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Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Algebraic Expressions and Algebraic Formulas

Chapter 2: Algebraic Manipulation

Chapter 3: Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences

Chapter 4: Basic Math Problems

Chapter 5: Basic Statistics

Chapter 6: Business Mathematics

Chapter 7: Congruent Triangles and Geometry

Chapter 8: Consumer Math

Chapter 9: Factorization

Chapter 10: Introduction to Logarithms

Chapter 11: Linear Equations and Inequalities

Chapter 12: Linear Graphs and Applications

Chapter 13: Logarithms and Exponents

Chapter 14: Mathematical Theorems

Chapter 15: Matrices and Determinants

Chapter 16: Percentage, Ratio and Proportion

Chapter 17: Real and Complex Numbers

Chapter 18: Sets and Functions

Chapter 1 Algebraic Expressions and Algebraic Formulas

MCQ 1: A surd which contains sum of two monomial surds is called

A. trinomial surd B. binomial surd C. conjugate surd D. monomial surd

MCQ 2: Every polynomial is a

A. irrational expression B. rational expression C. sentence D. equation

MCQ 3: 3x + 2y -3 is an algebraic
A.expression B. equation C. sentence D. inequation

MCQ 4: 3√x + 4 ⁄ 3√x - 4 is

A. equation B. rational expression C. irrational expression D. formula

MCQ 5: If p(x) and q(x) are polynomials with integral coefficients and have no common factor, then p(x)⁄q(x) is said to be in its
A. zero form B. highest form C. middle form D. lowest form
MCQ 6: Every surd is a/an

A. irrational number B. rational number C. equation D. coefficient

MCQ 7: An irrational radical with rational radicand is called

A. equation B. sentence C. formula D. surd

MCQ 8: The quotient p(x)⁄q(x) of two polynomials p(x) and q(x), where q(x)≠0 is called

A. rational expression B. irrational expression C. polynomial D. coefficient

MCQ 9: p(x)⁄q(x) + r(s)⁄s(x) = p(x) s(x) + q(x) r(x) ⁄q(x) s(x) is called

A. property of equality B. property of division C. property of addition D. property of multiplication

MCQ 10: √6 + √2 is an example Pricele of

A. monomial surd B. trinomial surd C. binomial surd D. conjugate surd

MCQ 11: if x = 4 - √15 then the value of 1⁄x should be

A. −4 + √15 B. −4 - √15 C. 4 + √15 D. 0

MCQ 12: The conjugate of 3 - √5 is

A. 3 + √5 B. −3 - √5 C. 3 + 5 D. √3 - 5

MCQ 13: √5 is an example Pricele of

A. monomial surd B. trinomial surd C. binomial surd D. conjugate surd

MCQ 14: A surd which contains a single term is called

A. monomial surd B. trinomial surd C. binomial surd D. conjugate surd

MCQ 15: The simplest form of the surd √18⁄√3 √2 is

A. 3 B. √−3 C. √5 D. √3

MCQ 16: a³-3ab(a - b) - b³ is equal to

A. (a - b)³ B. (a + b)³ C. a³ + b³ D. a³-b³

MCQ 17: a³ + 3ab(a + b) + b³ is equal to

A. (a - b)³ B. (a + b)³ C. a³ + b³ D. a³-b³

MCQ 18: The additive inverse of p(x) ⁄ q(x) is

A. q(x) ⁄ p(x) B. − p(x)⁄ q(x) C. p(x) - q(x) D. p(x) + q(x)

MCQ 19: The simplest form of the surd √180 is

A. 6√3 B. 6√5 C. 6 D. 5

MCQ 20: If a + b = 5 and a - b = √17 then the value of ab should be

A. 3 B. 2 C. 5 D. 4

MCQ 21: 1⁄x-y − 1⁄x + y is equal to

A. 2x⁄ x² - y² B. 2y⁄ x² - y² C. −2x⁄ x² - y² D. −2y⁄ x² - y²

MCQ 22: The conjugate surd of x + √y is defined as

A. −x - √ y B. x - √ y C. −x + √ y D. x + y

MCQ 23: When operations of addition and subtraction are applied to algebraic terms, we get

A. polynomial B. algebraic expression C. logarithm D. none of above

MCQ 24: If p(x)≠0 and q(x)≠0 then the multiplicative inverse of p(x)⁄q(x) is

A. p(x) - q(x) B. p(x) + q(x) C. q(x)⁄p(x) D. − p(x)⁄ q(x)

MCQ 25: A binomial surd can be also obtained by adding a monomial surd and a

A. zero B. conjugate surd C. rational number D.irrational number

MCQ 26: 2 binomial surds of second order differing only in sign connecting their terms are known as

A. trinomial surds B. rational numbers C. conjugate surds D. monomial surds

MCQ 27: The coefficient an of the highest power is called

A. smallest coefficient B. zero coefficient C. highest coefficient D. degree

MCQ 28: By rationalizing the denominator of 3⁄4√3, we get

A. √3⁄4 B. 3⁄4 C. √3 D. 4√3

MCQ 29: (a + b)² + (a - b)² is equal to

A. a² + b² B. 2(a² + b²) C. a²-b² D. 2(a²-b²)

MCQ 30: (a + b)² − (a - b)² is equal to

A. 2ab B. a² - b² C. 4ab D. a² + b²

MCQ 31: (4 + √3)(4 − √3) is equal to

A. 11 B. 13 C. 15 D. 9

MCQ 32: In the rational expression p(x)⁄q(x), p(x) is known as

A. coefficient B. numerator C. denominator D. highest coefficient

MCQ 33: The rational expression is said to be in its lowest form if its HCF is

A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3

MCQ 34: a² + b² + c² + 2ab + 2bc + 2ca is equal to

A. (a + b - c)² B. (a + b + c)² C. 2abc (a + b + c)² D. (a - b + c)²

MCQ 35: If the product of two surds is a rational number, then each surd is said to be

A. rationalizing factor of each other B. conjugate of each other C. inverse of each other D. coefficient of each other

MCQ 36: The surds to be added or subtracted should be

A. a fraction B. non-similar C. similar D. none of above

MCQ 37: If a + b = 5 and a - b = 3 then the value of ab should be

A. 4 B. 5 C. 3 D. 6

MCQ 38: The factors of x² - 4 are

A. (x + 2)(x + 2) B. (x + 2)(x-2)

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