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Does the computer take over?

This is at least what some of the architects and authors believe whom I came across during my
research. In architecture the computer makes the creation of dynamic forms a much simpler task
compared to the time of hand drafting. And that is tempting- it often results in superficial
references to biological and technological concepts. The issue of mere imitation of form and
appearance was not caused by introducing computational procedures in architecture, but it was
clearly enhanced how ever.1
On the other hand an expanding group of architects is in search of methods to create a stronger
link with natural systems, aiming to generate architecture using natures talent.

It is probably my passion for botany that made me choose this subject. I find the growth and form
of plants fascinating- I think there is still a lot to learn from these silent companions.
Most fundamentally I am trying to find out how this interest in natural systems could inform
architectural design.
The work of the engineer and architect Frei Otto embodies this idea for me and was the starting
point of my engagement with the subject. During my research I found out that Otto's ideas, thirty
years after his most important buildings were already completed, start to play a more important
role again- this time in the realm of the computer.

I will explain what this link with natural systems is -namely self-organization- and how it works.
In order to enhance a better understanding of the relation between Frei Otto, biology and recent
computer assisted design I will outline a rough historical context, revolving around Otto's work
in the 1960s and 70s- and also mention other related people and issues, for example Stephen
Wolfram, who can be regarded as pioneer in modelling self-organization in the computer.

Rather than talking too much about technical issues, I want to approach the subject on a more
philosophical level, touching upon the question if the use of computers even with biological
references might result in further abstraction of our build environment- if this new computer
based Bionic in architecture will cause similar mistakes as the strong enthusiasm about machines
at the beginning of the 20th century apparently did.

From Interview with Ben van Berkel, DETAIL vol.12- 2007, p.1425


Introduction p. 3

Part 1. From Biology to Architecture p. 5-15

Leaving the Block Behind p. 6

Self-Organization and Frei Otto p. 8

Form finding p. 11

Part 2. The computer p. 16-26

Stephen Wolfram's Cellular Automata p. 17

Makoto Sei Watanabe- Induction Cities project p. 19

The growth of the organic city p. 20

evolutionary designing? p. 21

Part 3. Mind and Computing (conclusion) p. 27 - 30

Tool or Designer? p. 28

Bibliography p. 31

Illustrations p. 32

The Pyramids are pyramids.
It is not difficult to find that simple geometries are an established concept to architectural space
and structure. Often mathematical relations determine building proportions, at least ''[s]ince the
time Vitrivus and Leonardo, the sciences have served as a source for images and metaphors in
About forty years ago Frei Otto started to profoundly influence the traditional notion of geometry
with regard to architecture. Otto always looked at nature as his great inspiration, developing his
ideas and concepts from natural phenomena, trying to give some of their essence to our built
environment. ''We need to study biological structures much more.''3 -doing so, Otto changed his
idea of geometry by observation and understanding of natural processes. Nature as an inspiration
for architecture is certainly not a new idea, but it is the notion of nature that developed- and thus
its interpretation in design.
Otto's experimental approach and research developed design and construction methods that in
their combination were new to design and architecture. Rather than copying natural shapes and
structures his research concentrates on form finding: material systems that self-organize into
complex geometries. He showed that natural processes themselves could assist in design if
applied with in-depth understanding of the mechanisms. From this point of view complex
systems are no longer under the cover of randomness, and become comprehensible and useful

In this essay I intend to communicate the principles of complex systems and their self-
organization- how far they can serve as a driving idea for making architecture more 'natural.'
Self-organization as a design method in this sense substitutes ordinary references to natural form.
With this in mind I am going to relate Frei Otto's work to the current trend to use computer
software and programming as form finding environments as represented by Makoto Sei
Watanabe's research project 'Induction Cities.'

''[T]he computer has reached a cultural stage''4

''Scarcely any area of life remains unaffected by the rapid developments taking place in computer
technology''5 This is certainly true in our western society, and especially in the industries.
Building components manufacture and assembly relies increasingly on computer numerical
controlled (CNC) robots, allowing more complex geometries to be handled.
Since an increasing number of architects are used to the involvement of computer software in
architectural design, buildings become fluid and amorph- through the help of Cad manipulation.
Many of the architecture thus created appears to be similar of Otto's repertoire of form language.
The CAD processes that result in the fluid 'Blob architecture' are in fact similar to Otto's material

Antoine Picon and Alessandra Ponte, Architecture and the sciences, p.12
Frei Otto. In conversation with the Emergence and Design Group, in Architectural Design May/june 2004, p.25
Lars Spuybroek. NOX, Machining Architecture, p.6
Christine Schittich. in DEAIL, vol 12, Serie 2007 editorial

experiments6, yet usually this takes place somewhere distant from the actual design process.
Complicated architectural proposals often rely on computer technologies (such as scripting and
algorithms) to resolve problems that exceed the human intellect,7 but this is typically not
embedded in design ideas and methodology.

In the Foreword to Kostas Terzidis' book on 'Algorithmic Architecture', Antoine Picon is

interested in the question ''what ... the exact scope of the computer's involvement with
architectural design''8 should be.
He argues that ''typically the positions ... fall into two categories.'' For many designers ''the
computer is just an advanced tool'' and although the computer ''does alter significantly... the
architecture that is produced, it is not necessary or even desirable [for them] to enter into the
details of its inner processes''.

