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Cutting edge investments: Trading strategies

Machine learning for trading

In multiperiod trading with realistic market impact, determining the dynamic trading strategy that optimises the expected
utility of final wealth can be difficult. Gordon Ritter shows that, with an appropriate choice of reward function, reinforcement
learning techniques (specifically Q-learning) can successfully handle the risk-averse case

n this article, we show how machine learning can be applied to the investor will pay an amount called the risk premium to remove the risk

I problem of discovering and implementing dynamic trading strategies

in the presence of transaction costs. Modern portfolio theory (which
extends to multiperiod portfolio selection, ie, dynamic trading) teaches us
from their portfolio.
The utility function u W R ! R is a mapping from wealth, in dollars,
to a real number with dimensionless units. The numerical value of u is
that a rational risk-averse investor seeks to maximise the expected utility important only insofar as it induces a preference relation, or ordering, on
of final wealth, EŒu.wT /. Here, wT is the wealth random variable, net of the space of lotteries. If the investor is risk averse, then u is concave (see
all trading costs, sampled at some future time T , and u is the investor’s Pratt (1964) and Arrow (1971) for more details).
(concave, increasing) utility function. We answer the question of whether A risk-neutral investor has a linear utility function, which implies they

it is possible to train a machine-learning algorithm to behave as a rational are concerned only with maximising expected wealth and are indifferent
risk-averse investor. to risk. Most investors are not indifferent to risk, and hence maximising
 Notation. If x; y 2 RN are vectors, then let xy 2 RN and x=y expected wealth is only a valid modus operandi in specific scenarios (eg,
denote the pointwise product and pointwise quotient (also vectors), while high-frequency trading), where the risk is controlled in some other way.
x  y D i xi yi 2 R denotes the scalar product. Let ı denote the first- In the risk-neutral case, u is a linear function and (1) takes the much
difference operator for time series so that, for any time series fx t W t D simpler form:
1; : : : ; T g, we have: X T 
ıx t WD x t  x t1 maximise: E ıw t (2)
t D1
The bold letters E and V denote the expectation and variance of a random
In this overly simplistic approximation (which, we emphasise, is not
literally applicable to risk-averse investors), the problem reduces to a
 Utility theory. The modern theory of risk-bearing owes most of its
t In

reinforcement learning problem.

seminal developments to Pratt (1964) and Arrow (1971). Under this frame-
In retrospect, it seems natural that reinforcement learning applies here.
work, the rational investor with a finite investment horizon chooses actions
Reinforcement learning is a set of algorithms for directly learning value
to maximise the expected utility of terminal wealth:
functions and, hence, finding approximate solutions to optimal control
X  problems; multiperiod portfolio choice is a particular kind of optimal
maximise: EŒu.wT / D E u w0 C ıw t (1) control.
t D1

 Reinforcement learning. In reinforcement learning, agents learn how

where T > 1 is the finite horizon, ıw t WD w t  w t 1 is the change in to choose actions in order to optimise a multiperiod cumulative ‘reward’.
wealth and u denotes the utility function. We refer the reader to the wonderful book by Sutton & Barton (1998) and
The investor cannot directly control future changes in wealth ıw t ; the survey article by Kaelbling et al (1996) for background and a history
rather, the investor makes trading decisions or portfolio-selection deci- of reinforcement learning. If the per-period reward were identified with

sions that affect the probability distribution of future ıw t . In effect, the marginal wealth, then the problem would have the same mathematical form
investor chooses which lottery to play. as (2). However, this is only the correct specification if risk is ignored.
The theory surrounding solutions of (1) is called multiperiod portfolio The identification of (2) with the basic problem of reinforcement learn-
choice. As understood by Merton (1969), problems of the sort (1) fall natu- ing is the beginning of a good idea, but it needs scientifically rigorous
rally into the framework of optimal control theory. Unfortunately, for most development. Questions that need answering include the following:

realistic trading cost functions, the associated Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman  Reinforcement learning algorithms refer to an action space, a state
equations are too difficult to solve. Recent work has uncovered explicit space, a Markov decision process (MDP), a value function, etc. To which
solutions for quadratic costs (Gârleanu & Pedersen 2013), while efficient variables do these abstract concepts correspond when we are analysing a

