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Discovery/Inquiry Lesson Plan

Topic: The Grade Level: 6th grade Name:

of WW2

#1 in a Grouping:
During tiered instruction, students will be grouped based on levels of low, medium, and high. Students will pair up to read their
short passage before they discuss as a group. Student will be paired with table buddies. Each pairing is a low and high students
so that the students will be able to read the passage together

CCSS: RI.6.8 Trace and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, distinguishing claims that are supported by reasons and evidence
from claims that are not.

2 Literacy Strategies: KWL, Paired Reading

Social Studies Standard: 6-9.WHC.5.1.1: Explain common reasons and consequences for the breakdown of order among nation-states, such as
conflicts about national interests, ethnicity, and religion; competition for resources and territory; the absence of effective means to enforce
international law.

Objective/s: By the end of World History and Civilization, the student will be able to identify three of the main causes of war.

Vocabulary terms and definitions:

Conflict- a serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one. Territory- an area of land under the jurisdiction of a ruler or state.
Invasion- an instance of invading a country or region with an armed force. Pearl Harbor- Event in history that catapulted the U.S into WWII.
The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor on the 7th of December 1941.

Technology Integration:

ICT.6-8.3.b: Students practice and demonstrate the ability to evaluate resources for accuracy, perspective, credibility and relevance.

-This will be done through Ipads and Computers as the students will use these resources to search for information on World War II.

We will have tiered instruction. The group of students that are reading and writing 5 grade levels below will be in one group. Those who are
slightly below average/average will be in another group. Those that are above average will be in the third group. The low group will have the
teacher read to them. This is called shared reading. The middle group will read themselves and can ask the teacher to read for them if need
be. The high group can take turns reading themselves. They can do the think pair share strategy. They think about what they read, pair up
together, and share with their group insights on what they read. The last strategy can be to use visuals and pictures to show the class about
different aspects of World War II in a continuous slideshow. This can give the low group a visual of what World War II was about without
having to read.

Time What the teacher will say and do. What the student will say Materials
and do.

Anticipatory Set/Gain Attention & Recall prior Knowledge: Students will think of their Whiteboard
knowledge of what they
“This week we are going to be talking about WW2, In the past we have talked Dry-erase
know already about WWII,
about other wars so you can use that prior knowledge to help you know why this markers
they should know that
war may have started. I want to know what you want to learn and get out of this
WWII was a war in the last Paper
unit so today we are doing a KWL in your journals. Make a chart and write what
century and we were on the
you want to know and what you want to learn about WW2. I will give you 5 Pencils
side that won. They should
minutes s write as much as you can.”
also have heard about SS Journals
Hitler and Pearl Harbor.

Teacher Input: They will discuss in small Same as

group what they want to above
At about 3-4 minutes check how many students are still writing. If less than half are
learn and share as a class.
still writing tell the class that if they are done wiring they can begin to discuss in
small groups what they want to learn. Examples of things they
might want to know:
After 5 minutes ask for groups to share. If students miss keys subjects from WW2
use the Jigsaw strategy to fill in other key components so they know what they will Why did the war start?
be learning about in the next few days.
Why did we join the war?

What was the turning point

in the war?

What was pearl Harbor?

What were concentration

camps and how did they

How did Hitler come into


(If these questions are not

brought up in some way the
teacher can fill them in
using the Jigsaw strategy)

Discovery Or Inquiry questions: Discovery Or Inquiry Same as

questions: above
Class discussion- “Now that we have seen where this week is going and a few
things that will happen we are going to discuss as a class how war begins. Split into Students will work as a
table groups and come up with discovery questions. These should be thought team to come up with
provoking questions!” Show the class 2 examples 1 thought provoking (Is war ever discovery questions about
justified?) one simple fact question (what document led to Germany's hostile how wars begin. Options
feelings towards other countries at the end of WW1) “Now that you have seen could include:
some examples of what to do and what not to do take 10 minutes to come up with
How does conflict affects
at least 1 question individually to discuss as a group. Each group will be asked to
national relations?
share one question with the class. Feel free to brainstorm ideas”
At what point should
Monitor students and walk around the class during this discussion. Give positive
countries join a war?
and constructive feedback. Keep the class on task
After 9 minutes warn students to wrap thing up and pick what they would like to Should every country have
share. When students share a question write it on the board and collect their an opinion over other
written version of the question (Fold it in half and set them aside for the explore countries conflicts?
One student from each
group can share the
selected question they will
write it on a piece of paper
to gove to the teacher and
the teacher will also write
them on the board.