On the other hand the Japanese architect Makoto Sei Watanabe's research project invests a lot of
effort in this subject, with the conviction that architecture will benefit from the abilities of the
For them the computer offers the opportunity to create architectural proposals that derive from
self-organizing processes simulated using computer software; by entering ''into the black box of
It is an attempt to make architecture more organic and natural, to find ''a new model for
architecture'' by studying the ''complex and dynamic exchange between organisms and their
environment, ... one that through the application of biochemical processes and the functionality
of life is in empathy rather than at odds with natural ecology''10

Is the idea of using computers for design and manufacture of buildings to stop them from being
machine like a sensible ambition, a possibility?
I agree in this respect with Antoine Picon. It is certainly time to reflect on these developments in
The next chapters will describe this design approach in more detail and give examples of work.
I will try to inspire the discussion if a machine is capable of rejuvenating a bond with nature that
once was broken by machines- if this revive of interest in natural processes will be actually
beneficial to architecture, and to what extend these methods are useful and capable of generating
practically applicable architectural proposals?

as in deforming, bending 3-d manipulating. The software calculates an even deformation based on mathematical
formula derived from physical material behaviour. for example bending a rod. The actions of the user resemble
extrinsic forces on virtual material.
Kostas Terzidis. Algorithmic Architecture, prologue xiii
(The statement will be commented on in the conclusion)
Antoine Picon. Algorithmic architecture, foreword vii
Antoine Picon. Algorithmic architecture, foreword ix
Helen Castle. Architectural Design, March April 2006, Editorial

Part 1. From Biology to Architecture

German Pavilion (in construction), Montreal. 1967

Leaving the Block Behind
''The theoretical basis of cultural expression in form is increasingly informed by a domain of
knowledge that appears relatively comfortable with notions of generative algorithmic beauty:
namely biology.''11

In other words, biology is what inspired Frei Otto's research just as it inspires architects today to
work with the computer. In this case the fascination with the computer is thus a fascination with
life, a fascination with the potential of the computer to 'imitate' life and especially the ability to
make use of some of life's principles.

Now it is not any more the machine from a mechanical point of view that is exalted
to cultural status, as a manifestation of order and simplicity exhibited by Newtonian mechanics12.
In the early 20th century people were overwhelmed by the power of machines and industry.
Especially architecture as a discipline that relies so much on production and material,
experienced a dramatic change. For Le Corbusier, at least at some point of his career, the
overtaking of machine and industry was a definite improvement. ''In nature, objectively observed,
exists nothing that reaches the pure perfection of even the most basic machine.''13

That machine of modernity lost its fascination- often only the feasibility and economy of
functionalism remains.''The usual result has been grey dreary groups of buildings made of
prefabricated concrete sections, offering few surprises and a superfluity of right angles, (...). This
sort of thing often replaced a varied and deeply textured urban scene.''14
Jane Jacobs harshly criticised the modernist notion of a city that could be divided functionally
into purified parts according to a machine logic.
''A city is not particularly a question of functional zoning, or dividing areas up into
the 'five functions' living, working, circulation recreation and governing, or simplicity''15.
As Charles Jencks quotes her, a city is not particularly a question of ''disorganised
complexity'' or chaos either. Rather It is one of ''organised complexity''16, a growing and evolving
environment that establishes its own order out of itself.
The criticism to over-rationalised and standardised environments and designs of all is a typical
reaction, the theorists learned from the social experiments of modernism, and understood that
design is a much more difficult task than just adding functions. It becomes clear when looking at
cities with intricately interwoven functionality, with no apparent simple logic to them, irregular
and complex.

Malcom McCullough. 20 Years of Scripted Space, Architectural Design, July/August 2006, p.15
From Charles Jencks. Architecture of the Jumping Universe, p. 12ff
Ryszard Sliwka quoting Le Corbusier, Geometrien der Schöpfung, in Arch+, May 2002, p.89
Edward Relph, The Modern Urban Landscape, p.145
Charles Jencks quoting Jane Jacobs. Architecture of the Jumping Universe, p. 68
Charles Jencks quoting Jane Jacobs. Architecture of the Jumping Universe, p. 68

It is a machine, the computer, but rather its inner processes than its physical components that
now has 'reached a cultural stage'. Architects and urban planners dream of buildings and cities
that grow out of their own constraints and functions, that evolve over time adapt and progress,
simulated within the computer. The last decades revealed insight into the mechanisms of natural
systems and organisms that question Le Corbusier's statement quoted before, illuminating nature
as far superior to the design and creation possible to human logic. The aim to harness this
potential of nature is once again an inspiration for architecture.
''The true interest of this kind of crossing over between architecture and the sciences... resides in
a definite and demonstrable connection, susceptible to the theoretical analysis.'' One of these
connections is the ''embodiment of immaterial elements of culture'' which perhaps is, concludes
Antoine Picon ''capable of producing the effect at which architecture excels- namely, the
transportation and materialisation of the most original ideas of an epoch.''17

Whether for example bio-informatics and genetics are the most original ideas of this epoch shall
not be further discussed. Certainly they are important, and in the 'Induction Cities' project by
Watanabe these themes are transported into material reality.
Designing an environment like a city, or structures that are grown, complex organizations like ant
colonies -natural things in general- is practically not possible. As the next chapters will show in
more detail, these phenomena emerge from the bottom up, designed not by one intelligent source
but by interaction of many individual elements that self-organize into suited configurations.
In the opinion of Watanabe this principle possibly is a remedy to problems and symptoms of
international modernism, suggesting that simulations of evolutionary processes and growth could
help to create more organic and individual environments, with plans and structures that consist of
custom made elements, offering interesting and inspiring surroundings.

By encoding their design intentions into a computer programme some architects like Watanabe
generate solutions that ''despite being human creations, consist of parts and relationships arranged
in such complicated ways that often surpass a single designer's ability to thoroughly
comprehend them, even if that person is their own creator.''18
It is the ability the computer gives the designer to exceed his own intellect that is
tempting, that may be an improvement to solving problems by the logic and rationality of a
''[A]rchitecture that seeks, through new scientific advances ... in understanding of natural
processes and systems, to leave behind the known structural and material blocks.''19

Antoine Picon and Alessandra Ponte, Architecture and the sciences, p.16
Kostas Terzidis. Algorithmic Architecture, p. 117
Helen Castle. Architectural Design, March April 2006, Editorial

Self-Organization and Frei Otto
So how do natural things take their shape, what helps them to assemble in the right way?
The answer to this question is not completely solved yet and is not necessarily important to the
design of architecture. But what has already been understood actually finds application in the
design of many things, including buildings.

