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Programming Rubric

Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Good Excellent

Delivery  Completed less than 70%  Completed between 70-  Completed between 80-90%  Completed between 90-100% of
of the requirements. 80% of the requirements. of the requirements. the requirements.
 Not delivered on time or  Delivered on time, and in  Delivered on time, and in  Delivered on time, and in correct
not in correct format (disk, correct format (disk, email, correct format (disk, email, format (disk, email, etc.)
email, etc.) etc.) etc.)

Coding  No name, date, or  Includes name, date, and  Includes name, date, and  Includes name, date, and
Standards assignment title included assignment title. assignment title. assignment title.
 Poor use of proper spacing  Proper spacing and  Good use of proper spacing  Excellent use of proper spacing
and indentation indentation makes program and indentation. and indentation.
 Disorganized and messy fairly easy to read.  Organized work.  Creatively organized work.
 Poor use of variables  Organized work.  Good use of variables (no  Excellent use of variables (no
(many global variables,  Good use of variables (few global variables, global variables, unambiguous
ambiguous naming). global variables, unambiguous naming) naming).
unambiguous naming).

Documentation  No documentation  Basic documentation has  Clearly documented  Clearly and effectively
included. been completed including including descriptions of all documented including
descriptions of all variables. descriptions of all variables.
variables.  Specific purpose is noted for  Specific purpose is noted for
 Purpose is noted for each each function and control each function, control structure,
function. structure. input requirements, and output

Runtime  Does not execute due to  Executes without errors.  Executes without errors.  Executes without errors excellent
errors.  User prompts contain little  User prompts are user prompts, good use of
 User prompts are information, poor design. understandable, minimum symbols, spacing in output.
misleading or non-existent.  Some testing has been use of symbols or spacing in  Thorough and organized testing
 No testing has been completed. output. has been completed and output
completed.  Thorough testing has been from test cases is included.

Efficiency  A difficult and inefficient  A logical solution that is  Solution is efficient and easy  Solution is efficient, easy to
solution. easy to follow but it is not to follow (i.e. no confusing understand, and maintain.
the most efficient. tricks).

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