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Energy demand has been increasing all around the world and buildings are consuming higher
percentage of total energy demand. Among the building services Heating ventilation and Air
Conditioning systems are consuming lager percentage of energy from total energy consumption
of building. To maintain the Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) taking fresh air in to the system is a
must. However, most of the buildings are occupied well below the designed conditions and
therefore Demand Based Ventilation is using to save energy by controlling fresh air intake and
this study targets to identify the further developments in DCV.

Abstract ....................................................................................................................................... i
Contents .....................................................................................................................................ii
List of Figures .......................................................................................................................... iii
List of Tables ............................................................................................................................ iv
1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Aim of the Study ......................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Objectives of the Study ............................................................................................... 1
1.3 Methodology ............................................................................................................... 1
2 Indoor Air Quality and Ventilation .................................................................................... 2
2.1 Demand Controlled Ventilation .................................................................................. 2
2.2 Why CO2 ..................................................................................................................... 2
2.3 Population Sensing Technologies ............................................................................... 3
3 CO2 Based Demand Controlled Ventilation ....................................................................... 4
3.1 Codes and Standards for Ventilation Rates and Requirements ................................... 4
3.2 CO2 Based DCV Energy Saving Opportunities .......................................................... 5
3.3 Studies related to Energy Saving Potential from CO2 Based DCV ............................ 5
4 References .......................................................................................................................... 7

List of Figures
Figure 1: Typical Building Energy Consumption in Tropical Countries [10] 4

List of Tables
Table 1: Population Sensing Technology vs Applications [1] 3

1 Introduction
This special study focused on to study the building ventilation in energy efficiency perspective.
Ventilation, supply of fresh air to a building, is necessary to dilute the indoor generated
pollutants. The ventilation air is going through one more processes of cooling, heating and
dehumidification, therefore it consumes considerably larger amount of energy of mechanical
ventilation and air conditioning system of a typical building. So that minimizing the ventilation
air intake leads minimize the energy consumption.
Ventilation is effecting for Indoor Air Quality of a building. Poor ventilation leads to poor work
performance, increase the absence rates and also adverse health impacts. Therefore building
ventilation methods and rates must strike a balance between indoor environmental quality,
energy consumption and occupant performance. Standards are available specifying the
minimum design ventilation rates for various building types and the American Society of
Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) is most commonly used.
This study focused on controlling the ventilation rates based on the demand and it commonly
called as Demand Control Ventilation (DCV). In these systems it controls the amount of fresh
air intake based on the indoor Carbon Dioxide (CO2) level. So this also known as CO2 based
demand controlled ventilation.
1.1 Aim of the Study
In this study is performing to study and review the scientific research and reports, as well as
standards, design guides and regulations regarding CO2 based demand control ventilation
systems and technologies, and identify their advantages and disadvantages and also research
gaps, to make the gathered information more accessible for to researchers, designers and
1.2 Objectives of the Study
I. Study about the CO2 based demand control ventilations systems and summarize
literature on CO2 based DCV systems.
II. Gather the available information and Making them more accessible to researchers,
designers and Engineers.
III. Identify the research gaps relevant to the CO2 based DCV in multiple zone VAV
1.3 Methodology
Gather the information from international and local standards, codes and guidelines and also
technical papers, journal articles and case studies, study and review them. Identify the research
gaps and make the gathered information for more accessible for designers and researchers.

2 Indoor Air Quality and Ventilation
Indoor Air Quality refers the condition of the air inside a building. Ventilation is necessary
process to maintain the quality of the air to acceptable condition inside a building. There are
airborne contaminants generated by the biological functions of occupants and other living
organisms residing in the building, occupant task and operations, building materials,
equipment, furniture and chemical products within a building. These contaminants available in
the forms of airborne particulate matter or gaseous and can be affected to the indoor air quality
through their odor, reactivity, infectiousness, toxicity, carcinogenicity, or through undefined
mechanisms. Concentration of these airborne materials or gases in the indoor air is higher than
that of outside air therefore ventilation is needed to reduce the contaminants by diluting indoor
2.1 Demand Controlled Ventilation
Until 1999, the ventilation guidelines were provide guidance to design the ventilation
requirements for a building based on the predicted normal ventilation of that building. The
design were done considering the normal or maximum ventilation of a building, therefore this
often resulted in highly ventilated spaces. That was not affected for indoor air quality but makes
higher cost for ventilation [1].
As an initiation for Demand Controlled Ventilation (DCV), Standard ASHRAE 62 - 1999 [2]
Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality was issued that allowing the changing
ventilation based on predictable or sensed changes in population. According to that the
ventilation rate could change based on the demand. Further improvements and refinements for
DCV were issued in standard ASHRAE 62.1 2001, 2004, 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016 [2] [3]
[4] [5] [6] [7] [8].
2.2 Why CO2
In a buildings, main contaminant source is the bio effluents emit from its occupants. These
contaminants can be called as odors directly relates with activities of the occupants and these
odors can be sensed by others. For the better indoor air quality at least 80% [1] of the occupants
perceive the air from annoying odors. CO2 is a good indicator for occupant related pollutant
concentration, also convenient and easily measurable gas. The comparison of the quality of the
indoor air with respected to the outdoor air also possible since the CO2 is naturally exist.
Therefore CO2 sensing is a convenient indicator for population that occupy inside a zone of a
building. As decrease or increase of population of a particular zone of a building the sensed
CO2 concentration will decrease or increase respectively, so that ventilation rates can be adjust
In most of the buildings CO2 concentration varies from 400ppm to 3000ppm [1] and also it is
not considered as a contaminant. However when the CO2 closes to the 3000ppm [1], people
start to feel people start to feel tired and listless, many complain of “stuffiness” or being
“warm” in the room, and they have trouble concentrating. As per the recommendation of
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the threshold limit value for a time-
weighted average over five 8-hour workdays is 5000ppm [1].