Explore Activity: Explore Activity: IPads

“Now that we have our questions we are going to group up and answer them Children will explore Computers
specifically concerning WW2. You will get in your study groups(predetermined different technologies and
tiered instruction groups) and I will then pass out one question for each group to resources to learn about
answer. You will have 10 minutes to research and 10 minutes to work as a team to WWII. Each study group has Paper
create your presentation and you will have the option of using Ipads, your an assigned folder color
textbooks, and WW2 information I have printed out for you. THe websites you may that will have their Pencils
use are bookmarked on your Ipads, those are the only websites you may use. At resources and more
the end of your 20 minutes each group will take 3-4 minutes to present their instructions. The low tier
answer to the class.” students will have
instructions to work in paris
This is tiered instruction based on WW2 conflicts. Students will explore different
to research together They
causes of wars. The Jigsaw strategy will be used. Each group will break up the
can also do a Think pair
information they want to learn and give a portion to each member of the group to
explore. Tell the class that each member is important because their group is
depending on each person to know all of the information they need to know. After
ten minutes of each students researching and writing down information, they will
come together as a group. Each member will share their portion of the beginning
of WWII that they researched. Each group will put the information together on a
sheet of paper.
They can visit the sites below:

Teach: Teach:

Students should’ve learned about what makes a country join a war as well as how Students may take notes on
the war was started. They will understand why the United States joined the war. key points in WW2. This will
The teacher will take note of things that student do not talk about in their be a very quick overview
presentation and use the Jigsaw strategy to fill in any holes. The teacher will because student already
explicitly state the answers to these questions for clear understanding. had presentations and
research on the beginning
-The United States joined the war because of Pearl Harbor.
of the war in class.
-The war was started when Germany and the Nazi party invaded Czechoslovakia
and other countries. The Treaty of Versailles had been harsh to Germany due to
WWI. Japan also wanted to expand their empire. Italy wanted to expand their
empire as well.

-A country joins a war because they want to be part of a cause and have reasons to
win the war.
Apply: Apply: Paper

Students will apply what they learned today in a nightly Journal. Students will write Students will each take the Pencils
a journal as the leader of the country of their choice detailing the causes WW2, pretest on WWII events,
also have the students each share an insight of something they found interesting causes, key players, and
with their group. effects. They will do this
individually and shouldn’t
Assessment can be done by observing the knowledge the students put on the
collaborate with one
“Know” section of the KWL. Assessment can also be done through giving the
another or the teacher. This
students a pre-test on their understanding of WWII events, causes, key players,
is to assess their own
and effects.
knowledge. They will write
down the answer using a
pencil. Attach your
assessment to the lesson
plan. When done, they will
place the quiz face-down in
the middle of their table.
This will be done the class
previous to this one, so the
teacher can fill in any holes
and differentiate the lesson

Closure: Students will stand up and Pencil

answer a question that the
The teacher will have the students stand up. The teacher will ask the students paper
teacher will ask. They will
various questions having to do with WWII. Once a student answers, they will be
do this by raising their hand
able to sit down. Also tell the class about their research project coming up and to
and waiting quietly for the
start thinking about a key figure of WWII that they will want to research and
teacher to call on them, one
present on.
by one. Once they have
answered a question, they
may sit down. While
students are sitting down,
have them brainstorm
WWII topics and key
figures. They will be using
their pencils and paper to
write down ideas for their
research project and
presentation. Stress that
their names should be
written on each piece of
paper to be handed in.

To be collected:

Brainstorm ideas for the research project and the notes from the cause of war presentations. Have the students
place the papers in the middle of their table with their names on each paper. Have one student grab each pile
and bring it to the teacher. journal will be collected in the morning.

Reflection (done after the lesson): Students will write a journal as the leader of the country of their choice detailing the causes WW2, also
have the students each share an insight of something they found interesting with their group.

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