methods to deal with realistic (including non-differentiable) trading costs trading strategy?
have been discussed by Kolm & Ritter (2015) and Boyd et al (2017).  Realistic investors do not simply trade to maximise expected wealth;
In the theory of financial decision-making, a lottery is any random vari- they are not indifferent to risk. Can reinforcement learning algorithms be
able with units of wealth. According to the generalised meaning of the modified to account for risk?
word ‘lottery’ (Pratt 1964), any investment is a lottery. Playing the lot-  What are the necessary mathematical assumptions on the random pro-
tery results in a risk, which is defined as any random increment to one’s cess driving financial markets? In particular, financial asset return distribu-
total wealth. The lottery could have a positive mean, in which case some tions are widely known to have heavier tails than normal distributions, so
investors would pay to play it; if it has a zero mean, however, a risk-averse our theory would not be much use if it required normality as an assumption.

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Cutting edge investments: Trading strategies

After making precise assumptions concerning the trading process, and where:
other assumptions concerning the utility function and the probability dis-
slip t WD ın t  .pQ t  p t / (5)

tributions of the underlying asset returns, we will show that multiperiod
portfolio choice can be solved by reinforcement learning methods. In other
and where fin t denotes the commissions and financing costs incurred over
words, we show that machines can learn to trade.
the period. The commissions are proportional to ın t , and the financing
costs are convex functions of the components of n t . The component slip t
The trading process is called the slippage cost. Our conventions are such that fin t > 0 always,
 Accounting for profit and loss. Suppose trading in a market with N and slip t > 0 with high probability, due to market impact and bid-offer

assets occurs at discrete times t D 0; 1; 2; : : : ; T . Let n t 2 ZN denote the spreads.
holdings vector in shares at time t, so:  Portfolio value versus wealth. Combining (4) and (5) with (3), we
h t WD n t p t 2 RN ıv t D h t 1  r t  c t (6)

denotes the vector of holdings in dollars, where p t denotes the vector of If we could liquidate the portfolio at the midpoint price vector p t , then
midpoint prices at time t . v t would represent the total wealth at time t associated with the trading
Assume for each t that a quantity ın t shares are traded in the instant strategy under consideration. Due to slippage, it is unreasonable to expect

just before t, and no further trading occurs until the instant before t C 1. a portfolio can be liquidated at prices p t , which gives rise to costs of the
Let: form (5).
Concretely, v t D nav t C cash t has a cash portion and a non-cash por-
v t WD nav t C cash t where nav t WD n t  p t
tion. The cash portion is already in units of wealth, while the non-cash
denote the ‘portfolio value’, which we define as the net asset value in portion nav t D n t  p t could be converted to cash if a cost were paid; that
risky assets, plus cash. The profit and loss (P&L) before commissions and cost is known as liquidation slippage:
financing over the interval Œt; t C 1/ is given by the change in portfolio
value ıv tC1 . liqslip t WD n t  .pQ t  p t /
For example, suppose we purchase ın t D 100 shares of stock just before
t at a per-share price of p t D 100 dollars. Then, nav t increases by 10,000, Hence, it is the formula for slippage, but with ın t D n t . Note that
while cash t decreases by 10,000, leaving v t invariant. Suppose just before liquidation is relevant at most once per episode, meaning the liquidation
t C1 no further trades have occurred and p t C1 D 105; then, ıv t C1 D 500, slippage should be charged at most once, after the final time T .
t In

although this P&L is said to be unrealised until we trade again and move To summarise, we may identify v t with the wealth process w t as long
as we are willing to add a single term of the form:
the profit into the cash term, at which point it is realised.
Now, suppose p t D 100 but, due to bid-offer spread, temporary impact
EŒliqslipT  (7)
or some other related friction, our effective purchase price is pQ t D 101.
Further, suppose we continue to use the midpoint price p t to ‘mark to to the multiperiod objective. If T is large and the strategy is profitable, or
market’, or compute the net asset value. As a result of the trade, nav t if the portfolio is small compared with the typical daily trading volume,