The human respiratory system inhale mixture of air and expel CO2 rich air mixture. Therefore
the human respiration system is the primary source of CO2 generation within a building, and
the CO2 concentration in the indoor air is directly relate to the population inside the building.
2.3 Population Sensing Technologies
CO2 sensing is one of the population sensing technology used in DCV. Time of Day Schedules,
Occupancy Sensors and People counters also used for population sensing for DCV [1]. Those
methods also commonly used in several DCV systems due to simplicity and reliability.
Table 1: Population Sensing Technology vs Applications [1]

Population Sensing Technology Suitable DCV applications

Time of day schedules School cafeterias
University lecture hall
Occupancy sensors Private offices
Small conference rooms
People counters Theaters
CO2 Sensors Locations where having unpredictable
variations in occupancy
Having no other CO2 sources

3 CO2 Based Demand Controlled Ventilation
Buildings are becoming one of the fastest growing energy consuming sectors. Typical energy
consumption of Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system of a building in
European region is about 50% [9] and in tropical countries 56% [10].

Figure 1: Typical Building Energy Consumption in Tropical Countries [10]

In addition, there is also increase demand for thermal comfort and indoor air quality. Therefore,
efforts have been much focused on energy efficient buildings which can provide comfort indoor
environment with the minimum possible energy cost. Consequently, the role of control systems
is becoming significant since they are directly related to the amount of energy consumed in the
buildings and comfort of occupants. Various strategies, ranging from simple to complex, have
been proposed to reduce energy consumption. One of the most important strategies is CO2
monitoring. In this strategy, calculations are used to relate indoor CO2 level to the fresh outside
air, in m3/s per person, being provided to a space because the CO2 level is generally used as an
indicator of the number of occupants and CO2 itself is not considered as a dangerous
contaminant. Many techniques were developed for CO2 monitoring. CO2 based demand
controlled ventilation is probably the best known one [11]. Literatures show that CO2 can be
used to detect occupancy for DCV systems as it is an excellent surrogate gas for the
concentrations of occupant-related contaminants [1] [11] [12]. By using the dynamic CO2
detection method, the change of occupancy can be detected and determined with a fast response
time and, in turn, the outdoor air supply rate per person recommended in the industrial
standards ASHRAE 62.1 [5] [6] [7] [8] can be met.
3.1 Codes and Standards for Ventilation Rates and Requirements
The required ventilation rates are among the most basic design parameters for any HVAC
design or retrofit. ASHRAE Standard 62.1: Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality is
probably the most referenced standard by jurisdictions and design professionals. (This standard
is updated by ASHRAE every 3 years, the version number being designated by the year of the

