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Artifact #7: Technology Student Presentation Assignment and Rubric

This artifact highlights my ability to create an assignment for my students which

incorporates both technology and literacy. Students are given the opportunity to create their own

narrative writing based on the popular story of the Three Little Pigs. The purpose of the

assignment was to create their own rendition of the story, using story writing elements, and read

aloud their story once completed. This artifact also shows my ability to create a rubric for

assessment purposes of the assignment which shows my students what my expectations are for

their learning. Students should be aware of what they will be getting marked on and any

expectations relating to an assignment. By creating a rubric, it allows the teacher to be mindful of

the learning skills that will be learned throughout the task, their performance in terms of meeting

the target, and generally monitors progress which are few of the reasons why rubrics are

important (Brookhart, S, 2018).

Connections to Standards

INTASC Standards

Standard #1: Learner Development

The teacher understands how learners grow and develop, recognizing that patterns pf

learning and development vary individually within and across the cognitive, linguistic, social,

emotional, and physical areas, and designs and implements developmentally appropriate and

challenging learning experiences.

1(b): The teacher creates developmentally appropriate instruction that takes into account

individual learners’ strengths, interests, and needs and that enables each learner to advance and

accelerate his/her learning.

NYS Code of Ethics for Educators

Principle 2: Educators create, support, and maintain challenging learning

environments for all.

Educators apply their professional knowledge to promote student learning. They know

the curriculum and utilize a range of strategies and assessments to address differences. Educators

develop and implement programs based upon a strong understanding of human development and

learning theory. They support a challenging learning environment. They advocate for necessary

resources to teach to higher levels of learning. They establish and maintain clear standards of

behavior and civility. Educators are role models, displaying the habits of mind and work

necessary to develop and apply knowledge while simultaneously displaying a curiosity and

enthusiasm for learning. They invite students to become active, inquisitive, and discerning

individuals who reflect upon and monitor their own learning.

The Ontario Ethical Teacher Standards

Care: The ethical standard of Care includes compassion, acceptance, interest and insight

for developing students' potential. Members express their commitment to students' well-being

and learning through positive influence, professional judgment and empathy in practice.

P-12 NYS Common Core Learning Standards for ELA, Math and Social Studies

A. Standards:
Category: Reading for Literature

Grade: Grade 3

Standard: RL.3.1: Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text,

referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers.

Ontario Ministry of Education Expectation

A. Standards:

Category: Reading

Sub-category: Developing and organizing content

Grade: Grade 3

Standard: Developing Ideas (1.2): Generate ideas about a potential topic, using a variety

of strategies and resources (e.g., formulate and ask questions to identify personal

experiences, prior knowledge, and information needs and to guide searches for

information; brainstorm and record ideas on the topic).

ISTE Standards

Standard #5: Designer

Educators design authentic, learner-driven activities and environments that recognize and

accommodate learner variability

5(a) Use technology to create, adapt and personalize learning experiences that foster

independent learning and accommodate learner differences and needs.

ILA Standards

Standard #2: Curriculum and Instruction

Candidates use instructional approaches, materials, and an integrated, comprehensive,

balanced curriculum to support student learning in reading and writing.

TEAC/CAEP Claims 1-3

Claim 1: Medaille College graduates know the subject matter in their certification


Claim 2: Medaille College graduates meet the needs of diverse learners through effective

pedagogy and best teaching practices.

Claim 3: Medaille College graduates are caring educators.

Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)

3. Promoting meaningful and inclusive participation of individuals with exceptionalities

in their schools and communities.

What’s the Real Story?
The last few days we have been reading different versions of the story of the Three
Little Pigs along with the Wolf’s perspective of what happened. Even though most of
you know the stories quite well, we are going to work with the stories for our own
narrative writing that we have been learning about.

Your task for this assignment is to create your own version of the story and put your
own creative twist on the famous story. You will use Microsoft Sway, which we have
worked with, to create your story and will read aloud your stories once completed to
the class

Your story will need to be:

- Visually appealing
- Engaging and exciting
- Creative—use your imagination!
- You are able to change the characters if you wish (e.g., different animals)

You will need to:

- Create a rough draft of your ideas (***Remember our elements of writing of the
kinds of details that go into narratives***)
- Edit your writing
- Use Sway for your final product of your story
- Present your unique rendition of the story to the class
- See the rubric for more details of what I am expecting.