increases by .ın t /p t D 10;000, while cash t decreases by 10,100; this then liqslipT  vT , and (7) can be neglected without much influence on
means v t is decreased by 100, even though the reference price p t has not the resulting policy. For simplicity, in the following we identify v t with
changed. This difference is called slippage, and it shows up as a cost term total wealth w t .
in the cash part of v t .  Mean-variance equivalence. The goal of recent approaches (Boyd
Executing the trade list results in a change in cash balance given by: et al 2017; Gârleanu & Pedersen 2013; Kolm & Ritter 2015) to multiperiod

portfolio choice has been to determine the optimal deterministic policy, ie,
ı.cash/ t D ın t  pQ t
the policy that maximises the expected utility of final wealth (1), assum-
ing the policy is followed. For non-linear functions u, the optimal-policy
where pQ t is our effective trade price including slippage. If the components
problem may be difficult to attack directly. Fortunately, there are cases
of ın t were all positive, then this would represent payment of a positive
in which the solution is also the solution to a much easier problem: the

amount of cash; however, if the components of ın t were negative, we

mean-variance problem.
would receive cash proceeds.
Let r denote the N  T random matrix of asset returns over all future
Hence, before financing and borrowing cost, one has:

periods being considered. Each column r t of r denotes a cross-section of

ıv t WD v t  v t1 D ı.nav/ t C ı.cash/ t asset returns for a particular time period in the future.
Asset returns r drive wealth increments ıv t D ıw t by (6), hence asset
D ın t  .p t  pQ t / C h t 1  r t (3)
returns are the primary source of randomness in wT . Expressions such as
where the asset returns are r t WD p t =p t1  1. Let us define the total cost EŒu.wT / refer to the expectation value with respect to r.
c t inclusive of both slippage and borrowing/financing cost, as follows: Definition 1 The underlying asset return random variable r is said to
follow a mean-variance equivalent distribution if it has a density p.r/ as
c t WD slip t C fin t (4) well as first and second moments, and if, for any increasing utility function

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Cutting edge investments: Trading strategies

u, there exists a constant  > 0 such that the policy which maximised knowledge of the environment, and the environment may be indirectly
EŒu.wT / is also optimal for the simpler problem: affected by the agent’s actions. The term ‘state’, in reinforcement learning

problems, usually refers to the state of the environment.
maxfEŒwT   .=2/VŒwT g (8) In trading problems, the environment should be interpreted to mean all

processes generating observable data that the agent will use to make a
Mean-variance equivalence presents a vast simplification, because while
trading decision. Let s t denote the state of the environment at time t; the
u is generally a non-linear (concave) function, one has:
state is a data structure containing all of the information the agent will
EŒwT  D w0 C EŒıw t  need to decide on the action. This will include the agent’s current position,
which is clearly an observable that is an important determinant of the next

where w0 is the initial wealth, a constant. If ıw t is statistically independent
At time t, the state s t must also contain the prices p t ; beyond that, much
of ıws whenever t ¤ s, then:
more information may be considered. In order to know how to interact with
VŒwT  D VŒıw t  (9) the market microstructure and what the trading costs will be, the agent may
t wish to observe the bid-offer spread and liquidity of the instrument. If the
decision to trade is driven by a signal – something that is supposed to be
Problem (8) then becomes:
predictive of future returns – then this signal is part of the environment;

max .EŒıw t   .=2/VŒıw t / (10) the state would necessarily contain the signal.

t If the process is to be Markov, then the action decision must not depend
on the whole history of states; hence, the state itself must be a sufficiently
The multivariate normal is mean-variance equivalent, but the converse is
rich data structure to make the optimal decision.
false; many heavy-tailed distributions (such as the multivariate Student’s t)
This prescription means the state of the environment is a fairly high-
are also mean-variance equivalent. It is not hard to show that any elliptical
dimensional object. Fortunately, in many cases it can be simplified. With
distribution (ie, having characteristic function .t/ D exp.it 0 / .t 0 ˝t/,
realistic trading costs, the multiperiod trading problem is already interest-
where ˝ is positive definite) is mean-variance equivalent.
ing and useful, even for a single asset. In cases where the cross-asset cor-
 Assumptions. Throughout the rest of this article, we assume the
relation can be ignored (eg, if it is being hedged externally), a multi-asset
multivariate distribution p.r/ is mean-variance equivalent. This entails
problem decouples into a system of single-asset problems. For a single
that we may solve (1) by equivalently solving the (easier) problem (10).
asset, the state described above is not such a high-dimensional object.
t In

