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10 Soal Degrees of Comparison Pilihan Ganda

Pilihlah salah satu jawaban untuk melengkapi kalimat di bawah ini.

1. Rita can walk … than you think.

o more far
o further
o furthest
2. I hope tomorrow will be … than today.
o best
o better
o good
3. He runs as … as molasses in January.
o slow
o slowest
o slower
4. The modern wind turbine works the …
o more efficiently
o most efficiently
o efficiently
5. He has the … house among all his friends.
o big
o biggest
o bigger
6. I have no idea why he spoke … than before.
o more gently
o gently
o gentlier
7. Krystal is as … as her sister.
o more beautiful
o most beautiful
o beautiful

8. If only I could find the … path from node x to node y.

o easiest
o more easy
o easier
9. The man treated his stepchildren … than animals.
o badly
o worst
o worse
10. Your spicy ramen noodle is … than mine.
o hot
o hotter
o hottest
1. further | comparative degree (irregular adverb)
2. better | comparative degree (adjective)
3. slow | positive degree (adverb)
4. most efficiently | superlative degree (adverb)
5. biggest | superlative degree (adjective)
6. more gently | comparative degree (adverb)
7. beautiful | positive degree (adjective)
8. easiest | superlative degree (adjective)
9. worse | comparative degree (irregular adverb)
10. hotter | comparative degree (adjective)

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