It is known that all 'grown things' work after a logic referred to above called self-organization.
This does not imply anything else except that the individual parts
find their place in a system by themselves without having the 'knowledge' or a 'master plan' of the
Instead they are provided with a set of far more simple rules than the systems or structures they
are part of. Rules that dictate their behaviour and interaction, resulting in a pattern or network
exhibiting characteristic behaviour that is observable, but not predictable. And thus as also
mentioned above, not designable. They have ''properties that can not be known from analysis of
the constituent elements in isolation''20. Here it is true that 'the whole is greater than the sum of its

Fig.1 Scanning electron micrograph of cancellous (spongy) bone tissue


Darcy Thompson is one of the most important figures in the discovery of that principle. His book
'On Growth and Form' revolves around the idea that form is a diagram of forces that acted on it
during its creation.
In this respect matter self-organizes into form under the influence of extrinsic forces.
An important observation was the relation between the tissue inside bones and the stress that the
bone was subjected to. Here it is visible how the tissue inside the bone adapts to extrinsic forces
and thus depicts a physical diagram of these forces. The location of each individual cell is not
predetermined, but they all follow the same very simple rule:

A cell grows and duplicates at a higher rate if under too much stress.

This very simple behaviour creates the incredibly complex three dimensional networks of the
spongy bone tissue (Fig. 1). In fact they are so sophisticated that already Professor Culmann over
120 years ago identified a diagram of lines of stress (Fig.2), or directions of tension and
compression, looking at the porous networks.21
The system of a large number of interacting cells solves the problem of creating an efficient
distribution of strong, stiff cell-tissue inside the bone out of itself: namely self-organization.

Fig.2 left: Head of the human femur in section, right: lines of stress after Prof. Culmann

Superficial references to this kind of natural structures were and still are a often strategy in
architectural design. These forms do convey something very appealing and always provided
inspiration for art and philosophy.
But architecture is not just about the appearance, but also about function and an inner integrity
between contradicting requirements.
''The long proclaimed biological paradigm for architectural design must ... go beyond using
shallow biological metaphors or a superficial biomorphic formal repertoire''22
Frei Otto said that ''[i]t is necessary that we architects try to understand living nature, but not
copy it. This is one very important task for the future.''23

From D'Arcy Thompson's On Growth and Form, p.232ff
Michael Hensel. (Synthetic) Life Architectures, in Architectural Design March/April 2006, p. 18
Frei Otto. In conversation with the Emergence and Design Group, in Architectural Design vol.74 No3 May/june
2004, p.25

Fig.3 Radiolaria after Ernst Haeckle

An important influence on Frei Otto's work were 'Radiolaria'(Fig.3), tiny sea creatures that grow
shell like skeletons to protect their bodies. Otto realised that Radiolaria, and natural structures in
general are not strictly based on simple geometries. They merely appear to be. They were long
mistaken as natural embodiment of mathematical order. But mathematics are a human invention,
an abstraction that despite of its incredible correctness never is quite right about reality.

Frei Otto found that ''[l]iving structure is completely different to artificial technical structures that
are shaped by simple geometries. The structure of living nature is very complex. In living
organisms every element is different... Irregularity is important not only in biology but also in
technology, and is a field that has not been researched enough''24
Micheal Hensel from the Emergence and Design Group agrees that ''the robust design of natural
living systems is not produced by optimisation and standardisation, but by redundancy and
This is where a different understanding of natural structures becomes apparent, regarding the
ideas of modernism explained earlier.

Frei Otto. In conversation with the Emergence and Design Group, in Architectural Design May/june 2004, p.25
Micheal Weinstock, Self-Organisation and the Structural Dynamics of Plant, in Architectural Design March
April 2006, p.27

Finding Form
Most of Frei Otto's work revolved around the idea of making structures more efficient.
His architectural starting point was common lightweight construction, but his work clearly
evolved into a new structural and theoretical realm.
According to his observations and knowledge of natural from and structure his idea was that the
most efficient structures would consist of materials and components that self-organize into
formation in respond to extrinsic forces acting on them. All of the cable net structures and wood
lattices are based on this observation.

Fig.4 Olympic Stadium, Munich. Frei Otto 1972

For the cable net structures like the roof for the Olympic Stadium for the 1972 Olympic Games in
Munich (Fig.4), soap film models serve as blueprints for the actual shape (Fig.5). The clue is that
molecules in the soap film always contract as much as possible. This simple interaction forms
minimal surfaces, distributing the tension equally throughout. This is beneficial for 'real'
constructions because the net in theory is subjected to equal strain all over and avoids the need
for superfluous material.

The Stadium impressively expresses this principle. It is often associated with spider's webs, but
despite the similarity it is not a superficial imitation of a spider's web shape- instead a similar
principle underlies the formation of both shapes.

Fig.5 Soap film experiments generating minimal surfaces.

Wood lattices, like the 'Multihalle Mannheim' (Fig.7)are equally based on a simple form finding
experiment. The Catenary curve, a curve resulting from a hanging string or chain fixed at two
ends is its basis. Instead of a single string or chain, Otto used a network of chains for his
experiments (Fig.6), similar to the way Gaudi determined the structure for the church Güell and
Sagrada Familia. Again this is an approach that tackles the problematic of structural efficiency-
the inverted Catenary results in theory in purely compression loaded vault, minimising the
materials needed. In both cases the cable and lattice constructions, the structural integrity and
efficiency is clearly readable as if one could almost read the stress lines within the surfaces like
Culmann saw the stress lines in the tissue of a cow's hip bone.

Fig.6 Hanging Model, for structural analysis of 'Multihalle Mannheim'

In addition, the efficient construction results in structurally aesthetic shapes, wavy and organic
double curved surfaces. This is in strong contrast to opaque heavy weight construction, with
hard distinctions between inside and outside. Frei Otto substitutes shape for material mass in the
drive for structural stability and- the ''dematerialisation of structure''26 creates light spaces that yet
appear inherently strong and stable.
The experience of lightweight space is enhanced by the transparency of the building envelope. It
allows the light to penetrate, creating strong outlines. The repetition of similar shapes in the
complex three dimensional networks reminds of the organic textures and structures in animate
and inanimate nature. This effect intentionally echoes throughout his work and is its strongest
feature: the form as a diagram of force.