 Actions. In a general reinforcement learning setup, the agent observes

Reinforcement learning the state and chooses an action according to some policy. This choice influ-
Many intelligent actions are deemed ‘intelligent’ precisely because they ences both the transition to the next state and the reward the agent receives.
are optimal interactions with an environment. An algorithm plays a com- More precisely, a distribution p.s 0 ; r j s; a/ for the joint probability of tran-
puter game intelligently if it can optimise the score. A robot navigates sitioning to state s 0 2 S and receiving reward r is assumed, conditional
intelligently if it finds the shortest path with no collisions. on the previous state being s and the agent taking action a.
In a historical thread largely independent of the utility-based theory of In portfolio choice problems, the space A of actions available at time t

portfolio selection, researchers in artificial intelligence developed models can be identified with either the space of trades ın t or, equivalently, the
of an agent that ‘learns’ to interact with the agent’s environment, with the space of target portfolios h t . In general, the space of admissible actions
eventual goal of optimising cumulative ‘reward’ or positive reinforcement depends on the current state, but we always denote the action space by A;
over time. when only a subset of A is admissible, this will be made clear.
To solve these problems, machine learning researchers developed a deep The action a t leading to h t means that:

and beautiful set of theoretical results, along with corresponding algo-

rithms and engineering solutions, under the name reinforcement learning. ıv t C1 D h t  r t C1  c tC1
These developments are too numerous to list here, but many are covered
in Sutton & Barton (1998) and the references therein. and, hence, the joint distribution of all subsequent value updates fıv tC1 ;
Like the classic work of Merton (1969) on optimal lifetime consump- : : : ; ıvT g, as seen at time t, is determined by the action a t .

tion, reinforcement learning has its roots in Bellman’s theory of optimal In cases where the agent’s interaction with the market microstructure
control. The main difference is that in reinforcement learning, the con- is important, there will typically be more choices to make, and hence a
nection between actions and rewards (ie, the function to be optimised in larger action space. For example, the agent could decide which execution

optimal control) is typically unknown, and therefore must be inferred from algorithm to use, whether to cross the spread or be passive, etc.
the agent’s interactions with the environment.  Value functions and policies. A policy  is a mapping from a state
 States. Formulating an intelligent behaviour as a reinforcement learn- s to a probability distribution over actions: .a j s/ is the probability of
ing problem begins with identifying the state space S. The relation with taking action a when in state s. The policy will be called deterministic if
what statisticians call ‘state-space models’is direct and intuitive: a Markov there is only one action with non-zero probability, in which case  is a
decision process (MDP) underlies most reinforcement learning problems. mapping from the current state to the next action.
In reinforcement learning, the environment is defined as everything out- Following the notation of Sutton & Barton (1998), the sequence of
side the agent’s direct control. The agent can still have arbitrarily complete rewards received after time step t is denoted R tC1 ; R tC2 ; R tC3 ; : : : . The

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Cutting edge investments: Trading strategies

agent’s goal is to maximise the expected cumulative reward, denoted by:  (3) Update the value of Q.S; A/:
h i
G t D R tC1 C R tC2 C  2 R t C3 C    (11) Q.S; A/ Q.S; A/ C ˛ R C  max Q.S 0 ; a/  Q.S; A/ (12)


The agent then searches for policies that maximise EŒG t . The sum in (11) where ˛ 2 .0; 1/ is called the step-size parameter, which influences the
can be either finite or infinite. The constant  2 Œ0; 1 is known as the rate of learning.
discount rate, and it is especially useful in considering the problem with  The reward function for utility maximisation. For a reinforcement
T D 1, in which case  is needed for convergence. learning approach to match (10), we need R t to be an appropriate function
According to Sutton & Barton (1998), the key idea of reinforcement of wealth increments, such that the following relation is satisfied:

learning ‘is the use of value functions to organize and structure the search
EŒR t  D EŒıw t   .=2/VŒıw t 
for good policies’. The state-value function for policy  is:
One such function is:
v .s/ D E ŒG t j S t D s
O 2
R t WD ıw t  .=2/.ıw t  / (13)
where E denotes the expectation under the assumption that policy 
is followed. Similarly, the action-value function expresses the value of where O is an estimate of a parameter representing the mean wealth incre-
starting in state s, taking action a, and then following policy  thereafter: ment over one period,  WD EŒıw t . Estimation of the parameter O in this

context is slightly circular: EŒıw t  depends on the optimal policy, which
q .s; a/ WD E ŒG t j S t D s; A t D a depends on the reward function, which depends on . O
Fortunately, there is an easy (approximate) resolution to this circularity
Policy  is defined to be at least as good as  0 if v .s/ > v 0 .s/ for all
problem. We propose that, at least initially, one use the trivial biased esti-
states s. An optimal policy is defined to be one that is at least as good as
mator O D 0. This will cause us to overestimate variance in the reward
any other policy. There need not be a unique optimal policy, but all optimal
function during an initial burn-in period. This overestimation will not be
policies share the same optimal state-value function v .s/ D max v .s/
too large. Indeed, unless the Sharpe ratio of the strategy is very high, one
and optimal action-value function q .s; a/ D max q .s; a/.
has the approximation:
The state-value function and the action-value function satisfy Bellman
optimality equations: O 2   EŒ.ıw t /2 
EŒ.ıw t  / (14)
v .s/ D max p.s 0 ; r j s; a/Œr C v .s 0 / Once the value function has sufficiently converged using the approximate
s 0 ;r
t In

reward function:
X h i
q .s; a/ D p.s 0 ; r j s; a/ r C  max q .s 0 ; a0 / R t  ıw t  .=2/.ıw t /2
s 0 ;r
one may begin to estimate O by the sample average. We emphasise that
where the sum over s 0 ; r denotes a sum over all states s 0
and all rewards r. accurate estimation of O is not crucially important in obtaining a good
In a continuous formulation, these sums would be replaced by integrals. policy, due to (14).
If we possess a function q.s; a/ that is an estimate of q .s; a/, then the If we identify the reward function as (13), maximising the expected

greedy policy is defined as picking at time t the action at that maximises value of (11) with  D 1 is the same as maximising the utility of final
q.s t ; a/ over all possible a, where s t is the state at time t. To ensure, in wealth:
the limit as the number of steps increases, every action will be sampled
EŒG t  D EŒR t C1 C R t C2 C R tC3 C    C RT 
an infinite number of times, we use an "-greedy policy (with probability
1  ", follow the greedy policy; with probability ", uniformly sample the D .EŒıws   .=2/VŒıws /

action space). sDt

Given the function q , the greedy policy is optimal. Hence, an iterative
As noted in our discussion of the trading process, ıw t can be identified
method that converges to q constitutes a solution to the original problem
with ıv t , where, as in (6):
of finding the optimal policy.
 Q-learning. An important breakthrough in reinforcement learning ıw t  ıv t D h t1  r t  c t

came when Watkins (1989) suggested an iterative method that converges

to the optimal action-value function q . The algorithm consists of the We now discuss how the reward is observed during the trading process.
following steps. One initialises a matrix Q with one row per state and one A microsecond before time t, the agent observes the state p t and decides

column per action. This matrix can be the zero matrix initially, or initialised an action, which is a trade list ın t in units of shares. The agent submits
with some prior information, if available. Let S denote the current state. this trade list to an execution system; they can then do nothing until just
Repeat the following steps until a preselected convergence criterion is before t C 1. The agent waits one period and observes the reward:
R t C1  ıv t C1  .=2/.ıv tC1 /2 (15)
 (1) Choose action A 2 A using a policy derived from Q (eg, the
"-greedy policy described above). If the reinforcement algorithm is working, then the agent will learn how
 (2) Take action A, after which the new state of the environment is S 0 to maximise the cumulative reward, ie, the sum of (15), which must
and we observe reward R. necessarily approximate the mean-variance form EŒıv  .=2/VŒıv.

