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1. Unit I

1.1. Assignment 1
1. Positronium is the bound state of an electron and a positron; it is a short-lived, hydrogen-like
atom where the proton is replaced by a positron.
1. Calculate the energy and radius expressions, En and rn.
2. Estimate the values of the energies and radii of the three lowest states.
3. Calculate the frequency and wavelength of the electromagnetic radiation that will just
ionize the positronium atom when it is in its first excited state.
2. Calculate the commutator [X,P] in the momentum representation and verify that it is equal
to ι ℏ.
3. Show that the product of two projection operators cannot be a projection operator unless
they commute.
4. Calculate the group and phase velocities for the wave packet corresponding to a relativistic

1.2. Assignment 2
1. Quantum effects are negligible on macro scale. What part/value/definition of the universe
has to be changed so that we can see quantum effects in our daily life.
2. Find the uncertainty relations between the components of the position and the momentum
3. A 45 kW broadcasting antenna emits radio waves at a frequency of 4 MHz.
1. How many photons are emitted per second?
2. Is the quantum nature of the electromagnetic radiation important in analyzing the
radiation emitted from this antenna?
4. Show that the sum of two projection operators cannot be a projection operator unless their
product is zero.
5. Show that if inverse of an operator A exists, the eigenvalues of A are just the inverses of
those of A.
6. Show that the maximum kinetic energy transferred to a proton when hit by a photon of
energy hν is Kp=hν/[1+mpc2/(2hν)]

1.3. Assignment 3
1. Consider a mass–spring system where a 4 kg mass is attached to a massless spring of
constant k=196Nm-1; the system is set to oscillate on a frictionless, horizontal table. The
mass is pulled 25 cm away from the equilibrium position and then released.

1. Use classical mechanics to find the total energy and frequency of oscillations of the
2. Treating the oscillator with quantum theory, find the energy spacing between two
consecutive energy levels and the total number of quanta involved. Are the quantum
effects important in this system?
2. Prove that For a Hermitian operator, all of its eigenvalues are real and the eigenvectors
corresponding to different eigenvalues are orthogonal.
3. If two Hermitian operators, A and B, commute and if A has no degenerate eigenvalue, then
each eigenvector of A is also an eigenvector of B. In addition, we can construct a common
orthonormal basis that is made of the joint eigenvectors of A and B.
4. Prove that If two observables are compatible, their corresponding operators possess a set of
common (or simultaneous) eigenstates (this theorem holds for both degenerate and
nondegenerate eigenstates).
5. Find the Fourier transform for ɸ(k) = A(a-|k|), |k| <= a and 0 for |k| > a. where a is a positive
parameter and A is a normalization factor to be found.

2. Unit II

2.1. Assignment 1
1. Calculate the commutators [X,Lx], [X,Ly], and [X,Lz].
2. Find the total spin of a system of three spin half particles and derive the corresponding
Clebsch–Gordan coefficients.
3. Find the rotational energy levels of a diatomic molecule.
4. Calculate the commutators [X,L2], [Px,L2].
5. Find the joint eigenstates of J2 and Jz and verify that they form an orthonormal and complete

2.2. Assignment 2
1. Use the matrices of Jx, Jy and Jz to calculate [Jx, Jy], [Jy,Jz], and [Jz, Jx].
2. Find the matrices representing the operators J2, Jz,J,Jx, and Jy.
3. Find the transformation matrix which is formed by the Clebsch–Gordan coefficients. Verify
that this matrix is unitary.
4. Find the Clebsch–Gordan coefficients associated with the coupling of the spins of the
electron and the proton of a hydrogen atom in its ground state.
5. Show how a vector operator A transforms under a rotation of angle α about the y-axis.

2.3. Assignment 3
1. Find the expression of Y30 in Cartesian coordinates.
2. Find the Clebsch–Gordan coefficients associated with the addition of two angular momenta
j1 = 1 and j2 = 1.

3. Calculate the commutators [Px,Lx], [Py,Ly], and [Pz,Lz].
4. Verify that Jz3 = ℏ2 Jz and J3±=0.
5. Find the energy levels of a particle which is free except that it is constrained to move on the
surface of a sphere of radius r.

3. Unit III

3.1. Assignment 1
1. A particle of charge q and mass m, which is moving in a one-dimensional harmonic
potential of frequency , is subject to a weak electric field E in the x-direction. (a). Find the
exact expression for the energy. (b). Calculate the energy to first nonzero correction and
compare it with the exact result obtained in (a).
2. Find the exact energies and wave functions of the ground and first excited states and specify
their degeneracies for the infinite cubic potential well
3. Use the variational method to estimate the energy of the ground state of a one-dimensional
harmonic oscillator by making use of the trial function: ψ0 = Ae-α x. where α is a positive real
number and where A is the normalization constant.
4. Use the WKB approximation to calculate the energy levels of a spinless particle of mass m
moving in a one-dimensional box with walls at x = 0 and x = L.

3.2. Assignment 2
1. A particle is initially (t=0) in the ground state of an infinite, one-dimensional potential well
with walls at x = 0 and x = a. If the wall at x = a is moved slowly to x = 8a, find the energy
and wave function of the particle in the new well. Calculate the work done in this process.
1. If the wall at x = a is now suddenly moved (at t = 0) to x = 8a, calculate the probability
of finding the particle in (i) the ground state, (ii) the first excited state, and (iii) the
second excited state of the new potential well.
2. Use the WKB approximation to estimate the transmission coefficient of a particle of mass m
and energy E moving in the potential barrier: V(x) = 0 for x < 0 and V0 - λ,x for x > 0.
3. Use the WKB method to estimate the energy levels of a one-dimensional harmonic
4. Use the WKB approximation to calculate the energy levels of the s states of an electron that
is bound to a Ze nucleus

3.3. Assignment 3
1. Use the variational method to estimate the ground state energy of the hydrogen atom.
2. For a particle of mass m moving in a one-dimensional box with walls at x = 0 and x = L, use
the variational method to estimate (a) its ground state energy and (b) its first excited state
3. A proton of energy E is incident from the right on a nucleus of charge Z e. Estimate the
transmission coefficient associated with the penetration of the proton inside the nucleus.
4. Consider a one-dimensional harmonic oscillator. Use the variational method to estimate the

energies of (a) the ground state, (b) the first excited state, and (c) the second excited state.

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