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Using prepositions to describe

Distribution Centers 0
Tabla de contenido

Introduction ........................................................................................................... 1

Concept map.......................................................................................................... 1

1. Distribution Center terminology ...................................................................... 2

2. Prepositions of place ........................................................................................ 4

Examples ............................................................................................................ 5

3. Describing a Distribution Center ..................................................................... 6

Referencias ............................................................................................................ 9

The Distribution Center allows narrower factory -client relationships, especially

since it allows better service to retail locations that have a short marketing period
and a short time to place orders.

Designing a Distribution Center requires several steps so that its functionality is

efficient, and at times signaling and English description is necessary. To do this,
this section contains a list of terms related to this topic, and another list of
prepositions of place that will support to describe the Distribution Centers, with the
corresponding examples.

Fuente: SENA

Concept map

En el mapa conceptual que se comparte a continuación, se evidencia la

interrelación temática del contenido que se plantea en este material de formación.

1. Distribution Center terminology

The next is a terms list, related to storage and Distribution Center.

Network: An interconnected group or system.

Supply chain: It is a network of facilities and distribution means whose

function is to obtain materials, processing of these materials into
intermediate and finished products and distribution of these finished
products to consumers.

Warehouse: Is the place where the goods are stored prior to use,
distribution or sale.

Storing goods: Storage of goods. They are those places where different
types of goods are stored. They are managed through an inventory policy.
This function physically controls and maintains all items inventoried. In
developing storage strategy, the warehouse management system and the
storage model must be defined in a coordinated manner.

Shipping: Transportation or shipping, storage and related logistics, which

are provided by companies employed to undertake tasks that were
previously performed by the customer services.

Putaway: It is the process of storing goods in a warehouse, etc., as they

are received.

Order picking: It is the process of extracting material collection units or

packaged sets from a superior packaging unit which contains more units
than lessons.

Loss and damage claim support: It is the area that supports and guides in
case of loss or damage to the product.

Storage: That is where the commodity or product is stored in the cellar until
the supplier requires.

Inventory: It is the list of goods, products and other valuables things that
belong to a company.

Throughput time: It is a maximum and estimated time when the merchant

processes the items and sends them.

Manufacturer: He is engaged in the manufacture or processing of


Wholesaler: He is dedicated to buy and sell wholesale products.

Third-party logistic service provider: It is the provider of logistics services

to third parties.

Groupage: It is a type of transportation where several importers are

grouped to fill a cargo or container, since that alone would not complete it.

Ripening: It is the process of maturation or bringing to a state of full

development or growth.

DSS model: It is based on a set of models to process data and judgments

that help the manager to make decisions procedures.

AHP: analytic hierarchy model: It is a technique that deals with complex
decisions that helps you finding the best solution that fits the problem

Transportation model: It is a model that is about a situation in which a

product is shipped from points of origin to their destination. (Higginson, J., y
Bookbinder, J., s.f.)

2. Prepositions of place

Prepositions of place, generally speaking, come with the verb TO BE. They
function as references to locate nouns.

This simple list of prepositions gives an idea of the place where a person or an
object is located.

Above Por encima, sin tocar.

Below Por debajo sin tocar.
Behind Detrás de.
Between Entre (en medio de dos).
By Cerca, al lado, junto a.
In front of Contrario, en frente de, opuesto.
Opposite/Across from Delante de, en frente de.
Next to (Beside) Al lado de, junto a.
Under Debajo de.
Near/Close to Cercano a.
On Encima de.
Among Entre (en medio de más de dos).
Around Alrededor de.
Off Lejos de algo.
Inside Adentro.
Outside Afuera.
Nearby Cerca.

Through A través de.
Beyond Más allá de.
Within Dentro de.
Beneath Debajo de.
Underneath Bajo.
Along A lo largo de.
Against Contra, cerca de.
Fuente: (English Grammar Online, s.f.)


 The products are above the shelf.

 The paper are below the desk.

 The chairs should be behind the desks.

 Those boxes are located between the desk and the shelf.

 I can’t find the cargo! – It’s by the principal door.

 The warehouse is in front of the shops.

 The shelves are opposite the offices.

 Go to my office. It’s next to the warehouse.

 Where are the forms? They are under the contracts.

 The boss is close to you! Tell him about the next cargo!

 Please, organize those files, they are on my desk.

 My company is among the best export companies in my country.

 Put these boxes around the truck, please.

 Please, put those chemical materials off my presence!

 They put all the products inside the boxes.

 The security instructions are located outside the warehouse.

 The trucks are nearby the Distribution Center.

 The shelves are through the Distribution Center.

 We want to go beyond the national sales.

 You can find the papers within the folder.

 My next cargo is ready. It’s beneath the first lamp.

 The instructions are underneath the package.

 The boxes are located along the halls.

 The offices are against the bathroom.

3. Describing a Distribution Center

Import Stickers Gluing From Accept Management
Unloading Docks

Acceptance Placement Replenishment

Stickers Gluing

Local Inventory

CDC Over flow Treatment

Loading Docks
Sorter Zone Loading Zone

Empty Pallets Control

Control Zone


Fuente: Anylogic (s.f.)

This is a model of a Distribution Center:

 The staff management section is close to the stickers gluing section.

 The overflow treatment section is next to the empty pallets control section.

 The loading docks section is opposite the replenishment section.

 The placement section is between the acceptance and the replenishment


 The picking section is behind the CD acceptance section.

 The boxes counting section is among the CD Acceptance section, the Import
Stickers Gluing from Accept section, and the Unloading Docks section.

 The acceptance section is in front of the sorter zone.

 The loading zone is against the sorter zone.

 The staff management section is nearby the replenishment section.

 The picking section is off the staff management section.


 Anylogic. (s.f.). Choosing the Right Warehouse Layout for a Leading FMCG
Retailer. Consultado el 09 de septiembre de 2016, en

 Broekmeulen R. A. C. M. (2001). Modelling the management of distribution

centre. Consultado el 09 de septiembre de 2016, en

 English Grammar Online. (s.f.). Prepositions. Consultado el 09 de septiembre de

2016, en

 Higginson, J., Bookbinder, J. (s.f.). Distribution Centres in Supply Chain

Operations. Chapter three. Consultado el 09 de septiembre de 2016, en

 Linguee. (s.f.). Diccionario ingles-español. Consultado el 09 de septiembre de

2016, en

Control del documento

Nombre Cargo Dependencia Fecha

Centro de Servicios
Autor Ismari Experta Empresariales y Junio de
Herrera Jerez técnica Turísticos. 2016
Regional Santander
Luz Clarena Guionista - Centro
Adaptación Arias línea de Agroindustrial
de 2016
González producción Regional Quindío

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