Check out the story that I wrote:

What’s the Real Story?—Rubric
Criteria Grading Scale
Components of 4 3 2 1
Student(s) Students Students Students
This includes clearly described described and described and described and
clearly identifying and discussed all discussed only 4 discussed only 3 discussed only 2
the main idea of 6 components components components or less
the story along necessary in necessary in necessary in components
with the characters, narrative narrative narrative necessary in
plot, setting, writing. writing. writing. narrative
problems, and writing.
solutions which
should be clearly
identified to the
Organization of 4 3 2 1
Student(s) Student(s) Student(s) Student(s) does
This includes the follows a proper follows a follows a not follow a
story following sequential order sequential order sequential order sequential order
proper sequential of events within of events within of events within of events within
order of events the story, the story most of the story to a the story and
taking place and building on the the time, minimum extent, does not build
building onto the storyline. building on the building on the on the storyline.
final product of the storyline. storyline.

Creativity: 4 3 2 1

This includes using Students use Students use Students use Students use
images designed by their skills in their skills in some of their minimal skills in
student and helping them use helping them use skills in using helping them use
inputted into Sway technology in technology in technology in technology in
or retrieved from developing their developing their developing their developing their
an online source. story. Student(s) story. Student(s) story. Student(s) story. Student(s)
Also includes a create an eye create an eye create a lacked in
bright and catching, bright, catching, bright, somewhat eye creating a
engaging story for unique story unique story catching, bright, visually
the readers. All using at least 5 using at least 3-4 unique story but appealing and
aspects of the images and/or images and/or only using 2 creative and
Sway app were media media images and/or used 0 images
used for the story. throughout the throughout the media and/or media
book. book. throughout the throughout the
book. book.
Grammar: 4 3 2 1

This includes Students have Students have Students have Students have
having clearly clearly and edited their work edited their work not edited their
edited work by the concisely edited but have made but have made work and have
student and making their story with 2-4 errors in 4-5 errors in made 6 or more
sure the spelling of 0-2 errors in grammar and grammar and errors in
words is correct grammar and punctuation in punctuation in grammar and
and the correct punctuation. their story. their story. punctuation in
punctuation is used their story.
to emphasize parts
of the story.

Presentation/Read 4 3 2 1
Student(s) read Student(s) read Student(s) read Student(s) rarely
This includes the clearly and clearly and clearly and read clearly and
student concisely and concisely and concisely and concisely and
reading/presenting emphasize voice emphasize voice emphasize voice did not
their story to the that is used that is used that is used emphasize voice
whole class while throughout their throughout their throughout their that is used
developing their stories. stories well. stories. throughout their
presenting skills in Student(s) use Student(s) use Student(s) use stories.
front of audiences. great expression good expression minimal Student(s) use
while while expression while no expression
completing the completing the completing the while
read aloud and read aloud and read aloud and completing the
capture their capture their capture some of read aloud and
audience’s audience’s their audience the audience did
attention. attention. member’s not appear to be
attention. attentive.
NYS Common Core Learning Standards

Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text
as the basis for the answers.

Ontario Curriculum Expectations

Grade 3—Language Arts (Multiple standards could be met with this assignment)

Developing and Organizing Content

- 1.2 Developing Ideas

o Generate ideas about a potential topic, using a variety of strategies and resources
(e.g., formulate and ask questions to identify personal experiences, prior
knowledge, and information needs and to guide searches for information;
brainstorm and record ideas on the topic)

Using Knowledge of Form and Style in Writing

- 2.2 Voice
o establish a personal voice in their writing, with a focus on using concrete words
and images to convey their attitude or feeling towards the subject or audience
(e.g., words used literally or figuratively to communicate intensity of feeling: a
shiver of excitement; hot anger)
- 2.5 Point of View
o identify their point of view and other possible points of view on the topic, and
determine if their information supports their own view
- 2.8 Producing Drafts
o 8 produce revised, draft pieces of writing to meet identified criteria based on the
expectations related to content, organization, style, and use of conventions

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