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Cutting edge investments: Trading strategies

A detailed example
1 Cumulative simulated out-of-sample P&L of trained model
In this section, we provide a proof of concept in a controlled numerical (over 5,000 periods)

simulation that permits an approximate arbitrage, and we verify that the
Q-learning agent finds and exploits this arbitrage. As mentioned above, 3
multiperiod trading problems are mathematically interesting even when
only a single asset is being considered. We consider one such problem

P&L (millions)
For this example, assume there exists a tradable security with a strictly 2

positive price process p t > 0. (This ‘security’ could itself be a portfolio
of other securities, such as an exchange-traded fund or a hedged relative-
value trade.) Further, suppose there is some ‘equilibrium price’ pe such
that x t D log.p t =pe / has dynamics:

dx t D x t C
t (16)
t  N.0; 1/, and
t and
s are independent when t ¤ s. This 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000

means that p t tends to revert to its long-run equilibrium level pe , with Time periods
mean-reversion rate , and is a standard discretisation of the Ornstein-
Uhlenbeck process. For this exercise, the parameters of the dynamics (16)
were taken to be  D log.2/=H , where H D 5 is the half-life, D 0:1, aggressive fill that crosses the spread to execute. If the spread is only one
and the equilibrium price is pe D 50. tick, then our choice is overly conservative. Hence:
All realistic trading systems have limits that bound their behaviour. For
SpreadCost.ın/ D TickSize  jınj (17)
this example, we use a reduced space of actions, in which the trade size
ın t in a single interval is limited to at most K round lots, where a ‘round We also assume there is a permanent price impact that has a linear
lot’ is usually 100 shares (most institutional equity trades are in integer functional form. That is, each round lot traded is assumed to move the
multiples of round lots). In addition, we assume a maximum position size price one tick, which leads to a dollar cost jın t j  TickSize=LotSize per
of M round lots. Consequently, the space of possible trades, and also the share traded, giving us a total dollar cost for all shares:
t In

action space, is:

ImpactCost.ın/ D .ın/2  TickSize=LotSize (18)
A D LotSize  fK; K C 1; : : : ; Kg
The total cost is the sum of (17) and (18). Our claim is not that these are
The action space has cardinality jAj D 2K C 1. If we let H denote the the exact cost functions for the world we live in, although the functional
possible values for the holding n t , then, similarly, H D fM; M C form does make some sense. For simplicity, we have purposely ignored
1; : : : ; M g with cardinality jHj D 2M C 1. For the examples below, we the differences between temporary and permanent impact, modelling the

take K D 5 and M D 10. total effect of all market impact as (18). The question is this: can an agent
Another feature of real markets is the tick size, defined as a small price learn to trade with the simplest realistic interpretation of bid-offer spread
increment (such as US$0.01) such that all quoted prices (ie, all bids and and market impact? If so, then more intricate effects such as the intraday
offers) are integer multiples of the tick size. Tick sizes exist in order to reversion of temporary impact should be studied.
balance price priority and time priority. This is convenient for us, as we As mentioned above, the state of the environment s t D .p t ; n t1 / will

want to construct a discrete model anyway. We use TickSize D 0:1 for our contain the security prices p t and the agent’s position, in shares, coming
example. into the period n t 1 . Therefore, the state space is the Cartesian product
We choose boundaries of the (finite) space of possible prices so that S D H  P.
sample paths of the process (16) exit the space with vanishingly small The agent then chooses an action a t D ın t 2 A, which changes
probability. With the parameters as above, the probability that the price the position to n t D n t 1 C ın t , and observes a P&L equal to ıv t D

path ever exits the region Œ0:1; 100 is small enough that no aspect of the n t .p t C1  p t /  c t and a reward R t C1 D ıv tC1  0:5.ıv tC1 /2 , as
problem depends on these bounds. Concretely, the space of possible prices in (15).
We train the Q-learner by repeatedly applying the update procedure

P D TickSize  f1; 2; : : : ; 1000g  RC (12). The system has various parameters that control the learning rate,
discount rate, risk aversion, etc. For completeness, the parameter values
We do not allow the agent, initially, to know anything about the dynam- used in the following example are:  D 104 ,  D 0:999, ˛ D 0:001 and
ics. Hence, the agent does not know , or even that some dynamics of " D 0:1. We use ntrain D 107 training steps (each ‘training step’ consists
the form (16) are valid. of one action-value update as per (12)) and then evaluate the system on
The agent also does not know the trading cost. We charge a spread cost 5,000 new samples of the stochastic process.
of one tick size for any trade. If the bid-offer spread were equal to two The excellent performance out-of-sample should perhaps be expected;
ticks, then this fixed cost would correspond to the slippage incurred by an the assumption of an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process implies a near arbitrage

