Tec 516 Teacher Scenario - Suzana Tran

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RUNNING HEAD: Teacher Scenario 1

Teacher Scenario

Suzana H. Tran

Grand Canyon University: TEC-516

October 18, 2017

Teacher Scenario 2

Teacher Scenario #1

Third-grade teacher, Rebecca, was simply creating a lesson to use in her classroom. She was

finding authentic pictures that will enhance her lesson and student engagement. Although

Rebecca did not take the picture herself, the Fair Use Clause protects her. She is safe to use the

images from Google as long as she abides by the Fair Use Clauses. The Fair Use Clause is a part

of the US law that allows educational uses and social uses of copyright items for educational

benefits ((Newbold, C., 2014). She is allowed to use the image for the student's benefit. In other

words, Rebecca needs to abide by the law and not print nor use the image for resale or decorative

display. Also, Rebecca may not print and copy the photos for the students. The images do need

to remain with the teacher for educational purposes only. However, she may only use up to 5

photos maximum or 10% (Media Festival, n.d).

Teacher Scenario #2

A first-grade teacher, Mary, displayed a video for her students. Finding Nemo by Walt Disney

Pictures and Pixar Animation is a video that is not related to the curriculum and instruction.

Mary did take proper precaution by sending a form home. Although Julio and Samantha did not

return their permission slips, Mary is protected under the Fair Use provisions. The Fair Use

provision states, movies that are not G rated may contain images or non-age appropriate film,

and this may cause a parent to object. In this Scenario, Mary displayed a G rated movie. By

law, she does not need a parent verification form (Wake County Public School System, n.d)
Teacher Scenario 3


(Media Festival, n.d) Classoom copyright chart. Retreived from:


(Newbold, C., 2014). Can I use that picture? The terms, laws, and ethnics for using copyrighted

images. Retrieved from: http://thevisualcommunicationguy.com/2014/07/14/can-i-use-


(Wake County Public School System, n.d.) Guidelines for showing films in the classroom.

Retrieved from:


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