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2017 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM)

Differential Privacy Preserving Deep Learning in Healthcare


The remarkable development of deep learning in healthcare domain presents obvious privacy issues, when
deep neural networks are built on users’ personal and highly sensitive data, e.g., clinical records, user
profiles, and biomedical images. In this talk, we concentrate on recent research on differential privacy
preserving deep learning. Differential privacy ensures that the adversary cannot infer any information about
any particular record with high confidence (controlled by a privacy budget) from the released learning
models. In the first part of this talk, we introduce the concept of differential privacy and present several
mechanisms, including Laplace mechanism, exponential mechanism, input perturbation, and functional
perturbation, that have been developed to enforce differential privacy in data mining and machine learning
models. In the second part of this talk, we discuss how to apply and adapt those mechanism to preserve
differential privacy in deep learning models. In particular, we discuss how to achieve differential privacy
by injecting noise into input data, gradient descents of parameters, or loss functions of deep learning models.
Finally we present challenges and findings when applying differential privacy preserving deep learning
models for human behavior prediction and classification tasks in a health social network.


Dr. Xintao Wu is the professor and the Charles D. Morgan/Acxiom Endowed

Graduate Research Chair in Database and leads Social Awareness and Intelligent
Learning (SAIL) Lab in Computer Science and Computer Engineering
Department at the University of Arkansas. He was a faculty member in College
of Computing and Informatics at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte
from 2001 to 2014. Dr. Wu's major research interests include data mining,
privacy and security, fairness aware learning, and big data analysis. His recent
research work has been to develop 1) privacy preserving techniques for mining
tabular data, social network data, healthcare data, and GWAS data; 2) spectral
analysis based fraud detection techniques in social networks; and 3) causal network based discrimination
detection and prevention in training data and prediction models. Dr. Wu has published over 100 scholarly
papers. He and his students received several awards including a PAKDD'09 Best Student Paper Runner-up
Award, WISE'12 Challenge Runner-up Award, PAKDD'13 Best Application Paper Award, and BIBM'13
Best Paper Award. Dr. Wu has served on editorial boards of several international journals and frequently
served on program committees of top international conferences, including ACM KDD, CIKM, IEEE ICDM,
BIBM, SIAM SDM, PKDD, and PAKDD. Dr. Wu is a recipient of NSF CAREER Award (2006),
Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award (2005), and Outstanding Faculty Research Award (2009)
from College of Computing and Informatics at UNC Charlotte, and Outstanding Researcher Award from
Computer Science and Computer Engineering Department at University of Arkansas.

978-1-5090-3050-7/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 8

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