Fig.7 Interior view, Multihalle Mannheim, Frei Otto

However, despite Otto's intentions and experimental research, due to restrictions in buildability
and feasibility his buildings are often based on square grids and still exhibit a high degree of
regularity, rigidity compared to the forms created by the natural processes he aspires to mirror.
His buildings already innovated new construction methods, and approached the boundaries of
structural possibilities, yet he sought further, structurally and beyond.

Especially interesting in the context my considerations are the wool thread experiments for
branched constructions Otto and his research team at the IL (Institute for lightweight
construction) carried out in the 1970s.
The experiments always aim at optimisation. The illustrated apparatus (Fig.8) was designed to
generate an irregular web of thin structural members. The branches that support the top join in
the middle to form bundles that separate again at the bottom, a structurally coherent system

Philip Drew, FREI OTTO Form & Structure, p.27

It is a development of the minimal surface experiments. The cohesive force of the water pulls the
threads together as much as possible. The logic is similar to the Catenary: if the system in
suspension would become stiff and loaded, most parts would be in compression.

Fig.8 wet wool thread experiment, Frei Otto

The optimised path apparatus shown below (Fig.9) works on exactly the same principle as the
example before- but it addresses an entirely different problem: the distribution of streets between
a set number of destinations.
With this experiment Frei Otto brought about a revolutionary innovation, applying the immanent
virtue of self-organization to non-structural questions.

Fig.9 In this experiment a wool-thread system of direct paths (left) is loosened (8%) and then put in water. The
cohesive forces acting on the threads when the system is taken out of the water organize a unique state of
equilibrium (right).
Unlike a system of straight columns that would just as well carry the same load, the network created with the
apparatus provides structural stability also against lateral forces with a minimum of extra material.

In essence the experiments shown above are not much different from the way the cellular tissue
inside the bone works. They are systems of local elements: the fibres in wool thread and water
molecules- that interact according to a number of rules: the cohesive force of the water; the
degree of looseness of wool thread. The process can be seen as 'analogue computing.'

The apparatus compromises between a direct and a minimal path system, or between the shortest
connection and the least overall length of streets in the system. The cohesive force of the water
forms minimal paths within the almost direct path system, due to a certain tolerance in the
network: an over length of the wool threads.
By changing the arrangement of fixed points and the degree of tolerance in the threads the
apparatus can be 'programmed' to find optimal solutions for a variety of configurations.
It is a prototype. Otto's intention, rather than using it to solve a problem in a build commission, is
to inspire designers to make use of similar methods and principles.

Frei Otto is best described as visionary or inventor. His aspiration to find and solve ever more
problems created a wide range of experimental approaches. He is in a way a scientist of design as
his practical and theoretical research adopts the methods and analytic procedures of a
researcher.28 ''In this respect, he bridges the gulf between science and art.''29

The transportation of form finding experiments to non-structural problems opened an entire field
of investigation that would eventually thrive in new applications of computer software, and
inspire architects to look once again at nature as an inspiration at the beginning of the 21st
century. This, one could say, was Frei Otto's real motivation- to have an effect on the way
architecture is conceived and made.

Philip Drew. Frei Otto, From & Structure, p. 6ff
Philip Drew. Frei Otto, From & Structure, p. 7

Part 2. The computer
''Physical processes are forms of computation, and no where is this understanding made more
explicit than in Stephen Wolfram's formulation of the principle of Computational Equivalence.
Wolfram remarks: 'All processes, whether they are produced by human efforts or occur
spontaneously in nature can be viewed as computation'. ''30

Sphere based on Cellular Automata, Kevin Spides

Karl Chu quoting Stephen Wolfram, The Metaphysics of Genetic Architecture and Computation, in Architectural
Design July/August p.40

Stephen Wolfram's Cellular Automata

The computer proved incredible helpful in the examination and understanding of such complex
systems and their self-organization. Artificial life is a term to describe computer simulations that
model functionality and mechanisms of biogenetics and morphogenesis, the growth and
evolution of organisms.

The self-organization through simple rules can be illustrated by an experiment with simple
computer programs called 'Cellular Automata' carried out by Stephen Wolfram about 40 years
Wolfram criticised traditional sciences for relying on 'mathematical formalism' that often proved
''incapable of anticipating the complex behaviour of a system'';31 Suggesting that computational
models are more appropriate to reproduce, analyse and understand complex systems.
Cellular automaton is a program that determines its colour according to the adjacent three
automatons of the previous step in a square grid as shown below (Fig.10).

Fig. 10 explaining Cellular Automata. left rule 90, right rule 30

''The picture [ Fig.11] is an example of the fundamental phenomenon that even with simple
underlying rules and simple initial conditions it is possible to produce behaviour of great

Ingeborg M Rocker, When Code Matters, in Architectural Design, July/August 2006, p.19

Fig.11 progressively more steps of rule 30

Cellular Automata work together in a simple form of an algorithm. An algorithm is basically

nothing more but a set of instructions and a sequence to follow.32 It is as simple as that, and even
an algorithm with such a basic structure can already produce very sophisticated solutions to a
number of different problems.
''it might be assumed here that the behaviour eventually would resolve into something simple, but
again this is not the case''33
The pattern in Fig.11 shows a surprisingly high degree of variation and asymmetry. At both edges
of the triangular shape repeating configurations can be observed but in the centre prevails no
obvious regularity. The regular configurations especially on the left side keep growing,
expanding as the pattern progresses. It seems as if the pattern tests configuration until they form a
stable combination that will be repeated and keep expanding. The system solves the problem of
finding a stable configurations 'from the bottom up' rather than being solved 'from the top down'
by an intelligent designer.

