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A formal request to a vendor to supply certain goods or service is called …

 Purchase Requisition
 Vendor Evaluation
 Purchase Order
 Request for quotation (RFQ)
 None of the above

Several Plants can be assigned to the same Company Code


The following functions can be carried out during sales order processing, except …
 Calculation price
 Scheduling delivery
 Checking credit limit
 Checking for availability
 None of the above

Account receivable is posted to accounting upon creation of the following document …

 Good issue
 Sales order
 Delivery
 Billing, pada saat customer terima brg baru AR dibuat melalui invoice
Yang dikirim ke customer
 All of the above

It is possible to combine several sales orders documents into a collective billing

Syaratnya : customer hrs sama (payer, billing date, destination)

Which of the followings not included as Organizational objects?

 Organizational unit
 Position
 User
 Person ID

The followings are the advantages of posting good receipt by referencing to Purchase
Order, except …
 Data from Purchase Order is copied automatically to the good receipt transaction
Harusnya dimasukkan secara manual
 Purchase Order history is updated upon good receipt creation
 Accounting document relating to good receipt transaction is automatically posted
Pada saat GR terdapat Accounting dan material doc
 Material document is automatically created containing material information and
 All of the above

It is possible to create Purchase Order document by referencing the following documents,

except …
 Purchase Requisition
 Purchase Order
 Request for Quotation (RFQ)
 Material Document

The following transactions may be posted to the G/L accounts …

 Good receipt
 Good issue
 Create invoice
 Create new asset
 All of the above

It is possible to conduct good issue for selected items in a delivery document


Issuing credit memos are part of functions in billing


Material document is created in the background upon completed the following

transaction …
 Good receipt
 Invoice verification
 Purchase order
 Purchase requisition
 Outgoing payment

It is possible to create sales order in sales area 1000/12/10 for sold-to-party which is
created for sales area 1200/12/10
Karena sales areanya berbeda

The followings are the basic procurement cycle, except …

 Demand determination, PR
 Source determination, RFQ -> supplier selection(harga,stok,kualitas,integritas)
 Good issue
 Invoice verification
 Supplier selection

During the invoice verification process, user can use the following document as a
reference …
 Accounting document
 Inquiry
 Material document
 Purchase order
 Purchase requisition

One of the following fields in customer master is maintained at the sales area level …
 Reconciliation account, di general data plg bawah
 Customer phone number, general data
 Customer address, general data
 Shipping condition, sales area
 Customer name, general data

Sales Organization is assigned to Company Code


Sales Organization is assigned to a Client (p7-6 bawah)

Client adalah the highest organizational

Billing document can be created by referencing the following documents …

(p4-28 bawah)
 Inquiry and Quotation
 Quotation and Sales Order
 Sales Order and Delivery
 Delivery document and Billing document

When user created PO in client 200, it can also be found in client 300
FALSE, Tidak bias melihat data di client yg laen

The followings are the basic sales order processing cycle, except …
 Pre-sales activity
 Sales order creation
 Availability check
 Billing
 Invoice verification
The following process takes place right after good receipt is completed …
 Purchase requisition
 Purchase order
 Invoice verification
 Payment processing
 Incoming payment

Purchase Order consists of the following organizational data, except …

 General data
 Company code
 Purchasing organization
 Purchasing group

Outbound delivery (DO) can be created by referencing the following document …

 Inquiry document
 Quotation document
 Sales order document
 Another delivery document
 All of the above

The following document is created upon completion of billing process …

 Work order document
 Accounting document
 Material document
 Delivery document

Good receipt is the final step in the procurement cycle

FALSE, seharusnya invoice verification

During delivery document creation the following activities can also be performed …
 Picking
 Packing
 Transportation
 Billing
 Good issue

the following is considered master data …

 Infotypes, employe master data
 Material master
 Purchase order
 Customer master
 Vendor master

An organization unit is responsible for negotiating prices with vendors is called …

 Company code
 Purchasing area
 Purchasing department
 Purchasing organization
 Purchasing group, melakukan pembelian (buyer)

Vendor master consists of the following data …

 Company data
 General data
 Financial accounting/Company code data
 Purchasing data
 Client data

An organization unit in Sales and Distribution module that represents a physical location
where materials are shipping is called …
 Sales office
 Sales area
 Division
 Shipping point
 Distribution channel

When user created Purchase Order in client 200, the same PO can also be found in client

It is possible to create sales order in sales area 1000/12/10 for sold-to-party which is
created for sales area 1200/12/10

The following transaction can generate posting to Financial Accounting …

 Sales order
 Purchase order
 Delivery order
 Good issue
 Invoice verification

The followings are standard partner functions …

 Sold-to-party
 Ship-to-party
 Bill-to-party
 Pay-to-party
 Payer

Sales order document can be created by referencing the following documents …

 Inquiry
 Quotation
 Sales order
 Delivery
 Billing
 Good issue

An organizational unit in SAP that processes incoming materials is called …

 Delivering Plant
 Company Code
 Storage Location
 Receiving Plant
 Production Plant

Good issue can only be performed after the transfer order (picking) is created
FALSE, karena picking adalah optional

Purchase Requisition consists of the following structures …

 Document overview
 Header
 Item overview
 Item detail
 Schedule line

During good issue, the following activities take place in the background …
 Stock quantity is reduced by the quantity delivery
 Serial number status is updates
 Material document is generated
 Billing status is updated, masih dlm proses DO
 Stock value in balance sheet is updated, pada jurnal inventory

the following organizational units is part of Sales Area …

 Sales Group
 Division
 Sales Office
 Sales Organizational
 Plant

The followings are part of the Material Management processes, except …

 Billing
 Purchase requisition
 Good receipt
 Incoming payment
 Outgoing payment

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