Berejiklian Government’s heartless privatisation of disability services, there are now too many gaps
in services. Kym has now spent 4 months living in hospital because she has nowhere else to turn.

“Hospitals and aged care have become the safety net for people whose disability is considered too complex
for private service providers to manage.

“It’s cases like this that highlight the importance of the NSW Parliamentary Inquiry. We want to understand
where the gaps in services are, so we can ensure other people don’t fall through the cracks.

Quotes attributable to Maryanne Stuart, Labor candidate for Heathcote

“This is a heartbreaking situation. For four months, Kym has stayed in hospital, with nowhere else to turn,
and now faces the prospect of spending the rest of her life in aged care.

“The Minister must intervene and ensure that Kym has access to proper accommodation and care.

“Kym wants to get out of hospital. She deserves a home.”

Media Contact: Kate Washington 0408 144 426 |
Maryanne Stuart 0406 460 683 |

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