This may be a very blunt description or model for the growth of an organism in which
the rule is the 'gene' and the pattern is the actual grown body, the phenotype. The rule 30 could be
the first step, the pattern of the most primitive first stage or embryo, and other progressions of
rules would follow to refine the initial shape.
A genetic code in this sense would be a collection of rules that are set in a sequence to form the
body step by step. The 'rules' are in fact encoded in the genetic sequence as blueprints of protein
chains. Once a protein is copied and activated it organises cells into formation, by only following
its own rule- in contrast to the idea that every cell in a growing body finds its position and
function according to pre-conceived plan of the entire organism in the genetic code.34
This is an idea that Makoto Sei Watanabe picked up for the 'Induction Cities' project. Here he
finds inspiration in the most underlying mechanism of nature, here he sees the possibility to use
this mechanism to generate form and organisation that is not an imitation but in analogy to its
natural counter parts.

For example: take row one, apply rule x (if this is... than do that), take row two apply rule x,.....etc.
Stephen Wolfram. How Do Simple Programs Behave?, in Architectural Design, July/August 2006, p.35
Because this is not the case, in biology a distinction between phenotype and genotype is made, between the
genetic information and the organisation this information is translated to.

Makoto Sei Watanabe- Induction Cities

''I have been asking myself for a long time whether one could create something like a
SEED of architecture. A seed that spreads its roots, unfolds its leafs and blooms if it
receives water and light...
The structure of stem and leaf of a plant evolves as an optimised reaction to the relative force
environment... Plants generate a compromise between their own needs and constraints of their
environment... If you observe this process carefully you realize that something like architecture
Makoto Sei Watanabe's research project 'Inducing Cities' revolves around the question: ''Is there a
way to create something similar?''35 ;Buildings and Cities that grow according to encoded design
intentions that evolve in respect to a specific environment sensitive to its characteristics?

''The Induction cities project began with our conclusion that a city cannot be designed''36

Watanabe collaborates with an international team with participants from different universities and
architectural practices. The original team started in the 90's to design computer programs that
generate architectural proposals; At first with the intention to find out if such an approach project
was an actual possibility.
Watanabe criticises the ''textbook''37 methods cities are currently designed by. ''What we need is
not critical perceptions of what a city is but a methodology for creating a city as well as a set of
theoretical principles to buttress such a methodology (...) a way of creating a city that embraces
the dynamism of the city''38 With this in mind the project attempts to generate cities and buildings
by adopting evolutionary processes, a far more ambitious strategy than Frei Otto's use of physical

''Our approach may be similar to the principles of the biosystem more and more of which is being
understood through research on artificial life. Living organisms are not governed by a grand
designer. Why does a living thing maintain integrity despite the absence of a grand designer?
What guarantees its self-organization?''39

The answer to this question also gives an inspiration on how the programmes written for
Induction Cities generate design. The key lay in braking down the design problem into different
individual problems that are solved step by step, comparable with proteins in a gene sequence
that help assembling an organism.

Makoto Sei Watanabe. Inducing Cities, Arch+ may 2002 p.136 (translated by the author)
Makoto Sei Watanabe from accessed 03.01.2008
Makoto Sei Watanabe from accessed 03.01.2008
Makoto Sei Watanabe from accessed 03.01.2008
Makoto Sei Watanabe from accessed 03.01.2008

The growth of the organic city
from simple rules through a sequence to a city

What happens if the often intuitive process of designing is deciphered?

Christopher Alexander's book 'Pattern language' ''was one of the admirable precedents to the
Extraction of thought.''40 It looks at how regions, cities, neighbourhoods and buildings evolve-
how they form a hierarchy of patterns. The idea of 'Pattern Language' was to organize knowledge
and experience about working sequences and hierarchies of patterns, to solve recurring problems.
''A sequence is like a bit of genetic code. It helps things to unfold in the right way''41
The idea was to use those sequences to assist the design of our environment, from the door step
of buildings up to the complexity of cities and entire regions.
In the whole Christopher Alexander found 253 of those patterns, the following examples show
parts of the sequence:

The language begins with patterns that define towns and communities. These patterns can never
be designed or built in one fell swoop - but patient piecemeal growth, designed in such a way
that every individual act is always helping to create or generate these larger global patterns,
will, slowly and surely, over the years, make a community that has these global patterns in it.


Within each region work toward those regional policies which will protect the land and mark the
limits of the cities:

Establish community and neighbourhood policy to control the character of the local environment
according to the following fundamental principles:
Watanabe says: ''Maybe this work was only doomed to fail because there weren't any computers
yet.''43 In essence Christopher Alexander's Pattern Language is exactly what the Induction Cities
project is doing. The computer programs written by Watanabe's research team automatise the
design process by determining a specific sequence, a hierarchy of criteria, by programming an
algorithm that works out a solution step by step. The hierarchy and its criteria are different to

Makoto Sei Watanabe. Inducing Cities, Arch+ may 2002 p.135 (translated by the author)
Christopher Alexander, a childs history of pattern language.
Christopher Alexander ,, accessed on 03.01.2008
Makoto Sei Watanabe. Inducing Cities, Arch+ may 2002 p.135 (translated by the author)

Christopher Alexander's patterns and sequence, but the algorithmic approach is the same.44
In other words Watanabe, like Stephen Wolfram, thinks that computer programs are capable of
recreating complexity, on a simple level, but eventually in combination something that is similar
to the complexity of a city. The algorithm has encoded design intentions, just like the genetic
code of a plants contains its aim to grow, collect energy bloom and distribute seeds. For a plant
the criteria of what is helpful for the plants recreation are comparably easy to find.

But what are the criteria for a good city?

For the Induction Cities project the research team developed their own set of criteria and their
own sequence. In the first phase they looked at Cities and neighbourhoods, aiming at the
conception of a city as a whole. What for example is a ''good street'', ''within which boundaries
are slopes and changes of direction tolerable?''45. The team worked out computer programmes to
address each problem individually to combine the outcome creating a complete solution.

evolutionary designing?
the genetic algorithm as a model for evolution

The team developed a certain number of programmes to generate possible plans and other
programmes to evaluate the output. The sequence mentioned above and thus relation between the
individual programmes here is facilitated through a so called genetic algorithm.
The genetic algorithm is a simplified computer model of natural evolution. It produces a
population of 'codes' each of which will generate plans. After the evaluation the most successful
plans are selected. The codes of these successful plans are fed back into the first stage where
crossover and mutation alter the codes, to produce a new generation of plans, and the process
starts all over again until a plan with satisfying rate of match to the criteria is found.