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Cutting edge investments: Trading strategies

in the system. When the price is too far out of equilibrium, a trade betting For the model dx t D x t C
t , this amounts to estimating  and
it returns to equilibrium has a very small probability of loss. With our from market data, which meets the criteria of a parsimonious model. Sup-

parameter settings, this is true even after costs. Thus, the existence of pose we also have a realistic simulator of how the market microstructure
an arbitrage-like trading strategy in this idealised world is not surprising, will respond to various order-placement strategies. Crucially, in order to
and perfect mean-reverting processes such as (16) need not exist in real be admissible, such a simulator should be able to accurately represent the
markets. market impact caused by trading too aggressively. With these two compo-
The surprising point is the Q-learner does not, at least initially, know nents – a random-process model of asset returns and a good microstruc-
there is mean-reversion in asset prices, nor does it know anything about the ture simulator – one may then run the simulation until the Q-function has
cost of trading. At no point does it compute estimates for the parameters converged to the optimal action-value function q .

 and . It learns to maximise expected utility in a model-free context, The learning procedure is then only partially model free: it requires a
ie, directly from rewards rather than indirectly (using a model). model for asset returns, but no explicit functional form to model trading
Expected utility maximisation achieves a much higher out-of-sample costs. The ‘trading cost model’ in this case is provided by the market
Sharpe ratio than expected-profit maximisation. The distinction lies microstructure simulator, which arguably presents a much more detailed
entirely in the value of  used in (15). Choosing  D 0 and, hence, ignor- picture than trying to distil trading costs down into a single function.
ing risk is unappealing to the intuition, and indeed one may verify that Is this procedure prone to overfitting? The answer is yes, but only if
this leads to a much lower Sharpe ratio. This should not be surprising. the asset-return model itself is overfitted. This procedure simply finds the

Our understanding of this principle dates back to at least 1713, when optimal action-value function q (and, hence, the optimal policy) in the
Bernoulli pointed out that a wealth-maximising investor behaves nonsen- context of the model it was given. The problem of overfitting applies to the
sically when faced with gambling based on a martingale (see Bernoulli model-selection procedure used to produce the asset return model, and not
(1954) for a translation). directly to the reinforcement learning procedure. In the proposed training
procedure, steps (1) and (2) are prone to overfitting, while steps (3) and
Simulation-based approaches (4) are simply a way to converge to the optimal policy in the context of
the chosen model.
A major drawback of the procedure we have presented here is it requires
a large number of training steps (a few million for the problem we pre-
sented). There are, of course, financial data sets with millions of time steps Conclusions
(eg, high-frequency data sampled once per second for several years), but a Our main contribution is to show how to handle risk-averse expected-
different approach is needed in other cases. Even in high-frequency exam- utility maximisation using reinforcement learning. This differs substan-
t In

ples, one may not wish to use several years’ worth of data to train the tially from approaches such as that of Gârleanu & Pedersen (2013). To use
model. their approach requires three models: a model of expected returns, a risk
Fortunately, a simulation-based approach presents an attractive reso- model that forecasts the variance and a (pre-trade) transaction cost model.
lution to these issues. In other words, we propose a multistep training By contrast, our method can, in principle, be applied without directly esti-
procedure: (1) posit a reasonably parsimonious stochastic process model mating any of these three models, or by estimating only the expected-return
for asset returns with relatively few parameters; (2) estimate the parame- model. 

ters of the model from market data, ensuring reasonably small confidence Gordon Ritter is a senior portfolio manager at GSA Capital
intervals for the parameter estimates; (3) use the model to simulate a much Partners, and adjunct professor at Courant Institute at NYU,
larger data set than the real world presents; and (4) train the reinforcement Baruch College (CUNY) and Department of Statistics Rutgers
learning system on the simulated data. University. Email: ritter@post.harvard.edu.

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