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Artifact #3: Pecha Kucha Presentation

The Pecha Kucha presentation consists of 20 slides featuring 20 seconds of audio per

slide. The topic of choice was Dyslexia which is an disorder that involves difficulty in learning

to read or interpret words, letters, and other symbols. The second topic was Dyscalculia which is

a severe difficulty in making arithmetical calculations, as a result of a brain disorder. This

particular artifact touches many areas within the teacher competencies. Planning, instruction,

accommodations, classroom management, student motivation and best teaching practices are the

areas most common to interventions for this artifact.

Connections to Standards

INSTAC Standards

1(a): 1(a) The teacher regularly assesses individual and group performance in order to

design and modify instruction to meet learners’ needs in each area of development (cognitive,

linguistic, social, emotional, and physical) and scaffolds the next level of development.

1(d): The teacher understands how learning occurs-- how learners construct knowledge,

acquires skills, and develop disciplined thinking processes--and knows how to use instructional

strategies that promote student learning.

1(e): The teacher understands that each learner’s cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional,

and physical development influences learning and knows how to make instructional decisions

that build on learners’ strengths and needs.

1(k): The teacher values the input and contributions of families, colleagues, and other

professionals in understanding and supporting each learner’s development.

New York State Code of Ethics for Educators

Principle 1 Educators nurture the intellectual, physical, emotional, social, and civic

potential of each student. Educators promote growth in all students through the integration of

intellectual, physical, emotional, social and civic learning. They respect the inherent dignity and

worth of each individual. Educators help students to value their own identity, learn more about

their cultural heritage, and practice social and civic responsibilities. They help students to reflect

on their own learning and connect it to their life experience. They engage students in activities

that encourage diverse approaches and solutions to issues, while providing a range of ways for

students to demonstrate their abilities and learning. They foster the development of students who

can analyze, synthesize, evaluate and communicate information effectively.

TEAC/CAEP Claims 1-3

Claim 3: Medaille College graduates are caring educators.

Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)

Special Education Professional Ethical Principles

2. Maintaining a high level of professional competence and integrity and exercising

professional judgment to benefit individuals with exceptionalities and their families.

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