To go back to the Cellular Automata, if Stephen Wolfram would have used a genetic algorithm
and his criteria would be to create the most complex configuration with the highest variety, The
diagram in Fig.12 would represent this process.
Comparing the figure in the third generation with the two from the second, only one part of rule
(the second from left) was changed (maybe through mutation, cross over etc.). This asymmetry in
the rule causes the figure in the third generation to be asymmetric, causing a high level of variety.
The asymmetry in the rule would therefore be retained in all following generations as a
successful 'gene', until the best combination out of the possible 256 rules emerges.

Algorithms are sets of instructions and a sequence to follow and existed before any computer was invented. They
were performed manually by mathematicians and in ancient religious rituals.
Makoto Sei Watanabe. Inducing Cities, Arch+ may 2002 p.135 (translated by the author)

Fig.12 explaining a genetic algorithm with Cellular Automata

Induction Cities uses a genetic algorithm in a similar fashion.

At first and most importantly the evaluation criteria have to be set. The conception of a city starts
with distribution of infrastructure, work-places, residential areas, industry and other key
In 'On Demand City' each of these functions is provided with an evaluation score regarding its
distance to every other function. For example work and living close to each other, but main roads
and industry far away from residential and recreational areas, an even network of public
transport, hospitals, schools..etc. A program produces a population of plans that will be assessed
and selected to produce the next generation, successful configurations are retained, the process
iterated until a satisfying balance is generated (Fig.13).

Fig.13 from left to right: determine key facilities, assign scores, generate plans, find optimum. Makoto Watanabe

In the 'City of Generative Road Plan', the next step of a evolving city is made.
Unlike Frei Otto's Optimised Path system (as explained a compromise between a direct and a
minimal path system) here the criteria for a 'good' network of streets were chosen to be 'getting

fast to a destination' and 'following a pleasant way'.
In modern town planning streets often are made straight, even though an intricately interwoven
network of streets ads to the experience of a street and gives it ''a sense of depth''46
''A perfectly straight street is tiring and just as well streets that curve in a predictable fashion are
getting monotonous''47 For this reason Watanabe looked at examples of existing streets that
contained positive aspects, and transported these aspects into the program to generate streets
patterns that resemble the chosen positive aspects. Once again this was achieved by assigning
scores to each of the former selected criteria for type of intersection, differentiation in road
curvature or length of road sections.

Fig.14 generating road network using a genetic algorithm. Makoto Watanabe

An attempt to automatise the design of individual buildings or building blocks is the 'City of the
Sun Goddess'.''In studying the arrangement of units for multi unit housing architecture, access to
maximum sunshine for each unit is given top priority in Japan. The result is monotonous box-like
housing complexes everywhere''48 says Watanabe.
It is obvious that these regular blocks are not the best but only one of many solutions.

Makoto Sei Watanabe from accessed 03.01.2008
Makoto Sei Watanabe. Inducing Cities, Arch+ may 2002 p.136 (translated by the author)
Makoto Sei Watanabe from accessed 03.01.2008

Fig.15 generating building outlines according to sunlight. Watanabe

The subsequent criteria are very basic: each apartment had to have at least a certain amount of
direct sunlight every day. With this condition only as the basis for the design the program
generated a ''far more flexible plan for the arrangement of individual living units compared with
conventional design approach.''49 In more detail the program cuts voids into blocks if they
produce too much shade. A rugged, holey block emerges, providing a great variety of different
spaces, terraces, paths and yards (Fig.15). The fitting of buildings is the last step in the
programme generated city (Fig. 16). Watanabe claims that Inducing Cities is the first programme
generated architecture in the world.

Fig.16 Induction City: Programme generated architecture. City design putting all individual programmes into one
proposal, Makoto Watanabe

In the process other criteria could be integrated, compromises between a huge variety of different
problems could be developed using this method. Frei Otto form-finding methods were usually
governed by structural considerations, these could be integrated, as well as spatial and
environmental ones.
On the Watanabe's website ( it is possible to download a simple
example of algorithmic software called KIRIKI.
This is a pre-written set of form-generating and structural optimisation scripts that originate from
'Shin Minimata Mon' project, a built monument in front of the Kyushu Shinkansen ShinMinamata
railway station (Fig.17).
Makoto Sei Watanabe. Inducing Cities, Arch+ may 2002 p.136 (translated by the author)

Fig.17 Shin Minimata Mon sculpture generated with KIRIKI, incorporating structural aspects in the programme.

I tried out the software myself and generated the following form in three steps (Fig.18).
By manipulating a geometrical archetype: step 1, a 'host-surface is created: step 2. The program
then generates a structural pattern over the surface according to adjustable parameters step
3(number and distribution of starting points, average and variation of angle, average length and
variation of members, average number of nodes...etc.). Another step is intended to optimise the
the structural members in terms of their thickness.
Once a programme is written it is as simple as that. The design is not the structure, but the
parameters and sequences that were written before are the actual process of generating the form.
This example of a structural approach in Watanabe's work reinforces the
connection to Frei Otto, and in fact a similar appearance is created.