update after the number of the standard. For example, at the time of this writing, ASHRAE
Standard 62.1-2016 is the latest version of the standard). In addition to that ASHRAE 90.1
Energy Standard for Buildings except Low-Rise Residential Buildings [13] and International
Mechanical Code [14] also used.
3.2 CO2 Based DCV Energy Saving Opportunities
The primary purpose of DCV is to save energy, not to improve IAQ. In fact, the IAQ can either
improve or worsen, depending on the baseline ventilation rate. Ventilation rates affect the cost
of operating a building. When outside air is brought in for the sake of IAQ, the system
consumes energy to condition that air. The more outside air is required, the greater the energy
expense. This motivates some customers and HVAC engineers to reduce that expense if
possible, as long as they can continue to meet codes.
ASHRAE Standard 62.1, the IMC, and some local codes specify most ventilation rates in terms
of the number of occupants. As people come and go, the number of occupants in a particular
space varies. This suggests that the ventilation rate could go up and down with the occupancy.
Demand Controlled Ventilation means just that: when the space is full, ventilate at the highest
rate required. When the space is less occupied, reduce ventilation to correspond to the number
of occupants at the time.
ASHRAE Standard 62.1 has been officially interpreted to support that concept. The IMC
specifically says the system must be designed to ventilate at the maximum expected occupancy,
but may be operated according to actual occupancy at the time. Both of these documents
support the concept of DCV, in which the ventilation rate is varied to meet changing
occupancy. Local codes may not address the question. Consider getting a local ruling before
designing a DCV system since local building codes usually hold jurisdictional standing.
Compared to a system that ventilates at the design rate all the time, a DCV system can save
significant amounts of energy (documented studies show up to 70% savings for some zone
types and occupancy variations). The savings, however, varies in different buildings. Factors
include the following:
 The occupancy pattern – a system with many operating hours at low occupancy offers
a greater opportunity than one that usually either shuts off, or runs at full occupancy. A
movie theatre is an example of a space where the occupancy varies greatly, while an
office with workers on a uniform schedule is the other extreme. This kind of workplace
is becoming less common. Many buildings now run evenings and weekends with light
 Weather – In some locations there are cold or hot/humid climates have seasons when
outside air is less expensive to use than re-circulated air.
 The type of air distribution HVAC system used to heat and cool the building, and the
price of energy.
3.3 Studies related to Energy Saving Potential from CO2 Based DCV
Different publications also have demonstrated that CO2-based DCV had led to the reduction of
energy consumption. Congradac and Kulic [15] used genetic algorithms to optimize the return
damper position such that indoor CO2 concentration can be kept close to the desired level as
possible and at the same time the lowest value of the valve (the lowest energetic use) can be

accomplished. Their method was verified by the simulation. Pavlovas [16] provided a case
study over a Swedish multifamily apartment aiming at evaluating the demand-controlled
ventilation system with different strategies. The outcome of the simulation shows that it would
be possible to achieve energy savings using occupancy and/or humidity controlled ventilation
to reduce the average ventilation flow rate while keeping an acceptable indoor climate. Mysen
et al. [17] inspected 157 Norwegian classrooms to analyze the energy use over there different
ventilation systems: Constant Air Volume (CAV), CO2 sensor based demand-controlled
system (DCV-CO2) and infrared occupancy sensor based demand-controlled system (DCVIR).
Their results show that DCV-CO2 and DCV-IR reduce the energy use due to ventilation in the
average classroom to 38% and 51%, respectively, compared to the corresponding energy for a
CAV system.

4 References

[1] Siemens Industry, Inc., Demand Control Ventilation Application Guide for Consulting
Engineers, Siemens Industry, Inc., 2013.

[2] American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.,

ASHRAE 62-Ventilation for Aceeptable Indoor Air Quality, Atlanta: American Society
of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, 1999.

[3] American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.,

ASHRAE 62.1 - Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality, Atlanta: American
Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc., 2001.

[4] American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.,

ASHRAE 62.1 - Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality, Atlanta: American
Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc., 2004.

[5] American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.,

ASHARE 62.1 - Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality, Atlanta: American
Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc., 2007.

[6] American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.,

ASHARE 62.1 - Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality, Atlanta: American
Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc., 2010.

[7] American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.,

ASHARE 62.1 - Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality, Atlanta: American
Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc., 2013.

[8] American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.,

ASHARE 62.1 - Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality, Atlanta: American
Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc., 2016.

[9] Eurostat, "Energy Balance Sheets, Data 2002–2003," Eurostat, Luxemburg, 2005.

[10] BLUERISE, "bluerise," bluerise, 2010-2018. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 18 06 2018].

[11] X. L. M. V. Tao Lu∗, "A novel and dynamic demand-controlled ventilation strategy for
CO2 control and energy saving in buildings," Energy and Buildings, vol. 43, no. 9, pp.
2499-2508, 2011.

[12] S. T. R. S. M.B. Schell, "Application of CO2-based demand-controlled ventilation using

ASHRAE standard 62," ASHRAE Transactions, vol. 104, pp. 1213-1225, 1988.

[13] American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.,
ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1- Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise
Residential Buildings, Atlanta: American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-
Conditioning Engineers, Inc., 2016.

[14] International Code Council, International Mechanical Code, International Code Council,

[15] F. K. Velimir Congradac *, "HVAC system optimization with CO2 concentration control
using genetic algorithms," Energy and Buildings, vol. 41, pp. 571-577, 2009.

[16] V. Pavlovas, "Demand controlled ventilation a case study for existing Swedish," Energy
and Buildings, vol. 36, pp. 1029-1034, 2004.

[17] S. B. P. N. P. S. M. Mysen, "Occupancy density and benefits of demand-controlled

ventilation in Norwegian primary schools," Energy and Buildings, vol. 37, pp. 1234-
1240, 37.

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