Fig.18 generating structural object in three steps using KIRIKI

The space between the written script and the actual generated plan is filled in by the logic of the
programme. ''In this sense the structures that the program generates are similar to snow flakes or
butterfly wings. Even though such things appear to be wonderfully designed, they don't originate
from the hand of a designer.''50 They are phenomena that evolve from the processes that create
them and depict, in the sense of D'Arcy Thompson, the forces (laws) that created them.
Makoto Sei Watanabe. Inducing Cities, Arch+ may 2002 p.136 (translated by the author)

''Induction City is a method to create such phenomena ...''51
Even more than in Frei Otto's work, the outcome of the project is not a literal city, a finished
design that is ready to be build. At the moment it is a design approach, a theory that yet has to be
verified and tested to find its place in the design world of many different strategies and methods.
The very sensitive problem with this method lies in the right choice of criteria. This is critical to
the success of the project. But what is a pleasant street or effect of sunlight; what other aspects
should be involved and in what sequence? This is I personally think the greatest problem with
Christopher Alexander's Pattern language, because it provides a finished set of patterns, rather
than a platform to create or reorganise existing patterns and sequences according to changing
The perception of most questions involved in design is subjective. For that reason there has to be
the opportunity to change the evaluation criteria ''according to the circumstances, like we change
tapes in a 'stereo'..... Induction Cities aims at creating a 'stereo', a mechanism that plays every
chosen tape''52

The description of the project in this text is simplified and omits many of the issues and details
involved- my aim is not to discuss the technical aspects in too much detail.
Instead I hope to give an idea of the scope of possibilities, limitations and problematic involved
in this method: generated architecture.
The project generates codes that work for a specific task, and can be transported and applied in
appropriate situations. They work like Christopher Alexander's Pattern Language or Frei Otto's
Optimised Path apparatus. The code grows configurations sensitive to its environment, it is a
seed of architecture, it is a seed of a city, that can grow if it finds fertile ground.

However, it relies at its very base on the input of its designer; The right selection of criteria, the
algorithms that determine the sequence and hierarchy. Even though the improvement computer
hardware exhibits an impressive growth rate and is capable of achieving things that no one even
thought of ten years ago, I doubt that it will ever be able to generate entire solutions of true
architectural merit, based only on rules and sequences. It is probably, strictly not possible to
substitute human intuition and feeling with any machine. The computer in this case takes the role
of an advisor, as a point of reference, but has to be secondary.

Makoto Sei Watanabe. Inducing Cities, Arch+ may 2002 p.136 (translated by the author)
Makoto Sei Watanabe. Inducing Cities, Arch+ may 2002 p.136 (translated by the author)

Part 3. Mind and Computing (conclusion)

tool or designer?
In the introduction I said that the computer can solve problems that exceed the human intellect.
This seems to be true- it can, in practical terms, probably not be denied. But if one considers the
nature of a computer a different fact becomes apparent. Regarding its origin, anything a computer
does could be done manually53 with not much intellect at all. In other words, the computer is
essentially stupid, but it works with such an unbelievable number of stupid questions at the same
time that the results seem to exceed our capabilities.
This point clearly reinforces the fact that the computer could, in certain aspects, generate
successful plans or find good solutions to contradicting problems- only if it was programmed by
someone to do so. Saying that -an idea that I once came across- true intelligence is not to find the
right answers, but to ask the right questions.

Moreover there is a certain aspect the mind that cannot be simulated, the mystery of intuition, of
emotion. Stephen Wolfram said that all physical processes are computing, and so is thinking, a
process of computation. Even a genetic algorithm as described above is in some way a procedure
that is not foreign to the mind,54 but I contains some irrational, an-exact aspects.
In this sense I doubt that the computer can ever parallel neither the process of human nor natural
design. Maybe it is too rational, numerical correct and precise.
In contrast, the computing that takes place in the mind is filled with distortions and irregularities,
unpredictable differences. It ''filters, edits, composes, interrogates and challenges.''55 It creates an
ideal, a prototype, but on the way to the hand that will execute the plan it turns to be like all
things in reality: an-exact.
Thinking is much more like the computing in natural phenomena, compared to the rigidity of a

What about the methods and ambitions in Frei Otto's work? For many people they are more
acceptable than the computed equivalents, even though the experimental environments invented
by Frei Otto allow modelling and analysis with impressive accuracy.
Possibly because it never becomes abstract. The entire process in Otto's work is material based,
from an initial sketch to finished building, whereas in Watanabe's approach the forces and
processes are abstracted.
For this reason much effort is put into making the computer less correct, or rather less abstract.
Modelling growth and evolution of plants or generating objects like a birds nest originate in the
strong ambition to make the virtual less virtual. Comparing the title image of this chapter with
the illustrations below, One can carefully make a guess about the work that has been done
compared to the aspirations that drive this search.

Any computer today is still based on exactly the principle of the first mechanical computing machines like
Konrad Zuse's Z1 or Alan Turing's Turing Machine.
For example dividing a problem into a sequence and individual steps- to compare two different solutions and
choose the better one.
Wise, Chris. Drunk in an Orgy of Technology, in Architectural Design vol.74 No3 May/june 2004, p.56

Fig.19 Digitally simulated growth study, Achim Menges

From my point of view this is an interesting approach and an ambitious task, but does this really
influence the sterile nature of its output? Or did the fascination with seductive images only cause
us to believe so?
Now the question is who is dominating whom. The computer offers a tempting power to archive
things that wouldn't be possible without it. This power and fascination is likely to resolve into a
similar overenthusiastic delusion as it, in places, seemed to have happened in early modernism -
believing more in technology than in ones own intellect.
''Along with power comes responsibility''. 56
There is only a fine line between getting lost in a world of technology instead of enriching the
environment with interestingly varying spaces that have a hint of immanent life.

Maybe Watanabe relies too much on the potential the computer seems to have- and this might
stop him from achieving a truly living design. It didn't become clear to me if the Inducing Cites
project forces the image of nature onto software and whether the its mechanisms are similar in
principle, or rather essentially different to natural phenomena. Certainly Watanabe has to adjust
his method and parameters so that they suit an organic outcome. If the same method would be
used with more economic criteria, the outcome would probably not be as exiting. Maybe the
actual process thus looses its importance in comparison to the criteria- the design ambitions and

This brings us back to the point made at the beginning of this chapter.
An experiment, whether analogue or computed, is a tool, maybe an extension of the mind, but
certainly not a designer. The work by Frei Otto and Makoto Sei Watanabe shows a more in depth
reference to natural processes, that generates form from analogy in underlying principles rather.
It represents the evident counter part to the ever expanding ''form follows form''57 mentality in
architecture, and in this respect is a great improvement in my mind. But it is not yet a finished
method all together.
Wise, Chris. Drunk in an Orgy of Technology, in Architectural Design vol.74 No3 May/june 2004, p.57
Hernan Diaz Alonso. In The new LA school, Icon, October 2007 p.116

I found that the computer will not and should not substitute our emotional and intuitive
intelligence, nor do I believe that it will it become 'alive'- not in architecture or anywhere else. I
believe this is the one point where both critics and enthusiasts of computer generated design
would agree in.
The computer inevitably will play an ever more important part- I think it is important to make
this a good one. Watanabe puts it this way: ''What we should look for are ways in which the
computer and the brain compliment each other.''58

Makoto Sei Watanabe from accessed 03.01.2008



Drew, Philip. FREI OTTO Form and Structure, Stuttgart: Verlag Gerd Hatje, 1976. published in GB, London:
Crosby Lockwood Staples, 1976

Glaeser, Ludwig. The Work of Frei Otto, New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 1972

Jencks, Charles. THE ARCHITECTURE OF THE JUMPING UNIVERSE, London: Academy Editions, 1995

Johnson, Steven. emergence, London: Penguin Books, 2001

Otto, Frei and Bodo Rasch. Finding Form, Munich: Edition Axel Menges, (translation: Micheal Robinson) 1995

Picon, Antoine and Alessandra Ponte (editors). ARCHITECTRUE AND THE SCIENCES, New York,
Princeton Architectural Press, 2003

Relph, Edward. The Modern Urban Landscape, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1987

Spuybroek, Lars. NOX, London: Thames and Hudson, 2004

Terzidis, Kostas. ALGORITHMIC ARCHITECTRUE, Oxford: Architectural Press, 2006

Thompson, D'Arcy Wentworth. On Growth and Form (abridged edition, edited by J.T.Bonner), London:
Cambridge University Press, (1961). unabridged version first published 1917.

Magazine Articles:
Chu, Karl. Metaphysics of Genetic Architecture and Computation, in Architectural Design, July/August 2006,

Diaz Alonso, Hernan. The new LA school, Icon, October 2007 p.116

Hensel, Micheal (Synthetic) Life Architectures, in Architectural Design March/April 2006, p. 18

McCullough, Malcom, 20 Years of Scripted Space, Architectural Design, July/August 2006, p.15

Menges, Achim. Polymorphism, in Architectural Design, March/April 2006, p.78-87

Otto, Frei. In conversation with the Emergence and Design Group, in Architectural Design vol.74 No3 May/june
2004, p.19-25

Rocker, Ingeborg M. When Code Matters, in Architectural Design, July/August 2006, p.18-21

Sliwka, Ryszard. Geometrien der Schöpfung, in Arch+, May 2002, p.88-92

Van Berkel, Ben. Digital Sustainability and Spaces That Follow You (an interview by Frank Kaltenbach and Sabine
Schittich), in DEAIL, vol 12, Serie 2007, pp. 1424-1433

Watanabe, Makoto Sei. Inducing Cities, Arch+ may 2002 p.134-143

Weinstock, Micheal. Self-Organisation and Material Constructions,in Architectural Design, March/April 2006,

Wise, Chris. Drunk in an Orgy of Technology, in Architectural Design vol.74 No3 May/june 2004, p.55-57

Wolfram, Stephen. How Do Simple Programs Behave?, in Architectural Design, July/August 2006, p.34-37

Websites: accessed on 03.01.2008 accessed on 03.01.2008

Wikipedia:, accessed on 21.12.2007

cover: by author

title: Architectural Design, vol. 74 No. 3, May/June 2004, Emergence: Morphogenetic Design Strategies. p.4

Part 1. From Biology to Architecture

title: Glaeser, Ludwig. The Work of Frei Otto, New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 1972, p.44

Fig.1 Weinstock, Micheal. Self-Organisation and Material Constructions,in Architectural Design, March/April 2006,

Fig.2 Thompson, D'Arcy Wentworth. On Growth and Form (abridged edition, edited by J.T.Bonner), London:
Cambridge University Press, (1961). unabridged version first published 1917, p.232-233

Fig.3 Thompson, D'Arcy Wentworth. On Growth and Form (abridged edition, edited by J.T.Bonner), London:
Cambridge University Press, (1961). unabridged version first published 1917, p.156-157


Fig.5 Drew, Philip. FREI OTTO Form and Structure, Stuttgart: Verlag Gerd Hatje, 1976. published in GB, London:
Crosby Lockwood Staples, 1976, p.15

Fig.6 Otto, Frei and Bodo Rasch. Finding Form, Munich: Edition Axel Menges, (translation: Micheal Robinson)
1995, p.140

Fig.7 Otto, Frei and Bodo Rasch. Finding Form, Munich: Edition Axel Menges, (translation: Micheal Robinson)
1995, p.142

Fig.8 Otto, Frei and Bodo Rasch. Finding Form, Munich: Edition Axel Menges, (translation: Micheal Robinson)
1995, p.68. And:

Fig.9 Otto, Frei and Bodo Rasch. Finding Form, Munich: Edition Axel Menges, (translation: Micheal Robinson)
1995, p.68.

Part 2. The Computer

title: Chu, Karl. Metaphysics of Genetic Architecture and Computation, in Architectural Design, July/August 2006,

Fig.10 Wolfram, Stephen. How Do Simple Programs Behave?, in Architectural Design, July/August 2006, p.35,
adjusted by author

Fig.11 Wolfram, Stephen. How Do Simple Programs Behave?, in Architectural Design, July/August 2006, p.36

Fig.12 Wolfram, Stephen. How Do Simple Programs Behave?, in Architectural Design, July/August 2006, p.36
adjusted by author






Fig.18 by author

Part 3. conclusion


Fig.19 Menges, Achim. Polymorphism, in Architectural Design, March/April 2006, p.87


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